In the Sumerian myth The Descend of the Goddess, Inanna, an earlier
form of the Greek Aphrodite, is the Goddess of the Heavens. She’s
joyful, radiant and sensual and everything seems to go well for her
until she needs to go down the Inferior World, Ereshkigal’s realm, her
dark sister, The Lady of the Great Place Below, who has just lost her
husband. As she meets Inanna, Ereshkigal is in a foul mood, very angry
indeed and she doesn’t take lightly her sister daring to come down to
her world, even though it’s a display of sympathy towards her,
Ereshkigal: “How dare you come into my realm?” – So she submits Inanna
to the same treatment she gives all souls that arrive there: Innana has
to pass through the seven gates of the Underworld and at each of them
she is stripped of something that identifies her as the Goddess of the
Heavens: garments, robes, jewellery, until she is left utterly naked.
Then she is made to bow before Ereshkigal, who in turn kills her and
hangs her body on a meet hook. Inanna, who used to be the gorgeous and
exuberant queen of the heavens finds herself dead and alone in the
underworld, her body left to rot and all she can do is stew in her own
That’s how we usually feel when we go through a Pluto transit: we feel powerless, miserable, lonely, forsaken, depressed, as if we had already died and had been left to rot. That’s how Luana* was feeling when she first came to have her chart read. She promptly recognized the theme, linking the descend of the goddess to her own descend to hell as she had to recognize the failure of her marriage, after having fought for it for several years. Admitting to the end of her marriage along with other problems had led her to a deep depression and to a feeling she had died somehow, like in the myth. Listening that the suffering she was going through was somehow part of a life cycle and that there was a reason for such pain gave her some solace and some new perspective about everything that was happening, liberating her to consciously make the necessary changes in her life.
Using the myths is just one of various approaches of Psychological Astrology, which also drinks from Jungian Psychology source, using the concepts of the Archetypes, the psychology of the elements, fairy tales, Alchemy and Art to shed light on the clients’ situation helping them to better understand the dynamics at work in their psyche, the present situation they find themselves in and the challenges they’re facing.
So, in a reading, more than listening that one is Taurean, Cancerian
or a Leo, the individual has the opportunity to understand why he acts
as he does and what might be behind such behavior. Moreover, he has the
chance to recognize some patterns that keep repeating in his life,
having the possibility of looking at himself under a new light, with
more compassion and self-acceptance. Instead of denying, feeling guilty
or powerless before personality aspects that one thinks one can’t
change, the acknowledgement of such dynamics can be very empowering and
liberating. Moreover, it can give the individual renewed strength to try
to become the best version of himself/herself, for we can only
transform that which we accept as part of ourselves. This is much more
than reading weekly horoscope columns and demands commitment with
oneself and with one’s own personal development.
Thus, more than making predictions saying what is going to happen in
your life, what Psychological Astrology proposes is a new look about
these events and our responsibility in attracting them to our lives; how
our predisposition and soul aspiration for integrity and wholeness have
led us to the situation we find ourselves experiencing. Yes, we can
talk about tendencies and the likely course that life might take. But
not to wait passively for what’s going to happen, rather, to understand
that what is going on outside is just a reflection of something already
happening inside us, and because we don’t recognize such energies as
part of ourselves, we project them in the outer world, positively or
negatively, bringing them back in the form of events we have no control
whatsoever. Thus, empowered with more self-knowledge, we might have a
little more freedom of choice to make decisions in a less impulsive and
compulsive fashion, doing it instead, in a wiser manner, more consistent
with who we really are and with that which we want (or can) to become.
*The client’s name has been changed to prevent identification.
1 – Sasportas, Howard – The Gods of change – The Wessex Astrologer, 2007. SOURCE HERE
That’s how we usually feel when we go through a Pluto transit: we feel powerless, miserable, lonely, forsaken, depressed, as if we had already died and had been left to rot. That’s how Luana* was feeling when she first came to have her chart read. She promptly recognized the theme, linking the descend of the goddess to her own descend to hell as she had to recognize the failure of her marriage, after having fought for it for several years. Admitting to the end of her marriage along with other problems had led her to a deep depression and to a feeling she had died somehow, like in the myth. Listening that the suffering she was going through was somehow part of a life cycle and that there was a reason for such pain gave her some solace and some new perspective about everything that was happening, liberating her to consciously make the necessary changes in her life.
Using the myths is just one of various approaches of Psychological Astrology, which also drinks from Jungian Psychology source, using the concepts of the Archetypes, the psychology of the elements, fairy tales, Alchemy and Art to shed light on the clients’ situation helping them to better understand the dynamics at work in their psyche, the present situation they find themselves in and the challenges they’re facing.
Like Luana, all of us go through phases when we feel confused, lost
and extremely vulnerable, while experiencing utterly devastating crisis.
We lose the sense of who we are or what we are doing with our lives.
Losing a job, the end of a relationship, grave health problems, changes
of home or of financial situation, can lead us to states of loneliness,
despair and depression. At these crisis points, Astrology, which is also
a study of the cycles of life, can be very useful to understand why we
find ourselves in such trouble, giving a new meaning to whatever is
going on, and, even if the pain is still excruciating, at least we can
have some perspective as we realize that such difficulties are part of
our development as a human being and that there might be a reason for
our suffering. Besides diminishing anxiety, we can find out what is
asked of us at that given moment and what the possible alternatives are
for dealing with such circumstances that challenge us. But, as Howard
Sasportas says in his book, the Gods of Change, “we can’t go
anywhere until we accept where we are. We first need to allow into
awareness whatever emotions are surfacing at this time”.
THE NATAL CHART – The substance we are made of
Being a unique individual, you were born on a given day, on a
specific time, in a particular location. It’s from these data that the
Natal Chart is drawn. As the planets’ positions in the elements, signs
and houses are delineated, plus the aspects they make to each other, the
natal chart shows the substance you are made of: your psychological
type, potentials, talents, weaknesses, difficulties and challenges; the
scenery and landscape you may find in the world, the environment and
conditions in which you were raised, besides the perspectives and ways
of looking at life, and, of course, the cycles which will unfold
throughout life and which will be part of your personal development. In
other words, the Natal Chart says who you really are and where you are
going to, and by doing that it is indeed a powerful tool for
self-knowledge and self-understanding.
Gustave Moreau – Edipo and the Sphinx

Boris Shapiro, Ukrainian artist – Open Art Group
PREDICTIONS – is it just a question of asking what future has in store for me?
Although Astrology is going through a new phase and an apparent kind
of renovation in the public eye, many people still seek a reading
wanting to know “what future has in store” for them. There are some
branches in Astrology that focus on that kind of service, which has its
value and application. However, that is not the approach of the
psychological branch. Dane Rudhyar, the precursor of Psychological
Astrology, used to say that “it is not the event that happens to the individual, rather, it is the individual that happens to the event”,
meaning with this that the more we know ourselves, the less predictable
and subjected to the circumstances we become; and conversely, the less
we recognize our own inner ambivalence, the more we are open to external
events which fall over our heads crashing our
Karen Dukes, american Artist – Open Art Group
*The client’s name has been changed to prevent identification.
1 – Sasportas, Howard – The Gods of change – The Wessex Astrologer, 2007. SOURCE HERE
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