

‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn ‘Utman al-Qabisi, died 967
Alkabitius Astronomia judiciarie principia tractans, cum Joannis Saxonij commentario ordine textus nuperrima distincto. Additis annotationibus … atquo glossa per magistrum Petrum Turrellum … cum tractatulo de cognoscendis infirmitatibus … [Lugduni, a.a.]
Abd al’Aziz Alkabite, with commentary of John of Saxony and gloss of Peter Turrellus (Laon, n.d.) 1521
64 f. num. ill. 22.5 cm
Palatina IV. 539 int.2
‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn ‘Utman al-Qabisi, died 967
Preclaru sumi in aftroru scientia principis Alchabitij opus ad scrutanda stellaru magifteria ifagogicu priftino candori nuperrime reftitutu ab excellentiffimo doctore Antonio de Fantis taruifino qui notabile eiufde auctoria libellu de planetar, coiuntioibus nufq3 antea ipreffum addidit & pleraq3 feitu digniffima cu3 caftigatiffimo Ioanis de Saxonia comentario, Venetijs, in edibus Petri Liechtenftein, 1521
Abd al-Azis d. 967 Alkabite, Book of planets and conjunctions ed. A de Fantis with commentary by John of Saxony. (Venice 1521)
64 f. num. ill. 22.5 cm
Racc. Gen., Filos IV. 809 int.5, cons. Va 33-77
‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn ‘Utman al-Qabisi, died 967
Preclaru aumi in astroru scientia principlis Alchabitij Opus … 1521 (Scheda 2).
Abd al-Azis d. 967 Alkabite, Book of planets and conjunctions ed. A de Fantis with commentary by John of Saxony. (Venice 1521)
64 f. num. ill. 22.5 cm
R.B, Filos IV. 802 int.5 Va 33-77
‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn ‘Utman al-Qabisi, died 967
Preclarium summi in astrorum scientia principis alchabitij opus ad scrutanda stellarum magisteria isagogicum pristino candori nuper rime restitutum ab excellentissimo doctore Antonio de Fantis … (Venetije, per Melchiorem Sessam &
P. de Ravanis, 1521)
Abd al-Azis d. 967 Alkabite, Book of planets and conjunctions ed. A de Fantis with commentary by John of Saxony. (Venice 1521)
64 f. num. ill. 22.5 cm
Racc. Gen., Scienze IV. 84
Abraham ben ‘Ezrah, 1092/93-1167
Abrahe Auenaris judel astrologi peritissimi in re iudiciali opera: abe excellentissimo philosopho Petro de Abane past accurata; castigationem in latium tradueta. Introductorium quod dicitur principium sapientie. Liber rationium, Liber antiuitatum & re
Works of Abraham ben Ezrah in Judicial Astrology tr. into Latin by Peter Abano * Introduction * Book of reasons * Book of Nativities & revolutions * book of Interrogations * Book of Elections * Book of Lumineries (recog. critical day or cause of crisis). * Book of Planetary conjunctions and revolution of the years of the world. Venice 1507
xcvi f. num 22.5 cm
R.G., Filos IV.802 int.6 Va 33-46
Abu Ma’sar Ga’far b. Muhammad b. ‘Umar al-Bahli, Died 886
albumasar de Magnis coniunctionibus, annorum revolutionibus, ac eorum profectionibus, octo continens tractatus. (venetiis, per Melchiorem Sessa, 1515).
8 tractates on the great conjunctions, the revolutions of the years and their completions? Venice 1515
187 p. ill. 21.5 cm
Chigi IV.995
Abu Ma’sar Ga’far b. Muhammad b. ‘Umar al-Bahli, Died 886
Introductorium in astronomiam Albumafaris abalachi octo continens libros partiales. (Colophon: Venetijs: mandato & expensis Merchionis Seffa; per Jacobum pentium Leucenfez, 1506).
Introduction to the astronomy of Albumazar containing 8 partial books. 1506
106 p. ill. 22.5 cm
Racc. gen.1V 802 int. 2 Va 33-2
Accarigi, Jacopo, vesc.di Veste, Died 1654
Dispvtatio habita … quo die in publico Romae gymnasio, ingressus est explicare quartum Aristotelis, de animalium generatione, librum, ex quo argumenta deducit, quibus genethliacorum, in ortu hominis, diuinationes, vanitatis arguuntur. Romae, 1635.
James Accariji Bp. of Veste d. 1654. Explanation of Aristotle On the Generation of Animals, Book 4. Used to deduce the vain arguments on which are based the divinations of astrologers in the birth of a man. 1635
16 p. 21 cm
Barb. Y.X. 8 int.14
Adami, Ignazio
I secoli delle principesse di bellezza imparaggiabile overo I periodi delle influencze celesti; compendio oronistorico dalla creazione del mondo fino a’tempi nostri raccolto nell’armonia de’tempi da Ignazio Adami in lode delle impreggiabili principesse Panfilio … In Amsterdamo, 1692
no translation
14 f.p., 183 p. 31.5 cm
Barb. Z.V.2
Albini, Costanzo
Magia astrologica.. Paris 1611
56 p. 17 cm
R.G. Scienze V. 561 int. 2
Albizzini, Bartolomeo
Trattato astrologico di quanto influenciscono le stella … per tutto l’anno 1705 [Firenze, 1704]
no translation
32 p. 22 cm
Barb. N.X111.18
‘Ali ibn Abi al-Rigal al-Saybani, sec. X1
Preclarissimus, in judiciis aftrorum, Albohazen Haly fillus Abenragel, nouiter impreffum & fideliter emendatum & c. … (Venetiis) (arte & ipefis p. Jo bapti Seffa , 1503).
Alhazen (llth c) Judgements of the Stars (Venice 1503)
98 f. num. 32.5 cm
R. Gen. Class.ll int.2, Va 42-23
‘Ali ibn Abi al-Rigal al-Saybani, sec. X1
Preclarissimus, in judiciis aftrorum, Albohazen Haly fillus Abenragel, nouiter impreffum & fideliter emendatum & c. … (Venetiis) (arte & ipefis p. Jo bapti Seffa , 1503).
Alhazen (llth c) Judgements of the Stars (Venice 1503)
98 f. num. 32.5 cm
R. Gen. Class.ll int.2, Va 42-23 QB26.A65
Ali ibn Abi al-Rigal al-Saybani
Haly de iuditije. Preclarissimus in juditije astrorum Albohazen Haly filius Abenragel noviter impressus et fideliter emendatus eto. (Colophon; Venitijs, 1520).
(Venice 1520)
107 f. num. 32 cm
S. Offizio 3
Arcandum, Pseud.
Arcandum decter perissimus no non vulgaris strologus, De veritatibus et predictionibus astrologiae et praecipus nativitatum se fatalis dispoitionis, val diei cuiusaunque Nati, nuper per magistrum Richardum Roussat … in lucem editus, recognitus ac innumeris… erratis expurgatus… Parissija, apud Vewvntium Gaultherot 1542.
Arcandam, On the Truths and Predictions of Astrology, Especially the Nativities or Fatal Dispositions. ed. R. Roussat. 1542
100 f. 17.5 cm
Palat V.1196
Argoli, Andrea – 1570-1657
Anreae Argoi … De diebus criticis et de aegrorum deoubitu libri duo. Patavii, 1639.
Andreas Argoli, Two books concerning critical days and the lying ill of the sick. (Padua? 1639)
Racc. Gen. Medicina lV 4668
Argoli, Andrea – 1570-1657
De diehvs criticis et aegrorvm decvbitv libri dvo. Ab auctore denuo recniti, ae altera parto auctiores, paeneq, noui. L’atavii, apud P. Frambottum, 1652.
1652. ed. of the same text.
4 p., 1.,6,(2), 371, (11) p. diagrs. 21 cm
Racc. Gen. Medicina lV 2121
Argoli, Andrea – 1570-1657
Ptolemaee parvvs, in genethliacis ivnctvs arabibvs … Lvgdvni, sumptib, Ioann. Antonii Hvgvetan, & Marci Antonii Ravavd, 1659.
A short Ptolemy together with the Arab astrologers. (Laon, 1659) i.e. in Ptolemy’s Almagest?
(7),211,(44) p. ill. 22.5 cm.
Barber N. Vll. 50
Author unknown
Artis divinatricis, quam astrologiam seu iudiciariam vocant, encomia & patrocinia …Parisiis, excudebat Ch. Weshuelus,1549
In praise and defence of the divinatory art which they call astrology or judgement. (Paris 1549)
178, (2) p. 22 cm
Miscell. F. 75. int. 3
Author unknown
Astrologica opuscula antique. Fragmentum astrologicum, incerto autore … Liber ragum de significtionibus planetarum in duodecim domiciliis coeli et de natura duodeoim signorum Zodiaci. Liber Hermetis centum aphorismirum cum commentationibus Thaddaei Hageaij ab Hagek ..Pragas, exendebut George Mclantrichus, 1564.
A little astrological work. Astrological fragment (author uncertain) Book of Kings concerning the significations of the planets in the twelve houses of the heaven and concerning the nature of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Book of Hermes of the hundred aphorisms with commentary by Thaddeus H. (Molantrichus, Georgius, Prague 1564)
Palat. lV. 983 (2)
Aurigemma, Luigi
Le signe zodiacal du Scorpion dans les traditions occidentales de l’Antiquite greco-latine a la Renaissance. Paris – La Haye, Mouton (1976)
The sign of the Scorpion in Western Traditions from Greco-Latin Antiquity to the Renaissance. 1976
143, (1) p. tav. (parte color.) 26.5 cm
R.G. Sc. soc.lV.2997
Barzan, Antonio
L’astrologia di Dante, Padova, 1922.
Dante’s Asrology, Padua 1922
Racc. Gen. Miscell. lV 282 int. 2
Bassanello, Menecuzio
Prognostico de Marte, calculato per lo eccellentissimo dottore M. Menecutij, Bassanello delle guerre, e pace, e della abodatia, e carestia, e delle infirmita, e teporali che succedeerano nel M.D.XXXVI (s.n.t. Roma (?) avanti 10 nov. 1535.
Prediction concerning Mars by Dr. M.M. Bassanelo on War, Peace, Abundance, Famine and Infirmity and Temporal Events (?) That Will Occur in 1536.
1 f.p.,(6)p. 20 cm
Rossiana 5111 int. 2
Bernardus de Viduno, O.F.M.
Tractatus super totam astrologiam, ediert une mit einem Kommentar versehen von P. Polykarp Hartmann … Wel-Westf., Dietrich – Coelde – Verlag, 1961.
Bernard of Verdun, Tractate on the Whole of Astrology 1961
180 p. 24 cm
R.G. Teol.lV. 1406 (15)
Biondo, Michelangelo
Tabulae annuae de anticipatione stellarum fixxarum cum suis significationibus, in desponendis, vel constituendis operibus humanis … Michaele Angelo Blondo medico eximio supputatore … Eiusdem Expositio horarum Palladij ex umbra gnomonia, cum descriptione temperature, generic quatuor partium orbis… Rome 1544
Yearly Table of the Anticipation of Fixed Stars with their Significations in ordering or constituting human works. Explanation of the hours of Palladius from the Shadow of the Gnomon. Rome 1544
(40) p. 19,5 cm
R.G. ClassicilV. 246 int. 2
Boderius, Thomas
De ratione & usu dierum criticorum opus recense natum, in quo mens tum ipaius Ptolemeei, tu aliorum astrolgorum hao in parte dilcudatur, authore Thoma Boderio … cui accessit Hermes Trismegistus de decubitu infirmorum, nunquam antea in lucem editus, Parisiis, 1555
On the reason and use of critical days – a recent work in which is clarified the midn of Ptolemy and other astrologers in this mater by the author Thomas Boderius, to which is appended Hermes Trismegistus, on the lying ill of the sick, never before published. Paris 1555.
56 f. ill. 22 cm
Palatina lV 688 int. 2
Bonet de Lattes, sec.Xv-XVI.
Annulus astronomicus sive de utilitate astrologiae. [Roma, Andrea Freitga, c.1493]
The Astronomical Year, or On the Usefulness of Astrology. [Rome, Andrea Freitga, c.1493
H.9926 Pr.3874 BMC.IV.136
Inc. Prop. ll. 77
Bonincontri, Lorenzo, da San Miniato
De revolutionib. annorum ad F. Colotium … (s.n.t.)
On the Revolutions of the Years
(44) f. non num. 14.5 cm
R.I. Vl 266 int. 4
Calvisius, Seth, 1556-1615
Sethi Cavisi Pus chronologicum ubi tempus astronomicum per mtus & eclipse luminarium celeftium, tanquam characteres infallibiles epocharrum, ex funadmentis chronologicis demonstratur & applicatur. Editio quarta emendatior, & in annum labentem producta.
Chronological work where astronomical time is demonstrated and applied by movement and eclipses of celestial luminaries as well as infallible characters of epochs, from chronological foundations. (Frankfurt, a.M. 1650)
4 f.p., 1030, (98) p., 1 f. diagrs. 35 cm
R.I. l 286 Va 39-430
Caroti, Stefano
La critrica contre l’astrologia di Nicolo Oresme e la sua influenza nel Medioevo e nel Rinascimente. Roma, Accademin nasionale dei Lincei, 1979.
Nicholas Oresmo’s critique against astrology and its influence on the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Rome 1979
p. (1), (545)-685 26,5 cm
Accad. it. Roma 6 AA (Vlll, 23)
Cortes, Jeronimo, Died 1600
Lunario nuevo, perpetuo y general y pronostico de los tiempos universal … Alcala, 1606.
no translation
151 p. ill. 15.5 cm
Racc. Gen. Scienze V 383 int. 3
D’Agostino, Alfonso
Il ‘Libro sulla magi dei segni” e studi di filologia spagnola. Brescia. Pedeia editrice (1979).
The Book on Magic of the Signs. (1979)
(3), (105, (1) p. 24.5 cm
R.G. Lett. Est.lV 4253
Della Porta, Giovanni Battista
Della celeste fisionomia di G.B. della Porta … libri sei … Padova, P,P, Tozzi, 1616
Six books on the celestial physiognomy. 1616
(12), 144, (3) p. ill. 22 cm
Cicogn.lV 2458
De Ruberti, Battista
Osservazioni de astrologia… Firenza, 1567.
Observations on Astrology. (1567)
Capponi lV 343
Dee, John
Monas hieroglyphica Ioannis Dee … aAntuerpiae, G. Silvius typog. regius, excud., 1564.
no translation. 1564
28 f. num. diagr. 20 cm
Palatina lV 809 int. 2
Dryander, Johannes, sec. XVl
Annulorum trium diversi generis instrumentorum astronomicorum… Marpugi, 1537.
no translation. 1537

(86) p. ill. 20 cm

Barb. N. Xll. 132 int. 1

Dupuis, Charles Francois
Memoire sur l’origine des constellations, et sur l’application de la fable, par le moyen de l’astronomie, par M. Dupuis, Paris, 1781.

Memoire on the Origin of the Constellations and on the Application of Tables, by the means of Astronomy, by M. Dupuis, 1781

228 p. 26,5 cm

Ferraioli lll 1036

Erastus, Thoas Liebler, detto
De astrologia divinatrice epistolae D. Thomae Erasti, iam olim ab eodem ad diuersca scriptae, and in duos libros digestae, ac nunc demum in gratiam ueritatis studiosorum in lucem aeditae, opera et studio Ioannis Iacobi Grynaei … Basileae, per Petrum Pernam, 1580

Letters on Divinatory Astrology by Thomas Erastus, arranged in two books. Ed. J.J. Grynaeus (Basle 1580)

(8), 236, (10) p. 22.5 cm

Racc. gen. Scienze lV. 1238 int.1

Ivlii Firmici Materni Ivnioris
Ad Mavortium Lollianum Astronomicum libri V111 … Basilaea, per Ioannem Hervagivm, 1551.

Eight books addressed to Mavortius Lollianus. 1551

6 f.p., 244,227 p. ill. 32.5 cm

Racc. gen. Classici ll. 30

Fiacher, K
Some unpublished illustrations from Central and Western Europe. 1964

Reprinted from the journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. Vol. XXVII, 1964. Fotografato

311-312 p. ill. 27 cm

R.G. Arte-Arch. lll. 3103 int. 12

Freundorfer, Joseph, sac. 1601-1681
Die Apokalypse des Apostes Johannes und die hellenistische Kosmobiologie und Astrologie. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit den Hauptergebnissen der Untersuchung Franz Rolls:” Aus der Offenbarung Johannis”, von Dr. Joseph Freudorfer, Frieburg i.B., Herder u. Co., 1929

The Apocalypse of the Apostle John and Hellenistic Cosmology and Astrology (critique of the work of F. Rolls) 1929

Card 1 of 2

3 f.p., (ix)-xv, 148 p. 23 cm

Rivisto osogot.3

Freundorfer, Joseph, sac. 1601-1681
Die Apokalypse des Apostels Johannes ,,, 1929
Biblische Studien; begrundet von … O. Bardenhewer, fortgefuhrt von Dr. J. Bottsberger … Dr. J. Sickenberger …XX111. Bd. l Hft.
“Verzeichnis der durohgangig benifsten und haufiger angefhurten literatur.” p. x111 – xv.

Card 2 of 2

1929 p. (xiii) – xv.

Riviste osogot.3

Fanti, Sigismondo
Triompho di fortuna di Sigismondo Fanit ferarese. (Impresso in la inclita cittaz di venegia per Agostin da Portese, nel anno dil vergineo parto. M.D. XXV!!. Nel mese di Genaro, ad istatis di Iacomo Giunta mercatate florentino ) (1527)

no translation 1527

19 f.p., cxxviii f. num. ill. 33 cm

Capponi II 81

Federici Vescovini, Graziella
Il sacro e l’astrolgoia. Roma, Istitute di Studi Filesefici, 1975.

The Sacred and the Astrological. 1975

(153)-175 p. 24 cm

Racc. Gen. Filosofia lll. 407 int. 5

Ferrerio, Giovanni, sec. XVl
La vera significatione della cometa, control la oppenione di tutti gli astrologi. Di Giovanni Ferrerio piamonteso. In Fiorenza, appresso Giorgio Marscotti, 1577.

The true significance of the comet, against the opinions of all the astrologers. (Florence, 1577)

(21) p., 1 f. 21 cm

Capponi IV.460 int.10

Gaffarel, Jacques, 1601-1681
Curiositez inovyes, hoct est; curiositates i nauditae de figvris Persarum talismanicis, horoscopo patriarcharum et characteribus celestibus Jacobi Gaffarelli, latine cum notis quibusdam ao figuris editae, opera m. Gregorii Michaelis … Hamburgi, apud Gothofredum Schultchaelis, 1676

Unheard of Curiosities of Talismanic figures of the Persians, of Horoscopes of Patriarchs and of Celestial Characters. (Hamburg, 1676)

2 v. in l. ill., tav. 17 cm

Racc. Gen. Neolatini V. 64

Ganivet, Jean
Ioannis Ganivti Amicus medicorum … Francoforti, 1614.

Jean Ganivet, The Friend of Doctors (Frankfurt, 1614)

Scienze V Ganivet 1 cons. 

Gaurico, Luca, vesc. di Citta Ducale, 1476-1558
Tomus 11 Operum Lucae Gaurici … comprehendens Isagogicam praeceptionem seu doctinam totius praedictivae astrologiae … item erctionem figurae coelestia eiusdemq; rectificationem … item tabulas de primo mobili … Basileae
(s.l. s.a.)

Vol.11 of Works of Luca Gaurico containing isagogie teaching of doctrine of the whole predictive astrology. Erection of celestial figures of the same; rectification and tables of the prime movements.

v. ill. 31.5 cm

S. Offizio 339

Gaurico, Luca, vesc. di Citta Ducale, 1476-1558
Praedictiones super omnibus futuris luminarium deliquiis, in fnitore Venetiano, anno MDXXX!!! eaminatae. Figurae coelestes Venetiarum, Bononiae, & Florentiae. Paraphrases, & annotations in Claudii Ptolomaei libro 11. Apotelematum super luminum eclypsibus. Procli Diadochi Lycii Decreta eclypsium utriusque luminaris, quae in quolibet signorum decano accidere possunt. Interpete Laurentio Miniatense. Roma [Antonius Baldus excudebat] 1539

Predictions concerning all future eclipses, 1539.

Racc. l. IV. 572

Gaurico, Luca, vesc. di Citta Ducale, 1476-1558
Tabulae de primo mobili, quas diretionum voctitant … quibus annectitur tractstus iudicandi omnium aphetarum apotelesmata … Romae, 1557.

Tables of the Prime Mobile … 1557

(8) p., 87, 43 f.num. 19.5 cm

S. Offizio 51

Gaurico, Luca, vesc. di Citta Ducale, 1476-1558
Tractatus astrologiae iudiciarae de nativitatibus virorum & mulierum … addito in fine libello Antonij de Montulm de eadem re, cum annotationibus Ioannis de Regiomonte … Norimbergae, 1540.

Tractate of Judicial astrology, on the nativities of men and women. 1540

(155) p. 20.5 cm
Racc. gen. Scienze IV. 971int. 1

Gaurico, Luca, vesc. di Citta Ducale, 1476-1558
Lucae Gavrici … tractatvs astrolgoievs in quo agitur de praetoritis multorum hominum accidentibus per proprias corum genituras ad unguem examinatis. Quorum exemplis consimilibus vnusquis, de medio genethliacus vaticinari poterit de futguris, quippe qui per uarios casus artum experientia fecit ejemplo monstrante uiam … Venteéis, apud Curtium-Troianum Naud, 1552

Astrological tractate dealing with past accidents of many men precisely examined through their own births … 1552

5 p. 1., 122 numb. 1. incl. diagrs 21 1/2 cm
Racc. gen. Scienze V. 488

Gaurico, Luca, vesc. di Citta Ducale, 1476-1558
Trattato d’astrologia iivdiciaria sopra le natiuita degli huomini, and donne (Colophon: Stampata in Roma, in Campo di Fiore, per M. Valerio Dorico, & Luigi fratelli brisciani, nel anno M.D. XXXIX)

Tractate of judicial astrology concerning the births of men and women. (Rome 1539)

56 p. ill. 18 cm

Racc. gen. Scienze V. 484

Gessmann, Gustav Wilhelm, 1860
Die Geheimsymbole der Alchymie, Arzneikunde und Astrologie des Mittelalters. Eine Zusaqmmenstellung der von den Mystikern und Alchymisten gebrauchten gehelmen Zeichenschrift, nebst einem kurzgefassten geheim wissenschaftenschrift Lexikon, von G.W. Gessman. 2. durchgesehene und erganzte Aufl. Mit 122 lithographierten Tafeln. Berlin, K. Seigismund, 1922

Secret symbols of alchemy, pharmacognosis and astrology of the Middle Ages. A compendium of secret signs used by mystics and alchemists. (Berlin, 1922)

68, cxx, 32, (2) p., 1 f. ill. 22 cm
Scienze I- 17 Cons. Va 38-1367

Giovanni da Capistrano
Il sensibile influsso degli astri convintgo di falsita. Dissertazione fisico-critica di F. Giovanni da Capistrano … Roma, 1796.

The sensible influence of stars proven false. Rome 1796

xv, (1), 254 p. 22 cm

Mai XI.P.III 7

Giuntini, Francesco
De divinatione quae fit per astra … Coloniae, 1580.

On divination made by stars.

1580 158 p. 16 cm
Barb. N. XI. 128(2)

Giuntini, Francesco
Speculum astrologiaae …. Luduni, 1581

Mirror of astrology. Luduni, 1581

2 v. ill. 36 cm

Barb. N. XI. 64-65

Goclenius, Rudolph, 1572-1621
Urania cum geminis filiabus, hoc est stronomia et astrologia speciali, nunc primo in lucem emigrans … Francofurti, excudebat Ioanne Bringerus, sumptibus Petri Muscali, 1615.

Urania (Muse of Astronomy) with twin daughters i.e. special astronomy and astrology (Frankfurt 1615)

327 p. 15 cm

Barberini N. XI. 102

Gressmann, Hugo, 1877-1927
Die hellenistische Gestirnreligion … Mit 4 Tafeln. Leipzig, J.C. Hinriche, 1925.

The Hellenistic Star Religion. 1925

31, (1) p. tav. 24.5 cm

R.G. Miscell.III 727 int. 5

Gundel, Wilhelm
Dekane und dekansternbilder; ein beitrag zur geschichte der sternbilder der kulturvolker. Mit einter untersuchung uber die igyptischen sternbilder und gottheiten der dekane von S. Schott. Cluckstadt und Hamburg. J.J. Augustin, 1936.

No translation. 1936
x, 451 (i. e. 453) (1) p. incl…25 cm

Inghilt. XIII  32 (19) cons.

Hauber, Anton 1879
Planetenkinderbilder und sternbilder zur geschichte des menschlichen glaubens und irrens, von a. Hauber; mit 51 grossenteils Ulmer handschriften entnommenon abbildungen auf 36 tafeln. Strassburg, Heitz, 1916.

No translation. 1916

xvi, 290 p., 1 1. xxxvi pl. 25 cm
Paleogr. VII 112 cons.

Trismegistus, Hermes
Neue astrologische texte des Hermes Trismegistos; funde und forschungen auf dem gebiet der antiken astronomie und astrologie, von Welhelm Gundell … Munchen, Verlag der Bayerischen akademie der wiseenschaften, 1936.

No translation. 1936

vii, 378 p. ill. 29,5 cm

Baviera VIII 4 n.f. 12 cons.

Holywood, John, m.1244  o1256
Textus de Sphera Johannis de Sacroboaco … cu copositione Anuli astronomicic Boni Latensis … (Parisij, 1507).

Text on the Sphere of John of Sacrobosco, with the composition of the astronomical ring of Bonus Latensis (Paris, 1507).

(63) p. ill. 29 cm

Vat. lat. 4603

Hubner, Wolfgang
Die Eigenschaften der Tierkreiszeichen in der Antike. Ihre Darstellung und Verwendung unter besonderer Berucksichtigung des Manilius. Wiesbaden, F. Steiner, 1982.

No translation. 1982

x, (1), 646 p. ill. 24 cm

Scienze VI 4 A (22) Cons.

Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meir (Aben Ezra), 1092/3-1167
Abrahe Auenaris judei astrologi peritissimi in re fudiciali opera: ab excellentissimo philospho Petro de Abanao post accurata; castigationem in latinum traducta. Introductorium quod diciture principium sapientie. Liber interrogationum. Liber electionum Liber luminarium& eft de cognitione diel cretici ieu de cogntione caufe crifis. Libe coniunctionum planetarum & reuolutionum annor. Mundi qui dictur de mundo vel feculo. Tratatus infuper quidam particulares eiuidem Abrahe. Leber de confuetudinibus in iudicijs astorum & eft centiloquium.

No translation.

R.G. Filos.IV-802 int. 6 Va 33-46

Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meir (Aben Ezra), 1092/3-1167
Abrahe Auenaris judaei astrologi peritissimi in re iudiciali opera: (1507) (Scheda 2). Bethen breue admodum. Eiusdem de horis planetarum. (Colophon: Venetijs, ex officina Petri Liechtenstein,1507)

No translation. 1507

xevi f. num. 22, 5 cm

BF. 1680.18 int. 6 Va 33-46 riv.

Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meir (Aben Ezra), 1092/3-1167
In re iudiciali opera, Petro de Abano edente et translatore. Contenuto: Liber de consuetudinibus in iudiciiis, astrorum idest Centiloguium Bethen. Eiuedem de horis planetarum. Venezia, Petrus Liechtenstein: 1507, pridie Kasl.iun.

Ibn Ezra (Aben Ezra) Abraham ben Meir 1092/3-1167 works on judicial astrology, edited and translated by Peter of Abano. Contents: Book of Customs in judgements of the stars, i.e. Centiloguium and On the Hours of the Planets of Bethen. (Venice, 1507)

Stamp. Barber. N.XII.2 (1)

Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meir (Aben Ezra), 1092/3-1167
Abrahami Ivdaei Tractatvs de nativitatibvs per Lvcam Gavricvm Geophonensem. Castigatus, & in ordinem redactus, atq; recognitus, cum infinitis propemodum annotationibus. (Roma 7, s.e.) 1545.

Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meir. Tractate on the nativities of Abraham the Jew, reduced to order and revised, with an infinity of annotations, by Luke Guaricus Geophrenses (Rome 1545).

(35) f. non num. ill. 20cm

Stamp. Barber. N.XII.131 (1)

Ibn al-‘Aziz ibn ‘Utman al-Qabisi, m 967
Alkabitius Astronomie indiciarie principia tractans, cum Joannis Saxonij commentario ordine textus nuperirima distincto. Additis annotatio onibus … atque glossa per magistrum Petrum Turrelum … cum tratatulo de cognoscendis infirmitibus …[Lugduni, s.a.]

No  translation.

Palatini IV 539 int.2

Ibn al-‘Aziz ibn ‘Utman al-Qabisi, m 967
Preclaru sumi in astroru scientia principis Alchabitij opus ad ferutanda stellaru magifteria ifagogicu pristino candori nuperrime restitutu ab excellentissimo doctore Antonio de Fantis taruisino qui notabile auctoris libellu de planetar. Cointioibus nufq3 antea ipreffum addidit & pleraq3 scitu dignissima cu3 castigatissimo Ioanis de Saxonia cometario. Venetiis, in edibus Petri Liechtenstein, 1521.

No  translation.

Racc. Gen. Filos. 809.  int.5  cons.  Va 33-77

Ibn al-‘Aziz ibn ‘Utman al-Qabisi, m 967
Preclaru sumi in astroru scientia principis Alchabitij Opus … 1521

64p num. 111  22.5 cm

Racc. Gen. Filos. 809.  int.5  cons.

Ibn al-‘Aziz ibn ‘Utman al-Qabisi, m 967
Astrologie ,  Fanti Antonio, ed.,  Dank, Johan
Venetiis, Sessa & de Ravanis, 1521

Barb. N.XII.28

Indagine, Johannes ab.
Chiromantia. 2. Physiognomia, ex aspectu membrorum hominis. 3. Periaxiomata, de faciebus signorvm. 4. Canones astrologigic, de iudicijs Aegritudinum. 5. Asrologia natvralis. 6. Complexionum noticia, iuxta dominium planetarum. Autore Ioan Indagine.
Lugduni, 1531

Indagine, John, from Chiromancy. 2. Physiognomy, from the appearance of the members of a man 3. Periaxiomata, concerning the appearances of signs 4. Canons of astrology,  concerning judgements of illnesses 5. Natural astrology  6. Knowledge of complexions

1531 137, (1) p. ill. 27.5 cm.

Cicognara V 2444

Indagine, Johannes ab.
Introductiones apotelesmatice elegantes, in chyromantiam, physionomiam, astrologiam naturalem, complexiones hominum, naturas planetarium … autore Ioan. Indagine. Lugduni, 1556.

Indagine, John. from elegant apotelosmatic introductions in chiromancy, physiognomy, natural astrology, the complexions of men, the natures of the planets (Lugduni, 1556).

186 p. ill. 17 cm.

Palatina V 607 (1) bis

Glogaviensis, Iohannes Died 1507
Tractatus preclarissimus in iudicijs asstror, de mutatioibus aeeris/ceterisq3 accidentibus fingulis annis euenientibus / luxta priscor. sapietuq3 sententias per magistrn I.G. per q3 vtilissime ordinatus atq3; nouiter bene reuifus. Colophon: Carcouie, p Florianu & Wolfgangu, 1514.

John of Glogow d. 1507.  Most excellent tractate on judgements of the stars, on the mutations of the air, and concerning other accidents happening each year, according to previous and wise sentences by Master John G. most usefully arranged and newly well

71, p. ill. 22.5 cm

R.G. Filos. IV 802 Int. 1 Va 35-414

Kancaf el Yndio
Kancaf el Yndio sulle ventotto mansioni lunari. Palermo, Montaina, 1959.

Lunar Mansions. 1959

R.G. Scienze III  795 int. 7

Kouo-pou 276-324
Yu-tchao-ting-tchen-King (Il libro dell’astrologia). Shang-hai, 1935.

No Translation.

Racc. Gen. Oriente V 1122

Kunitzsch, Paul
Mittelalterliche astronomisch – astrologische Glossare mit arabischen Fachausdrucken. Munchen, Verlag der bayerischen Akademi der Wissenschaften, 1977.

No Translation.

58, (1) p. 22 cm Baviera XIII 2 (1977) cons.

Kunitzsch, Paul
Mittelalterliche astronomisch-astrologische … Munchen, 1977 (Scheda 2)
58. “Verzeichnis der arabischen Fachausdrucke.” P. 52-53. 1. Astronomia medievale. 2.Astrologia. 3. Lingua araba – glossary. Vocaolari, acc. 1. Titolo  1977

No Translation.

Baviera XIII 2 (1977) cons.

Lemnius, Levinus, 1505-1568
Similitvdinvm ao parabolarvm, qvae in Bibliis ex herbis atque arboribus desumuntur, dilucida explicato … auctore Levino Lemnio. Seorsvm accesservnt de gemmis aliqvot, iis praesertim qvarvm d. Ioannes apostolus in sua Apocalipsi mominit .. auctore Francisco Rveo… Item Levini Lemnii De astrologia lib I. Francofvrti, apud Nicolaum Hoffmannum , 1608

Clear explanation of similtudes and parables in the books of the Bible taken from herbs and trees: On several gems, principally those which the Apostle John, names in the Apocalypse by F. Rueo. On astrology, book l, by L. Lemnius (Frankfurt 1608).

1608 8 f.p., 288 p. 13 cm

Racc. Gen. Medicina VI-137 int. 3

Author Unknown
Liber novem iudicum in iudicijs astrorum) as above
Book of nine judges in judgements of the stars (Venice 1509).

1509 6 f.p., 96 f. num. 21 cm.

Barb. N.VII. -92

Liebhard, Joachim, ed.
Astrologia quorum titules uersa pagella indicabit … norimbergae, apud io. Petrolum, 1532 . Tuato greco, conc traduzione latina in fine. Lettere dedicatorie dell’editore Ioachim Liebhard (Camerarius). “Vestil Valentis Anitcchemi ex primo libro Floridum.

Liebhard, Joachim, ed. Astrologies whose titles the overleaf indicates (Nuremberg, 1532).

6 f.p. 46,45 (i.e55) p. 21 cm.

Palat. IV.1059 (2)

Ma Sha Allah, al -Miari.
Liber nouem iudicum in iudicijs astrorum. Clarissimi auctores istius voluminis: Megehela, Aemar, Alkindus, Zael, Albenait, Dorotheus, Iergis, Aristoteles, Ptholemeus. (Venetiis, ex officina Petri Liechtenstein) 1509.

Book of nine judges in judgements of the stars: Mesehella, Aomar, Alkindi, Zael, Albenait, Dorothy, Iergis, Aristotle, Ptolemy (Venice, 1509).

1509 6 f.p., 96 f.num. 22 cm.

R.I.IV. 16131613

Martin, Jacques, O.S.B.
Explication de divers monumens singulieres, qui ont rapport a la religion des plus anciens peuples. Avec l’examen de la dernier ed. des Ouvrages de S. Jerome, & un traite sur l’astrologie judiciare. Ouvrage enrichi de figures en taille-douce, par le R.P  dom … Paris 1739

Explanation of various things which were reported by ancient peoples with examination of the writings of S. Jerome, Paris 1739

[3],lxvi, 487, [1] p. ill., tav. (p.te.pieg.)   26 cm.

Cicognara V 4725

Mizauld Antoine
Planetologia, rebus astronomicis, medicis et philosophicis erudite referta … Lugduni, 1551.

Planetologies, eruditely replete with things astronomical, medical and philosophical (Lugduni  1551).

(8),97,(1)p. 22.5 cm.

Racc.gen. Science IV.1049

Niccoullaud, Charles, 1854-1925
Manuel de’astrologie spherique et judiciare … Paris, vigot freres, 1897.

Manual of Spherical and Judicial Astrology. …Paris 1897

332 p. 19.5 cm.

Science 2 of cons. Va 37.1810?

Nifo, Agostino c. 1473-1538
De auguriis libri 11, nec non de diebus criticis liber l … his accesserunt uraniae divinatricis, quad astrologiae generalia, libri ll, jam primo in lucem evolantes, alas suppeditante Rodolpho Goclenio … Marpurgi, 1614.

On Auguries, book II. On the critical days, book I with 2 books of Urania, divinatrix ed. R. Goclenius (Marburg, 1614).

4 f.p., 143, 150 p. 19,5 cm.

Racc. Gen. Filosofia  V 778

Nifo, Agostino c. 1473-1538
Eutici Augustini Niphi Philotei Suessani de nostrarum calamitatu; causis liber ad Oliveriu Carasa; Venetijs, 1505.

Book on the causes of our calamities, addressed to Oliver Carasa (Venice, 1505).

33 f. num. ill. 33 cm.

R.l. II  89 (int.3) Va 39-414

Nourry, Emile Dominique, 1870-1935
L’astrologie populaire etudiee specialement dans les doctrines et les traditiones relatives a l’influence de la Lune. Essai sur la methode dans l’etude du folklore des opinions et des croyances. Paris, E. Nourry, 1937.

A popular astrology study specializing in the doctrines and traditions relative to the traditions of the Moon.  Including the study of folklore with its opinions and beliefs. Paris, 1937

464 p. 25.5 cm.

R.G. Science111 821

Onofri, Fedele
Fioretti d’astrologia … Il tutto raccolto da M. Fedele Honofri … in viterbo, appresso il discapaolo, 1628.

No translation. 1628

16 p. 18 cm.

Capponi V.682 int.112

Origanus, David.
Astrologia natvralis, siuc tractatus de effectibvcs astrorvm absolvtissimvs …. Massiliae, 1645.

Natural Astrology, or most absolute tractate on the effects of the stars. (Marseille, 1645).

18 f.p., 454, (2)p. diagr. 23 x 17.5 cm.

S. Offizio10 bis

Panofsky, Erwin / Fritz, Saxl
Durers Melencolia l, eine quellen und typengeschichtliche untersuchung. Leipzig, Berlin, B.B. Teubner, 1923.

No Translation. 1. Durer, Albrecht, 1741-1528  2. Melancholy.   3. Symbolism.  4. Astrology. 1923

160 p. 27 cm.

Inghilt. X111 32 (2)

Panofsky, Erwin / Fritz, Saxl
Durers Melencolia l, 1923

No Translation. 1. Durer, Albrecht, 1741-1528  2. Melancholy.   3. Symbolism.  4. Astrology.

160 p. 27 cm.

Inghilt. X111 32 (2)

Parker, Martha Ellen
A study of the law from nature and the bible, by Martha E. Parker. (Richmond, Calif) The author (c1926).

2 f.p. 333 p. ritr. 23 cm.

Racc. gen. Filosofia  IV 1177

Paviot, Auguste
L’astral des Plantes ; introduction aux nombres theosophiques, par le professeur Paviot. Paris, Rhea, 1922.

Introduction to theosophical numbers of plantes by Prof. Paviot. Paris, 1922.

55, 2, p. ill. 25.5 cm.

R.G. philosopfia111 177 Va 36-1121 

Peletier, Jacques, 1517-1582
Commentarii tres. l . De dimensione circvlii. 11. De contactv linearvm; and de duabus lineis in eodem plano nque parallelis, neque concurrentibus. 111. De constitvtione horoscopi. Basileae, apud l. Oporinum, 1563.

Three commentaries. l. On the dimensions of the circle 2. On the contact of lines, and on two lines in the same plane, not parallel. 3. On the constitution of the horoscope (Basle, 1563).

73 p. 30 cm

R.I. 11 107 Va.39-374

Pereyra, Benito(1535-1610)
Adversus fallaces & supstitiosas artes, id est de magia, de observatione somniorum & de divinatione astrologica libri tres. [Lugduni, ex. off. Iuntarum, 1592.]

Against false and superstitious arts, i.e. three books on magic, on the observation of dreams, and on astrological divination (Laon, 1592).

258, (8)p. 18 cm.

Arch.cap. S. PietroMss. B.97 (b)

Pico Della Mirandola, Giovanni
… Disputationes adversus astrologiam divinatricem … a cura di eugenio garin. Firenze, 1946.

Disputations against divinatory astrology, ed. E. Garin (Florence, 1946).

25 cm.

Racc. gen. Filosofia 111, 218 (2,3)

Ptolemaeus, Claudius
Opvs de sidrvm ivdiciis quadripartitum a graeco codice in latinum sermonem per Antonivm Goagvam … iampridem translatrum, cum approbatione Gemmae Frisii … denuo editum. Praepositis ad singula capita breuiarijs, vel nationibus D. Placidi de Titis … Patavii, typis Pauli Frambotti, 1658

Quadripartite work on the judgements of the stars, long since translated from the Greek codex into Latin by Antonio Gogava, newly edited with the approval of Gemma Frisius with brief introductory notes to each chapter, by Dominus Macidus de Titis … 1658

8 f.p. 192 (i.e. 212) p. 14 cm.

Racc. Gen. Classici VI 308

Raimondi, Annibale
Opera dell’anticha, & honorata scientia di nomandia specchio d’infiniti beni, e mali che sotto il cerchio della luna possono alli veventi intervenire, dell’eccellentissimo astrologo … annibbale Raimondo. Ridotta insieme, e castigatga aggiontovi la Fisonomia del detto autore. Aniversa, 1677

No Translation  1677

3-210 p. ill. 16.5 cm.

Cicognara III 2462

Rantzau, Henrik 1526-1598
Tractatvs astrologiovs, de genethliacorvm thematvm ivdiciis pro singulis nati accidentibus; ex vetvstis et optimis quibusque auctoribus collectus, indvstria Henrici Ranzovii … Francofvrtis, excudebat W. Hofmannus, 1633.

Astrological tractate on the judgements of the themes of astrologies relative to each and every accident (i.e. occurrence) that can happen at birth ed. Henrious Ranzovius, (Frankfurt, 1633).

379, (28)p. ill. tav. 17.5 cm.

Racc. Gen. Filosophia V 776

Salomon, Richard Georg, 1884 –
Opicinus de Canistris ; weltbild und bekenntnisse eines avignonesischen klerikers des 14. jahrhunderts, mit beitragen von A. Heimann und R. Krautheimer … London, The Warburg institute, Leipzig, Druck von B.G. Teubner, 1936.

A study of the Vatican manuscript Cod. Pal. Lat. 1993 and its author Opicinus de Canistris (anonymus Tichinensis), with areproduction of the manuscript, pl.1-xxxvii. The manuscript, containing 27 leaves, is a heterogeneous collection of maps, calendars, geometrical and astrological drawings, and designs of human figures, with annotations and marginal text; most notable fol.2 (tafelbd. Pl. II) a drawing of  the ancient dual cathedral at Pavin, and fol.20 (tafelbd. Pl. xiv) the anonymous autobiography of the author, 1296-1336.

35 cm.

Inghilt XIII 32 A (1) cons.

Samir Haifi, S.l. ed. e tr.
La refutation de l’astrogie par blie de nasibe … Roma, Pont. institute orientaiium studiorum, 1977.

(408) 44 1 p. 24 cm.

H.G. Oriente IV 3472 (int.4)

Saumaise, Claude de, 1588-1654
Cl. Salmasii De annis climactericis et antiqua astrologia diatribae. Lvgd. Batavor, ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1648.

Diatribes on the climacteric years, and on ancient astrology (Laon, 1648).

64 f.p., 844,[18]p.  Ill. 16 cm.

Barb.EEE.IV 6

Scevolini, Domenico
Discorso di Domenico Scevelini, nel quale con le suttorita cosi de gentili, como de catolioi si dimostra l’astrologia gludiciaria esser verissima & vtilissia … in Venetia, 1565.

Capponi IV 811

Schober, Louis
Wer ist Gott? Aufklarun liber die Gottheit, Sonnenaysteme … (Nurnberg, E. spandel, 1921)

64 p. ill. 22.5 cm.

R.G. Teol. IV.402S

Schoner, Johann  1477-1547
De ivdiciis nativitatvm libri tes. Scripti a Iaonne Schonero Carolostadio … Item praesatio D. Philippi Melanthonis … Norimbergae, in officina Ioannis Montani & Verici Neuber, M.D.X.L.V.

Three books on judgements of nativities, with preface by Philip Malanchthon (Nuremberg, 1545).

R.I. 11 206  VA 29-621

Seznec, Jean
La survivance des dieux antiques. Essai sur le role de la tradition mythologique dans l’humanisme et dans l’art de la Renaissance. London, 1940.

The Survival of the Old Gods. Essay on the role of traditional myths in the humanism of Renaissance art. London, 1940.

371 p., lf. tv. 24,5 cm.

Hansa XIII (11) cons.

Soldati, Benedetio, 1879-1918
La poesia astrologica nel quattrocento; ricerche e studi. Firenze, G.C. Sansoni, 1906.

ix, 319 p. 23,5 cm.
Lett. lat. mod. l 8 (3) cons. 33-1684

Svenberhg, Emmanuel
De latinska lunaria; text och studier av Emanuel Svenberg … Goteborg, Elanders boktryckeri aktiebolag, 1936.

vi, 175, 24,5 cm.

Lett. lat. ant. l 4 (13) cons.

Tannstetter von Thannau, Georg, 1482-1535
Artificivm de applications astrologiaea ad medicina deque conuenientia earundem, Georgij Collimitij Tansteteri, canones aliquot, and quaedam alia, quorum catalogum reperies in proxima pagella. argentorati (apvd Georgiu Ulricherum( 1531).

61 f. num., (4) p. 16,5 cm.

Palatina V.912 (int.3)

Thompson, Reginald Campbell, 1876
Reports of Magicians/Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum. The original texts, printed in cuneiform characters, ed. with translations, notes, vocabulary, index and an introduction. by. R.C.T. London, Luzae and co. 1900.

2 v. front, 85 pl. 23 cm.

Oriente l 2 (7-8) cons. 3-13880

Thorndike, Lynn, 1882
True Place of Astrology in History of Science (s.n.t.)

Copertina,  p.273-278, 25 cm.

R.G.Miscell. 800 (int.21)

Titi, Placido, O.S.B. Oliv.
Physiomathematica, sive Coelestis philosophia naturalibus hucueq; desideratis ostenaa principije … Mediclani, ex typographia Francisci Vigoni, 1675.

Physiomathematics on celestial philosophy, shown by natural principles, hitherto unknown (Milan, 1675).

(16),319,(*) p. l tav. 25 cm.

Racc. gen. Science IV. 870

Umar ibn al-farruban al Tabart, sc. IX
Omardena tiuitatibus & interrogationibus nuper castigatus & in ordine redactus per. D. Lucam Gauricu; artium doctorem egregium; comite; palatinu atque; prothonotariu apostolicu; cum multis additionibus…

Nativities and Interrogations ed. L. Gauricus with many additions (Venice, 1525).

9-60 f. num.  ill. 21cm.

St. Barb. N.XIII 2 (int.2) 34-295

Wedel, Theodore Otto
Medieval Attitude toward Astrology particularly in England, by Theodore Otto Wedel… New Haven, Yale university press; etc. 1920.

vp. l L. 163 p. 23 cm.

St. Uniti XIII l (B.6) Cons.     20-14391

Wiedemann, Eilhard Ernst Gustav, 1852-1928
Kleine Mitteilungen, von Eilhard … Wiedemann, Leipzig, F.C. Vogel, 1912.

51 p. 22.5 cm.

Scienze I 13 (int.28)

Yves de Paris, O.F. M.Cap. 1593-1678
Astrologiae nova methodvs F. Allaei (pseud) (s.l.s.e.) 1654.

A new method of Astrology of Franciscus Allaeus (pseud. of Yves de Paris). 1654

20 p. tav. 35.5 cm.  (2nd copy 80p)

Racc. Gen. Science l.21 int.l

Zinner, Ernst
Sternglaube und Sternforschung … Freiburg Munchen (1953)

xii, (1) 170, (1) p. ill., tav. 20 cm.

Racc. Gen. Science V 894

Gardner, Frederick, Leigh, 1857 –
A catalogue raisonne of works on occult sciences, by F. Leigh Gardner … London, Privately printed, 1911.

v. front. (port)  23 cm.

Science 11 14 24-3383

Houzeau, Jean Charles 1820-1888
Bibliographie generale de l’astronomie par J.C.H. et A. Lancaster, Bruxelles, 1882-1889.

Astronomy work with 197 page section on astrology.

2 v. in.3.    27.5 cm.

H77 8-2952 revised

Saxl. Fritz, 1890-1948
Verzeichnis astrologischer und mythologischer illustrierter Handschriften des lateinischen Mittelalters … 111; Handschriften in englischen bibliothekn … von Fritz Saxl und Hans Meier. Hrag. Von Harry Bober. London, 1953.

e v. ill. tav. facs. 24 cm.

Cataloghi I  38 cons.

Zinner, Ernst, 1886 –
Geschichte und Bibliographie der astronomischen Literatur in Deutschland zur Zeit der Renaissance, von Ernst Zinner. Leipzig, K.W. Hiersemann, 1941.

4 f.p. 152 p. 26 cm.

Z 5152.Z6   VA 41.34 00

Cumont, Franz, 1868-1947
Astrologues romains et byzantine … Tomr, Vuhhisni, 1918.

(33)-54 p. 24 cm.

R.G. Misc.111-594 (34)

Phares, Simon de.
Recueil des plus celebres astrologues et quelques hommes doctes faict par Symon de Phares du temps de Charles VIII, publie d’apres le manuscrit unique de la Bibliotheque nationale par le dr. Ernest Wickersheimer. Paris, H. Champion, 1929.

xii, 303 p. 2 f. 25 cm.

Science 11 32 cons. VA 37-2131

Carmody, Francis J.
Arabic astronomical & astrological sciences in Latin translation; a critical bibliography … Berkeley and Los Angelese, 1956.

vi, 193 p. 23,5 cm.

Cataloghi I  35 cons.

Catalogus codicum astrologorum graecorum …
Bruxelles, in aedibus H. Lamertin, 1898-1924.

v. facsims. 25 cm.

Cataloghi I  41 cons. 7-10715

Delatte, Armand, 1886- ed.
Anecdota atheniensia (et alia).. par Armand Delatte .. Liege, H. Vaillant-Carmanne (ecc. ) 1927-39,

Athenian Anecdotes (Liege, 1927-39).

2 v. 25 cm.

Belgio XIII  7 (36-88)

Furlani, Giuseppe
Di una raccolta di trattati astrologici in lingua siriaca. Roma, 1918.

Racc. Gen. Oriente III 780int. 6

McGurk, Patrik
Astrological manuscripts in Italian libraries (other than Rome) … London, The Warburg institute. 1966. (Catalogue of astrological and mythological illuminated manuscripts of the Latin Middle Ages. 1V)

24 cm. lll p.

Cataloghil 38 (3) cons.

Saxl, Fritz
Verzeichnis astrologisher und mythologischer illustrierter Handschriften des lateinischen Mittelalters … Heidelberg, 1915-27.

2 v. tav. 24, 5 cm.
Baden X111 1 (C, 16) cons.

Thorndike, Lynn, 1882
Hitherto unnoticed criticism of astrology… Bruges, 1939.
Reprinted from ISIS, n.83 (vol.XXXI,I) Nov. 1939

Cataloghi Roma Vaticano Varia 21 int. 14

Thorndike, Lynn, 1882
Notes in some astronomical, astrological and mathematical manuscripts of the Bibliotheque nationale, Paris. (s.n.t.) Reprinted from the Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld institutes. v.xx. n. 1-2, 1957.

112-172 p. 26.5 cm.

Misc. Z. 111.43 (5)

Thorndike, Lynn, 1882
Notes on some less familiar British astronomical and astrological manuscripts. (s.n.t.) Reprinted from the Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld institutes. v. xxll. n.1-2, 1959.

p.157-171, 26.5 cm.

Cataloghi I  46 int.9 cons.

Thorndike, Lynn, 1882
Notes on some Medieval astronomical, astrological and mathematical manuscripts at Florence, Milan, Bologna and Venice … (s.n.t.) Reprinted from Isis, v. 50, part l, n. 159, March 59.

p.33-50, 25 cm.

Cataloghi 46 int.8 cons

Thorndike, Lynn, 1882
Notes on Medieval Latin astronomical, astrological and mathematical manuscripts at the Vatican (s.n.t.) Estratto da: Isis …v .47, part 4, n.150, Dec. 1956.

3l-404 p. 25.5 cm.

Cataloghi Italia Roma, Vaticano Varia 31 int. 14 cons.

Thorndike, Lynn, 1882
This is the second and concluding portion of this study of which part 1 appeared in Isis, 1956, 47:391-404. Reprinted from Isis, v. 49, part 1, n. 155, March 1958.

Boll, Franx Johannes, 1867-1924
Sternglaube und Sterndentung. Die geschichte und das wesen der astrologie. Unter mitwirkung von Carl Bezold dargestellt von Franz Boll. Vierte auflage nach der verfasser tod herausgegeben von W. Gundel. Leipzig, Berlin, B.G. Teubner, 1931.

xiv. 230 p. illus. 24 pl. fold.map. 24 cm.

Science II  20

Bouche Leclercq, Auguste 1842
L’Astrologie grecque. Paris, E. Lerouz, 1899.

25 cm., 2 p.l. xx, 658 l.l. illus. tables, diagr.

Ant. class. II  II cons. 5-37921

Della Capanna, Gian Piero
Magia, asrologia, inquisizione e medicina medioevale. Flavio Ballestrasse.I medici dell’antichita nelle opere del Fabrizio e del Daremberg. Pisa, Cas editrice Giardini, 1969.

l f.p. (5)79 p. lf. 23 cm.

R.G. MedicinaIV5250 (137)

Gundel, Wilhelm, 1880-1945
Astrologumena. Die astrologische Literatur in der Antike und ihre Geschichte, von Wilhelm gundel und Hans Georg Gundel. Mit 3 figuren und 20 Abbildungen. Wiesbaden, F. Steiner, 1966.

xi, 382 p. 25 cm.

Scienza VI 4 A (6) cons.

Kurze, Dietriche
Johannes Lichtenberger (1503) eine Studie Zure Geschchte der Prophetie und Astrologie… Lubeck und Hamburg, Mattheisen, 1960.

100 p. 24 cm.
Coll. gen. I 117 (379) cons.

Maury, Louis Ferdinand Alfred 1817-1892
La magie et l’astrologie dan l’antiquite et au moyen age, ou Etude sur les superstitions palennes qui se sont perpetuees jusqu’a nos jours. par L.f. Alfred Maury. 3. ed. rev. et corr. Paris, didier & co. 1864.

2 f.p. 484 p. 18.5 cm.

Sceince II 38 cons.  VA 38-1539

Papi, 1585-1590 (Sixtus V)
Constitutio S.D.N. Sixti papae V contra exercentes astrologiae iudiciariae artem, et alia quaecumq3 divinatiornam genera, librosque de eis legentes, ac tenentes. Romae, 1586.

Constitution of Pope Sixtus V against those practising the art of judicial astrology, and any other kinds of divination. (Rome 1586).

6 p. 30.5 cm.

Chigi II.1073 int.66

Pruckner, Hubert
Studien zu den astrologischen schriften des Heinrich von Langenstein. Leipzig/Berlin. B.G. Teubner, 1933.

xiv, 286 p. 25 cm.

Inghilt.x III 32 (14) cons. 520.1

Stegemann, Victor
Astrologie und universalgeschichte; studien und interpretationnen zu den Dionysiska des Nonnos von Panopolis, von Vicktor Stegemann; mit einer sternkarte. Leipzig und Berlin, B.g. Teubner, 1930.

viii, 257 p. fold. pl. 23 cm.

R.G. Classici1v 2524 (9) 30-20790

Stegemann, Victor
Beitrage zur Geschichte der Astrologie I.Der griechische Astrologe Dorotheos von Sidon und der arabische Astrologe Abu l-Hasan ‘ali bin abi’r-Rigal, gennant Albohzen … Heidelberg, im Selstverlag von F. bilabel, 1935.

41 p. 25,5 cm.

R.G. Storia111.5165 (int.2)

Federici Vescovini, Graziella
La dottrina astrologica di magico Pelacani da Parma e le sue connessioni con l’opera di Albumasar …  [Milano, Rivlata di filosofia, 1972

p.300 , 24 cm.

Racc. Gen.Filosofia  IV. 1751 (int.7)

Cumont, Franz, 1868-1947
Le mysticisme astral dans l’antiquite … Bruxelles, 1909

256 – 258 p. 23.5 cm.

R.G. Misc.III.594 (11)

Abd al-Aziz ibn’Utman al-Qabiai, m. 967
Aohabitius cum comento … [Venetiis, per Joannem & Gregorium de Gregoriia, 1502]

148 p. ill. 20.5 cm.

Chigi  iv 1035

Abd al-Aziz ibn’Utman al-Qabiai, m. 967
alohabitius cum commento, novitar impresso … [Venetiis, per Melchiorem Sessa, 1502]

71 f.num. ill. 22,5 cm.

Racc. gen.science iv 85

Abu Ali, al-Rayyal (Albohali)
De Iudicijs natiuitatum liber unus … Impressum Noribergae, 1546.

Book One on Judgements of Nativities (Nuremberg, 1546).

64 f. 20 cm.

Palat. IV.350 (1)

Bausani, Alessandro
Il Kitab Ard Miftah an-Nujum attribuito a Hermes: prima taduzione arcana di un testo astrologico? (con intorduzione, traduzione astrologica e note) Roma, Accademia razionale dei Lincei, 1983

83 to 140 p. ill. 26.5 cm.

Accad.lit. Roma l AA Viii, 27 cons.

Al Biruni, Abu ‘l Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad c. 973 c. 1048.
Al biruni on transits; a study of an Arabic treatise entitled Tamhid al-mustaqarr litahqiq ma’na al-mamarr, by Abu al-Rayhan, Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-biruni (d.1048) translated by Mohammad Saffouri & Adnan Ifram, with a commentary by E.S. Kennedy. (Beiru t, American University of Beirut] 1959

R.G. OrienteIV.3143

Al Biruni, Abu ‘l Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad c. 973 c. 1048.
Al Biruni on Transits (Beirut, 1959) Scheda 2. (American univeristy of Beirut. Publication of Faculty of arts and sciences. Oriental series, n. 32). 1959

ix, (l), 201 p. fig. 24,5 cm.

R.G. OrienteIV, 3143

Al Biruni, Abu ‘l Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad c. 973 c. 1048.
Book of instruction in the elements of the art of astrology, written in Glaznah, 1029 A.D. Reproduced from Brit. Mus. Ms. Or. 8349. The translation facing the text by R. Ramsay Wright. London, Luzac & Co. 1934.

2 f.p. xvii p. 333 f. num. l.f. 6 p. 22.5 cm.

Arabica II Al Biruni 4 cons. VA35-1219

Al Biruni, Abu ‘l Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad c. 973 c. 1048.
The Book of Instruction, 1934.

VA 35-1219

Cumont, Franz Valery Marie, 1868-
L’Egypte des astrologues, par Franz Cumont. Bruzelles, edite par la Fondation egyptologique reine Elisabeth, 1937.

Egypt of the Astrologers, by Franz Cumont. Bruxelles. Edited by the Egyptian Foundation of Queen Elizabeth,1937.

254 p. l.f. 24 cm.

Africa XI 10 cons. 38-1165

Weigi, Ludwig
Studien zu dem undedierten astrologischen Lehrgedicht des Johannes Kamateros, von Ludwig Weigl. Wurzberg, H. Sturts, 1902.

58 p. 23.5 cm.

Lett. bigant. V 1 int.10 cons. VA 28-3595?

Cecco d’Ascoli, 1269-1327
In testa al front : Pubblicazioni dell’Osservatorio del Collegio della querce (Firenze) N.I. 1. Astrologia araba. 2. Astrologia Italiano. 3. Abd al-Aziz iba Utman al-Qabisi. 4. Boffito, giuseppe, barnabita, 1869. ed. Firenze, Collegio della querce, Osservatorio, codex vaticanus latinus 2366

Bibl. Vaticana 31-2118

Carmody, Francis
Arabic astronomical & astrological sciences in Latin translation; a critical bibliography … Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1956.

vi, 193 p. 23.5 cm.

Cataloghi I 35 cons.

Cecco d’Ascoli 1269-1327
Il commento di Cecco d’Ascoli all’Alcabizzo, edito a cura del P. Giuseppe Boffito … Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 1905.

l f. p. 64 p. l tav. (facs.) 28.5 cm.

Catal. Italia Vaticano Varia 12 (9) cons. VA 31-2118

Furlani, Giuseppi
Eine Sammlung astrologischer Abhandlungen in arabischer Sprache … (Berlin und Leipzig, 1921).

Racc. gen.oriente 111 780 int. 14

Ibn abi al-Rigal, Abu al-Hasan ‘Ali, al-Saibani al-katib al-Magribi
Albohazen Haly filii Aben-Ragel. Libri de iudiciis astrorum … latinitati donati per Antonium Stupam … Basilease (1551).

Books of Albohzen Haly, son of Aben-Ragel, on judgements of the stars tr. A. Stupa (Basle 1551).

(18) 410 p. 34 cm.

Racc. gen. Scienze 11.30

Ibn abi al-Rigal, Abu al-Hasan ‘Ali, al-Saibani al-katib al-Magribi
Albohazen Haly filii Aben-Ragel … De iudiciis astrorum libri octo … a barbarie vindicati & puritate linguae donati per Antonium Stupam … Accessit huic operi … compendium duodecim domorum coelestium … authore Petro Liechtenstein … Basileae (1571)

Eight books on judgements of the stars, translated by A. Stupa, with a compendium of the twelve celestial houses (Basele, 1571).

(26)586 (2) p. 33 cm.

Racc. gen. Filosofia 11 40

Lemay, Richard
Abu Ma’shar and Latin aristotelianism in the twelfth century ; the recovery of Aristotle’s Natural philosophy through Arabic astrology. Beirut, 1962. (American university of Beirut, Publication of the Faculty of arts and sciences.
Oriental series. n. 38

xl, 468 p. 24 cm.

Teol. filos. II 144 cons.

Nabod, Valentin
Enarratio elementorum astrologias … Coloniae, apud haeredes. A. Birkmanni, 1560.

Exposition of the elements of astrology. 1560

16 f.p. 47l (l) p. 20.5 cm.

Barberini NX111 31

Ruska, Julius Ferdinand, 1867 –
Griechische Planetendarstellungen in a rabischen Steinbuchern, von Julius Ruska …Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1919

50 p. ill. 24.5 cm.

Baden XIII. 1 (x,3)

Thorndike, Lynn, 1882-
Latin translations of astrological works by Messahala. Brugis, 1956

copertina, p. (49)72 , 25.5 cm.

R.G. Miscell. IV  813 (INT.24)

Craig, James Alexander 1855 –
Astrological -astronomical texts copies from the original tablest in the British Museum and autographed by James A. Craig… Leipzig, J.C. Hinrichs, 1899.

29 cm.

Racc. Gen. Oriente III 911 (14)  VA 10-31892

Weir, John D.
The Venus Tablets of Ammizaduga, by John. D. Weir… Istanbul, Nederlands historisch-archaeologisch instituut in het Nabije Ooosten, 1972.

ix, 80 (l) p. 26.5 cm.

Oriente XIII  6 (29) cons.

Abraham ben Hiyyah
Llibre revelador, Meguillat hamegalle… l’edicio  del text revisati prologat pel dr. Juli Guttman; versio de l’hebreu per J. Millas I Vallicrosa … Barcelona, Editorial Alpha, 1929

2 f.p. lviii, 252 p. 2 f. 22.5 cm.

Judaica I  30 cons. VA 34-3872

Abraham ben Ezrah 1092/3-1167
The beginning of wisdom … edited by Raphael Levy and Francisco Cantera. Baltimore (ecc.ecc.) 1939.

Racc. Gen. Scienze IV 1778  Va 34-1872

Anti-gastorello, cuero Astrologia giudiciaria … dimostrata ighorante, ingannatrice, ridicola, svperstiziosa, e perniciosa pazzia … Padoua, Frambotto, 1659.

357, (22)p. ant. 14.5 cm.

Barb. N.XI  7

Calvin, Jean 1509-1564
Admonitio Ioannis Calvini adversus astrologiam, quam iudiciariam vocant: aliasque praeterra curiositates nonnullas, quae hodie per universum fere orbem grassantur. E gallico sermons in latinum conversa. Genevae, par Loannem Giardum 1549

Admonition of John Calvin against judiciary astrology, and some other additional curiousities, which spread today through almost the whole world. Translated from French to Latin (Genevea, 1549).

69(3) 20 cm.

R.I.  IV 1886 int. l

Neugebauer, Otto, 1899
Greek Horoscopes (by) O. Neugebauer and H.B. Van Hoesen. Philadelphia, 1959.
(Memoires of the American philosophical society … v.48)

ix, 231 p. incl. tav. (facs.) ill. 30.5 cm.

Scienze II  82

Vedi pure Scriptures Astronomici

Ruska, Julius Ferdinand, 1867-
Griechische Planetendarstellugen in a rabischen Steinbuchern, von Julius Ruska … Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1919.

50 p. ill. 24.5 cm.

Baden, XIII 1 (X,3)

Cumont, Franz 1868-1947
Astrologues romains et byzantins … rome, cuggiani, 1918.

Roman and Byzantine Astrology, Rome, Cuggiani, 1918.

(33)54 p. 24 cm.

R.G. Misc.111.594 (34)

Cumont, Franz, 1868-1947
Les noms des planetes et l’astrolatrie chez les Grecs … Bruxelles, 1935.

Names of Planets and Asrtrology of the Greeks, Bruxelles, 1935.

43 p. 23,5 cm.

R.G. Misc.III.594 (21)

Eranos vindobonensis 1893
Intein Engelbrecht…

Coll. gen. Wien 4 cons.  VA 5-21292

Eriksson, Sven
Wochentagagutter, Mond und Tierkreis Laien astrologie in der romischen Kaiserzeit … Stockholm, 1956. (Studia graeca et latina gothoburensia, III)

(l) 127 (1) p. 23.5 cm.

Lett. class. I  9 (3) cons.

Gundel, Hans Georg, 1912 –
Weltbild und Astrologie in den griechischen Zauberpapyri … Munchen, C.H. Beck, 1968. (Munchener Beitrage sur Papyrusforschung und antiken Rechtageschichte, 53. Hft.)

x, 100 p. tav. 24 cm.

Papirol II  10(cons)

Hephaestio Thebanus, sec. iv
Hephaestion von Theben und sein astrologisches Compendium; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der griechischen Astrologie, von Dr. August Engelbrecht. Wien, C. Konegen, 1887.

102 p. 25.5 cm.

Lett. Grec. Anticor III, Hephaest Thebanus 1 cons.,  VA 34-2827

Maximus astrologo
Maximi et Amonis Carminum de actionum auspiciis reliquiae. Accedunt anecdota astrologica. Recensuit Arthurs Ludwich. Lipsiae, in aedibus B.G. Teubner, 1877.

Remains of the songs of Maximus and Ammon on the auspices of actions (Leipzig, 1877). (Divination by flight of birds)

viii, 126 p. 17.5 cm.

Lett. gr. ant. I 1 Varii 4 int.l cons.  VA 32-2009

Vallens, Vettius, sec. III
Vettii Valentis Anthologiarum libri, primum edidit Guilelmus Kroll. Berolini, apud Weidmannos, 1908.

Books of Anthologies of Vettius Valens e.d W. Kroll (Berlin, 1908)

xvii, 420 p. 23.5 cm.

Lett. gr. ant. III  Vallens l cons. VA 32-4185

Cecco d’Ascoli, 1269-1327
Il commento di C.A. , edito a cura del P. Giuseppe Boffito … Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 1905.
In testa al front; Pubblicaxioni dell’Osservatorio del Collegio della querce (Firenze)N.I. l. Astrologia araba 2. Astrologia Italiana 3. Abd al’Aziz ibn Utman al-qubisi. l. Boffito, Giuseppe, barnabita,

l f. p. 64 p. l tav. (facs.) 28.5 cm.

Catal. Italia Vaticano Varia 12 (9) cons.   VA 31-2118

Magia, asrologia e religione nel rinascimento; convegno polacco-italiano (Varsavia: 25-27 settembre 1972) Wroclaw (etc.) Ossolineum, 1974. (Accademix polacca delle scienze. Biblioteca e centro di studi a Roma. Istituto di filosofia e sociologia. Conferenze. Faccicolo 65)

Magic, astrology and religion …

226 p. ill. 26 cm.

Racc. Gen. Storia 111 6033

Svenberg, Emanuel, ed.
… Lunaria et zodiologia latina edidit et commentario philologico instruxit Emanuel Svenberg (Stockholm, 1963). (Studia graeca et latina gothoburgensia, XV1)

Latin lunary and zodialogy with philological commentary. 1963

(2)125 (1) p. 23.5 cm.
Lett. class. I 9 (16) cons.

Weisser, Christoph
Studien zum mittelalterhchen Krankheitslunar; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte larenastrologischer Fachprosa. Pattansen/Han. H. Wellm (1982) (Wurzburger medizinhistorische Forschungen, 21). l. astrologia medica 2. Lunari. 1982

468 p. ill. tav. 2l cm.

Scienze 111 79 (2l) cons.

Nallino, Carlo, Alfonso (1872-1938)
Astrologia Orientale. Islam, dogma, Sufismo, astronomia, astrologia…. Raccolta di scirti editi e inediti… a cura di Maria Nallino. Roma, Istatuto per l’oriente, 1939.

No translation. 1939

2.3 cm.

R.G. Oriente IV 2319 42-1607

Asrologia vindicata. ….1562

993 a-995c Miscellanea (Herzog Ludvig Pfalzgraf) 1563

Palatina iv 220 int.3

Astrologia opuscula antiqua. Fragmentum astrologicum, incerto autore … Liber regum de significationibus planetarum in duodecim domiciliis coeli & de natura duodecim signorum Zodiaci. Liber Hermetis centum aphorismorum, cum commentationibus Thaddaei Hagecij ab Hagek … Pragae, excudebat Georius Melantrichus, 1564

Little antique astrological work. Astrological fragment, author uncertain. Book of beings on the significations of the planets in the twelve houses of heaven and on the nature of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Book of 100 aphorisms of the Hermit, with commentary 1564

Palat. Iv 983 (2)

Liebhard, Joachim, ed.
Astrologia quorum titules …. Norimbergae 1532

6 fp. 46,45 (i.e. 55) p. 2l cm.

Palat. IV 1059 (2)

Levy, Raphael, 1900
Astrological Works of abraham ibn Ezra, a literary and linguistic study with special reference to the Old French translation of Hagin, by Raphael Levy … Baltimore, Md., The Johns Hopkins press; Paris, Les Presses universitaires de France, 1927.

3 p.l. 172 p. 2l, 25 cm.

Ling Roms? I  22 cons.  VA 28-6236

Stegemann, Viktor
Astrologie und Universalgeschichte; studien und interpretationen zu den Dionysiaka des Nonnos von Panopolis, von Viktor Stegemann; mit einer sternkarte.Leipzig und Berlin, B.G. Teubner, 1930. (The folded plate is accompanied by transparent guard sheet

viii, 257 p. fold. pl. 23 cm.

R.G. Classicaliv 2524(9)  VA 30-20790

Astronomica, Pascquale, sac.
Elogio storico di santo Amatao, cittadino e preimo vscovo di Nusco … scritto da P. Astronomica … Napoli, per i tipi di A. Festa, 1872. In appendice; Copia della vita di S. Amato da una pergamena in carattera longobardo. l amatus, s. vesc. di Nusco, m. 1872

142, 28 p. 23.5 cm.

R.G. Vite IV1994 (int.l) e 2


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