
Astrologer and Weekly Oracle of Destiny

, The. A Repository of the Wonderful in Nature and the Curious in Art. Prophecies, Tales, Poetry, Romances, Legends, Divination, Mesmerism, Astrology, Prediction, Cabalistic Lore. 1845 Weekly London, England. Editor: E. L. Blanchard; Publisher: Richard Radcliffe Pond.
1/1, February 15, 1845-1/26, August 30, 1845, 29 numbers only. 8 pp., 1 penny a copy. Although primarily an astrological journal (with a regular "self-instructor in astrology"), the journal was really, as its subtitles made clear, a good example of the renaissance in the antiquarian study of occultism in the 1830s and 1840s. It had fine engravings and short anonymous articles on Mesmerism, supernatural visitations, deuteroscopia, reincarnation, alchemy, demonology, magical illusions and legerdemain, ghosts, fortune telling, the Rosicrucians, lists of fortunate and unfortunate days and times, and alchemy. It also ran a regular free "Oracle of Destiny" to answer readers' questions. Blanchard, who was a writer and playwright, was involved in the occult circles in London, including Bulwer-Lytton's, and may have shepherded the young Emma Hardinge (Britten), during in her theatrical days in London. 


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