A figure of mystery and controversy, a
man perpetually chasing his lost childhood, Jackson’s’ peculiar and
utterly unique life embodied American culture’s desperation to stay
relevant, interesting and at the center of attention. An immensely
gifted singer, dancer, songwriter and businessman, Jackson’s talent and
ambition led him and his family out of poverty and into royalty status,
but at the eventual expense of his well-being.
The natal chart
Michael Joseph Jackson was born in Gary,
Indiana on August 29, 1958, probably close to midnight, with a natal
horoscope that (regardless of his birth time) includes a three-part
conjunction, connecting the North Node and Jupiter in Libra with Neptune
in Scorpio, signifying his larger-than-life imagination and mythology,
and the ability to express creative ideas on a universal level.
The cross-sign connection being a
reflection of the double-edged consequences of Jackson’s unique ability
to detach himself from reality, a quality that ironically underlined
both his superhuman talent and vision, and the ominous and puzzling
accounts of scandal in his adult years.
The death chart, part 1: Jupiter-Neptune conjunction recurrence transit in Aquarius
Jackson was declared dead at UCLA
Medical Center in Los Angeles at 2:26 p.m., having been found
unconscious and not breathing two hours earlier. At the time of his
death, there was a close triple conjunction of Chiron, Neptune and
Jupiter (all retrograde), mirroring the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in
Jackson’s natal chart, making what is called a recurrence transit.

The conjunction transit of Jupiter and
Neptune occurs approximately every thirteen years, and having only lived
to the age of 50, Jackson only experienced four recurrence transit
periods in his life, including the one at the time of his death in 2009.
Outlined below is a survey of the other three Jupiter-Neptune
conjunction recurrence periods in Jackson’s life, a planetary account of
how these transits coincided with major turning points in his life and
1971: Goin’ Back To Indiana, Jupiter-Neptune conjunct in Sagittarius
Michael Jackson rose to fame with his
brothers Jackie, Marlon, Tito and Jermaine, in the Jackson 5, who signed
to Motown Records in November 1968, when Michael was only ten
years-old, and began their rise to fame over the course of the following
three years, scoring number one hits with I Want You Back, Who’s Lovin’ You, ABC, The Love You Save, I’ll Be There and Never Gonna Say Goodbye.
Although already the group’s lead singer
and frontman, Michael got his first shot and going solo when he sang a
cover of Frank Sinatra’s It Was A Very Good Year without his brothers for an appearance on Diana Ross’ ABC-TV variety special, Diana! on April 18, 1971.
Jupiter and Neptune were conjunct in
Sagittarius during the taping of the show in early 1971 and its
broadcast that spring, marking the beginning of Jackson’s first
recurrence transit period, which would extend throughout what would
prove to be one of the most pivotal years of his early career.
Thanks to their own young age, the
Jackson 5’s appeal to children was guaranteed, and sure enough the
group’s image was manufactured into a Saturday morning cartoon for ABC television.
The first episode made its debut at 8:30 a.m. on September 11, 1971,
and featured a plot line that perpetuated the Motown-crafted myth that
the group had been discovered by Diana Ross (in reality singer Bobby
Taylor secured them their Motown break during the summer of 1968), who
provided her own voice for the role, even though actors were used for
the speaking parts of the five Jackson brothers.
Michael’s Jupiter-Neptune conjunction
recurrence transit, still in effect, reflected the peculiar experience
of becoming an cartoon personality, a metaphorical foreshadowing of the
surreal and extreme nature of how celebrity would impact his life. His
animated character’s schtick was his magical connection with the animal
kingdom, particularly his pet mice, named “Ray” and “Charles”. As
Jackson’s eccentric zoo of pets became a phenomenon in itself a decade
later, he was apparently unconscious of the fact that his real life was
becoming more and more like the way it had been portrayed in the
Just a week after the cartoon began airing, the Jackson 5 now had their own ABC television special called Goin’ Back To Indiana,
part of which documented the group’s homecoming appearance in their
hometown of Gary the previous Memorial Day weekend, May 29, 1971. The
show included guest appearances from Diana Ross, Bill Cosby and Bill
Russell, among others, and signaled a high point in the group’s career.
Jupiter and Neptune together signify
transcending boundaries: social, physical or metaphysical, and reflect
experiences that appear to transcend reality itself. The symbolism of
the Jackson 5 returning to their hometown as conquering heroes of show
business was obvious, especially considering the family was now
transplanted to a life of luxury in California.
With the Jackson 5 now at the top of their popularity, Michael’s first foray into a solo career was kicked off with a single, Got To Be There,
released on October 7, 1971. It went to #4 on the pop charts, a
respectable solo debut for the now-thirteen year-old singer, who was
still passing for an eleven-year-old. Although the group continued to
release albums and tour after leaving Motown records and refining their
name to the Jacksons in 1975 (with little brother Randy stepping in for
new Motown solo artist Jermaine), for the next decade the hard-working
Jackson juggled group projects with solo releases.
Michael’s solo career became more of a
focus as he became an adult and outgrew the family/group format. But its
initiation at the time of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction recurrence
transit in Sagittarius served to foreshadow the incredible heights it
would reach by the time of the following conjunction twelve years later,
at the end of 1983 and beginning of 1984.
1983: Thriller, Jupiter-Neptune conjunct in Sagittarius
Michael’s first adult solo album was the innovative dance classic, Off The Wall,
co-produced with Quincy Jones and released on August 10, 1979. Despite
being a huge success, it only won one Grammy award and didn’t snag
Record of the Year. Jackson vowed it wouldn’t happen again.
He teamed up with Jones again for his next album, the mega-smash Thriller,
released on November 30, 1982, an album that would transcend all kinds
of barriers in the music world. From its pioneering role in launching
the first black recording artist to get airplay on MTV, to the extent it
developed the look and style of how the still-new medium of music
video, the album made Michael the most popular and famous entertainer in
the world.
Having already set the bar high with the album’s first two videos, Billie Jean and Beat It, the third one had to somehow take things further. Director John Landis, director of the 1981 horror comedy American Werewolf in London,
was brought in to direct a mini-feature, a video that would take the
format further than merely serving as a visual backdrop for a
three-minute pop song.
Running almost fourteen minutes, the Thriller
video employed horror flick cliches (it was filmed during Halloween
season 1983), Michael was transformed into a supernatural ghoul
disguised as a seemingly hapless high school boyfriend, who torments his
date (played by Ola Ray) by using his uncanny ability to get a pack of
corpse zombies to execute spectacularly synchronized dance routines.
The video premiered on MTV on December
2, 1983, as the next Jupiter-Neptune conjunction was applying in the
late degrees of Sagittarius, beginning the second recurrence transit
period of his life.
The fact that the video had its debut
just over a year after the album was first released was a reflection of
the album’s enduring popularity and still-mounting sales figures. A
stunning finale to the pop sensation of 1983, let alone the century, it
also marked a peak and turning point, a period that gradually came to
haunt Michael for being a standard too high for even him to repeat.
Unlike his major rival of the 1980s,
Madonna (less than two weeks his senior), Michael was already a
fully-formed creative talent by 1983 (the year she released her debut
album) and ironically lacked the freedom her relative inexperience in
the music world gave her to develop creatively as her fame grew.
Michael kicked off 1984 by filming a
Pepsi commercial with his brothers, a prelude to their regrouping for an
album and tour later in the year. But there was still some glory due
from Thriller, the Landis video and single having closed the previous year at the top of the charts.
The accolades began with his sweep of
the 11th annual American Music Awards on Monday night, January 16th,
winning a total of eight awards, including a special merit award.
He arrived at the ceremony with his
date, actress Brooke Shields, and was dressed for the occasion in a red
Sergeant Pepper-style military jacket and black aviator glasses, an
appropriate uniform for what, considering the scope of his popularity,
equated to the showbiz variant of a coronation.
The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction
recurrence transit now at its peak at the end of Sagittarius, the page
was about to turn just as both planets headed into the following sign,
Capricorn, signifying a sea change in the times and zeitgeist, a
reminder that even the strongest are subject to the winds of change.
1984: The Pepsi Generation, Jupiter-Neptune conjunct in Capricorn

Somewhat badly burned, television news
was on alert as Jackson was hospitalized overnight, footage of him being
rushed from the ambulance on a stretcher – head bandaged, faced
covered, hand glitter-gloved – played at regular intervals, an image
that became as much a part of his legend as any of his staged
The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction had now
moved into Capricorn, and the icon’s helpless, veiled figure posed an
ominous suggestion as to where his life and career were headed. The
accident, an explosion caused for the sake of flashy entertainment that
got out of hand, was a metaphor for what Michael’s life was now to

He showed up with Brooke Shields again, but this time he also had child actor Emmanuel Lewis, star of the sitcom Webster,
along as well. Despite being almost thirteen at the time, Lewis had the
appearance of a much younger kid, due to his small size.
Another instance of foreshadowing during
the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction recurrence, Lewis’ presence at the
Grammy awards was the first hint the public had of what would be
revealed later, concerning his special relationship with young boys.
While the facts behind this relationship
remain one of pop culture’s most hotly debated topics, that the
relationship existed in some form is not. Michael’s own childhood had
been spent working hard at performing, and as he attained the status he
now enjoyed, reaching out to connect with very young males appeared to
help him share in an experience that he had been denied.
At the Grammy awards, he was again the
big winner of the night, but the event now tends to be remembered as
much for the company he kept as it is for his achievment.
That being said, the achievement was
nothing to sneeze at. Michael and production partner Quincy Jones won a
total of eight Grammy statues for their work on Thriller, a record total that is now shared with Carlos Santana (2000) and Norah Jones (2003), but still has yet to be surpassed.
As it turns out, Quincy Jones was also
born with a triple conjunction in his natal horoscope involving a Lunar
Node (in his case, South), Neptune and Jupiter, all in Virgo (Michael’s
Sun Sign). As both men were therefore experiencing a Jupiter-Neptune
conjunction recurrence transit, the big Grammy win was the cherry that
capped the peak of both men’s careers, an acknowledgment and celebration
of pop music’s most successful production team.
1996-1997: Family Man, Jupiter-Neptune conjunct in Capricorn-Aquarius

The ensuing scandal was taxing on
Michael, even though the accuser’s family were ultimately paid off and
charges dropped in January 1994. The negative publicity sparked a
breakdown in November 1993 (more on that in the next chapter), during
which he canceled dates on his world tour and checked into rehab to
treat his painkiller addiction.
A secret marriage to Lisa Marie Presley,
daughter of Elvis, followed on May 26, 1994, although it wasn’t
confirmed publicly until August 1st. The ill-fated union was over by the
end of 1995, which which time Michael collapsed during a rehearsal in
December (again, more on that below).
As if matters hadn’t taken a strange
enough turn already, the divorce from Presley, finalized on August 24,
1996, was promptly followed by a wedding to an already-pregnant Debbie
Rowe, receptionist to Michael’s dermatologist, on November 14th.
Their child, a boy named Prince Michael
Jackson Jr., was born on February 13, 1997, the first of two children he
would have with Rowe before their divorce on October 8, 1999. With the
end of the marriage, Michael retained custody of the children, which
Rowe signed away in exchange for a settlement.
Now a father in his 40s, Michael’s Peter
Pan-like lifestyle and close relationship to other people’s children,
especially boys, became even more suspect and subject to criticism than
The wedding to Rowe and birth of son
Prince occurred during Michael’s third Jupiter-Neptune conjunction
recurrence transit period, now moving through the late degrees of
Capricorn, at another major turning point in his life, when once again
his role in the world was radically redefined.

On March 3, 2009, as Jupiter approached
conjunction to Neptune in Aquarius, Michael announced a fifty-concert
show that was to held in London beginning in July, but it was not to be.
The planets were conjunct and had just gone retrograde when he passed,
marking the turning of one last chapter in the Michael Jackson story.
The Death Chart, part two: Saturn transits

Saturn signifies the passing of time and
the grim reaper, the idea that the clock is always ticking and we are
all perpetually running out of time. It draws the line between tragedy
and comedy in life, and is associated with “adult” concepts like
maturity and responsibility. For a man-child like Michael Jackson,
Saturn could also be likened to the way children view “grown-ups.”
In his natal chart, Saturn in
Sagittarius (quite possibly placed on his Descendant) is square the Moon
in Pisces, representing his perspective of always being the child in
the room, the little brother to other members of the Jackson 5.
But it also represented his driven work
ethic, the hard hours he was willing to put in to reach perfection in
all aspects of his work. Michael’s natal Saturn-Moon square implies that
his workaholism was fueled by a strong need to please others, and
indicates that he was capable of pushing himself harder than was good
for him.
In the past, just as in 2009, strong
Saturn transits to Michael’s natal chart were in effect at times when
physical collapse forced performances to be canceled. The only
difference is these previous instances were not fatal.
As mentioned in the previous chapter,
amidst the crisis caused by the child molestation charges leveled
against him in 1993, Michael’s addiction to prescription medicine led to
his canceling tour dates in order to check into rehab on November 12.
On this occasion, news that Michael had been abusing prescription
medicine seemed like small potatoes, compared to what else was going on.
At that time, transiting Saturn in
Aquarius was opposite his natal Mercury (ruling planet of both Virgo,
his Sun sign, and Gemini, ostensibly his rising sign), reflecting the
anxiety he felt over the damage to his image and reputation.
This Saturn transit reflected the public
revelations about Michael’s private life, long kept safe behind closed
doors, beginning what would now be a long, gradual fall from grace for
the singer. Although his die-hard fans remained loyal, he would never
again enjoy the kind of broad acceptance he had until then.
Two years later, on December 6, 1995, as
his marriage to Lisa Marie Presley was coming to an end, Michael
collapsed during a rehearsal at New York City’s Beacon Theater for a
live HBO special that was due to be taped in four days. He was diagnosed
with low blood pressure and told to take time off.
Although it was alleged that he might
have faked the illness to get out of doing the show, the incident
brought to mind the drug troubles of 1993, not to mention how he
eventually died in 2009.
At the time of the collapse, transiting
Saturn was conjunct his natal Moon in Pisces, signifying the end of his
marriage to Lisa Marie and the turmoil in his career at the time.
As with the time of his passing, when it
was opposite his Moon, Saturn transits to the most vulnerable points in
Michael’s chart were coincidental with some of the lower points in a
life of a human being that was otherwise blessed, gifted and willing to
share what he had with the world.Source here
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