

ΤΟ 1973 ανακηρύχθηκε ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΟ ΕΤΟΣ DX  ΚΑΙ ΦΙΛΙΑΣ-WORLD DX FRIENDSHIP YEAR 1973-. Η ιδέα ήταν του  έλληνα Dxer Νίκου Δενδρινού,ο οποίος είχε εγκαινιάσει από το 1968 μία στήλη DXing  στο περιοδικό ΤΕΧΝΙΚΗ  ΕΚΛΟΓΗ. Το γεγονός  πέρασε απαρατήρητο, λογω χούντας,και οι Έλληνες Ραδιοερασιτέχνες δεν  έδωσαν σημασία, ποίος ασχολείται με ραδιοακροατές.Ήμουν από τους Dxers  που έζησαν όλες τις συγκλονιστικές στιγμές και σαν φόρο τιμής ανεβάζω την εκπομπή του  RADIO CANADA SHORT WAVE CLUB, που ήμουν μέλος, που αναφέρεται  πως έγινε αυτό το σπουδαίο γεγονός, που συμμετείχαν όλοι οι μεγάλοι ραδιοσταθμοί του κόσμου. Η εκπομπή μεταδόθηκε στις 6/10/1973 στις 11 ώρα Ελλάδος  και η ηχογράφηση έγινε  στην μπάντα των 31 μέτρων.





Ζαν Μποντριγιαρ Η Ιογενης σκεψη

Αντιστεκομαι λογο στην ιδεα τη; αντιστασης επειδη αυτη ανηκει στο συμπαν της κριτικης σκεψης,της εξεγερμενης και ανατρεπτικης σκεψης και ολα αυτα ειναι λιγο παρωχημενα.Αν αντιλαμβανεται κανεις την ολοκληρωτικη πραγματικοτητα,η οποια εχει αφομοιωσει καθε αρνητικοτητα,η ιδεα αντισταθει σε αυτην,να αντιπαραθεσει στην αξια μια αντι-αξια,σε ενα συστημα ενα αντι-συστημα φαινεται να ειναι αφελης και απατηλη.Τι μπορει επομενως να παρεμβαινει αν οχι μια ιδιαιτεροτητα,η οποια δεν αντιστεκεται αλλα συγκροτειται σε ενα αλλο συμπαν,με βαση εναναλλο κανονα παιχνιδιου,η οποια μπορει ενδεχομενως να εξοντωθει,αλλα αποτελει σε μια δεδομενη στιγμηενα ανυπερβλητο εμποδιο για το ιδιο το συστημα?

Αυτη,ομως,δεν ειναι μια μετωπικη αντισταση.Μια μετωπικη αντισταση δεν φαινεται πλεον δυνατη.Εχουμε διακρινει αλλοτε τεσσερις τροπους επιθεσης ακι αμυνας,εφοδου και αμυντικης διαταξης.ενα ειδος γενεαλογιας.Οι λυκοι,οι ποντικοι,οι χαφιεδες και οι ιοι.

Αρχικα ο εχθρος ειναι μετωπικος-ειναι οι λυκοι-αυτο ισχυει και για τον ανθρωπινο εχθρο-αμπαρωνεται κανεις,φτιαχνει τειχη,συγκροτει την πολη του Μεσαιωνα,σς καθε περιπτωση αντιστεκεται μετωπικα.Ο εχθρος ορατος,ξερει κανεις με ποιον εχει να κανει,και οριακα μεχρι την παλη των ταξεων του Μαρξ βρισκομαστε παντοτε σε αυτο το σχημα.Επειτα ερχονται οχι πλεον οι λυκοι αλλα και οι ποντικοι.Ειναι ενας υπογειος εχθρος,η μετωπικη αμυνα δεν υπαρχει πλεον,χρειαζεται να επινοησουμε κατι αλλο,μια προφυλαξη,μιαν υγιεινη,να προσπαθησουμε να ταθισευσουμε αυτον τον λογοτερο ανιχνευσιμο εχθρο.

Μετα ερχεται μια αλλη γενια εχθρων.Ειναι οι χαφιεδες,οι οποιοι περιφερονται οχι στο τρισδιαστατο πεδιο αλλα σε ολες τις χαραμαδες.Διαφορετικα απο τους ποντικους αυτοι κυκλοφορουν λιγο ως πολυ παντου,γινεται πολυ δυσκολο να τους περιορισεις,χρειαζετραι να αλλαξεις ολους τους τροπους αμυνας.Η τεταρτη φαση ειανι οι ιοι.Βρισκομαστε τοτε σε μια τεταρτη ιογενη δισταση,οπου δεν υπαρχει πλεον δυνατη αντισταση.Τι μπορουμε να κανουμε τοτε?

Χρειαζεται να δουμε σε τι αντιστοιχουν ολα αυτα.Οι ποντικοι ειναι ολα τα μυστικα συστηματα,η ιντριγκα κ.λ.π.Οι χαφιεδες ειναι τα παρασιτα ολων των συστηματων που δεν μπορουν να ελεγξουν τα πραγματα.Αλλα ο ιος ειναι χειροτερος,επειδη ειναι η ιδια η πληροφορια.Ο ιος ειναι κατεξοχην φορεας πληροφοριων και ταυτοχρονα καταστροφεας της πληροφορησης.Ειναι ενας εχθρος αλλα δεν γνωριζουμε τιποτε γιαυτον.Εχει μια μονο λειτουργια?Μια ζωτικη λειτουργια?Γινεται πολυ δυσκολο να προστατευτουμε απο αυτον.Υπαρχουν προβληματα που τιθενται στο ιδιο το συστημα με ορους αυτοαμυνας.ταυτοχρονα ομως το προβλημα τιθεται και σε εκεινους που θελουν να ανατρεψουν το συστημα,επειδη ειναι κανεις υποχρεωμενος να περασει απο τις ιδιες περιπετειες της αμυνας και της επιθεσης.

Εναντια σε εναν αθεατο και επομενως ασυλληπτο εχθρο,υποθετω οτι χρειαζεται να γινουμε και εμεις οι ιδιοι αθεατοι και ασυλληπτοι.Χρειαζεται η σκεψη να γινει και αυτη ιογενης.Αυτο δεν ειναι απαισιοδοξο συμπερασμα,αλλα χρειαζεται να πολεμησουμε τον εχθρο με τα δικα του οπλα,με βαση τη δικη του λογικη.Χρειαζεται επομενως μια σκεψη η οποια,προκειμενου να αποτελει μια προκληση,πρεπει να βρισκεται στο υψος ενος συστηματος το οποιο ειανι παραδοξο,αυλληπτο και απροσδιοριστο.Αυταπαταται πολυ κανεις οταν θελει να επαναφερει τα προβληματα σς παραδοσιακες θεματικες,οταν συνδικαλιζεται,διαμαρτυρεται,διαδηλωνει σαν να ειχαμε παντοτε να κανουμε με το ιδιο συμπαν(....)

Τι γινεται μια σκεψη οταν αναμετριεται με ενα κοσμο ο οποιος δεν ειναι πλεον ακριβως ο κριτικος κοσμος,εκεινος της κρισης και της κριτικης σκεψης?Εχει επιρροη σε ενα κοσμο ο οποιος ειναι εικονικος και ψηφιακος.Δεν το νομιζω.χρειαζεται η σκεψη να ειναι ομολογη με το αντικειμενο της και να μπορει ταυτοχρονα να διαφοροποιειται με τον ενα η με τον αλλο τροπο απο αυτο.

Απεναντι σε εναν ιογενη κοσμο η σκεψη οφειλει ισως να γινει και αυτη ιογενης,δηλαδη ικανη να δημιουργει συσχετισεις η διαχωρισμους διαφορετικους απο εκεινους της αντικειμενικης κριτικης η ακομη και της διαλεκτικης κριτικης.Οφειλει να ειναι αγκυροβολημενη σε αυτη την ιογενεια του κοσμου και ταυτοχρονα να ειναι αντιποδας της,διαφορετικα δεν υπαρχει πλεον σκεψη.

Ειναι μια δομικη αντιφαση αλλα ειναι και μια ενδιαφερουσα κατασταση.Τι κανει η σκεψη το αντικειμενο της?Οφειλει να το αντανακλα με ορους αληθειας,να το αποκαλυπτει,να το διαθλα?

Η μηπως οφειλει να ειναι καθεαυτη ενα γεγονος,κατι που κλονιζει την ταξη του κοσμου?

Τασσομαι μαλλον υπερ μιας σκεψης,η οποια εντασσεται στον κανονα του παιχνιδιου του κοσμου,επειδη αν αυτη παιζει ενα αλλο παιχνιδι δεν εχει πλεον επιρροη,αλλα η οποια επισπευδει την πορεια του,την επιταχυνει προς το τελος της.Αυτη η σκεψη ειανι στοιχειο επιταχυνσης,γιατι διαφορετικα δεν αποτελει γεγονος.Η σκεψη επιτεινει αυτη την ευαισθησια για τις τελικες καταστασεις,που μου φαινονται οτι χαρακτηριζουν την τωρινη πορεια του κοσμου,μια πορεια παροξυντικη.Η σκεψη  ειναι επομενως το παροξυντικο στοιχειο που συγκρατιεται ακριβως πριν το τελος,αλλα και που βαδιζει ολο και ταχυτερα προς το τελος.


Venus and Mars and The Mind as the Body’s Largest Erogenous Zone

This post comes via a suggestion from astrologer Sherrye Weinstein, and I’d like to thank her off the top for it.
I’d posted a request for article ideas over on Facebook today and Sherrye suggested an inquiry into the peculiar — and rather long — transits of Venus in Capricorn and Mars in Libra. Venus will move through the sign Capricorn until early March 2014; and Mars will transit Libra, beginning tomorrow, until the end of July 2014. That is a long Mars transit, and in a sign that, conventionally, Mars is muddled in. Not to mention Venus’s FAIL in Capricorn.
Without launching into a diatribe against the too-tight limitations traditional astrology applies to interpretation (with its rulerships, laws, dignities, falls and train wrecks), I want to focus more on the fascinating possibilities that exist for each of us while the planet of love traverses the sign of structure and limitation — Capricorn (where Mars is exalted and runs free — bastard!).
As you’ll see, I’m not negating our heritage from traditional astrology, but I’m amplifying the various paradoxes in a way that fit a modern logos, one imbued with the merits of psychological understanding. Having said that, it’s interesting to remember that Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler is exalted in Libra, a Venusian sign — and that offers a cogent clue here. We’ve a bit of a cluster fuck with these transits, and it’s fun to untangle the various limbs and gender parts, to find the goose that lays the golden egg (I think I mixed metaphors, yes?)
In a a kind of Agatha Christie mindset, we might look to Mars to discover a way out of this Venusian restriction, (as Mars and Venus are viewed as a pair when we study desire, attraction and impulse), but with Mars transiting a Venus-ruled sign we are, in a sense, thrown back towards Venus to unravel the mystery. So Venus in Capricorn becomes the predominate theme. Solve the Venus in Capricorn riddle and you can then ride Mars’ transit through Libra with a clarity that might startle you once it delivers the goods at the end of the sojourn: An entirely new way of thinking about affection and sex.
Mars discriminates and galvanizes. So, what does it mean when you apply Martian clarity to quandaries like “limited love” or “tough love” or what I call “quid pro quo love”. Meaning, when Venus is in Capricorn you only get what you are willing to pay for: something for something; which is a crude way of saying that in the theater of reality (Capricorn) there is perfect justice every second (despite our inability to see or register it). And justice like that, from a spiritual perspective, is symmetrical; beautiful.
The catch? Venus in Capricorn will highlight the disparity in our relationships and make us work to solve the imbalance before a sense of harmony can reestablish. Sounds chilly and abstract doesn’t it? But, wait! Consider how good sex is when you feel your power and your partner’s power simultaneously (quid pro quo), oscillating freely, back and forth, up and down, in and out. (God, I’m flushed just typing that out). That’s a Venus in Capricorn for you.
And Mars in Libra says “Yes, that’s right.” And in Venus’s sign: “I can show you how, because it’s what I want right now. Goddamnit!”
Mars in Libra is, again, from the traditional matrix considered disadvantaged. Mars needs to move forward in a straight line, yes? Why? Who says so? — I guess because the erect penis is pointed and straight it must be so, but women are not exempt from the Martian essence, so what gives?
We’re told Mars gets into a Libran muddle. Again, a cliche, for Libra as a cardinal sign is forceful, dramatic and disrupts the status quo to see which side it wants to test or explore.
So if anything, Mars in Libra is too much mental or intellectual stimulation. And the mind (Venus-ruled Libra) being the body’s largest erogenous zone, when activated by Mars, creates too many desires, too much stimulation, too much variance. Have you ever tried to have sex when your mind is over-amped? Not so good.
Viagra was invented not to stimulate erections but to blow-out the mind by sending so much blood to the head that the brain has no choice but to settle on one particular desire — and follow it; much like Ritalin helps overactive kids ‘settle’ because it burns out their nervous system to the point of zombie-hood.
Venus from Capricorn signals: Chill. And then Mars in Libra brings on focus. Activity through conscious effort is slowed, a rhythm is reached and suddenly a full blown form of tantra is at work. That’s the beauty of Mars in Libra.
The usual quandary of over-thinking and comparing, as in: “This looks good, but also that looks good, and if I go for this over that I’ll lose that” is disciplined. The impulse to have things our way (Mars) can suspend (Libra) allowing a sharp (Mars), no bullshit apprehension of reality (Capricorn) to arise. Objectivity becomes involved in the mechanics and laws of desire. Which really is what tantra or alchemy is about: Head and heart uniting.
So, if you want to understand how life is an ongoing expression of the constant dance, as typified by the sexual impulse (the Venus Mars polarity), of both creation (Venus) and destruction (Mars), take advantage (Capricorn) of these two transits (Libra) to slow down (Venus in Capricorn) and employ temperance (Mars in Libra) for optimal satisfaction. Optimal insight. Optimal love.
Happy Holidays!
And thanks again Sherrye.
source  http://www.astroinquiry.com/2013/12/venus-and-mars-and-the-mind-as-the-bodys-biggest-erogenous-zone/#more-7206http://www.astroinquiry.com/2013/12/venus-and-mars-and-the-mind-as-the-bodys-biggest-erogenous-zone/#more-7206

Saturn: The Work and the Love

Love and work … work and love, that’s all there is.
— Sigmund Freud

The outcome of my life is no more than these three lines:
I was a raw material;
I was cooked and became mature;
I was burned in love.
— Rumi
Rarely is the astrological Saturn associated with love. Traditional astrology certainly doesn’t make that distinction. Though esoteric astrology does. Alice Bailey once noted that to view Saturn as the bringer of opportunity, and not simply disaster, was a sign that one had touched upon the path towards wholeness. Both Freud and Rumi understood the truth related to this alchemical process. Work, as a kind of friction, and love as the driving force that is also the culmination of the process. A willing mixture of work and love, a conscious acknowledgment and co-mingling that denotes spiritual maturity and wisdom.
That is how Rumi summarized his life work — in the above poem. And for each of us, the journey from ‘raw material’ to alchemical cooking and maturing, to the eventual transmutation through love, is an unavoidable engagement. We each have our appointed time with this process. Freud, who devoted his life work to rummaging through and classifying the structure of the unconscious, emerged for light in the end with his simple truism. It’s all about love and work, work and love.
One does the work and discovers the love, but more specifically one sees that love facilitated the work all along. And in this sense Saturn can be associated with love. We think of Saturn’s exaltation in Libra as being related to equanimity and the uncompromising law of what is fair. Which in one sense is true — within the Saturnine cosmology there is never cheating. You pay a dollar and you get a dollar’s worth.
As Ouspensky once said, it’s true people do occasionally find money in the street, but such an event is rare, you can’t count on a philosophy of happenstance to sustain a life. Saturn in Libra evokes a force that is the exact opposite of magical thinking. There is simply reality, seen in all its ‘is-ness’ and from there one begins their work. Libra, being a sign that is not human or animal, facilitates this sharp sort of clarity.
I would add, too, that Saturn’s exaltation in Venus’ sign conveys a deeper mystery. When we meet reality head on — that is to say, without filters, buffers or illusions we actually begin to sense the ground of love, and its unifying, form-making presence. A power that maintains the manifestation, keeps it visible — with distinct and particular colors and shapes, but all united in love. Evolving and deepening, the movement of love.
It’s a shocking insight, really, this equating of love with Saturn. But I’d like to suggest you contemplate Saturn’s placement by house and sign in your horoscope and see if you can’t connect to that unifying, form-making principle of love related to the particular ‘stage set’ of your life — represented by Saturn’s house placement. And then tease out, as you reflect over your history, the various trials and limitations that — as a kind of friction-making conundrum — generate the warmth, light and, yes, love, that create meaning and purpose. These are Saturn’s gifts to each of us.
Try this inquiry, and please feel free to share your observations below.

Opening painting by Odilon Redon Silence. 1911. Museum of Modern Art

Why Astrologers Need to Study Wittgenstein

Paul Horwich, in a long NY Times essay wrote:
“The singular achievement of the controversial early 20th century philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein was to have discerned the true nature of Western philosophy — what is special about its problems, where they come from, how they should and should not be addressed, and what can and cannot be accomplished by grappling with them. The uniquely insightful answers provided to these meta-questions are what give his treatments of specific issues within the subject — concerning language, experience, knowledge, mathematics, art and religion among them — a power of illumination that cannot be found in the work of others.”
Wittgenstein isn’t an easy immersion, but he’s worth your effort because the more you study his philosophy — which was actually, in spots, more akin to mysticism — the more freedom you might gain as an astrologer.
Like the closet mystic Carl Jung, Wittgenstein knew how to couch his propositions to pass the scrutiny of his peers (well, except for his mentor Bertrand Russell who he drove to fury by disregarding traditional formulations of logic.)
And because of this sketchy dance, between chilly logic and the nimbus of mysticism, I find Wittgenstein to be the most satisfying of linguistic rebels. His mix of the effable with the ineffable mirrors in a direct way how human beings toil with making sense (or a muddle) of astrology.
Like many philosophers Wittgenstein focused on the power of language to shape — and entrap us — in our world. And the same limitation develops in astrology with the application of ‘keywords’ and concepts to shape our understanding, to communicate our insights. There is nothing harmful in this application — I mean, none of us are telepathic (yet) — save for the fact that results very rarely achieve the sort of promise astrologers like to imagine being in possession of.
We end up mistaking the map of the Himalayans (the horoscope) for the Himalayans (the human being). And this distortion, this throwback into symbol, does not make for efficacious astrology. Yes, it allows for communication of sketchy outlines and impressions, but as Wittgenstein explained, we must remember that words “reach out to” referents, without really touching them. Astrology, I feel, can actually allow the astrologer to touch (perceive directly) the essence of each quality astrology has heretofore couched in symbolic structures.
This condition is doubly complicated by the fact that modern psychological astrology now employs Jungian archetypes to impart an air of legitimacy to the practice. But, ironically, the very foundation of astrological principle — that there is no separation between the cosmos and the particular, is undone by the concept of archetypes which reconfirm a dualistic relationship to the universe. This kind of loopy blind spot must stop. And Wittgenstein can help unravel the hypocrisy.
We speak of the planets as gods but then we define their qualities in human terms, reducing them instantly to human status, when, as living beings of a higher order, the planets do not correspond in a direct way to human qualities. A relationship does exist, but not in the subject/object way astrologers have couched it. As Wittgenstein stressed, we only can know what language allows us to know, and what lies beyond the realm of language is unspeakable: “Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent,” he wrote. And this is where the relationship between the human and the divine exists. Where astrology begins.
What is beyond speech and language is a different kind of perception, another kind of relationship, and this, ultimately is what astrology actually is: a relationship. It is not a science, art or religion — it might have facets that touch on each of those categories, but ultimately astrology is a relationship that is a living dialectic that defines, reveals directly, a unified field of existence. The complete Being-ness of reality.
To move beyond astrology’s symbolic or archetypal matrixes invites direct knowing. A quality of communion that illuminates our consciousness to that of the cosmos’, not vice versa. This, then, is when astrology becomes a spiritual practice. Meister Eckhart warned: “That person never gets to the underlying truth who stops at the enjoyment of its symbol.”
Using archetypes to describe qualities that are inherent to each planet is like describing your relationship to your wife or boyfriend with a symbol. This is dehumanizing. People live through and experience their lives, not a collection of archetypes. Your wife or boyfriend is a living being; planets are living beings — there is no need to dilute the experience of one’s relationship to reality with a symbol or an archetype.
Astrologers have spent the last several centuries relying on the symbolic to create a lexicon for their craft, to allow the archetypal to replace the enchanting mystery of astrology’s logos — its beauty and potency. It is time to step beyond this limitation. Simply stated, astrologers need to stop anthropomorphizing the divine. We need to shut up and listen. Studying Wittgenstein can help.

source http://www.astroinquiry.com/2014/04/whty-free-thinking-astrologers-need-to-study-wittgenstein/http://www.astroinquiry.com/2014/04/whty-free-thinking-astrologers-need-to-study-wittgenstein/

Gurdjieff’s Solar/Lunar Dychotomy

To simply consider the Full Moon invites Luna directly into your head.
The evolutionary process has burrowed her image deep into our cerebral cortex. We can’t escape her colossal, fat roundness — pushing out the boundaries of our inner vision.
The Sun radiates and sustains whereas the Moon reflects and craves, as Martha Heyneman writes, always the Moon “…is tugging at everything on her side of the surface of the earth. She sucks on the very rocks. As she passes overhead the earth’s crust rises a few inches beneath her and is elsewhere compressed, kneaded as a cat kneads your stomach.”
Astrologically we associate the Moon with Mother, but is that correspondence correct? According to the Russian mystic G.I. Gurdjieff the Earth and the Moon are in a kind of symbiotic relationship with one another. As he explained to P.D. Ouspensky, as recounted in the book In Search of the Miraculous: “The moon is a huge living being feeding upon all that lives and grows on earth. The moon could not not exist without organic life on earth, any more than organic life on earth could exist without the moon.” Gurdjieff describes the Moon as a planet-in-the-making that depends on vital forces generated by life on Earth to continue her process of ‘warming’. The Moon’s evolution. This is a very different understanding from what Western astrology teaches us.
Why do we often feel anxious during the Full Moon? And why is the Full Moon phase considered one of heightened spiritual activity? Consider the phases in life when you’ve changed homes, ended a longterm relationship, lost your job, or experienced the death of a loved one. Psychologists consider those four ‘life events’ as some of the toughest emotional adjustments we ever make. Within the realm of planetary and luminary aspects, the moment of the Full Moon corresponds to a similar set of shocks.
At the exact opposition, the Moon has momentarily lost her function — that of ‘gathering’ light from the Sun. Too, Luna and Sol undergo a pivotal relational ‘shift’, the cycle of waxing changes to one of waning, a loss of light. This, too, is akin to a death. Post Full Moon, all of the solar light that the Moon has gathered is drained away — night after night — as Luna moves back, bereft, to complete darkness during the New Moon phase — her next conjunction with the Sun.
In traditional astrology, before contemporary psychology was integrated into the stargazer’s methodologies — the Moon was considered greedy.
Wizard astrologer John Frawley describes the lunation cycle this way: “The waxing Moon can be characterized as greed for what it has not yet got; the waning Moon as greed for what it once had but has lost. At Full, it is full; its greed is momently satisfied. It has all that it can want, its capacity is filled. With its greed at last sated it has no power, for its whole motive force has gone.” (Italics are mine).
The anthroposophic Rudolph Steiner reminded us that human beings are a direct reflection of the cosmos and that our consciousness is imbued with the entirety of the universe. In The Sun Mystery lectures he wrote: “Throughout a human lifetime, what happens in the head remains an image of the entire cosmos. The very fact that we have a head means that each of us carries an image of the entire cosmos around with us…In fact the Earth perceives the cosmos through human beings…”
During the Full Moon we could say that, spiritually, a veil parts, a haze is pierced, and the Moon’s powerful pull drops momentarily ‘off the grid.’ An opportunity is under way, a kind of shock moment where the matrix of the solar system opens within our consciousness in a flash of totality — freed momentarily from the Moon’s constant demand. The exact position and angles of the planets are vivified — are felt directly, palpably. Which is to say, we’ve a greater opportunity for sensing presence, how we are situated exactly — at this moment — unencumbered by ego. The Moon’s craving corresponds to our ego’s craving, the self’s constant niggling, fidgeting and agitation; its inability to be still. The gnawing sense of there being ‘too little’ or too much of this or that –the  lunar-like state. At Full Moon there is a gap and a cessation.
In his fascinating book Disruption, the Gurdjieffian philosopher David Appelbaum notes: “When consciousness is fractured, its world-making powers are momentarily disrupted. In the gap, during which spatio-temporal categories of thought cease to apply, consciousness realigns with that which it is meant to serve: The moment of self-remembering…”
Within the cyclic dance between the luminaries, the Full Moon moment is akin to Gurdjieff’s ‘stop exercise.’ The stop exercise was one of Gurdjieff’s most literal techniques to develop his students’ capacities for ‘self-remembering.’ A directed form of attention that reminds one of their presence and “I Am-ness.” We are afforded this moment, a cosmic fiat — at the moment of each Full Moon. This ‘stop’ might reveal key elements to our behavior that complicate alignment with our solar nature. The Moon reflects our history and habits; whereas the Sun sustains our present moment and the condition of presence. Henry Van Dyke wrote: “As long as habit and routine dictate the pattern of living, new dimensions of the soul will not emerge.”
Gurdjieff claimed that we experience two primary ‘pulls’ in life. Towards the Sun or towards the Moon. Both processes served a function within the Ray of Creation (his diagram which outlined the scale of all bodies within the universe), but efforts that awakened solar consciousness were of a non-mechanical sort and required applied, conscious effort and acts of self-remembering.
In Gurdjieff’s cosmology we live in a reciprocal universe. Nothing in life is ever wasted. All organic substance serves as a type of food for something else within the chain of existence. Human consciousness, too, is a kind of food. Either for the Sun or the Moon. To simplify Gurdjieff’s ideas, it could be said that if human consciousness is not aligned with — does not assist the Sun’s evolution — we are then fodder for the Earth and its ward, the Moon.
Everything we do mechanically from habit, from the desire for comfort, from our instinctive fear of change — all of that feeds the Moon’s hunger. It’s as if our abdicated solar light is passed along to the Moon and her desire for light and warmth. In this sense Gurdjieff’s statement that humanity’s constant creation of turmoil and dissatisfaction — the sturm und drang of existence — creates high-octane food for the Moon. Again, nothing in the universe is ever wasted.
Although Gurdjieff confirmed astrology’s relevance, his depiction of the universe had little in common with exoteric astrology. Instead of an anthropic projection onto the cosmos, Gurdjieff considered the Moon and planets not as rocks in space imbued with human qualities and conditions, but as beings unto themselves; evolving life forms that we, as Earth beings, have a reciprocal relationship with.
It might be helpful to consider the lifepath and function of the Moon-ruled sign Cancer, for clues to unraveling the Lunar quandry. As Debbie Kempton Smith once noted: “Cancer is the most powerful sign of the zodiac — without food and love life can not go on.” True, but given Cancer’s unusual position within the Zodiacal cycle, that of the summer solstice, when solar radiation is strongest — we have a true mystery. The Sun is at its most potent in Cancer and yet the sign is ruled by the Moon. In describing this unusual sequence, Dane Rudhyar once again presents us with the notion of a stop, pause and gap in preparation for the reception of greater consciousness; he writes in The Pulse of Life:
Cancer “…refers to a time of the year when the Sun moves very slowly; stands still. There is a stillness about it at the same time that there is the possibility of intense light. It is the moment of the longest days; yet astrology makes it ruled by the Moon, waiting until one more sign to glorify in Leo the creative radiance of the Sun.”
So the mystery of our relationship with the Moon is encountered in the sign Cancer as a stillness. Or rather the challenge to develop stillness within the classic moods and passions of the Cancerian psyche. If one considers the cusp between Cancer and Leo as the nexus — marriage point between the lunar and solar principles, an alchemy of awareness and balance — we have another way of comprehending Cancer’s dominion of the summer solstice. As Rudhyar notes, Cancer proceeds Leo because “…all great sacraments come when there is a pause, silence and tremor.” Taken within the Gurdjieffian cosmology — and the power of a full stop — we can see the potency of this moment — its potential and promise.
Opening photograph: Model of the bright side of the Moon (c. 1908). Photographer unknown.

Genes have seasonal cycles that can play havoc with your health

Geared up for the cold, inside and out

Geared up for the cold, inside and out

(Image: Amos Chapple/Getty)
The winter of our discontent may be down to our genes. Not only do we get more coughs and colds in the chilly, rainy months, there are also more heart attacks and diagnoses of autoimmune diseases like type 1 diabetes. We may now know why.
The activity of some of our genes varies with the seasons throughout the year. The discovery comes from an analysis of blood samples from more than 16,000 people in both hemispheres. The most striking pattern was that 147 genes involved in the immune system made it more reactive or “pro-inflammatory” during winter or rainy seasons, probably to battle the onslaught of cold and flu viruses.
“This could explain why for some people with underlying disease, winter may be the tipping point,” says Derek Gilroy of University College London, who was not involved in the research.

Excess inflammation

He points out, however, that we don’t know if the immune system becomes more reactive in winter as a consequence of infections, or if it naturally gears up for action as part of a yearly cycle.
Either way, this change in activity seems to have unwanted knock-on effects. In the UK, for instance, deaths from heart disease go up by 20 per cent in the winter months. Explanations for this include direct effects from the cold, or respiratory infections putting more strain on the heart. But inflammation is increasingly being implicated in heart disease, autoimmune diseases and many other conditions.
The research team stumbled across the latest finding when they were looking at gene activity – as measured by levels of messenger RNA in blood cells – in samples from German infants, to try to identify risk factors for type 1 diabetes, which usually develops in childhood.
Many of our genes change their activity over the course of a day, probably to orchestrate our sleep cycle and energy levels. Because blood samples had been taken from the German children every three months for five years, the team wondered if they would find seasonal changes in gene activity.
Babies turned out to be ideal for answering the question, says John Todd of the University of Cambridge, one of the study’s authors. “Their lives aren’t complicated by shift work or long-haul travel.”
About a quarter of the nearly 23,000 genes tested had different activity in winter and summer, with increased immune reactivity in winter the only obvious pattern to emerge.

Head for the sun

The team then looked at the data for thousands of blood samples from other studies. The same pattern occurred in adults from the UK, the US, Ireland, Australia and, to a lesser extent Iceland. “It was a lot of fun discovering something in available data sets,” says Todd.
In The Gambia in West Africa, on the other hand, people’s immune systems became more reactive during the rainy season, from June to October, which is when infectious diseases peak in that region.
Todd says future studies of gene activity, especially immune system genes, should take into account the time of year.
He thinks the findings also suggest we should watch our health more closely in winter, taking care to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, for instance. “If you swapped hemispheres every winter you could probably lower this pro-inflammatory status,” he says. “Some people do move to sunnier climates in winter and they probably feel better for it.”
Journal reference: Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms8000

A Time For Everything

A Time For Everything

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to pluck,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
Ecclesiastes 3, The New International Version



 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8oB6gW6y3GIZVJmd3JoTUlaSDQ/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8oB6gW6y3GIZVJmd3JoTUlaSDQ/view?usp=sharing



  RECEIVER -1972









DX LISTENING DIGEST 16-08, February 24, 2016

       DX LISTENING DIGEST 16-08, February 24, 2016
       edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com

Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full
credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies.
DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission.

Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not
having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of
noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits

For restrixions and searchable 2016 contents archive see
[also linx to previous years]

NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but
have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself
obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn

WORLD OF RADIO 1814 CONTENTS: *DX and station news about: 
Afghanistan non, Angola, Australia, Belarus, Bougainville, Brazil, 
China, Cuba, Ecuador, Ethiopia non, France, Germany, Greece, Guyana, 
Italy, Indonesia, Malaysia and non, Marshall Islands, New Zealand, 
Sarawak non, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Uganda non, USA

SHORTWAVE AIRINGS of WORLD OF RADIO 1814, February 25-March 2, 2016
Thu 1230  WRMI    9955
Thu 2100  WRMI   13695 [confirmed]
Fri 0030  WBCQ    9330v-CUSB [confirmed] 
Fri 2130  WRMI   15770 [confirmed]
Fri 2130  WRMI   13695 [confirmed] 
Sat 0030  WBCQ    9330v-CUSB [confirmed] 
Sat 0730  HLR     6190-CUSB Hamburger Lokalradio [confirmed]
Sat 1530  HLR     7265-CUSB Hamburger Lokalradio
Sat 2030v WA0RCR  1860-AM
Sat 2330  WBCQ    9330v-CUSB [confirmed]
Sun 0410v WA0RCR  1860-AM [confirmed from 0417]
Mon 0030  WBCQ    9330v-CUSB [confirmed]
Mon 0400v WBCQ    5110v Area 51
Mon 0430  WRMI    9955
Tue 0030  WBCQ    9330v-CUSB 
Tue 1200  WRMI    9955
Wed 0030  WBCQ    9330v-CUSB 
Wed 1415  WRMI    9955
Wed 2200  WBCQ    7490v
Thu 0030  WBCQ    9330v-CUSB 

Latest edition of this schedule version, including AM, FM, satellite
and webcasts with hotlinks to station sites and audio, is at:
http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html or
http://schedule.worldofradio.org or http://sked.worldofradio.org

For updates see our Anomaly Alert page:

Tnx to Dr Harald Gabler and the Rhein-Main Radio Club. 



Also via [but still not back in service]:

or http://wor.worldofradio.org

Unedited, uncondensed, unchanged from original version, many of
them too complex, minutely researched, multi-frequency, opinionated,
inconsequential, off-topic, or lengthy for some log editors to
manage; and also ahead of their availability in these weekly issues:

NOTE: I have *resolved* to make DXLD leaner, more selective, as I 
seriously need to reduce my workload, much of which has been merely 
editing gobs of material into presentable form. This makes it even 
more important to be a member of the DXLD yg for additional material 
which may not make it into weekly isssues (gh)

DXLD YAHOOGROUP: Why wait for DXLD? A lot more info, not all of it
appearing in DXLD later, is posted at our yg without delay.

When applying, please identify yourself with your real name and
location, and say something about why you want to join. Those who do
not, unless I recognize them, will be prompted once to do so and no
action will be taken otherwise. Here`s where to sign up:

** AFGHANISTAN [non]. USA(non), Good signal of Radio Free Afghanistan, 
the only station in this range from 0945 on 19010 KWT 250 kW / 070 deg 
to WeAs Dari/Pashto, scheduled 0430-1230
(Ivo Ivanov, B`lgaria, Feb 22, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DXLD)

As usual in the A-seasons, plan is for another Kuwait transmission, 
11-14 on 18930 in A-16, RFA in Tibetan, thus requiring ChiCom jamming. 
Likely will resume jumping around half a dozen other frequencies 
depending on which of the three hours and which day of week, and the 
CNR1 or maybe Firedrake jamming following them around. At least this 
is until an hour late enough after sunrise to make it to North America 
(Glenn Hauser, ibid.)

** ALBANIA. Good signal of Radio Tirana HS-1, February 21:
0800-1000 on  7390 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to WeEu Albanian
(DX RE MIX NEWS #940 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Feb 22, 2016, 
via DXLD)

At 0253 UT Radio Tirana 7465 and Moldova Persian 7460, both equal 
S=9+5dB, and 7470 Deewa S=7-8 too, 7485 or 7435 kHz would be the 
cleaner channel choice (Wolfgang Bόschel, Germany, UT Feb 24, DX 

7485 is out of the question due to 7490- WBCQ. The 7460 and 7470 
adjacencies are not much of a problem here in target N America, weaker 
than 7465 Tirana (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ANGOLA. 4950, Feb 18, 0335-0341, R. Nacional de Angola, mulenvos, 
in Portuguese. A musical program; All songs. Very poor signal and 
barely audible modulation, 25331 (DXer Josι Ronaldo Xavier (JRX), 
Cabedelo [PB], Brazil, Sony ICF-SW100S, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via 

Radio Nacional de Angola's website http://rna.ao now streams all five 
of their domestic networks and - unpublicised and hidden away - their 
international service. It shares FM frequencies with domestic network 
Radio N'Gola Yetu so when that signs off at 20:00 UT the International 
Channel is streamed. It was observed yesterday with the schedule as 
per current WRTH, i.e. 20:00 Lingala; 21:00 French; 22:00 English; 
23:00 Portuguese. The canned(?) announcement at the start of the 
broadcast stated "mediumwave 7215 and 7245 kHz, shortwave 945 kHz 
[sic], modulation frequency 101.4 and 101.6 MHz", however the ensuing 
live announcement only referenced 101.4 MHz (elsewhere on the website 
101.4 and 104.6 are given as Radio N'Gola Yetu's main frequencies).

There's an edited recording of the International Channel signing on in 
various languages on the Angola page of Interval Signals Online - 

(David Kernick, Interval Signals Online, Feb 21, dxldyg via WORLD OF 

Have tried to find their hidden audio streams, but without any luck. 
David, Can you please give a clue? 73, (Erik Koie in Copenhagen, 
dxldyg via DXLD)

Go to 
then click on "clique aqui e escolha sua radio" 
After, you've to chose "Radio N'Gola Yetu" (Jean-Michel Aubier, 
France, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Thanks for your help, Jean-Michel! Working just fine!! 73, (Erik Koie, 

If you use this link instead: 
then the player should run immediately.

I will add this to the World of Radio Station hitlist at
in the next update which I'm planning for the end of the month.

Many thanks to David Kernick of Interval Signals Online for the great 
find! (Alan Roe, UK, ibid.)

When I tried at 2120 UT Feb 24, I get ``error synching to stream`` at 
either link into the Winamp, with or without the extra (-) but own 
flash player worx with -yetu incuding French at 21 

** ARGENTINA. 11710.681, RAE in French, S=7 fluttery signal, 0230-0330 
range. 73 wb (Wolfgang Bόschel, Germany, Feb 23, dxldyg via DX 

** AUSTRALIA. Re: Radio Symban: Site change --- Hi Glenn and Ian, I'm 
just catching up with reading Yahoo Groups this afternoon and just saw 
your comments re. R. Symban on strange frequencies, appearing in the 
recent ADXN.

The two entries in the trail re this station appear to be straight out 
wrong. I understand that the station has moved its transmitter back to 
its studios in Sydney (via Ian's recent comments). I see Mr Faulkner 
is based in Sydney, so he may be closer to the site than previously. 
He also lists his receiver in the ADXN as a tiny Yaesu VX5R handheld 
6, 2 and 70cm transceiver with general shortwave coverage.

I have one of these things (they're quite old now and long been 
superseded). It is TERRIBLE on SW! I suspect some funny mixing 
product/overload/dismal front end rejection in the radio is causing 
these strange frequencies to appear on his radio. The VX5R is fine as 
a VHF/UHF handheld, but the inclusion of SW at the time was more of a 
gimmick than a serious attempt to include a quality receiver in a 
handheld rig. Frankly, it should never be used as a shortwave 
receiver. Anything else would be better that a VX5R!! For what it's 
worth! Cheers, (Rob VK3BVW, Wagner, Feb 18, shortwavesites yg via 

Thanks for the info/comments Rob. I strongly suspected the logs were 
rubbish. I restrained myself from immediately saying so, given that I 
didn't know the listener, QTH or his receiver etc. Yes, a rubbish 
receiver (for SW) will/may produce rubbish (spurious signals). I too 
am 'guessing' the listener must be very close to the 151 MHz 
transmitter at studio? I've had extremely powerful FM BCB signals when 
in close proximity to transmitters break through on SW BCB with a SW 
portable receiver. I'm surprised the entries made it into the 
magazine. Cheers (Ian, NSW, ibid.)

** AUSTRALIA. 9625, Feb 18, 2200-2206, Reach Beyond Australia, 
Kununurra, in Indonesian language. Music; YL/OM talks. Fair signal and 
very poor or barely audible modulation, 35332 to 35331 (DXer Josι 
Ronaldo Xavier (JRX), Cabedelo [PB], Brazil, Sony ICF-SW100S, Hard-
Core-DX mailing list via DXLD)

15339.977, Reach Beyond Australia HCA from Kununurra, in Urdu schedule 
S=9+10dB at 1436 UT in Doha Qatar receiving post (Wolfgang Bόschel, 
BC-DX, Log on Monday Feb 22 at 1400-1530 UT - mostly in SDR net remote 
unit in Doha Qatar, but also in Brisbane Queensland Australia, and in 
southern Germany, [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 
Hertz], dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BAHAMAS [and non]. Just a DX heads up: WFLM White City/Ft Pierce 
officially moves from 104.7 to 104.5 on Monday; this per Juan 

Also: 104.5 Freeport, Bahamas, is no longer // AM 810; it is now 
"Power 104.5". Yes, that was the former name of the Nassau 104.5, 
which has been, and still is, // AM 1540. Both have stereo light on 
now, but I was unable to hear Freeport in stereo tonight, due to 
coverage of the Junior Junkanoo parade, of which they *were* // 810 
for this special event.

Juan told me that he was hearing a 104.5 on the way to Miami, so I 
thought it was a good idea to spend an hour or two at my Bahamas "DX 
best bet," Valois Blvd (pronounced va-LOY) in Key Largo, to figure it 
all out. cd (Chris Dunne, Pembroke Pines FL, 9:42 pm Feb 20, WTFDA 
Forum vi DXLD)

I remember when another WFLM became WIXX-FM, WAXY, and finally, WBGG, 
"Big 105.9". (ai, Miami FL, Feb 21, ibid.)

...and 104.5 was occupied by WEAT-FM West Palm Beach. It moved to 
104.3 in the 80s or so. I think WEAT came on in the late 60s or early 
70s (Dunne, ibid.) 

That clears up another mystery from the Bahamas. Thanks for the tip, 
Chris. PS: I could not hear 104.5 Freeport well enough to hear Stereo 
(Juan [Gualda?], Fort Pierce, Feb 21, ibid.)

Just hoping that some hot Tropo from Bahamas makes it here; it is a 
great spot to try. Trouble is, many Bahamas FM is co channel or 
adjacents. cd (Dunne, ibid.)

I can hear a weak signal from it in Fort Myers. (In the car, it 
helpfully faded out just as they were IDing themselves.) I'll have to 
try it on the yagi at home. So there goes my only "completely open" 
channel. WFLM doesn't pose any threat to DX though. I'm sure WOKV in 
Jacksonville will constantly be overriding it (Ryan Grabow, Fort Myers 
FL, ibid.) 

** BELARUS. Good signal of local Radio Grodno on February 24:
from 1500 on  6080 MNS 100 kW / 127 deg to N/ME Belarussian
from 1500 on  7255 MNS 125 kW / 072 deg to EaEu Belarussian
(Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DXLD)

** BELGIUM [non]. Summer A-16 shortwave schedule of Alyx & Yeyi 
clandestine stations:
(Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BIAFRA [non]. 11600, OPPOSITION. Radio Biafra – Kostinbrod, 
BULGARIA (Presumed), 2222, 2/15/16, in English. Male announcer with 
few words of Nigerian accented English audible. Poor (Mark Taylor, 
Madison, Wisconsin, Perseus, SDRPlay, Eton e1, Grundig Satellit 800, 
Sangean 909X with clear mod, and various other portables; 40 meters 
dipole, 100’ long wire, Flextenna, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD)

SECRETLAND, SPL Secretbrod relay BS TOM & Radio Biafra on Feb 19:
1900-2000 11600 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg to WeAf Brother Stair-no signal
2000-2030 11600 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg to WeAf English, live broadcast
2030-2035 11600 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg to WeAf open carrier / dead air
2035-2040 11600 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg to WeAf English, live broadcast
2040-2050 11600 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg to WeAf open carrier / dead air
from 2050 11600 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg to WeAf BUT NOT LIVE broadcast!
(Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

SECRETLAND(non), SPL Secretbrod relay Radio Biafra on February 20 from 
2000 on 11600 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg to WeAf English, NOT live:
-- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, dxldyg via DX LISTENING 
DIGEST) Do you mean there was a recorded broadcast for 3 hours, or 
what? (gh)

SECRETLAND(non), SPL Secretbrod relay Radio Biafra on February 20 from 
2000 on 11600 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg to WeAf English, NOT live, from 
2115 live
(DX RE MIX NEWS #940 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Feb 22, 2016, 
via DXLD)

CLANDESTINE, 11600, Feb 21, 2123-2140, Radio Biafra, Kostinbrod, in 
English. OM talks; says Biafra sometimes;2130 Bips; OM talks and says 
hello! This transmission appears to be live or recorded, via phone? 
OM: conversation with a woman, by phone. Fair broadcast, 35433 (DXer 
Josι Ronaldo Xavier (JRX), Cabedelo - Brazil, Sony ICF-SW100S, Hard-
Core-DX mailing list via DXLD)

CLANDESTINE, 11600, Feb 22, 2008-2018, Radio Biafra, Kostinbrod, in 
English. OM talks; OM/YL: short conversation; 2011 African musics. 
Fair broadcast, 35433 (DXer Josι Ronaldo Xavier (JRX), Cabedelo [PB] 
Brazil, Tecsun S-2000, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD)

SECRETLAND, SPL The Global specialist for International Communications 
on shortwave and provided to you strong and quality signal around the 
world. SPL Secretbrod relay clandestine broadcast Radio Biafra on 
Tuesday, Feb 23
2000-2015 11600 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg WeAf open carrier & off at 2018 
2105&2130 11600 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg WeAf English, live transmission
(Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

CLANDESTINE, 11600, Wed, Feb 24, 2005-2010, Radio Biafra, Kostinbrod, 
in English. OM talks; many listeners conversation by phone. Very poor 
station, 25332 (DXer Josι Ronaldo Xavier (JRX), Cabedelo - Brazil, 
receiver Tecsun S-2000, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD)

SECRETLAND, Radio Biafra via SPL Secretbrod Feb 24:
2000-2122 11600 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg to WeAf English, live broadcast
from 2122 11600 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg to WeAf open carrier / dead air
(Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BOUGAINVILLE. QSL NBC Radio Bougainville 3325 kHz --- National 
Broadcasting Corporation - Radio Bougainville, transmitting from Kubu, 
in the autonomous region of Bougainville (Papua New Guinea), was 
logged on 5 February 2016 (locally 6 February 2016), from 05.30 till 
06.00 Bougainville time (1930 till 2000 UT). [sic: wrong conversion. 
As I pointed out some time ago, Bougainville is on UT +11 unlike the 
rest of PNG, so 2000 UT would be 7 am local --- gh]

Sign-on reportedly is at 1900 UT. Reception quality on 3325 kHz was 
initially (SINPO) 35432 -- fair signal strength with intermittent 
fading every two to three seconds apart, yet clear and audible content 
was observed. By 05.50am [sic] (1950 UT) signal weakened to (SINPO) 
25421; while speech was audible. at times content could not be clearly 
understood. From 06.00am [sic] (2000 UT) onward, signal was present 
but too weak to receive well.

The following day, Radio Bougainville was not heard. This leads me to
believe the sporadic broadcast schedule has more to do with the 
testing of a new 10 kW transmitter than anything else. They also are 
reportedly testing on 6020 kHz as well as 3325 kHz. In South East 
Asia, 6020 kHz is either occupied by  stations in China (CRI) or 
Vietnam (VoV 4 in DacLac), making reception virtually impossible; 3325  
kHz is ideal, provided it is before RRI Palangkaraya in Kalimantan 
signs on at 2155 UT. For more news about the reactivation of NBC Radio 
Bougainville, see this LINK

By the way, NBC affiliate stations and frequencies are listed at their
updated website, some with either new frequencies or pending revision 
-- it's hard to say.

Reception report was emailed and submitted online at the NBC website 
on 6 February 2016. A prompt reply from their online messaging service 
was received, stating my reception report and audio file would be 
forwarded to the Executive Director of Radio, Allen Arifeae. He in 
turn replied saying he would look into the matter once he returned to 
his office.

On 8 February 2016, Michael Samuga, ED Provincial Radio for NBC 
confirmed for Allen Arifeae that this was indeed a "test transmission" 
of NBC Radio Bougainville. He also mentioned the transmitter/station 
would be commissioned near the end of the month (February 2016). I 
followed up by requesting and drafting an 'official' Letter of 

info@nbc.com.pg (bounced)
See website for details:
M Breyel / facebook 
(Timm Breyel, Malaysia, via Daniel Wyllyans, Brasil, HCDX via DXLD)

I checked at 0745 via Brisbane receiver and both 6020 and 3325 kHz 
were without carrier, so seems still to be regularly irregular. 73, 
(Mauno Ritola, Finland, Feb 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Checked at 0840 and 3325 was fair with NBC Sports News in English. NBC 
National news at 0900 (which was parallel to Madang 3260 with slightly
inferior signal) and then at 0911:30 3325 went to Bougainville 
regional news in English. Nothing heard on 6020 (Bryan Clark, New 
Zealand, Feb 19, ibid.)

Yes, now at 1020 also via Brisbane (Mauno Ritola, Finland, ibid.)

[non-log]. NBC Bougainville not heard on either 3325 nor 6020 on Feb 
19; checking 1234-1359 (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etσn E1, 
antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) see INDONESIA

3325, NBC Bougainville, 0957-1045, Feb 21. Poor reception; Christian 
religious songs; 1001 news; about 1020 RRI Palangkaraya signal started 
to come up; by 1045 RRI much stronger; checked at 1129 and 
subsequently to find only RRI, so a very early sign off for 
Bougainville. NBC not on 6020 (Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean 
Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING 

3325 kc, 1130 UT: Good morning, Glenn, I actually hear a little audio 
this morning on 3325, though I can’t copy enough content to nail down 
an ID; I suspect it`s RRI Palangkaraya since Bougainville is still 
testing their transmitter. This is the first time this year Ive heard 
more than just a carrier. Signal seems to be weakening as we draw 
closer to daybreak (Chris Krug, W5ZIB, Tulsa, OK, Rec: IC-R71, Ant: 
40m loop, 1204 UT Feb 22, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville, 1140-1205*, Feb 22. In Tok 
Pisin/Pidgin and playing Pacific Island pop songs till 1201; PNG bird 
call and into the news in English; suddenly off before the news ended; 
RRI Palangkaraya off the air today during many checks. Bougainville 
not on 6020 at 1205 nor subsequent checking.

It should be noted that my Jan 30 reception here, on their first day 
of testing the new transmitter, was without a doubt the strongest 
reception I have had so far. 

3325, NBC Bougainville, 1202+, Feb 23. Assume them with very poor 
signal underneath much stronger RRI Palangkaraya; RRI OM with news, 
while NBC had YL with the news; unable to say just when NBC went off 
the air, but fairly certain was shortly after 1202. No NBC on 6020 
(Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 
100' long wire, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Bougainville on 3325 from the West Coast: Very likely the lone 90 
meter signal at *0750* UT February 24 on 3325 Khz with atypical 
Island/PNG style indigenous pop music at fair to good levels with 
little noise. No sign of it on 49 meters at the time. 

Receiver - Drake R8; Antennas - W/NW Flag + ALA100 Wellbrook 8 meter 
loop into Ratzlaff-Misek-Lankford Phaser, Victoria B.C Canada
-- (Colin Newell - Editor and creator *of *Coffeecrew.com
 and DXer.ca  -
VA7WWV | Twitter @CoffeeCrew | Victoria - Canada, Hard-Core-DX mailing 
list via DXLD)

** BRAZIL. 4885, Feb 18, 0225-0240, R. Clube do Parα, Belιm, in 
Portuguese. OM presents a local and regional football scores; 
Announcements; ID. Fair signal, poor modulation, 35432 (DXer Josι 
Ronaldo Xavier (JRX), Cabedelo [PB], Brazil, Sony ICF-SW100S, Hard-
Core-DX mailing list via DXLD)

4885.02, Rαdio Clube do Parα, Belιm. FEB 19 *0736 – transmitter cut-on 
with programming in progress, monologue by man, full canned ID at 
0758, echo, bom dia greetings, cuckoo-clock. Excellent signal in LSB 
(Brandon Jordan, KM4PBQ, Fayette County TN, USA, Receiver: WinRadio 
Excalibur G33DDC, Antenna: Array Solution SAL-30 Shared Apex Loop
IRCA DX Monitor Feb 27 via WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DXLD)

4885, Rαdio Clube do Parα, Belιm, 0703-0715, 20-02, Portuguese, 
comments. Weak signal today. 14321 (Manuel Mιndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs 
in Lugo, Grundig Satellit 500, Sony ICF SW 7600G, cable antenna, 8 
meters, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

4885.03 on the NRD-545, Feb 21 at 0439, very pleased to hear S9+15 
signal with tropical music, soon break at 0442 for very full ID as 
Rαdio Clube do Parα, not only 4885 onda tropical, but also MW 
frequency, 690, ZYI532 --- and I think they also gave its wavelength 
in the 400s, which would be approx. 433 metros; and a few other MW 
frequencies with calls of sibling stations, members of Rede Brasil 
Amazτnia de Comunicaηγo. For info about that and much more see
But I don`t find a listing of affiliated stations. The carrier is a 
bit wobbly with BFO, and CODAR can be eliminated by tuning LSB only. 
Still at 0655 check, when I put it on 4885.020, S9+10 on the R75.

RCP has been on limited schedule lately, but used to be the main 24 
hour ZY on 60m. Hope it will stay so again. No comparable signal, and 
maybe few if any on the air after local midnite; altho I did not 
search for JBA off-frequency carriers during the early session. 

At 0700 there`s a JBA carrier on 4824.93 with CODAR on both sides; 
exactly same as I heard Jan 21 at 0632, presumably Rαdio Canηγo
Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, at its offset; rather than the other ZY 
listed as inactive. That`s 4:32/5 am local when many other non-NSP 
stations could be oncoming.

4885.03, Feb 22 at 0704 check, R. Clube do Parα is gone again! After 
big show last night.

4885.03, Feb 23 at 0214 check, R. Clube do Parα is still absent. I do 
find a few JBA carriers on typical ZY 60m frequencies: 4875.1, 4865.0, 
4861.9, 5035.

4885.025, Feb 23 at 0656, R. Clube do Parα, Belιm, is back on at S9 
with music, 0658 very full ID. As in my last report, it was missing at 
0214 check. Sometimes they stay on all night, more often not. Maybe 
this is just getting started around 5 am local DST (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** BRAZIL. 6135.209, Rαdio Aparecida at S=7 level at 0512 UT Feb 20.
Poppy singer group performed.

6040.362, RB2 noted with rather tiny S=5 at 0516 UT, but much stronger
on \\ 9724.901 kHz, S=8 up to S=9 in 31 mb (Wolfgang Bόschel, Feb 20, 
wwdxc BC-DX TopNews, dxldyg via DXLD)

** BRAZIL. Never mind the report I mentioned that RNA had reactivated 
6180, but which I haven`t heard. That was a mistake for 11780+ (Glenn 

11780, Feb 19, 2352-2400, R. Nacional da Amazτnia, Brasνlia, in 
Portuguese. OM talks; Local time. Impossible make a full log. Note: 
China Nat. Radio, in Mandarin, on 11775, strong jammer, blocking all 
R. Nacional transmission at this time. 

About 6180 kHz: very very time off air! Relevant 0000-0150 UT, Feb 20: 
Now, on 11780 (11775, no signal, no jammer, none), example of 
authentic collision behind R. Nacional and China R. Intl., Jinhua, in 
Mandarin! It΄s CRI invading the Dial! (DXer Josι Ronaldo Xavier (JRX), 
Cabedelo [PB] Brazil, (UTC-3), Tecsun S-2000, Hard-Core-DX mailing 
list via DXLD)

Pointing out DST is not observed in Paraνba, but all times reported 
should be in UT anyway. But where DST was observed, it ended on Feb 
21. So mostly UT -3 now instead of UT -2. Some northern/western states 
are UT -4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Radio Bandeirantes Volta a emitir em 9645 khz --- Capitei na tarde 
desta terηa feira a emissγo da Rαdio Bandeirantes SP em 9645. O Sinal 
ι razoαvel, igual era no passado. Nγo ouvir sinais nas outras 
frenquκncias antigas (Ed Santos, locutor de Itiruηu BA, 6:06 pm Feb 
23, radioecutas yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DXLD)

Em outra ordem de coisas, o repσrter esportivo Leandro Quesada estα 
saindo da Rαdio Bandeirantes e indo para o canal de TV Fox Sports.
(Valter Aguiar, Curitiba, Brasil, Feb 23, ibid.)

Sinais excelentes em 6090 e 9645 kHz. 73 (Joγo Ricardo Bergamini, 
PY4TW CW ENTHUSIAST, http://radioentusiasta.blogspot.com/ ibid.,

R. Bandeirantes 6090, 9645 kHz Recepηγo: 6090 // 9645 kHz (//840 kHz): 
Radio Bandeirantes SP, 24/02 0108z: 35543 (6090 kHz); 45554 (9645 
kHz), Rx: Sony ICF-2001D, ant.: Loop blindada de ondas curtas DXCB.
73, (Rudolf Grimm, Sγo Bernardo SP, http://dxways-br.blogspot.com
UT Feb 24, ibid. WORLD OF RADIO 1814)

Rαdio Bandeirantes reactivated on 9645.4 kHz. Heard this morning,
24FEB, around 0700 (Karel Honzνk, Czechia, Hard-Core-DX mailing list 

Not yet reported on third SW frequency 11925 (Glenn Hauser, ibid.)

Desde ayer Rαdio Bandeirantes reactivσ su frecuencia de 9645.34 kHz. 
Escuchada en Montevideo ayer, 23 de febrero, a las 1707 UT. Nada en 
11925 kHz por el momento. Asimismo, Uender Marques en Brasil reporta 
tambien la reactivaciσn de la frecuencia de 49 metros, 6090 kHz. 73!
(Rodolfo Tizzi 
Feb 24, condiglista yg via DXLD)

9645.401 measured this Brazilian Rαdio at 0900 UT on Febr 25 (Wolfgang 
Bόschel, dxldyg via DXLD)

RΑDIO BANDEIRANTES SP ONDAS CURTAS --- Nγo sabemos o motivo, mas a 
RΑDIO BANDEIRANTES -SP- EM ONDAS CURTAS voltou ao arnas QRG's antigas: 
6090 kHz --- 9645 kHz --- 11925 kHz. Sintonizo-a bem nestas QRG's. 
Trata- se de uma boa notνcia e vamos esperar que isso dure sempre. A 
Bandeirantes se notabilizou pelas ondas curtas, ficou famosa por meio 
das ondas curtas, e retirando-as do ar, ela estaria cuspindo no prato 
em que comeu. FORTE 73 AOS COLEGAS RADIOESCUTAS (LUIZ Chaine Neto, 
LIMEIRA -SP-, 24-2-2016, quarta-feira de manhγ, ibid.) 

Sez RB became famous on SW, and taking SW off the air would be like 
spitting in the plate they were dining from (gh)

Rudolf e amigos, No comeηo do mκs o transmissor de FM da Bandeirantes 
840 kHz de Sγo Bernardo do Campo ficou fora do ar durante a madrugada; 
nγo sei se foi alguma manutenηγo programada: Rαdio Bandeirantes 90.9 
MHz/840 kHz (Fran Jr., Sγo Bernardo do Campo SP - RDS

Muito bom! Sγo essas ocasiυes que podem nos trazer surpresas. Legal!
73, (Rudolf Grimm, Sγo Bernardo SP, ibid.)

Sσ por curiosidade, alguιm do grupo sabe o porquκ davolta ao ar das 
ondas curtas da Bandeirantes? Por que retrocederam? Haviam desativado 
os TX's. A Rαdio Bandeirantes de Sγo Paulo ficou famosa fora da 
capital graηas ΰs suas ondas curtas. Sua audiκncia no interior bateu 
recordes. Na Copa de 1958 a Cadeia Verde Amarela obteve 100% de 
ouvintes nos jogos do Brasil, sob o comando de Edson Leite. As outras 
sofriam interrupηυes durante as transmissυes dos jogos. 

A Bandeirantes conseguiu as frequκncias da rαdio Suιcia em SSB (single 
side band) ou banda lateral e conseguiu superar todas. Forte 73 (Luiz 
Chaine Neto, Limeira sp, 24-2-2016, ibid.)

Says they used SSB frequencies of R. Sweden --- huhhh? (gh, DXLD) 

Caros amigos, Como era de esperar, em Sorocaba/SP a recepηγo da Rαdio 
Bandeirantes em ondas curtas tem apresentado qualidade muito boa 
conforme vνdeo que acabei de enviar para o meu canal no YouTube em 

Nγo deixem de curtir o vνdeo, compartilhar em suas redes sociais e 
assinar o canal. Equipamentos utilizados:
Receptor Elad FDM-S2
Antena Wellbrook ALA1530S+
Antena DX-One Pro MKII
Faseador DX Engineering NCC-1
73 (Ivan Dias Jr. - Sorocaba/SP, radioesocoutas yg via DXLD)

So far here it`s been a JBA carrier on 9654.4, not as good as it was 
before the hiatus (gh, OK, DXLD)

[and non]. 9645, Wed, Feb 24, 1934-1939, CRI, Kashgar, in French. YL 
talks. Buzz transmitter ?, jamming ??. Very poor broadcast, 33332 
(DXer Josι Ronaldo Xavier (JRX), Cabedelo - Brazil, receiver Tecsun S-
2000, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD) Buzz may well be off-
frequency R. Bandeirantes, 9645.4, just reactivated (gh)

** BRAZIL. Heard in 0230-0330 UT time range:
11780.098, Rαdio Nac Brasilia, S=9+10dB at 0230 UT on Feb 23
11764.644, SRDA, S=5-6
11854.933, Rαdio Aparecida, S=4 poor and tiny at 0238 UT.
 9819.309, Rαdio 9 de Julho, and annoying 700 Hz whistle heterodyne,
against UNID even frequency 9820, like BOT parking?
 9724.910, ZYE725, RB2 Curitiba, fair S=6-7 signal at 0253 UT.
Nice Latin American childrens chorus performance.
 9664.948, ZYE890, Voz Missionαria Florianσpolis, S=5-6 fluttery at
0300 UT on Feb 23.
 9629.941, ZYE954, Rαdio Aparecida at 0303 UT Febr 23. Male singer.
(Wolfgang Bόschel, Germany, Feb 23, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 900, Feb 18 at 0637 UT, local ad for Hamilton, then ``AM 
900, CHML`` ID at 0638 UT and back to `Coast to Coast AM` (and it 
seems, beyond border-to-border). CHML is dominating 900 rather than 
any XE, and 860 also bears French from CJBC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 


BEIJING (AP) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping made a rare, high-profile
tour of the country`s top three state-run media outlets Friday, 
telling editors and reporters they must pledge absolute loyalty to the 
party and closely follow its leadership in "thought, politics and 

The remarks by Xi, also head of the ruling Communist Party, are the
latest sign of the party`s increasingly tighter control over all media
and Xi`s unceasing efforts to consolidate his powers.

Xi overshadowed the party`s propaganda chief, Liu Yunshan, who
accompanied him on his visits to the newsrooms of the party newspaper
People`s Daily, the official Xinhua News Agency and state broadcaster
China Central Television.

At CCTV, Xi was welcomed by a placard pledging loyalty to the party.
"The central television`s family name is the party," the sign read,
anticipating remarks made by Xi at a later meeting.

"The media run by the party and the government are the propaganda
fronts and must have the party as their family name," Xi told the
propaganda workers at the meeting during which he demanded absolute
loyalty from state media.

"All the work by the party`s media must reflect the party`s will,
safeguard the party`s authority, and safeguard the party`s unity," Xi
said. "They must love the party, protect the party, and closely align
themselves with the party leadership in thought, politics and action."

Willy Lam, an expert on elite Chinese politics at the Chinese
University of Hong Kong, said Xi is raising standards for the state
media by requiring that they obey the will of the party`s core
leadership, which is increasingly defined by Xi himself in another 
sign of how he has accrued more personal authority than either of his 
last two predecessors.

"This is a very heavy-handed ideological campaign to drive home the
point of total loyalty to the party core," Lam said. "On one hand, 
Xi`s influence and power are now unchallenged, but on the other hand, 
there is a palpable degree of insecurity."

Lam said Xi faces lurking challenges not only from within different
party factions but also from among a disaffected public, grown unhappy
with the slowing economy and a recent stock market meltdown.

Zhang Lifan, a Beijing-based independent historian and political
observer, said the tour of state media added further to Xi`s 
burgeoning personality cult. "I am afraid we will see more personal 
glorification in the media in the future," Zhang said. "I think Xi is 
declaring his sovereignty over the state media to say who`s really in 
charge." (AP via Mike Cooper, DXLD)

What, he didn`t bother with China Radio International? So must they be 
absolutely loyal to the ChiCom too, or not? (gh, DXLD)

** CHINA. 3519-USB, VC01 Chinese Military numbers station, 1332 + 
1403, Feb 19; recently heard daily here after moving down from ex: 
5006-USB. As they broadcast continuously for so many hours daily, is 
this just a very long loop of numbers? (Ron Howard, Asilomar State 
Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING 

7878-USB, VC01 Chinese military numbers station, 0947, Feb 21 with 
numbers in Chinese. Between 1125 & 1135 had switched frequency to 
3519-USB. Thanks again to Hiroyuki Komatsubara for alert to these 
frequencies and the switch over. 

7878-USB, VC01 Chinese military numbers station, 1212 through 
subsequent checking till final tune out at 1303 on Feb 22; so today 
they did not switch to 3519-USB as they did yesterday. 

7878-USB, VC01 Chinese military numbers station at 1229 and still here 
at 1302, on Feb 23. So another day, like yesterday, that they did not 
switch to 3519-USB, as they often do around 1130; erratic schedule; 
fair reception. My audio at 

Later Hiroyuki Komatsubara (Japan) did in fact hear VC01 at 1328 today 
on 3519-USB, so they were very late making the switch in frequencies. 
So yes, very erratic schedule for changing frequencies (Ron Howard, 
San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' long wire, 

** CHINA [and non]. 9685, CHINA. CNR 1 jammer, 2300, 2/15/16, in 
Mandarin. Male announcer, fanfare, ID, musical introduction into male 
and female announcers alternating. Vs Radio Taiwan International // 
9710 also vs. RTI (Mark Taylor, Madison, Wisconsin, Perseus, SDRPlay, 
Eton e1, Grundig Satellit 800, Sangean 909X with clear mod, and 
various other portables; 40 meters dipole, 100’ long wire, Flextenna, 
NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD)

7480, Feb 18, 0113-0118, CNR1, in Mandarin. Strong jammer, blocking 
all RFA transmission in Uyghur, probably. 45444 (DXer Josι Ronaldo 
Xavier (JRX), Cabedelo [PB], Brazil, Sony ICF-SW100S, Hard-Core-DX 
mailing list via DXLD)

4970, CNR1 jamming again heard Feb 19 at 1320; mixing with AIR 
Shillong; while intended victim of this jamming down on 4790 (BBC) 
seems free of any type of jamming and is only subject to CODAR QRM. 
(Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' 
long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

15425, 20.2 kHz wide broadband jamming of CNR against VoA Chinese 
service from Tinang PHL scheduled til 0057 UT. But after echo of two 
ident CR signals in 0057-0100 UT pause time slot, CRI Amoy service 
from 500 kW powerful beast Xi`an started on same channel at 0100 UT 
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (Wolfgang 
Bόschel, noted on remote network SDR station in eastern Thailand, Feb 
20, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews, dxldyg via DXLD)

9860, Feb 22, 1920-1927, CNR1, in Mandarin. All jammer-firedrake txn 
blocking RFA at this time. Very good broadcast, 45544. Parallel log on 
9455, jammer; 35433 (DXer Josι Ronaldo Xavier (JRX), Cabedelo [PB] 
Brazil, Tecsun S-2000, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD)

** CHINA. 4940, Voice of Strait with "Focus on China," 1500, Feb 20 
(Saturday). Started with pop song; in English with item about 
Australia still celebrating Chinese Lunar New Year's with music that 
was combining traditional Chinese instruments with indigenous 
aboriginal musical instruments; IDs "You are now listening to Focus on 
China, Voice of Strait Broadcast Station" between items (Ron Howard, 
San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' long wire, 

** CHINA. 4990, PBS Hunan, 1241, Feb 23. Above normal reception; 
traditional Chinese music.

[and non] It should be noted that AIR Itanagar continues to be silent 
here through today, as a result of the Sept 2015 fire that destroyed 
much of the station. (Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA, 
Etσn E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 5050, Guangxi Beibu Bay Radio, 1500 on Feb 18 with time 
pips; "Beijing time is now 11 PM" and multi-language IDs; fair (Ron 
Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' 
long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [non]. I did listen on 7270 kHz (~1430z and ~1445z) hoping to 
catch and record the clandestine 'Voice of China' and again a bedlam 
of weak signals with a male announcer and perhaps some music 
modulating light above it all that wasn't on \\CNR1 on 7365, 6125, or 
9530 kHz, but still not readable enough to record 73s (--Rodney 
Johnson, NV, Feb 19, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COLOMBIA. 5910.06, Feb 21 at 0434, tropical music from Alcaravαn 
Radio is good at S9+15, and nothing audible from NHK Russian via 
Lithuania (which got a couple minutes on 5985 via WRMI instead; see 
JAPAN [non]) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

[and non]. 5910.056, Much stronger nice Latin American songs station 
Radio Alcaravαn [sic] of S=8-9 clear audio in MA-US at 0507 UT, 
Spanish light Latin music songs, but compared to tiny S=5-6 signal on 
\\ 6010.101 kHz, latter which suffers by nearby Brazilian 
Inconfidκncia transmission on 6010.030 kHz on same S=5 signal level.
73 wb (Wolfgang Bόschel, Stuttgart, Germany, [selected SDR options, 
span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] BC-DX TopNews Feb 21 via DXLD)

** COLOMBIA. 21280-USB, Feb 19 at 1507, HK3C, John, working US 
stations. Not much else audible on 14m phone. Apparently he`s a 
Canadian living north of Bogotα per QRZ.com, home call VE1OZ. See 
http://www.hk3c.ca/ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CONGO. 6115, Radio Congo, Brazzaville, 1752-1807, 18-02, French, 
comments, news about Congo. 13221 (Manuel Mιndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in 
Lugo, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 1620, Feb 19 at 0137, Spanish pop music. Must be Rebelde FM, 
since not // 1180 or 5025 which are in bιisbol. Well, their top 
players defecting to MLB still have their choice of Rebeldes in 

1620, Feb 24 at 0701:11.5, two-tone timesignal 71.5 seconds late, and 
R. Rebelde ID (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 5025, Radio Rebelde, never heard before such OVERMODULATED 
bad distortion audio level. S=9+35dB at 0526 UT Feb 21. Rhumba/Rumba 
music group in performance. S=9+30dB in NJ-US.

5040, Bauta [RHC] was on normal modulation level of S=9+5dB only.
73 wb (Wolfgang Bόschel, Stuttgart, Germany, [selected SDR options, 
span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] BC-DX TopNews Feb 21 via DXLD)

** CUBA. From: Radio Habana Cuba
   Subject: "Sito su Internet di Radio Avana Cuba"

Stimati amici, Θ un piacere invitarvi a visitare il nuovo sito 
internet in italiano di Radio Avana Cuba, che vi dΰ la posibilitΰ di 
essere sempre informati su tutto quanto accade a Cuba e nel resto del 
mondo. Vi preghiamo di farci sapere cosa ne pensate sia dei contenuti 
sia della grafica. Dovete premere la bandiera italiana che si trova in 
alto a destra della pagina http://www.radiohc.cu

Ringraziandovi per la vostra gentilezza, vi salutiamo con amicizia.
Rosario Lafita Fernαndez, J'Dpto. de Corrispondenza Internazionale, 
Radio Avana Cuba (via Dario Monferini, Italy, Feb 19, playdx yg via 

Yes, I had noticed the Italian flag on their website: so Italian 
language content there, any audio? Never any on SW, but maybe offing; 
Papal influence? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DX LISTENING 

** CUBA. 6165, Feb 19 at 0702, RHC English has switched to unscheduled 
Spanish and stayed on the air past 0703; other frequencies: 6000 is 
off; 6060 & stronger 6100 are dead air; 5040 strong with dead air plus 
a trace of modulation, Spanish too? 

[and non]. 9580, Feb 19 at 0123, CRI English relay is OFF, no signal, 
but formerly redundant neighbor 9570 via ALBANIA remains at S7. Other 
Cuban transmitters are propagating on 31m: 9490 and 9565 jamming, 9535 
RHC Spanish.

6100, Sunday Feb 21 at 0704, RHC Esperanto correctly airing at S9+20, 
with all the other 49/60m frequencies now off. Wonder if it`ll show 
again this week at unscheduled 2130 on 11880? Need also to reconfirm 
if it`s still at 2230 Sundays on 17730.

11880, Sunday Feb 21 at 2132, RHC with smooth transition from French 
to opening Esperanto, theme song and sign-on. La elsendoj estas: Sun 
1600 on 11760; Sun 2230 on 17730; 0700 on 6000. I think they said 6000 
instead of correct 6100 as just reconfirmed, and the 0700 should be 
mentioned first as it is the first, not last broadcast, on UT Sunday, 
not UT Monday. But the Esperantists in the studio are also clueless 
that they have another outsending, as I first noted last Sunday, 2130 
on 11880 instead of Portuguese. This week I also check 17730 at 2230 
and reconfirm it still exists too (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 

Subject: Curiosities --- 10040/AM, Radio Habana Cuba; 1851, 22-Feb; 
Weak audio, in/out; 2W in Spanish, // 11760 RHC. 11760 is the only SS 
listed at this time; math for this eludes me (Haroldl Frodge, Midland 

Harold, I thought it might be a leapfrog mixing product with a spy 
numbers transmitter at same site, which would be 10900 or 13480, but I 
don`t find any such listed. Check those anyway at that time to see if 
there`s a match (Glenn to Harold via DXLD)

6165, UT Wed Feb 24 at 0644, RHC DXers Unlimited is just barely 
modulated here; // 5040 and 6100 OK, weakest 6060 middling, 6000 
somewhat suptorted.

11840, Feb 24 at 1414, strong open carrier/dead air from RHC, which 
manages to modulate on 11760 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EAST TURKISTAN [and non]. 9590, Feb 19 at 0124, pop music at S7, 
from CRI Spanish via Kashgar (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Xinjiang CNR PBS Chinese noted on 11769.973 kHz, but also whine 
distortion on nearby 11770.156, 11770.204 and 11770.716 kHz, latter 
could be another V of Nigeria outlet? (Wolfgang Bόschel, Feb 20, wwdxc 
BC-DX TopNews, dxldyg via DXLD) Time? circa 0510? by neighboring logs 

3949.964, CHINA, CNR PBS Xinjiang in Chinese from Urumqi, at 1453 UT, 
and from same location

3990.000, CNR PBS Xinjiang in Uighur lang from Urumqi, at 1455 UT.

5059.983, CNR PBS Xinjiang Chinese service, from Urumqi site, S=6 poor 
signal into Brisbane Queensland Australia at 1515 UT.

4979.987, CNR PBS Xinjiang Uighur service, from Urumqi site, S=6 poor 
signal into Brisbane Queensland Australia at 1517 UT.
(Wolfgang Bόschel, BC-DX, Log on Monday Feb 22 at 1400-1530 UT - 
mostly in SDR net remote unit in Doha Qatar, but also in Brisbane 
Queensland Australia, and in southern Germany, [selected SDR options, 
span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz], dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Note most of these are off-frequency to the lo side, so that 
correlates with my unID carriers on 5959.95 or so (Glenn Hauser, DX 

** ECUADOR. Infos von der Andenstimme

Auszug aus dem neuen Infobrief der Andenstimme aus Ecuador:

Mitte Januar bis Anfang Februar hielt ich mich fuer eine Fortbildung 
in Deutschland auf. Ich nutzte die Zeit fuer einen Abstecher in die 
Schweiz, um die Firma Ampegon in Turgi zu besuchen. Ampegon ist ein 
Unternehmen, das u.a. Kurzwellensender herstellt. Schon als wir im 
Jahre 2009 den Kurzwellensender von HCJB "geerbt" hatten, um die 
Sendung auf der Regionalfrequenz (Ecuador, Kolumbien und Peru) 6050 
kHz fortzufuehren, wurden wir darauf hingewiesen, dass dieser gegen 
einen neuen ersetzt werden muss. Nun ist ein Kurzwellensender kein 
"Massenprodukt" und es sind nur noch Wenige, die solche Sender 
herstellen. Jetzt wird es spannend! Zum einen: Wie werden unsere 
Ingenieure vor Ort das Produkt beurteilen und zum anderen: Wie koennen 
wir die sehr hohen Anschaffungskosten durch Spenden hereinbekommen.

An dieser Stelle moechten wir uns bei Dietmar Steinigen aus Berlin
bedanken, der den Druck unserer neuen QSL-Karten 
(Empfangsbestaetigung) in Auftrag gegeben und bezahlt hat! Nachahmer 
fuer das naechste Jahr sind herzlich willkommen!

Im Namen der Andenstimme gruesse ich Sie herzlich und wuensche Ihnen
Gottes Segen, Ihr Horst Rosiak

[google attempt to translate: can`t figure out umlauted words which 
have an -e inserted instead! And syntax is a killer]

Extract from the new newsletter of the Andean voice from Ecuador:

Mid-January to early February I kept for a training in Germany on. I 
used the time for a trip to Switzerland, the company Ampegon in Turgi 
to visit. Ampegon is a company, the i.a. produces short-wave 
transmitters. Even as we in 2009 the Shortwave transmitter from HCJB 
"inherited" had to the broadcast on the Regional frequency (Colombia, 
Ecuador and Peru) fortzufuehren 6050 kHz, We were advised that this be 
replaced with a new one must become. Now a shortwave transmitter is 
not a "mass product" and there are only a few, making these channels. 
Now it's getting exciting! To the a: How are our engineers evaluate 
the product locally and to other: How can we, the very high cost 
through donations recouped.

At this point we would like us to Dietmar stoning from Berlin thank, 
of the pressure of our new QSL cards (receiving an acknowledgment) in
gave order and get paid! Imitators for the next year are welcome!

On behalf of the Andean voice I gruesse you warmly and you wuensche
Blessings, Your Horst Rosiak 

(via Christoph Ratzer-AUT  OE2CRM,   A-DX ng Feb 20 
via BCDX 21 Feb via WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DXLD)

6050 very weak here; souonds like less than WRTH-listed 8 kW (Glenn 

** ECUADOR [non]. 7365.033, D, German service of HCJB Weenermoor 
Germany origin broadcast, S=7-8 signal, which suffers severe SPLATTER 
of low side TOM BS on RMI Okeechobee Florida signal on 7355 kHz, 
latter which is proper S=9+35dB via morning/nightly propagation path,
via water on Atlantic Ocean. 73 wb (Wolfgang Bόschel, Stuttgart, 
Germany, [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz], BC-DX 
TopNews Feb 21 via DXLD)

NO, 7355 with BS is never WRMI, but WHRI! (gh, DXLD)

** EGYPT [and non]. 9745.045, accurate signal - and underneath Radio 
Bahrain sideband outlet too - Another distortion audio signal of Radio 
Cairo in Arabic, heard at same time in 31 mb, around 0540 UT on Feb 
20, S=9+10dB strength. Observed in southern Germany, during morning 
'fadeout' time of East African, ME and NE stations.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(Wolfgang Bόschel, Feb 20, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews, dxldyg via DXLD)

15300.035, Radio Cairo in Persian/Dari language section, little 
distorted scratchy audio, but still 'understandable'. S=9 signal 
level, at 1433 UT on Feb 22. Scheduled acc Aoki Nagoya list 1330-1530 
UT via Abu Zabaal site.

15535.003, Radio Cairo, Arabic, S=9+15dB, little distorted scratched
audio, backlobe signal, scheduled 1300-1600 UT to WeAF, Sahel  
(Wolfgang Bόschel, BC-DX, Log on Monday Feb 22 at 1400-1530 UT - 
mostly in SDR net remote unit in Doha Qatar, but also in Brisbane 
Queensland Australia, and in southern Germany, [selected SDR options, 
span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz], dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

9965.043, at 0248 UT, but wandered UP steadily to 9965.230 at 0310 UT 
Radio Cairo Arabic service, heavy carrier, but very LOW modulation 

9745.050, Radio Cairo, Arabic, little 'distorted audio' singer heard.
Broadband 26 kHz wide signal. S=9+20dB, and main power peaks visible 
accompanied, 50 / 150 / 200 / 400 / 600 / 800 Hertz distance apart. 73 
wb (Wolfgang Bόschel, Germany, Feb 23, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. The R Cairo N. American service transmission (for 2300-0030) 
is now being archived via the facilities of Radio360. However these 
are not found via the normal Radio360 archive pages at
but instead are at
The archive goes back currently to 12 Feb 2016. These are in addition 
to the archives of the same 2300 UT broadcast at 
which is less convenient as a login is required.

I'll add the link to the World of Radio Station Hitlist (at
with the next update due this weekend (Alan Roe, Teddington, UK, Feb 
23, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST

I guess Radio Cairo might actually be listenable now? (Paul Walker, 
AK, ibid.)

Further to my original email, most R Cairo English broadcasts are also
available as a livestream at 
There is a button marked English, but often as not you will find the 
English stream at one of the other buttons (in particular Channel 11 - 
the button immediately above English). It's not shortwave, but at 
least it's an opportunity to hear them (Alan Roe, Teddington, UK, 

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata (presumed), 0537-
0550, 17-02, noted comments, probably in Spanish, but very weak signal 
to identify the language. Best on LSB. 14321 (Manuel Mιndez, Lugo, 
Spain, Logs in Lugo, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ETHIOPIA. 7234.602, Tentatively fade-out from NE Africa, heard 
Radio Ethiopia around 0710 UT. Typical 10 to 20 Hertz unstable 
frequency hopping. 15 Hz wandered on poor S=5-6 signal strength at 
0715 UT. 73 wb (Wolfgang Bόschel, Stuttgart, Germany, [selected SDR 
options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] BC-DX TopNews Feb 21 via DXLD)

** ETHIOPIA [non]. SECRETLAND, Good signal of UNIDentified station via 
Secretbrod, Feb 18, 1802-1901 on  9480 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf 
Oromo Wed-Sun, plus jamming?
(Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DX LISTENING 

La emisora no identificada que emite en 9480 en oromo es Tamsaasa 
Raadiyoo OMN. Reproduzco twit anunciando emisiσn para el 4 de febrero; 
lo publica Jawar Mohmmed: 

tamsaasa Raadiyoo OMN Gurrandhal 4, 2016
Warri biyya meetir baandi 31 hiilo heeriz 9480 irratti argachuu 
Posted by: (JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO, Feb 22, dxldyg via WORLD OF 

That forwards to a Soundcloud audio, labeled 9465 instead (gh, WORLD 

Maybe ties to:

IRRS Milano is always look out for presents by broadcast centers, but 
has always a VEILED presence in the hobby domestic radio scene.

In the past have got cheap broadcast time presents from Hungarian 
Radio HNG, former Bulgarian Radio, then relays from Rimavska Sobota 
Slovakia site, lately at RadioCom-ROU installation at Romanian 
S=Saftica 1 x 100 kW revolving horizontal log-periodics used, now left 
Saftica, and is back to Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria installation.

9480 kHz 1800-1900 UT to zones 37-40, 46-48, 52-53 MIL=Milano is 
veiled location and fictitious notional, 150 kW 137 degree antenna288 
ITU call, Oromo language service. wb (Wolfgang Bόschel, ibid.)

Ethiopia: Tamsaasa Raadiyoo OMN Ώ15170 kHz?

About Us

The Oromia Media Network (OMN) is an independent, nonpartisan and 
nonprofit news enterprise whose mission is to produce original and 
citizen-driven reporting on Oromia, the largest and most populous 
state in Ethiopia. OMN seeks to offer thought-provoking, contextual, 
and nuanced coverage of critical public interest issues thereby 
bringing much needed attention to under-reported stories in the 
region. Our goal is to create a strong and sustainable multilingual 
newsroom that will serve as a reliable source of information about the 
Oromo people, the Ethiopian state, and the greater Horn of Africa 

We hold ourselves to the highest journalistic standards but 
unabashedly and proudly offer a uniquely Oromo perspective. We also 
aim to connect the growing Oromo diaspora to its homeland using 
innovative digital tools and people-centered storytelling techniques. 
Our high quality, high-impact multimedia content will be available in 
easily accessible formats including on the web, mobile devices, social 
media, satellite television and radio.


The Ethiopian government or individuals close to the ruling party, own 
and control nearly all newspapers, radios and TV stations in the 
country. The government of Ethiopia continues to suppress freedom of 
expression and speech. It has shut down all independent newspapers in 
Oromo language and those tending to address unique concerns of the 
Oromo people. As a result, despite being the official language of the 
Oromia region, not a single independent newspaper is published in 
Afaan Oromo. Neither are there independently run radio or television 
stations broadcasting in one of Africa’s most widely spoken languages 
with over 40 million native speakers.

Ethiopia also criminalizes critical debates and all other forms of 
dissent. Private newspapers inside the country face immense pressures 
to self-censor. The diaspora-based blogs have sought to close the gap 
by offering critical commentary as well as advocacy for press freedom 
in that country. However, the blogosphere has its own flaws in 
objectively reporting the events on the ground. Ultimately, when it 
comes to media, the Oromo and other people in Ethiopia face two stark 
choices: state-controlled media that produces propaganda as the ruling 
party’s mouthpiece or the anti-government opposition media 
disseminating partisan polemics.

Thus, fresh, independent, and forward-looking media outlets must kick 
start the conversations needed to ensure that there is room for robust 
and substantive discussion on general matters of public interest. 

Hence, OMN aspires to transcend the preoccupation with political news 
and cover everyday human stories in their multidimensional diversity – 
including business, education, politics, travel, science, technology, 
environment, sports, and arts and culture.

Through factual, evenhanded and quality reporting, OMN is committed to 
closing this gap by promoting civic discourse and fostering community 
engagement around social justice issues, press freedom, human rights,  
democracy, community health, family and children welfare.


We believe high-quality journalism is a rare public good, a basic 
human right, and the pillar of free and democratic society. We hope to 
fund OMN through voluntary donations, targeted advertising, and 
external grants. We invite all who believe in the importance of public 
service media to support and sustain our work.


OMN is a U.S. based nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, licensed under 
the Federal Communications Commission. OMN is governed by a Board of 
Trustees, an Executive Council, and an independent editorial team made 
up of professional journalists.

For more information please contact us at info@oromiamedia.org or by 
phone at 612-888-OROMIA (6766).

The Oromia Media Network (OMN) has played a key role in disseminating  
information throughout Oromia during the protests. OMN is a diaspora-
based television station that relays content, primarily in the Afan 
Oromo language, via satellite, and recently started broadcasting on 
shortwave radio. The Ethiopian government has reportedly jammed OMN 15 
times since it began operations in 2014, in contravention of 
international regulations. 

Two business owners told Human Rights Watch they were arrested for 
showing OMN in their places of business. Federal police destroyed 
satellites dishes that were receiving OMN in many locations. Students 
said they were accused of providing videos for social media and of 
communicating information to the OMN. Arrests and fear of arrest has 
resulted in less information on abuses coming out of Oromia over the 
last month (via JMRR, condiglista yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DXLD)

Where is it? Area code 612 is Minneapolis MN (gh, WORLD OF RADIO 1814,

UNIDentified station via Secretbrod is Radio Oemeni-ti
1802-1902 9480 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Oromo Wed-Sun, 5 videos:
(Ivo Ivanov, circa Feb 19, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

No signal of SPL Secretbrod Radio Oemeni-ti on Feb 20
1802-1902 9480 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Oromo scheduled Wed-Sun
(Ivo Ivanov, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DXLD)

SECRETLAND, Frequency change of SPL Radio Oemeni-ti from Feb 20: 1802-
1901 NF 15170 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Oromo Wed-Sun, ex 9480
Videos will be uploaded on February 24, after the end of transmission!
-- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

BUT again SPL The Global specialist for International Communications 
on shortwave & provided to you strong and quality signal around the 
1900-1903 7290 SCB 050 kW / 306 deg to WeEu relay Radio Oemeni-ti!!
1903-2000 7290 SCB 050 kW / 306 deg to WeEu relay music/music/music
73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

SECRETLAND, SPL The Global specialist for International Communications 
on shortwave and provided to you strong and quality signal around the 
world. Very, very poor signal of Radio Oemeni-ti/Tamsaasa Raadiyoo via 
SPL, Feb 24, NEW frequency:
1800-1807 15170 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg EaAf nothing, no signal till 1807
1807-1900 15170 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg EaAf Oromo Wed-Sun, ex 9480-
(Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ETHIOPIA [non]. SECRETLAND, SPL, Radio Warra Wangeelaa-ti was back 
on shortwave
1500-1530 on 15515 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Oromo Sat on Feb 20:
SPL The Global specialist for International Communications on 
shortwave and provided to you strong and quality signal around the 
world. Mixture between Radio Warra Wangeelaa-ti of 15515 & Denge 
Kurdistan on 9400 kHz
1500-1530  9400 SCB 100 kW / 090 deg WeAs Denge Kurdistan + R. Warra 
1500-1530 15515 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg EaAf Sat only R. Warra Wangeelaa-
73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ETHIOPIA [non]. FRANCE, Reception of Oromo Voice Radio via TDF on 
Feb 22
1600-1615 on 17850 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Oromo Mon and again 
1615-1630 on 17850 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Oromo, not English Mon
-- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ETHIOPIA [and non]. GERMANY, Strong signal of Voice of Oromo 
Liberation via MBR on Feb 24
1703-1733 11810 NAU 100 kW / 145 deg EaAf Oromo Wed, on 17630 in A-16
1733-1800 11810 NAU 100 kW / 145 deg EaAf Amharic Wed > 17630 in A-16
Transmissions are jammed by Ethiopia with white noise digital jamming
(Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ETHIOPIA [and non]. FRANCE, Radio Xoriyo Ogaden via TDF on Feb 19, 
open carrier / dead air: 1600-1630 on 17870 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg to 
EaAf Somali Mon/Fri, only jamming 
(Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ETHIOPIA [non]. FRANCE, Radio Xoriyo Ogaden via TDF on [Fri] Feb 
19, open carrier / dead air, 1600-1630 on 17870 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg 
to EaAf Somali Mon/Fri, only jamming 
(DX RE MIX NEWS #940 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Feb 22, 2016, 
via DXLD)

** FRANCE. Upcoming frequency changes of Radio France International:
0500-0600 on  7390 ISS 500 kW / 160 deg to CeAf French till Feb 27
0500-0600 on 11700 ISS 500 kW / 160 deg to CeAf French from Feb 28

0600-0630 on  7295 ISS 500 kW / 170 deg to WCAf Hausa  till Feb 27
0600-0630 on 11995 ISS 500 kW / 170 deg to WCAf Hausa  from Feb 28

0600-0700 on  5925 ISS 500 kW / 204 deg to NWAf French till Feb 27
0600-0700 on  9790 ISS 500 kW / 204 deg to NWAf French from Feb 28
0600-0700 on  7390 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to NWAf French till Feb 27
0600-0700 on 11700 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to NWAf French from Feb 28

1700-1800 on 17620 ISS 500 kW / 162 deg to NWAf French till Feb 27
1700-1800 on 21690 ISS 500 kW / 162 deg to NWAf French from Feb 28
http://swldxbulgaria blogspot com/2016/02/upcoming-frequency-changes-of-radio.html
-- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DX 

** GERMANY. Surprisingly reception of Radio Channel 292, Sat, Feb 20:
0755 & 0930 on 6070 ROB 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu English and continues
Regular programs with high power will start during February or March!
73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

How high? (gh, DXLD)

Hi All, German relay service Channel 292 now appear to be back up at 
full power again, and their website is now showing the following 
banner, with an offer 'free' airtime in March, so get booking you 
budding broadcasters!

Cambridge community station 'Pirate 105' are again shown as doing
a 14 hour broadcast on Friday 25th of March 2016 (Alan Gale, UK, 

jpg attachment says in German and also via English: ``Free air time 
offer in March! Ask for details: info@channel292.de`` (gh, DXLD)

Hi All, Just seen this post on their Facebook page:

Radio Northern Ireland is returning to the air TOMORROW MORNING (Sun 
Feb 21) at 1100 UT via C292 in Europe on freq 6070 kHz! Tune in via 
your shortwave radio or via the websdr in Holland. Remember if you 
want a QSL card by snail mail please send me an email or private 
message they will cost £1 for postage (I make no profit from the 
donation just to cover postage) or an eQSL. Thank you and hope to see 
you on the airwaves! 73 for now, (via Alan Gale, UK, Feb 20, dxldyg 
via DXLD)


55444 - 45333 here in Southern-Saxony-Anhalt/Germany (roger, Germany, 

Hi All, Radio Northern Ireland, which was on 6070 this morning (and 
repeated again this afternoon), will also be on 6070 kHz again at 2015 
UT according to this post on their Facebook page. 73 for now, (Alan 
Gale, ibid.)

Radio Northern Ireland --- Tonight at 2015 UT we will be broadcasting 
again on 6070 via C292 in Germany with a different genre of music. If 
you want a QSL card by post you can send a £1 donation (this is to  
cover the cost of the postage, I don't make any profit) or if you wish 
to have an eQSL for free. If you don't have a shortwave radio or 
you`re not in Europe you can tune in via the WebSDR in Holland with 
this pretuned link, just select AM.
Reception reports are welcome to radionorthernireland@outlook.com
Posted by: (via Alan Gale, UK, dxldyg via DXLD)

Datamode test on Channel 292 Tuesday [Feb 23]

Hi All, I just noticed on the Channel 292 schedule, that they now have
three 18 minutes MFSK32 tests listed as taking place on Tuesday
23rd of February, on 6070.0 kHz at the following times:

1700 - 1800 UT
2000 - 2100 UT
2100 - 2200 UT


Each test runs for 18 minutes, and I assume will be at 1700-1718 etc., 
but this is not stated exactly. No mention of who is behind this, so 
possibly Channel 292 themselves. I assume it will be the same test 
repeated 3 times.

Anyone wanting to give this mode a try for the first time can download
a copy of Fldigi for free from the site below:


More info from their Facebook account - I tried to post the text but 
will only copy link on my phone
Sent from my iPhone Posted by: David Smith 
(via Alan Gale, Feb 22, BDXC-UK yg via DXLD)

Thanks to David Smith via the BDXC-UK Group for spotting this on their 
Facebook page (why didn't I think to check that?) :-D

DigiDx Report

First broadcast of DigiDX is Tuesday 23rd February at 1700 and 
repeated at 2000 and 2100, all on 6070 in the MFSK32 mode.

The first show includes shortwave and DX news from the last week, 
future shows will include reviews, features, schedule information and 
listener feedback.

Please send reception reports to reports@digidx.uk In our next show we
will send a special QSL card over the air featuring the names of the
people who have sent reception reports.
Posted by: (Alan Gale, Feb 22, dxldyg via DXLD)

The person behind DigiDX is based in Ireland. 73 (Harald Kuhl, BDXC-UK 
yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DXLD)

I just wanted to mention that the original announcement had mentioned 
using Fldigi as the decoding solution. There are other digital 
decoding packages that can also do it, such as the popular MultiPSK, 
and the expensive decoding solutions from the likes of Hoka, WaveCom, 
Krypto500, and others. You can find links to all of these on the 
Utility Monitoring Central software page, the link for which is 
Utility Monitoring Central
Welcome to the UMC Software page. On this page, we have links to: 
Integrated Radio/Decoder Software - There are a few programs that 
combine radio ...

So if the software you're using supports MFSK32, there's really no 
need to use another package :.>>

These broadcasts might be a tad early for the East Coast of North 
America - hopefully something a bit later can be arranged in the 
future (Mike Agner, KA3JJZ, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Fairly good reception via the Twente receiver of the 1700 UT 
broadcast, despite a bit of co-channel QRM from CRI in Russian and I 
had almost perfect decoding of text using the recorded audio file and 
Fldigi. In real time, the vagaries of Intenet packet delivery 
occasionally screws up decoding. The large image of the station 
schedule sent was not really legible. The transmitted resolution was a 
bit too low in my opinion (Richard Langley, NB, 1855 UT Feb 23, dxldyg 

Hi Richard, They have just posted on their Facebook page that the 
tests will be repeated continuously for the next two hours. It came on 
at 1800, 1820 and 1840, and has just started again at 1900 UT. The 
channel is much clearer now that CRI has gone off (Alan Gale, 1905 UT, 

Thanks, Alan, but too busy with work to listen again. Attached is my 
best attempt at decoding the image (the current Channel 292 broadcast 
schedule). As you can see, it's not that great (Richard Langley, 

Hi Richard, None of mine were that great either, this one at 2029 was 
about the best, but the fading badly affected quite a few of the 
others. I was impressed with how well the MFSK coped with the big 
signals from CRI and the Vatican though, and they were still audible 
here until after 2100 UT. 

I've just noticed that they're listed again for this coming Sunday 
1100-1200 UT right after DARC Radio, so the channel may be a bit 
quieter for that.

They were also on their Facebook page for future items to be sent in 
for upcoming programmes; the address for these is:  
(Alan Gale, ibid.)

Info Update 2016-02-24 --- Hello Glenn, I received a heads-up from 
Alan Gale in the UK, there will be regular "DIGIDX" broadcasts from 
Channel292 on 6070 kHz from Rohrbach (Bavaria) every Tuesday night 
from 2100z.

During yesterday's test broadcast, I got a bit of reception initially 
at 1800z on 6070, despite heavy CRI QRM in Russian, before the signal 
skipped over and lost synch. Here's how the broadcast started at their 
odd audio center frequency of 1455 Hz in MFSK32 mode:
Before RSID: <<2016-02-23t18:01z 6070="" mfsk-32="">>

Intro: The following broadcast of DigiDX is in the MFSK32 mode. To 
decode use FLDigi, MultiPSK or on Android the Tivar app.


Hello and welcome to the first episode of DigiDX, a weekly review of 
the latest shortwave and DX news broadcast on Channel 292 in the 
MFSK32 mode. Our broadcast times will be 2100 Tuesday night on 6070. 
We are broadcast from Germany but the signal should be receivable 
across Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and further afar.

The broadcast will also include your letters and reception reports, 
reviews of shortwave receivers and apps and more! Please send any 
reception reports, comments or suggested stories to reports@digidx.uk

News Headlines:
Russian station to begin Shortwave broadcasts
Special station for Uganda Elections
Radio Oeoemrang yearly broadc, t,  [sic with garbles]
hrnnrntiφ ­Unl free shortwave broadcast time
New WRMI schedule released
Upcoming relays and special broadcasts
Thanks and best regards (Tobias  (T²), Germany, WORLD OF RADIO 1814, 

** GERMANY [non]. Radio Φφmrang --- I saw a couple of postings about 
possibly a Radio Φφmrang transmission scheduled for this Sunday 
(February 21). I sent a note to Michael Puetz at Media Broadcast. 
Below is his reply:

"Dear Richard, Thank you very much for your kind mail. Interesting to 
hear about your Radio activities and therefore I am glad to confirm to 
you that Radio Φφmrang will perform their transmission as usual on 
February 21st, 2016 from 1600-1658 UTC on 15215 kHz via Issoudun.

We are looking forward to your reception report. Best regards,
Michael Puetz, Sales Consultant, Business Unit Radio
MEDIA BROADCAST GmbH, Erna-Scheffler-Straίe 1, 51103 Cologne, 
Germany`` (via Rich D`Angelo, PA, Feb 19, NASWA yg via DXLD)

Wenn sie morgen nicht wieder die Feederzufόhrung 'verdaddeln',
wie letztes Jahr 2015, fόr die Freunde des gepflegten grόnen Frisen-
Pils, und auch wieder ein grosses Lδster Potential: (Wolfgang Buschel, 

If they do not back tomorrow the spring feed 'verdaddeln' like last 
2015, for friends of manicured green friezes-Pils, and again a great 
potential for Scandal: (Google attempted translation via DXLD)

Φφmrang imminent --- One last reminder that the annual Radio Φφmrang 
broadcast is imminent at 16-17 UT Sunday, 15215 via FRANCE (Glenn 
Hauser, 1556 UT Feb 21, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Sign on at 1600 with S9+ signal. Opening ID’s in English along with 
program summary (Stephen C Wood, Harwich, Mass., ibid.)

15215 kHz, hier O=3-4, fading, 16.00z start, "10. Ausgabe" (roger, 
Germany, ibid.)

Strong and clear signal here (Alan Roe, Teddington, UK, 1607 UT, 

Strong here and good audio in English (Rich Near Chicago, IL Ray, JRC 
NRD 545 and Wellbrook 330s, 1610 UT, ibid.)

Hello Glenn, Radio Oomrang is booming into Montreal at 1600 UT, S9 +20 
on 15215. Mix of English and other language. Full broadcast will be 
posted to my Youtube channel after the show. 73 (Gilles Letourneau, 
Twiiter @shortwaveradios

Good signal here in North Beds, a little fading but OK. Sent By (Carl 
K Flatman From My Tablet In North Bedfordshire UK :-), 1620 UT BDXC-UK 
yg via DXLD)

Very nice signal into Victoria, BC at 1626 as well. Up to about an S8 
signal, and easily the strongest signal on the 19 m band below 15405 
kHz. A mixture of English, presumably Frisian (which vaguely sounds 
like German), and German. This is by far the best reception I've ever 
heard. In other years, it was a tough catch this way. I've forgotten 
whether previous years were via German transmitters or not? 73 (Walt 
Salmaniw, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Yes, until Feb 2013 was via MBR Wertachtal Germany beast, 15215 1600-
1700 to zones 4,8,9 WER 500 kW 300 deg Tues 21 Febr 2013 ROO 

in 2014 via MBR Nauen Germany, 15215 The Radio Oeoemrang broadcast was 
via MBR Nauen. The Media-Broadcast Wertachtal site is currently moth-
balled (like Skelton in the UK) - all relays were transferred to Nauen 
in May 2013. Radio Oeoemrang in 2015 and 2016 via TDF Issoudun site 
(Wolfgang Bόschel, ibid.)

A decent (not blow-torch) slightly noisy signal into New Brunswick but 
I only used a Tecsun PL-880 receiver with its built-in telescopic 
antenna inside my RFI-plagued house. I would imagine that most of the 
Frisian immigrants and their descendants to whom the broadcast is 
aimed wouldn't have much more sophisticated receiving equipment. I 
wonder how many Frisian-speaking listeners there might actually be for 
these annual broadcasts? )-- Richard Langley, 1744 UT, ibid.)

Opening in English says there are more exiles from Amrum now in New 
York than on the island itself. Hmmm, could do a 10-second daily 
broadcast, but a little harder to manage than ~3500 seconds/year, hi. 
Wolfgang Bueschel says it was boring (Glenn Hauser, ibid.)

RadioPlay and Brandy drunken ladies, .... content is something boring.
(- W. Bueschel df5sx, wwdxc germany, via DXLD) 

15215, Sunday Feb 21, 2016y at 1600, yearly broadcast of Radio Φφmrang 
starts up, confirmed by MBR as via Issoudun, FRANCE site. Good signal 
but not enough to overcome all computer noise which I can`t turn off 
as I hasten to complete this report. Much like last year, informal 
conversation, mixing in bits of English with Frisian and (high) 
German, rather hard to follow, especially with the accent in English, 
it`s not always clear when languages are switching. But I try to 
listen. At 1611 refers to an internet radio service always available, 
but can`t copy URL. By 1648 a number of women are laughing about 
something; 1656 ID in English with frequency and off circa 1659*. In 
2017y, of course, it`ll leap to a Tuesday (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF 

Hello radio friends, If you missed the Oomrang broadcast today, here 
it is in two parts full hour via Youtube

Part 1 of 2 Radio Oomrang special broadcast from France relay 15215  
Part 2 of 2 Radio Oomrang special broadcast from France relay 15215  
Enjoy! 73 (Gilles Letourneau, QC, dxldyg via DXLD)

Am 21 Febr um 1605 UT schrieb Felix Lechte:

Hier mit S7 verstaendlich zu hoeren. Zwischendurch allerdings immer 
wieder ein stoerendes "Kratzen". Hoert jemand anders dieses Stoerung 

Hier auf Menorca S=6-S9, das Kratzen kommt (zumindest bei mir) vom 
oberen Seitenband von Saudi-Arabien, die auf 15205 kHz ziemlich 
breitbandig und stark auftreten (Michael Haun-ESP, A-DX ng Febr 21)

1632 UT, Remote reception in Massachusetts USA gibt es ueberhaupt kein
Kratzen zu verzeichnen der Saudi noch nicht mal zu hoeren, aber auf 
dem SDR Server dort, hoert man teilweise unter den Platt und Englisch 
Interviews in der guten Stube mal ein Handy Meldungs-Burst und etwas 
Musik ganz tief unten drunter auch manchmal.

Und Radio Caroline ist auch ein Thema ... Beatles usw.

In Massachusetts USA ein S=9+5dB Signal aus TDF Issoudun, aber N1ZZN 
hat nicht die empfangsstaerkste KW Antenne an der Ostkueste;

dagegen K2DLS in New Jersey-USA hat meist die bessere Antenne, je nach 
dem benoetigten Meterband. Jetzt in New Jersey USA East coast ein 
S=9+15dB Signal festzustellen.

1652 UT, eine Bauerntheater Auffuehrung mit Mikrofon 5m weiter 
Entfernung, sowie einige Schnaepse scheinen auch ein Thema zu sein.

1657 UT, Der Programmname, die Bitten um Spenden fuer die nicht
unerheblichen Sendekosten und die Koelzow Adresse wurden 3x 
wiederholt, in Deutsch und English, mitten in der letzten ID um 
1658:04 UT wurde in Frangreissssch der Stecker gezogen (via Wolfgang 
Bόschel, DXLD)

Had a nice signal and enjoyed the program. Any idea what the email 
address is for a QSL. The one that I used bounced 
QSL-Shortwave at media-broadcast.com (myteaquinn, west of Cleveland, 

Odd, the QSL-Shortwave@media-broadcast.com is Media Broadcast's 
standard address. My report did not bounce. However, you can try a 
more direct approach sending your report to Michael Puetz at:
Michael.Puetz@media-broadcast.com 73, (Rich D`Angelo, ibid.)

Found out what my mistake was. I didn't read the reason for the 
failure, the audio file that I attached to the report was too big. 
(myteaquinn, west of Cleveland, ibid.)

Ah, so the original e-address is still good which is nice to know. 
Media Broadcast has been a reliable verifier of listener reception 
reports over the years. In talking to Michael last week, I know he is 
looking forward to reception reports for this transmission. 73, (Rich, 

Radio Φφmrang via Issoudun, France --- Michael Puetz at Media 
Broadcast verified Radio Φφmrang via Issoudun, France overnight with a 
standard PDF attachment (Rich D'Angelo, Feb 22, ibid.)

Also received today. However there is no indication on the e-QSL that 
this was Radio Oomrang except for a listing under the "BCC" category 
for "ROO" (Stephen C Wood, Harwich, Mass., ibid.)

Stephen, I had the same issue but an electronic note to Michael Puetz 
yielded a second PDF attachment with the station name in the program 
name box. 73, (Rich, Sent from my iPhone, ibid.)

15215, FRANCE, Radio Φφmrang – Issoudun, 1601-1658*, Feb 21, annual 
special transmission from the folks on Amrum Island with much English 
mixed with local German language and apparent repeat of previous 
year’s broadcast with intervews with people who live on the island and 
discussions about the way of life on the island. Many nice station 
IDs. Very good reception this year (Rich D'Angelo, 2216 Burkey Drive, 
Wyomissing, PA 19610, U.S.A., Ten-Tec RX-340, Drake R-8B, Eton E1, 
Eton E5, Alpha Delta DX Sloper, RF Systems Mini-Windom, Datong FL3, 
JPS ANC-4, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD)

"A decent (not blow-torch) slightly noisy signal into New Brunswick 
but I only used a Tecsun PL-880 receiver with its built-in telescopic 
antenna inside my RFI-plagued house." Archived here:
and here:
(Richard Langley, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** GOA. 11739.985, INDIA, AIR's fluttery signal from Goa Panaji odd 
Marconi unit, S=9 proper, noted at 0109 UT on Feb 20 in Eastern 
Thailand unit [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] 
(Wolfgang Bόschel, noted on remote network SDR station in eastern 
Thailand, Feb 20, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews, dxldyg via DXLD)

15175, Feb 22 at 1526, open carrier, dead air with flutter, S8 past 
1531 when maybe it`s just barely modulated, still on past 1559. Only 
thing listed in HFCC is AIR Panaji, 15-16 in Gujrati, 250 kW, 205 
degrees; Aoki refines it not really to start until 1515. WRTH 2016 
shows same to East Africa, and it looks like it`s time again to turn 
this over to some other site such as Bengaluru, as on // 11620, 13640 

** GREECE. Very good signal into Maritime Canada this evening on 9420 
kHz (at 2150 UT). Pleasant Greek music. Nothing heard on 9935 or 11645 
kHz. Just as well, as that would just be the whining transmitter 
(Richard Langley, Feb 17, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Nothing at all here on Cape Cod tonight. I can see the signal on my 
Perseus screen but no audio is coming thru. Band noise is not that 
excessive so just no propagation or transmitter problems. I would go 
for propagational cause as the majority of the SW bands seem pretty 
depressed. Spaceweather.com mentioned earth moving thru CME  tonight . 
Just as I write this, 0146, audio is back on 9420. Started up in mid 
song. I guess the bands aren’t as bad as I thought, S8 signal (Stephen 
C Wood, Harwich, Mass., ibid.)

9930, Feb 19 at 0121, ERT whine centered here, NOT on 9935; have they 
decided directly to take on T8WH and WTWW? 9420 with Greek music is S4 
at 0127 Feb 19 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1814,

Shortwave transmission of Voice of Greece, Feb 19
0530-0708 on  9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek tx#3
0530-0708 on 11645 AVL 100 kW / 182 deg to NoAf Greek tx#1
0708-0800 on  9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Vary^ tx#3
0708-0800 on 11645 AVL 100 kW / 182 deg to NoAf Vary^ tx#1
^ Serbian, Romanian, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Albanian, Italian and 
Arabic. And no signal from Voice of Greece at 0915.
73! (Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, Feb 18-19, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

9935, Feb 20 at 0107, the S6 ERA whiner with a trace of program 
modulation is back on nominal after switch to 9930 last night. But the 
OK transmitter is NOT on 9420.

9935, Feb 20 at 0622, ERT whining at S4-8 level, and nothing on the 
other frequency, 9420 which is capable of normal modulation (Glenn 

Random reception for Voice of Greece on a single frequency, Feb 20: 
from 0725 9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg WeEu Greek tx#1 and off at 0755
73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Voice of Greece was back again on SW from 1845 February 22
from 1845 9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek tx#3, relay ERT-1
from 1845 9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek tx#1, relay ERT-1
-- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Voice of Greece on air tonight, noted at 0240 UT Feb 23, some in 
Detroit MI remote unit, but also here in southern Germany. 9420.006 
S=9+20dB and \\ odd whine audio sounded 9934.9465 kHz center too, both 
heard in southern Germany. Strength in MI Detroit remote SDR net unit 
was only S=6 though (Wolfgang Bόschel, Germany, Feb 23, dxldyg via DX 

Shortwave transmission of Voice of Greece, Feb 23
till 0708 on  9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek tx#3
till 0708 on  9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek tx#1
0708-0800 on  9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Vary^ tx#3
0708-0800 on  9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Vary^ tx#1
^ Serbian, Romanian, Spanish, Albanian, Russian, Arabic. Today
missing Polish & Italian. No signal on 9420/9935 at 0815 UT!
(Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Martedμ 23 febbraio 2016 (VR5000DSP)
0745 - 9934.96, VO GREECE con ronzio. 0750 nxs AA. SF-BN
0748 - 9420.00, VO GREECE senza ronzio. 0750 nxs AA. MB

JBA - Portante-Carrier
IN - Insufficiente-Poor
SF - Sufficiente-Fair
BN - Buono-Good
MB - Molto Buono-Very Good

(SWL I1-0799GE, Luca Botto Fiora, QTH Rapallo (Genova) - Italia, G.C. 
44  21' 06.89" N / 09  13' 30.94" E, bclnews.it yg via DXLD)

9935, Feb 23 at 0642, ERT whiner is audible at S5, while 9420 non-
whiner is JBA carrier at S2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

9934.951, Feb 23 at 2052, ERT whine is very poor centered here, and 
suffering from 9930 WTWW splatter (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Voice of Greece from 2000 UT Feb 23 to 0800 Feb 24
from 2015 on  9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek tx#3
from 2015 on  9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek tx#1
0700-0800 on  9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Vary^ tx#3
0700-0800 on  9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Vary^ tx#1
^ Greek, Serbian, Romanian, Spanish, Albanian, Russian, Polish, 
Italian & Arabic. 9935 off at 0753, 9420 off at 0758!
(Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

9934.94, Feb 24 at 0625, ERT whine at S5, trace of program modulation 
--- and WTWW is STILL on 9930, but too weak to splatter now (Glenn 

Nice signal into New Brunswick this afternoon (at 2139 UT) on 9420 kHz 
with Bouzouki music with voice accompaniment (or the other way 
around). Parallel to 9935 kHz, which is whining away. Why bother to 
transmit on 9935 kHz except perhaps to occupy the frequency so it is 
not usurped? -- (Richard Langley, Feb 24, dxldyg via DX LISTENING 

Voice of Greece was back on SW at 2000 UT, Feb 24:
from 2000 on  9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek tx#3
from 2000 on  9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek tx#1

Reception of Voice of Greece 0700-1010, Feb 25:
0700-0800 on  9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Vary^ tx#3
0700-0800 on  9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Vary^ tx#1
0800-0900 on  9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek tx#3
0800-0900 on  9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek tx#1
0900-1010 on  9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Vary* tx#3 and off
0900-1010 on  9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Vary* tx#1 and off
^ Serbian, Romanian, Spanish, Russian, Albanian, Polish, Italian, 
* Arabic/Italian 0905-0910; Romanian/Serbian/Russian 1005-1010 UT
(Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4055, Feb 18 at 0505, R. Verdad mentions Dr Ιdgar 
Amνlcar Madrid, hymn in Spanish changes to one in English, introducing 
`Spiritual Songs`` to enjoy. It`s good at S9+25-30, but I will not 
assume the signal is being magically ``injected`` into my radio 
without benefit of a transmitter; rather, tropical southern signals 
are getting a boost (see also GUYANA), as WWV reports K-index of 4 at 
0300, rising to 5 at 0600, after geomagnetic storms reaching the G2 
level occurred (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENINGN DIGEST)

Dr Madrid forwards another reception report to the SW Alliance guy, 
this time from Veracruz cc to me:

Atenciσn: Ing. Jorge Luis Valladares Abila

Apreciado Ingeniero: Tengo el gusto de transcribirle un buen reporte 
que acabo de recibir desde Minatitlαn, Veracruz, Mιxico.
 Atte. Dr. Ιdgar Amνlcar Madrid Radio Verdad y Radio Verdad TV--------

===Transcripciσn===Reportes de recepciσn RADIO VERDAD Gente
 Mariano Rodrνguez Maldonado
   Para Ιdgar Amνlcar Madrid
 Hoy 23 feb 2016 a las 7:28 P. M.

Estimado amigo Ιdgar Amνlcar Madrid. Mucho gusto poder saludarle de 
nueva cuenta por medio de este email. El dνa 14 de febrero me llegσ un 
correo electrσnico de parte suya, donde me comentaba que en cuanto 
tuvieran recursos me enviarνa la QSL, lo cual le agradezco mucho y 
esperarι a obtenerla por parte de Radio Verdad. Quiero tambiιn 
comentarle que tengo otros informes de recepciσn que anotι los dνas 
que Radio Verdad estuvo haciendo pruebas de trasmisiσn con mucha 
potencia, los detalles de dichos reportes son los siguientes:

Radio Verdad, Frecuencia: 4055 KHz

Fecha: 16 de febrero de 2016. Hora: 00:30 - 00:40. SINPO: 55544
Fecha: 17 de febrero de 2016. Hora: 02:30 - 02:45. SINPO: 55444
Fecha: 19 de febrero de 2016. Hora: 01:35 - 00:45. SINPO: 44444

Para los tres informes de recepciσn se utilizσ un receptor Tecsun PL-
600 con una antena de hilo largo de 6 metros. El lugar de recepciσn 
fue Minatitlαn, Veracruz Mιxico. En las tres emisiones pude escuchar 
que trasmitνan mϊsica religiosa. De nueva cuenta dejo mis datos de 
correo postal por si desea enviar confirmaciσn de dichos reportes:

Mariano Rodrνguez Maldonado.
Galeana #16, Praderas del jagόey
Minatitlαn, Veracruz 96770, Mιxico.

Por otra parte, quiero felicitar a todos los que hacen posible Radio 
Verdad, ya que pude escucharlos con mucha potencia y muy buen SINPO. 
Sin mαs por el momento me despido estimado amigo Ιdgar, enviαndoles 
cordiales saludos y esperando pronto volver a enviar reportes de 
recepciσn y que ιstos sean de utilidad para ustedes. Dios los bendiga. 
Hasta pronto (via Dr Madrid, DXLD)

Estimado Edgar, No es asombroso que llegue tan bien a la cercana 
Veracruz, igual que cumple aϊn hasta Oclajoma en la era aϊn antes de 
``alta potencia inyectada sin transmisores`` -- Todavνa no se le 
explica exactamente cσmo se funciona? 73, (Glenn, el dudoso, to Dr 
Madrid, via DXLD)

** GUYANA. 3290.0, Feb 18 at 0458, V of Guyana is stronger than usual 
at S9+15 --- but just barely modulated! 0459 I make out an ID for BBC 
World Service and timesignal ending one second late before news relay. 
Hearing this much is a feat as normally it`s a much weaker carrier 

** INDIA. 4888: see UNIDENTIFIED (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1814, 

** INDIA. AIR Urdu Service spurious signals --- I am getting the 
spurious signals of AIR Urdu Service at various times: 25 Feb 16: 0100 
UT 7045 kHz strong. Other frequencies weak signals on 6570 6730 6890 
kHz. 24 Feb 16: 1415 UT, 7050 kHz. The signals are distorted. First 
noted on Feb 9, 2016. It is heard by Mr. C. K. Raman, in Delhi also.
The sked of AIR Urdu service is:
0015-0430 UT: 702(J)  6145(A) 1071(R) 7340(M) 7520(Kh) 11620 (B)
0830-1130 UT: 702(J) 7250(Ki) 7340(M) 11620(Kh) 9940(Ki)  
0830-1930 UT: 7520(Kh)
Yours sincerely, (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur 
Radio, Raj Bhavan Road, Somajiguda, Hyderabad 500082, India, Cell: +91  
94416 96043, http://www.qsl.net/vu2jos Feb 24, dx_india yg via DXLD)

Spurious from AIR Nepali service noted 0700 UT onwards on 7045 and 
other freq in parallel 7520. ck (C K Raman, ibid.) So looks like 7520 
Khampur transmitter is the culprit (gh)

** INDIA. 7505.005 ??? and two ... three measurement engineering test 
tones of 100/200/287 Hertz distance away, at 0129 UT. Guess its rather 
AIR Delhi Kingsway technician tests. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 
kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (Wolfgang Bόschel, noted on remote network SDR 
station in eastern  Thailand, Feb 20, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews, dxldyg via 

** INDIA. 15049.992, AIR Sinhalese? via Delhi Khampur, but NOT ON DRM 
mode, rather in normal AM mode instead, S=8 in Doha Qatar at 1423 UT  
(Wolfgang Bόschel, BC-DX, Log on Monday Feb 22 at 1400-1530 UT - 
mostly in SDR net remote unit in Doha Qatar, but also in Brisbane 
Queensland Australia, and in southern Germany, [selected SDR options, 
span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz], dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)


New Delhi, Feb 24 (PTI) Tamil Nadu-cadre IAS officer Supriya Sahu and
senior broadcaster F Sheheryar are set to head Doordarshan and All 
India Radio (AIR) respectively as they have been selected by the 
Prasar Bharati board, officials said today.

"Members of the Prasar Bharati board chose Sahu to head Doordarshan 
and Sheheryar to become the AIR Director General. The proposal 
recommending their appointment would be sent (to the I&B Ministry) 
soon," a senior official said. Sheheryar at present heads AIR as its 
acting chief.

According to official sources, the Prasar Bharati board interviewed 
around 10 candidates for the top positions at Doordarshan and AIR 
today after which the two names were chosen. Both AIR and DD have been 
under acting heads for more than a year as regular appointments were 

The Prasar Bharati board will now forward these names to the 
Information and Broadcasting Ministry and the final clearance would 
come from the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet.

Sahu is a 1991-batch IAS officer who had earlier served as a Joint
Secretary in the I&B Ministry.

Sheheryar, a senior officer of the Indian Broadcasting (Programme) 
Service who joined AIR in 1981, has an extensive programming 
background. He has also served as the Station Director of Radio 

In the meeting, Prasar Bharati Chairperson A Suryaprakash, CEO Jawhar
Sircar and other members were present. However, Bollywood actor Kajol 
who was recently appointed as a part-time member did not attend the 
meet. --- (via Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, Feb 24, dx_india yg via DXLD)

** INDONESIA. 3325: Hi Glenn - Feb 18 at 1250 only open carrier with 
very faint audio (unusable); by 1305 had slow improvement; 1317 
positive RRI ID; clearly only one station here, therefor believe the 
station I heard the whole time today was only RRI. No NBC Bougainville 
on 6020 during this time period (Ron Howard, CA, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

3325, RRI Palangkaraya. Feb 19 tuned in at 1234 to find the frequency 
clear of any carrier (so also no NBC Bougainville); still totally 
silent at 1340, but by 1359 they were on the air with almost fair 
reception and went into their normal local Palangkaraya news.

3325, RRI Palangkaraya, 1045, Feb 21. Fair reception on top of 
Bougainville, with Islamic call-to-prayer, the Maghrib (evening 
prayer, just after sunset). 

3325, RRI Palangkaraya on Feb 22 was off the air from tune in at 1140 
and subsequent checking. 

3325, RRI Palangkaraya heard again Feb 23; yesterday not signing on 
till *1425, per Atsunori Ishida; 1202 with Jakarta news; NBC 
Bougainville very weak underneath for a short time; 1219 ended the 
news with UNID patriotic song (not the usual patriotic song 
“Bagimu Negeri”); // 3904.96 (RRI Merauke) (Ron Howard, San Francisco 
at Ocean Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via DX 

** INDONESIA. 3905, Pro 1 RRI Merauke was silent Feb 18, but heard 
again the next day at 1236 check (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, 
CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

3904.982, RRI Marauke, proper S=9+10dB signal observed in Brisbane. At 
1445 UT on Feb 22. Nice clean audio and excellent modulation noted in 
Queensland (Wolfgang Bόschel, BC-DX, Log on Monday Feb 22 at 1400-1530 
UT - mostly in SDR net remote unit in Doha Qatar, but also in Brisbane 
Queensland Australia, and in southern Germany, [selected SDR options, 
span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz], dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA [and non]. Some three peaks on always on bad 4750v kHz 
channel mixture at 1500 UT:
4749.949, INS tentat. RRI Makassar program?
4749.992, CHN tentat. CNR Hailar Chinese program?
4750.0,   BGD Probably Radio Bangladesh Betar program? S=6 strongest.
(Wolfgang Bόschel, BC-DX, Log on Monday Feb 22 at 1400-1530 UT - 
mostly in SDR net remote unit in Doha Qatar, but also in Brisbane 
Queensland Australia, and in southern Germany, [selected SDR options, 
span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz], dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. RE: Glenn's non-log and comments:

"9680, Feb 14 at 1426, absolutely no signal here, not even a JBA 
carrier, so no RRI Pro 4 reactivated. The other RRI/VOI frequency, 
9525-, does have a JBA carrier, which is the best it ever does here. 
Also, the China/Taiwan radio war must be over at 1400; and KNLS, if 
foolish enough to collide with them earlier, is taking a break during 
this hour. I`m checking because of this recent report:

``9680.00, 1220-1235 30.1, RRI Jakarta 4, Cimanggis (tentative). 
Bahasa Indonesia talk, music, 42432, QRM R Taiwan Int. in Chinese on 
9680. Best 73, (Anker Petersen, Denmark, heard on my AOR AR7030PLUS 
with 28 metres of longwire in Skovlunde, via Dario Monferini, playdx 
yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1811, DXLD)

9680 RRI was last reported exactly one year ago, as in

Hi Glenn - Feb 21 was able to tune in before the "China/Taiwan radio 
war," at 1026 and agree with your observations, as the frequency was 
totally clear of any station (no carrier at all) (Ron Howard, San 
Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg 

** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. 107.7 W  Anik-F1/R, C-Band, V-4.142 GHz, 
30002 MSPS H.264 8PSK compression and modulation at 720p resolution 
with HD CTV feed From CFRN-02 Edmonton showing ‘Corner Gas’ (If I’m 
being honest, this is one of my ‘guilty pleasures. The show is so bad 
that it is good, if you know what I mean. And Brent Butt is a hoot and 
a half in an 'understated' sort of way.) Episode today was about 
curling -- a classic! In well with 68% quality and only the occasional 
pixel out of place (as shown here) but very watchable. Seen 2100-2130+ 
13/Feb (Kenneth Vito Zichi, Port Hope MI2, MARE TIpsheet Feb 19 via 

** IRAN. 9445.6, Feb 19 at 0125, very poor signal in Spanish, weird: 
must be VIRI, 500 kW, 310 degrees from Kamalabad, supposed to be on 
9445.0 at 0020-0220. Listed // is 7225 in the Western Hemisphere 
hamband, also Kamalabad. I wonder if it`s off-frequency too? (Glenn 

9550.007, IRIB in Turkish via Kamalabad distorted audio transmitter, -
and three spurious either sideband, noted at 0525-0535 UT check on Feb 
20. Scheduled daily 0420-0550 UT, heard with powerful S=9+35dB this 
morning. And accompanied three heavy scratching audio distortion 
spurs, on 9447-9453, 9487-9490, 9491.8-9507 kHz, and 9597.6-9611.3, 
9647.8-9665.3, 9704-9711 kHz. Posted by: ("Wolfgang Bueschel" 

7270.008, V of IRI in Tajik from Kamalabad, S=8-9, nice Persian folk 
music heard at 0121 UT, but modulation of slight 'whine distortion' 

7360.008, V of IRI in Urdu from Kamalabad site, Interval Signal heard
at 0120-0122 UT slot [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 
Hertz] (Wolfgang Bόschel, noted on remote network SDR station in 
eastern Thailand, Feb 20, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews, dxldyg via DXLD)

6055, Feb 23 at 0230, JBA carrier. Surely not JOZ at midday in Japan; 
HFCC shows it must be IRIB, 0230-0530 in Arabic, 500 kW, 178 degrees 
from Kamalabad (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Additional frequencies of VIRI IRIB from Feb 26 to March 17
0223-0320 on  6170 KAM 500 kW / 118 deg to WeAs Pashto
parallel freq 6075 SIR 500 kW / 053 deg to WeAs Pashto
parallel freq 7390 KAM 500 kW / 094 deg to WeAs Pashto

1623-1720 on  5975 KAM 500 kW / 118 deg to WeAs Pashto (alt. 7335)
parallel freq 5935 SIR 500 kW / 060 deg to WeAs Pashto
parallel freq 7345 AHW 250 kW / 084 deg to WeAs Pashto
73! (Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Why? Leading up to spring/new year? (gh, DXLD)

** IRAN [non]. Reception of Radio Ranginkaman/Rainbow via BaBcoCk on 
Feb 22:
1700-1730 7460 SCB 050 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri, good signal
1700-1730 7550 TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri, poor signal
-- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ITALY. Info Update 2016-02-24 --- I stumbled across yet another 
oddity from Italy on MW, Challenger-Radio 1368 + 846 + 567 kHz heard 
on 2016-02-21 at 2005z (snippet attached) had a DX test going, using 
their male computer voice "Challenger Radio, long propagation test on 
kHz 567 kHz 846 and kHz 1368." with short pings of tones inbetween the 
announcements. I hear the 1368 and 846, again nothing heard on 567 
which is a channel used and covered by Spain. Thanks and best regards
(Tobias (T²), Germany, Feb 23, WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DX LISTENING 

** ITALY. IBC Italian Broadcasting Corporation - New tests on 6970 kHz 
to Europe, Americas, Asia and Oceania

Dear listeners, ITALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION - IBC, will broadcast 
again as follows:

- Saturday 27 February
2200-0200 UT on 6970 kHz USB TO THE AMERICAS

- Sunday 28 February
0800-1200 UT on 6970 kHz AM TO EUROPE
1600-2100 UT on 6970 kHz USB TO ASIA AND OCEANIA

During our airtime we will broadcast some old transmissions in 
English, Italian and Farsi (Persian), as well as new transmissions in 
English and Italian, like a mailbox (La posta degli ascoltatori) and 
"Italian Shortwave Panorama" co-produced with Marconi Radio 
International. Please spread the news and send your reception reports 
to ibc@europe.com

Posted by: (Antonello Napolitano, Feb 24, dxldyg via DXLD)

** JAPAN. 774, JOUB Akita (NHK-2), 1334, Feb 19 with Chinese language 
lesson and of course also in Japanese; by 1403 had a English language 
lesson. This is consistently the best Trans-Pacific station that I can 
hear (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' 
long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. 5006, HFD Radio Station JG2XA. Now that VC01 Chinese 
military numbers station has moved off this frequency, am able to 
almost daily hear CW here and // 8006; their CW is on for about 37 
seconds every minute; best reception about 1330 (Ron Howard, Asilomar 
State Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via DX 

** JAPAN. 6055, Feb 18 at 1333, R. Nikkei 1 with English lesson as 
habitual on Thursdays to compete with Sea Breeze: American accented 
guy is reading a news story about price hikes of train tickets to 
Disneyland, interspersed with gal in Japanese, not clear if 
translating or explaining (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. 6195, UT Sun Feb 21 at 0427, S9+35 signal from R. 
Japσn via WHRI, with `Espacio Diexista`, which is evidently a 
subsexion of the mailbag show (not a revival of Radio Nederland`s 
program), acknowledging a few reception reports, so all may know 
someones` SINPO readings. Already outro at 0429 in time to recite the 
full now very limited Spanish transmission schedule, including // 5985 
for this 0400 transmission, so I quickly check that as 6195 cuts off:

5985, UT Sun Feb 21 at 0429, R. Japσn via WRMI, has been // 6195 via 
WHRI, but not enough time to check synchrony; seems close. But wait! 
5985 then continues with NHK opening in Russian, amid some IADs; by 
0432 it`s switched to a gospel huxter in English, which was supposed 
to start at 0430, i.e. scheduled `Walking in Power`. (NHK Russian at 
0430 is supposed to be only on 5910 via Lithuania, but checking that, 
I hear Alcaravαn radio instead; see COLOMBIA)

(As I check WRMI transmission grid at googledocs, Feb 21 at 1550, I 
see that Jeff White himself is logged into it, with a thumbnail of him 
as well as two anonymous users, Cheetah and Kangaroo, for group chat. 
Refreshing, Kangaroo has disappeared.) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 7400, Feb 18 at 1327, S9 = very poor but it`s 
the Sea Breeze YL, in English as on Thursdays only; requires narrow 
bandwidth and LSB tuning on R75 to avoid 7405 Cuban jamming and Martν 
which add up to S9+20; 1328 spelling address, P O Box with piano 
music, and presumably replaying the first semihour during the second. 
No CRI Burmese noted today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Hi Glenn - Was also listening Feb 18 to Shiokaze's English; at 1355
segment "This is a message from the Japanese Government," but 
jammed with pulsating noise from N. Korea and also CRI QRM (Ron 
Howard, CA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 9975, Feb 19 at 1527, Korean at dictation speed, 
repeating, including numbers? Is tail of 1500-1530 Il Bon Ue Baram, = 
Wind from Japan, per Aoki, via PALAU. S9+10, facilitated now by AWOL 
of 9980 WWCRBS; and to be followed at 1600-1630 by Japanese version of 
same, Furusato no Kaze (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH. 4885, Echo of Hope - VOH, as of Feb 19, this continues 
to be well heard daily; still free of jamming, but occasionally hit 
with either OTH radar or CODAR QRM. 

RE: UNID on 4888 that Glenn and I heard Feb 18, was not there today 
(Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' long 
wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) It was INDIA off from 4880

** KOREA SOUTH. 4900, Korean Numbers Station V24, *1500-1508*, Feb 21. 
Nice signal; an open carrier noted as early as 1457. Opening song - 
"Chohon" (Spiritualism) by Yunjeong Jang. My audio at  
Had some audio hum during the numbers. Nice music!

Group results of monitoring V24 since Feb 14 -
Station had been silent for many months (Ron Howard, San Francisco at 
Ocean Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via DX 

** KUWAIT. USA(non), Good signal of Radio Free Afghanistan, the only 
station in this range, from 0945 19010 KWT 250 kW / 070 deg WeAs 
Dari/Pashto, scheduled 0430-1230
73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1814, 
DX LISTENING DIGEST) See AGHANISTAN [non] for this band in A-16 (gh)

** KYRGYZSTAN. 4009.850, Kyrgyz Radio, from Bishkek Krasnaya Rechka, 
poor S=6 signal strength at Brisbane, at 1457 UT Feb 22, \\ 4819.886 
kHz 1459 (Wolfgang Bόschel, BC-DX, Log on Monday Feb 22 at 1400-1530 
UT - mostly in SDR net remote unit in Doha Qatar, but also in Brisbane 
Queensland Australia, and in southern Germany, [selected SDR options, 
span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz], dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MALAYSIA [and non-log]. 5965, Radio Klasik, 1607, Feb 18. Checking 
for possible reactivation, but frequency was completely clear of any 
signal, as CRI had already signed off. So inactive remain Radio 
Klasik, Asyik FM (6050) and Traxx FM (7295). Almost daily I check for 
Asyik & Traxx. 

11665, Limbang FM via Wai FM via RTM. It's Thursday so I checked for 
this relay; yes, they still carry Limbang FM programming (1315-1400); 
1333 on Feb 18 with full Limbang FM ID and frequencies; fair. Thanks 
again to Harold Frodge for first finding this Thursday relay. Is also 
carried on Monday, as discovered by Dan Sheedy (Ron Howard, Asilomar 
State Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via WORLD OF 

11665, Feb 18, 2337-2342 RTM Wai FM, Kajang, in Malay. All musics; YL 
talks. Fair signal and barely audible modulation, 35331 (DXer Josι 
Ronaldo Xavier (JRX), Cabedelo [PB], Brazil, Sony ICF-SW100S, Hard-
Core-DX mailing list via DXLD)

11665.000, RTM Kajang K-L, proper S=9+15dB strong service heard in 
Eastern Thailand. News read by male presenter at 0104 UT Feb 20, nice 
sounding 10 kHz wide signal on 11660 to 11670 kHz [selected SDR 
options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (Wolfgang Bόschel, noted on 
remote network SDR station in eastern Thailand, Feb 20, wwdxc BC-DX 
TopNews, dxldyg via DXLD)

[and non]. 11665, Feb 24 at 1419, CCI between two equal stations, one 
music, one talk, Asian? Music is certainly MALAYSIA, which failed to 
register with the HFCC, and which shows the other is: CRI English, due 
west via Urumqi, East Turkistan during this hour only. Egypt and Japan 
also use 11665 at other hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX WORLD OF RADIO 

** MARSHALL ISLANDS. RMI’s AM Radio Station Unable To Broadcast After 
Breakdown --- Government station not reaching outer islands
By Giff Johnson, Pacific Islands Report, Pacific Islands Development 
Program, East-West Center, With Support From Center for Pacific 
Islands Studies, University of Hawai‘i


MAJURO, Marshall Islands (Marianas Variety, Feb. 19, 2016) – Ongoing 
radio broadcasting woes of the Marshall Islands government worsened 
this week as the government’s AM radio broadcasting equipment broke 
down and was unable to broadcast for days.

The problem sparked concern and debate at sessions of the parliament 
this week as the collapse of the AM broadcasting service meant the 
government station could no longer reach the thousands of islanders 
who live dispersed on remote outer atolls.

The government radio station’s FM broadcast continued without 
interruption, but only provides partial coverage of the capital atoll, 
Majuro. The AM station, which used to have the power to be heard on 
atolls 600 miles distant from Majuro, has been slowly worsening over 
the past several years, with many complaints in parliament but no 
significant improvements.

Station manager Antari Elbon said last Friday V7AB radio staff and 
national telecom workers were working on the problem, which they were 
still trying to identify and resolve. The AM station was still off as 
of Wednesday.

The issue of weak V7AB broadcasting power generated considerable 
discussion in the parliament this week, with Majuro Sen. David Kramer, 
Kwajalein Sen. David Paul and Maloelap Sen. Bruce Bilimon questioning 
the government about its plans to get the station back to where it was 
a few years ago when its broadcasts were adequate to reach the 
furthest outer island.

Kramer said V7AB needs to be a priority so people on the outer islands 
and around Majuro can hear parliament sessions — which are broadcast 
live — and get emergency information.

Minister in Assistance to the President Mattlan Zackhras agreed that 
the broadcast situation was deficient, and pointed out that this 
ongoing problem was raised repeatedly as an issue in parliament last 
year with little result. V7AB has refurbished its broadcast tower, but 
the key problem now is the need for equipment that costs $65,000 and 
funds have yet to be identified. He said it should be a priority for 
the government to locate funds to enable the purchase of the equipment 
to improve V7AB broadcast.

Bilimon wanted to know if funds could be located and how quickly the 
station could be repaired to resume broadcasting so the outer islands 
could tune in.

Paul said the government needed to have back-up parts and a plan for 
parts and maintenance of V7AB equipment to ensure this type of 
situation doesn’t continue as it has for years. The government is 
"reactive" and needs to be proactive to get out in front of this 
problem "so V7AB broadcasts all the time for people to hear," he said.

Last May the U.S. Interior Department approved a $40,600 grant to 
upgrade the government station. As of this week, only $18,000 of the 
funding had been obligated but none of the grant actually spent, 
according to the Ministry of Finance.

Copyright © 2015 Marianas Variety. All Rights Reserved (via Harry Van 
Vugt, Canada, WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DXLD)

V7AB is on 1098 kHz. WRTH 2016 says 25 kW, on reduced power of 0.7 kW! 
(Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DXLD)

** MEXICO. 540, Feb 18 at 0625 UT, rock song in English, ``Cuarenta 
Principales`` interjected into song during a brief pause in lyrix, and 
again a minute later plus some other DJ comment. I would find this 
extremely annoying if I were enjoying the music, which I almost am; 
0628 to a duet in Spanish. It`s XEWA in San Luνs Potosν, dominant now 
instead of XETX in Chihuahua, and forget about CBK. Still I doubt they 
are running 150 kW as listed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** MEXICO. 680, Feb 18 at 1300 UT, starting local newscast about 
Sinaloa with activities of PAN party, i.e. XEORO, Guasave, 1/0.5 kW. 
No problem from KNBR or KKYX yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** MEXICO. 800, Feb 18 at 1303 UT, paean to Papa Francisco who just 
visited Juαrez, from XEROK, holding own by skywave at right angle to 
groundwave from KQCV OKC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 


The IFT has been pretty quiet lately, but it sounds like they got a 
lot done today.

Aside from taking part in government-wide budget cuts, 
telecommunications stuff, and whatnot, there was one public use 
concession of some sort issued and a couple of pirates silenced. 

[tagline:] Este programa es pϊblico, ajeno a cualquier partido 
polνtico. Queda prohibido el uso para fines distintos a los 
establecidos en el programa. Read my Mexico Beat blog (Raymie Humbert, 
Phœnix AZ, Feb 18, WTFDA Forum via DXLD)

The picture continues to look ominous for XHK and a strike may not be 
far off. 

On the 15th, XHK representatives refused to show up to an arbitration 
meeting, and a strike could occur as soon as March 7. Speaking of 
ominous pictures, why has there not been a single update to the IFT 
tables in six months? (Raymie, Feb 20, ibid.)

Last year, I helped Fred Nordquist identify his catch of XHVX-FM in 
Comalcalco, Tabasco. At the time, I noted the concessionaire's 
unforgettable name: Moisιs Fιlix Dagdug Lutzow. I certainly did not 
forget that name, but unfortunately I have some very sad news to 

Dagdug was assassinated in his Villahermosa home today. 

It appears that the killing was part of a robbery. He was a federal 
deputy for the PRD from 2006 to 2009 and two-time president of the 
state broadcasters' association (part of the national CIRT).

Tabasco Hoy has more on the story. 

The white pickup that the criminals used to flee the scene, which was 
stolen from Dagdug, was recovered, and beer and guns were found 
inside. There were traces of blood on the seats, and additionally one 
of the truck's tires blew out while the murderers fled.

His funeral will be held later this afternoon with burial tomorrow. 
Dagdug was 65 (Raymie, Feb 20, ibid.)

What Does the RTC Do?

We're all fairly familiar with the functions of the IFT as a 
regulatory agency. It licenses new broadcast stations, manages the 
concessions of existing ones and authorizes the technical parameters 
of said stations.

What it does not do, however, is monitor programming. That is part of 
the remit of another agency, the RTC — Direcciσn General de Radio, 
Televisiσn y Cinematografνa. The RTC, as its name suggests, has 
responsibilities in radio, television and film—where it is Mexico's 
rating system. The RTC does things that are important in their own 
right: the production of La Hora Nacional and distribution of PSAs and 
RTC long-form programs, the rating of television programs, and the 
management of content standards.

    Distribution of programs

The RTC uses a system called DDIM 
(which translates neatly into English as Digital Distribution of 
Information and Official Materials). The first DDIM came into use in 
2004, while a second version launched in 2010. With the launch of 
DDIM, the RTC was able to stop using expensive courier services to 
send official materials to stations across the country. Materials are 
then sent by C-band satellite to more than 1,500 reception points 
across the country. At each reception point, there is RTC-issued 
equipment to allow the stations to receive the information, audio and 
video that has been sent.

Live programs are distributed as well, particularly cadenas 
nacionales. This is what it looks like when the RTC sends out an 
"Urgent Advisory".

The signal is sent live through the satellites, though it does not 
originate directly from the RTC but rather from the INE or from 
CEPROPIE - the presidential Center for the Production of Informational 
and Special Programs.

The RTC also maintains a site on which all of the radio and TV spots, 
editions of La Hora Nacional, etc. are available, which is 
http://rtc.gob.mx/pautas (the INE maintains its own at 
for its spots). The site is notably older; the splash page has 
graphics from 2008 (using the design language from the Felipe Calderσn 
government), and there is an animation on the audio list page that has 
early 2000s-vintage government logos.

    Monitoring and enforcement

Each radio or TV spot and live program is tagged with a digital 
signature that allows the RTC to digitally monitor the stations for 
compliance. The RTC has a digital monitoring system and 31 movable 
monitoring units across the country. You can, of course, be fined for 
noncompliance, though the RTC doesn't exactly issue that many fines 
these days.

The RTC also issues permits for religious broadcasting (not for whole 
stations but for programs), and it's very lax at doing so (Raymie, Feb 
21, ibid.)

Searching in the Facebook page of XHENB-29, an user reported issues 
with the digital audio of that channel. 

So I went to the RPC, and look this: XHENB-29 is requested to 
broadcast in intermitent operation. 
That implies at this time, XHENB-29 is working on DTV-only (Gargadon, 
Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Feb 22, ibid.)

I found that auth a couple of weeks ago and I've been sending those to 
Doug Smith. If you need info on shadows, go there first as he should 
have every shadow I can find in the RPC, except one where half the 
technical parameters are missing.*

    It's a super strange authorization:

    #1. They were asked to be ready within three days of receiving the 
auth. That's a very short window.

    #2. This is a change of location from the coordinates that were 
available for XHENB.

    #3. It's conditioned on aviation and FCC approval. (Clause 11) The 
repacking tables list a very provisional, 1 kW digital facility for 
XHENB and also appear to list reference coordinates.

    *XHCBM Zamora Mich. (Cerro Pinturas Rupestres). The two pages are 
missing from the document in the RPC (Raymie, Feb 22, ibid.)

** MYANMAR. 5985.0, Myanmar Radio, on Feb 18 (Thursday), after the 
news and weather in English, heard NHK's "Friends Around the World" 
show starting at 1536 with guest Kaichiro Kitamura, a jazz vocal 
percussionist, with hosts Risa Shimizu and Michelle Yamamoto; semi-
readable (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' 
long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 11725, Feb 19 at 0655, NO signal from RNZI which is 
normally very good, but there is S9+10 worth of DRM noise from 11685 
to 11690 to 11695. Now we know where their priorities lie. The DRM 
transmitter could also be operated in AM if necessary. As a Friday, 
this cannot be excused as a maintenance day. Are further AM 
frequencies missing? 

Glenn, it happened before, here΄s a reply from last October:

Sent: Monday, 26 October 2015 10:02 a.m.
To: RNZIInfo
Subject: no analog transmission?

Hi there, I have just noted that your AM transmission on 11725 kHz 
shortwave is missing? DRM 11690 kHz was ok today. What happened to AM 
shortwave? Kind regards Harald Kuhl

Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2015 um 18:39 Uhr
Betreff: RE: no analog transmission?

Hello Harald, There was a transmitter fault which caused the 
disruption to our AM service. The problem has been fixed.

Adrian Sainsbury
Technical Manager
Radio New Zealand International
P O Box 123
Wellington 6011

Web:  http://www.rnzi.com
RNZI Frequency Schedule at 
(via Harald Kuhl, Germany, DXLD)

Fiji Cyclone --- RNZ International has tweeted that it will broadcast 
cyclone updates day and night on shortwave (Mike Terry, UK, 1627 UT 
Feb 19, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

15720, Feb 20 at 0114, music at S4, insufficient, but evidence that 
the AM transmitter of RNZI is working again after missing from 11725 
last night.

11724.99, UT Sat Feb 20 at 0619, RNZI is back on the AM air, whew, for 
the multi-hour `Saturday Night` request show, which is one of the best 
things on SW, S9+20 with timecheck as 20 past 7.

11725.015, UT Sun Feb 21 at 0615, RNZI is on the hi side for a change, 
VG signal with the `TED Radio Hour` from NPR in the USA! At first 
there are some intermittent carrier dropoffs. Discussion of need for 
equal justice, etc. I couldn`t stop listening to this terrific 
program, rather than some more bandscanning before bedtime. 0654 outro 
by Guy Raz as ``on Radio N Zed National``, so fixed up just for them. 
It`s weekly Sundays at 0606 UT. Here the RNZN page about it:

``The TED Radio Hour is a National Public Radio series based on talks 
from annual gatherings where some of the world's deepest thinkers and 
innovators are invited to give the 18-minute "talk of their lives." 
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design.``

It`s scandalous that this and other excellent NPR programs have NO SW 
OUTLET from our own country, public or private! This episode content 
does not match the Feb 19 edition at
Nor it seems what`s on the NZ page above, with linx to lots of other 
topix. As I was saying in my interview with Chrissie on Global Voice 
Radio, we`re so fortunate to have RNZI relaying RNZN on SW (Glenn 

RNZI DIGITAL, 1505 21 Feb 2016, 9780; 1458 21 FEB - SINPO = 35323. 
English, music, female DJ (complaining of jet lag). 5 pips & ID at 
1500z followed by news aftermath of cyclone Winston. sf98.9, a6, k0, 
geomag: inactive. 

(Note: this was AM not DRM, and nothing heard on usual AM 9700 kHz). 
25kw, beamAz 35 , bearing 226 . Sangean ATS505 w/Sony AN-LP1 active 
loop in west facing window. Received at Las Vegas, United States, 
10847KM from transmitter at Rangitaiki. Local time: 0658 (Rodney 
Johnson, NV, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Radio New Zealand International, 9700, 1458 23 FEB - SINPO = 35122. 
English, country music. ID at 1500z after 5 pips news read by Vicky 
‘Kahn?’. QSB=slow-to-moderate rate, modulation mostly above a very 
high noise floor. (9780 kHz silent now after it was AM on the 21st and 
this frequency was silent). sf93.6, a4, k1, geomag: very quiet. 50kw, 
beamAz 35 , bearing 226 . Sangean ATS505 w/Sony AN-LP1 active loop in 
west facing window. Received at Las Vegas, United States, 10847KM from 
transmitter at Rangitaiki. Local time: 0658 (Rodney Johnson, NV, 

11725, Wed Feb 24 at 0655, RNZI is AWOL again from AM frequency, but 
blasting S9+20 DRM noise from 11685 to 11695 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD 

** NIGERIA [and non]. 6089.860, Radio Kaduna Nigeria noted on fair S=7 
level at 0510 UT, QRM by Anguilla religious on 2 Hertz upper side 
close at 6090.002 kHz (Wolfgang Bόschel, Feb 20, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews, 
dxldyg via DXLD)

** NIGERIA. 7255, Feb 18, 0803-0810, Voice of Nigeria, Abuja-Lugbe, in 
English (Not French, says new sked). YL/OM presents news and comments 
about Nigerian economy and development; ID. Good signal and fair 
modulation, 45433 (DXer Josι Ronaldo Xavier (JRX), Cabedelo [PB], 
Brazil, Sony ICF-SW100S, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD)

Hi out there, another one of these nowadays sporadic Voice of Nigeria 
logs: Not heard for the announced daytime English/French transmissions 
on 9690 or 15120 recently, but today from 1600 on 11770 again:

1600 dead air, only the whine, visible on Twente SDR waterfall as
strong, irregular lines +/- 2.3 kHz and several others weaker. 1603 
into kiSuaheli, 1606 break, ca. 1615 back and now after 1630 presumed 
Yoruba with segments of English during interviews. Strong signal, 
strong whine. 73 (thorsten hallmann, germany, feb 18, dxldyg via DX 

So what channel for what service seems to be more or less random at 
the moment; was 11770 for Arabic before and 9690 for kiSuaheli earlier 
in February. 73 (thorsten, 1732 UT, ibid.)

7254.93, Feb 19 at 0658, I`ve barely finished measuring the offset 
during drumming and a VON announcement in French, I think giving time 
0700-0730, when at 0659* it cuts off the air! Maybe they were saying 
French would then be on some other frequency? Nothing on 9690- (Glenn 

Voice of Nigeria on February 19, open carrier/dead air
from 1622 on  9690 IKO 250 kW / 248 deg to WCAf B-15 in Swahili
from 1751 on 11770*IKO 250 kW / 007 deg to NoAf Arabic in B-15:
* very strong QRM from FEBA Radio/Radio Sama in Arabic on 11765
(Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

[and non]. 7254.920, accurate V Of Nigeria Ikorodu signal at 0625 UT 
on Feb 20, and neighbour Belarus Radio form Minsk-Kalodzicy on even 
7255.0 kHz (Wolfgang Bόschel, Feb 20, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews, dxldyg via 

7254.938, Voice of Nigeria Ikorodu in French, slight morning fade-out 
here in southern Germany, male announcer program at 0702 UT Feb 21. 
S=7-8 fade out. 73 wb (Wolfgang Bόschel, Stuttgart, Germany, [selected 
SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] BC-DX TopNews Feb 21 via 

7254.94, Feb 21 at 0708 VON in French at S9+10 but undermodulated, so 
it has stayed on today, unlike Feb 19 when it dumped off at 0659* 

Poor reception of Voice of Nigeria on 15120 Feb 21-22
till 1545 on 15120.0 IKO 250 kW / 007 deg to NoAf French & off, Feb 21
till 1530 on 15120.0 IKO 250 kW / 007 deg to NoAf English, February 22
from 1530 on 15120.0 IKO 250 kW / 007 deg to NoAf French, February 22:
-- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)


Irregular transmissions from Voice of Nigeria Lagos continue between 
0900 and 1800, while transmission of Voice of Nigeria Abuja from 0600-
0900 and 1800-2100 seem to be more or less regular. Last week I had to 
check the channels more or less regularly at daytime, so I can give a 
good impression, I think, about how irregular transmissions were. For 
Feb 14+15 see last week's DXLD, on Feb 16+17 I haven't heard them. But 
read the following report to see them struggling on and on with a 
transmitter that seemingly doesn't really want to broadcast, or at 
least not before getting a proper cure for his aches and pains, or a 
bribe :-). Of course, I have certainly not observed every broadcast, 
and I can't tell if this transmitter was also active on 7255 or 
somewhere else at times, but obviously they intend to broadcast on 
9690, 11770 and 15120 with certain services at certain times:

Feb. 18: Not heard for the announced daytime English/French 
transmissions on 9690 or 15120, but from 1600 on 11770: 1600 dead air, 
only the whine, visible on Twente SDR waterfall as strong, irregular 
lines +/- 2,3 kHz and several others weaker. 1603 into kiswaheli, 1606 
break, ca. 1615 back and after 1630 in presumed Yoruba with segments 
of English during interviews. Strong signal, strong whine. Same 
transmitter was, for a change, on 9690 again at 1730 for Arabic, but 
only for a short while.

Feb. 19: Tentatively it was them signing on at 0900 on 9690, but 
signal wasn't strong enough to follow it during the QRMy afternoon. 
Switching on and off 9690 after 1600 without Kiswaheli programme, back 
on 11770 for arabic after 1730.

Feb. 20: Certainly there on 9690 with English from 0900, afternoon 
recheck brought a nice signal with French programme on 15120 until 
1558, untraced on 9690 for Kiswaheli because of REE Spanish football 
coverage, but again on 11770 for arabic after 1730. Almost full 
scheduled service, it seems!?

Feb. 21: No time to check in  the morning, but unheard at 1300 or 1400 
(not tried later), traced only for Arabic service on 11770, signing on 
a few minutes late.

Feb. 22: No trace of the whining transmitter on 9690, 11770 or 15120 
at 0900, 1000, 1200 and 1430 - but it was on 15120 at 1500 recheck, 
music only and a strong whine. Just a minute or so later transmission 
cut off... Caught again at next check around 1730 with open carrier on 
11770. Off at 1734. NB: 15120-DRM from Abuja was already on air at 

Feb 23: First check at 1200 but without positive result, but I guess 
the carrier around 1300 on 9690 was VON, nothing else scheduled. Not 
heard at 1400, 1500 or 1530 on 15120 (if it was on 9690 I likely 
wouldn't have traced because of presumably much stronger CRI 1500-
1600). But characteristic carrier with strong whine at 1540 on 15120 
signing on and off. The whine seems to build up some seconds after 
sign-on taking a little while to grow up to full atrocity. Nothing on 
9690 after 1600, nothing after 1730 on 11770, and of course, vice 
versa or on 15120.

73 (Thorsten Hallmann, Mόnster, Germany, 
Feb 24, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6915 AM, UNID USA Pirate, Feb/19/16 2014 UT, EE, 
GOOD S-6 Signal, Rock Music at 2014-2019 tune In. More music at 2019-
22 "Mighty Quinn". More music 2022-2027 "Just a Singer in a RnRoll 
Band" by Moody Blues. Male DJ spoke at 2027 but couldn't pull any IDs 
Imperium Loop. 73 ROB VA3SW (Robert S. Ross, London, Ontario, CANADA 
ODXA yg via DXLD)

THIS IS NOTABLE in that the pirate must have Overcome WRMIBS which is 
now 24h on 6915. Standard inquiry: how does Rob know this was in USA, 
not Canada, which is why we file these under North America, a standard 
ploy of other Canadians forced to acknowledge the existence of a 
bigger neighbour that can`t be excluded; while most Americans don`t 
bother to reciprocate (Glenn Hauser, DXLD)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6950, PIRATE (No. Am.), Poncho Villa, 0501, Feb. 20. 
tune in with IDs spoofs about Pee Wee Herman, Glenn Hauser, Jay 
Smiltstein [sic] etc. ID as relay from KULP at 0511 then off. 
Extremely good signal (Mick Delmage, Sherwood Park AB, Collins HF 2050 
with KLM 7-30 MHz Log Periodic; Perseus SDR with Wellbrook Loop 
antenna, NASWA Flashsheet Feb 21 via DXLD)

This was the annual appearance from/for the SWL Winterfest (gh)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 1020, Feb 19 at 0141 UT, praise music in 
Spanish owns frequency, i.e. 50 kW KCKN Roswell NM still not nulling 
toward KDKA; but there is also a heavy SAH of 2.5 Hz, with DF fitting 
for my semi-local KOKP Perry OK. I conclude that KOKP is in dead air 
instead of Triple-Play Sports. 

Listening further, I hear a weak country(?) music station which seems 
to be close to the KOKP direxion. Not that many 1020s in the USA, and 
format unmatches any of them, near or far, in NRC AM Log. DF is no 
good for Mexico either. Maybe it was really one of the three Cubans in 

** OKLAHOMA. 1210, Feb 18 at 1311 UT, just CCI without KGYN; by 1313 
UT maybe it`s some country music in the mix. KGYN Guymon has been 
behaving itself lately, not a bigsig at night either so protecting 
Philadelphia, but I wonder if it`s even ND 10 kW in the daytime? At 
1858 UT on the PL-880 it`s there but JBA. Feb SR/SS times are 1330-
0030 UT (March: 1300-0045 UT). If their 50/10 kW CP is ever built, 
also calls for 39 kW during Critical Hours.

1210, Feb 20 at 1750 UT on caradio, very poor signal from KGYN Guymon 
on groundwave. IIRC it used to be better, so continue to suspect 
something is amiss, like power lowered from 10 kW, or sticking to 
night pattern in day, nulling toward Philadelphia and us; it used to 
be the other way round, ND day pattern at night, when I don`t hear 
much from it either now (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 88.3 FM, Feb 20 at 1750 UT check and for a while now, 
K202BY Enid is off the air again and has been for a few days, the 
Family Radio satellator, so might as well feed the BST-1 into the 
caradio here instead of 88.1 where there are somethings to be heard.

92.1, Feb 20 at 1750 UT check, KAMG-LP Enid has finally fixed its 
modulation after weeks of unlistenable distortion. Unfortunately, 
altho it started out at a local ``Amigo`` church, all it transmits is 
praise music and preaching in Spanish off some satellite, not exactly 
what LPFM was designed for (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. The last week or more, I`ve had a hard time getting a 
fully quiet, let alone stereo signal from our only classical music 
station, 90.1 KUCO Edmond/OKC, on caradio or portable homeradios. 
Perhaps this explain it from their homepage which has never called 
itself a .org, http://www.kucofm.com

``A Note from the General Manager --- Dear Friends, Ice and 
earthquakes. These have been the bane of our existence over the last 
couple of months. When ice covers the antenna (ice can form at the 
antenna level, 800 feet above the ground, even when the air remains 
above freezing at the ground) it becomes necessary to cut transmission 
power to keep from damaging the transmitter. Last Thanksgiving we had 
to cut power to 5% and wait for the ice to melt. When the ice did 
melt, it fell downward as rods and shattered most of the beacons and 
marker lights on both our campus and Oklahoma City towers. We had both 
re-lamped. A second round of ice shattered some of the newly replaced 
lamps on the big tower. Re-lamp again.

Then there were two earthquakes in the course of one week. These 
quakes cut of[f] power to the UCO campus. We have temporary backup 
power to the studios, but the outages lasted longer than our power 
could hold, so we were off-air a couple of early mornings. 

Thank you for your patience during these unexpected and unavoidable 
situations. Your contributions enable us to keep our physical plant 
operating in spite of what nature throws at us. Sincerely, Bradford 
Ferguson, General Manager``

That`s what we find on UT Feb 21 {& 28}, and may have been up for a 
while but these notes are always undated so hard to know how current 
they are. Enid is once again in the unfortunate position of being too 
close to OKC for stations to justify a translator or any kind of 
relay, yet too far for a city-grade signal; nor do we have any local 
public radio service (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 91.7, Feb 18 at 1645 UT, KOSU during `On Point` from NPR 
is rudely interrupted by tone signals and incomprehensible emergency 
message, I think about a possible child abduxion (Amber alert). The 
audio is terrible, mixed with several other sources in background, as 
these things are relayed over and over from one station to another, a 
terribly dysfunxional system. A cable TV channel (or probably all of 
them) also interrupted for this, but the text had finished scrolling 
before I could read it (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Doug Smith replies to my January comments about Enid TV:

``K17JN-D, RF 17, Enid, continues to regale us with six channels at 
once of Three Angels Broadcasting Network, 3ABN, Seventh Day Adventism 
--- and other than someone running across it when rescanning for DTV 
channels, I bet I`m the only one in Enid who knows about this, due to 
absolutely no publicity in local media. I`ve had a closer look at some 
of the lower-right bugs, hard to decipher due to font on SD at least, 
to make out what the PSIP sub-IDs stand for, and find:

    17-2, 3ABN-PR means Proclaim!
    17-3, 3ABN-DD means Dare to Dream

Per http://3abn.org/networks/ they have several more networks than the
six we get; can`t K17JN-D squeeze them in too? About::``

Interesting: which one don't you get?
According to Trip's rabbitears.info, most 3ABN stations carry:

x.1     3Abn
x.2     3Abn Proclaim
x.3     Dare to Dream
x.4     3Abn Latino
x.5     3Abn Radio
x.6     3Abn Latino Radio
x.7     Radio 74

They have a station in Nashville -- which only carries the main 3Abn 
network, because it's still operating in analog!

``K19IR-D OK ENID LD LIC; licensee: EICB-TV EAST, LLC, For 0.5 kW, but 
CP for 15 kW, like K17JN, but at different site``

EICB = "Excellence in Christian Broadcasting", from Texas.

``And a NEW app for 1000 kW! on channel 21:
which sounds like another gospel-huxter front``

Runs six full-power TBN stations in Florida and Texas. I would be 
pretty sure this application is dead; all pending new-station 
applications were cancelled at the end of analog.

``Three more from one company:
Licensed for 3 kW, CP for 10 kW``

Owners of a bunch of LPTVs running various so-called "subchannel 
networks". We have one here, WKUW-LD channel 40. It carries Buzzr (old 
game shows) on 40.1 and Liquidation Channel (home shopping) on 40.2. 
Wikipedia says Escape on 40.3 but right now there is no 40.3.

Wikipedia claims KUOC is on the air with DrTV ("health" infomercials).
(Doug Smith, near Nashville TN, W9WI, WTFDA Forum via DXLD) NEVER (gh)

** OMAN. 9540.002, Radio Sultanate Oman, English domestic ? service 
relay, male presenter talk and pop mx, culture inn Oman, time 
announcement at 0321 UT as "21 minutes past 7'o'clock', then movies 
and prosperities program, interview to Mr. George Clooney...". 73 wb 
(Wolfgang Bόschel, Germany, Feb 23, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, 1205*, Feb 21. Slightly above 
threshold level in Tok Pisin/Pidgin. 

3260, NBC Madang off the air at 1155 tune in and subsequent checking 
on Feb 22 (Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA, Etσn E1, 
antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)  See also 

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA [and non]. 7325-, Feb 18 at 1410, JBA carrier 
slightly on lo side as characteristic of Wantok Radio Light, but seems 
another carrier on 7325.0. Hope CRI isn`t back on during what had been 
a window; then some ``running water``, so the CCI may be from MARS or 
something instead (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Feb 19 at 0105, two very poor carriers from R. Chaski 
and BBC/UAE, amid the splash from 5985 WRMIBS. I detect the stronger 
carrier going off at 0106:58*, which is 45 seconds later than 0106:13* 
on Feb 12, last catch seven nights ago, averaging 6.4 seconds later 
per, still on track (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. Very weak signal of Local Radio Voronezh via Comintern 
Radio: from 1215 on  6989.9 VOR 001 kW / non-dir to EaEu Russian, 
February 19
(Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. Republic of Adygea. ----------------------------

Mike Tim [? Maybe refers to Mikhail Timofeyev?]

... After closing, a few years ago, Russia's foreign broadcasting 
(Voice of Russia) and off last shortwave domestic broadcast 
transmitters (Radio of Russii, including - in Tulagino) in this range, 
continued its work of a single transmitter, broadcasting a program of 
the Adygeya radio (GTRK "Adygea") in the amount of three hours per 
week for compatriots abroad on Circassian, Turkish and Arabic. 

Current schedule of his work: 2100-2200 Moscow time (1800-1900 UT) on 
Mondays and Fridays, 2200-2300 Moscow time (1900-2000 UT) on Sunday at 
a frequency of 6000 kHz exactly (in the range of 49 meters) over 100 
kW transmitter of the Kuban branch of the radio center RTRS "Krasnodar 
KRTPTS" in the Tbilisi district of the region. Link to the archive of 
programs online broadcaster: 
http://www.adygtv.ru/programs/radio-inoveshchanie/bro ..

("VKontakte" group "DX-ing - Far radio reception" Group Editor: 
Vladimir Yemelyanov, Samara, Russia.).

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
In Yakutia, a powerful resume broadcasting

One of the most common questions posed by the inhabitants of the 
northern regions of the republic at the time of the Report of the 
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - a powerful renewal of broadcasting, at 
the time covering the entire territory of the republic. So, over the 
years distant broadcasting public radio stations in our country has 
been almost completely phased out. In all these cases the reason for 
the far off broadcasting was a reduction of public funding, to 
represent the company VGTRK for this purpose. The country found a 
solution to the issue of broadcasting on the territory of the Arctic 
and northern regions of Yakutia.

Recall that in 2011, RTR was decided to terminate the radio broadcast 
of "Radio Russii" in the range of short and long waves. Further more 
RTR took a number of decisions that led to the cessation of 
broadcasting radio "Mayak". Thus, on the whole territory of the 
Russian Federation ceased broadcasting in LW, MW and SW.

"This is the most affected Indigenous Peoples of the North, leading a 
traditional nomadic way of life, as well as professional hunters, 
fishermen, agricultural workers, and many others, that, in fact, 
deprived them of one of the main sources of information. Today on the 
territory of Yakutia is being broadcast radio in the FM-band. This 
technology is based on the principle of high-quality broadcast radio 
signal within the boundaries of settlements. By virtue of geographic 
specificity, in vast areas of our country it is impossible to catch 
the signal, except for foreign radio stations. Because, despite the 
lower quality broadcasting, HF broadcasting as we demand ", - said the 
Minister of Communications and Information Technologies of the 
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Alexander Borisov.

To resume powerful broadcasting in the Arctic and northern regions of 
the republic, it is planned to use short-wave transmitters "Grom-100” 
("Thunder-100") and “Viyuga - 250” ("Blizzard-250"), one of the most 
powerful in the north-east of Russia, earlier broadcasts of "Radio 
Russii". To do this, you must transfer them to the new frequency, 
receiving the corresponding license for the use of radio frequency 
channels, as well as to receive a broadcast license for NBC "Sakha", 
and most importantly, resolve all financial issues.

Transmitters located in the suburbs of Yakutsk (p. Tulagino) belong to 
Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Television and Radio 
Broadcasting Network", and are in conservation. The company is 
currently engaged in registration of a license to operate in the field 
of communication services and permits for use of radio frequencies by 
means of radio transmitters "Grom-100” and “Viyuga - 250”.

Broadcasting will be engaged in "Sakha" NEC with 10-hour broadcasting 
grid. At the meeting of the tender committee of the Federal Radio and 
Television, which was held in Roskomnadzor Russian Federation in 
Moscow on 27 January this year, a positive decision on this issue. 
Interests Yakutia before the Commission was represented by the 
Minister of Communications and Information Technologies of the 
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Alexander Borisov and CEO of NBC "Sakha" 
Ivan Androsov.

Upon receipt of all licenses and permits will be renewed in Yakutia 
powerful radio transmitters and "Grom-100”

and “Viyuga - 250” work in full force. In the zone of the radio 
broadcast will include 27 districts of the country, including 13 of 
the Arctic and northern regions. The area of ??coverage will be 2,440 
square kilometers, accounting for 78% of the total area of ??the 
country. Thus, in the second half of 2016 most of the republic will be 
able to listen to radio broadcasts of NBC "Sakha" in the villages, the 
forest, on the road, and even reindeer pastures, the press service of 
the Ministry of Communications of Yakutia.

(www.dxing.ru / http://www.sakha.gov.ru/news/front/view/id/2608127 )
(RusDX Feb 21 via DXLD)

** SAINT KITTS & NEVIS. I have checked the Jim Bakker show a couple 
times since I last wrote you. I have seen no other reports on the 
alleged SW station. Only reminders every show to join the radio club 
for twenty-five dollars. Have no idea how long it will take them to 
buy a transmitter at that rate. Also don't know how well an AM stick 
will work as an antenna either (John Carver, Mid-North Indiana, Feb 

** SARAWAK [non]. Hi Glenn, Lengthy article about Clare Rewcastle 
Brown, owner of Radio Free Sarawak at 
(Ron Howard, San Francisco, Feb 23, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1814, 
DXLD) Viz.:

SCANDALS --- Written by International Business Times

Clare Rewcastle Brown is public enemy number one of the Malaysian 
state. But she isn't bothered. The investigative journalist just 
laughs at the irony. Her father was head of special branch in what is 
Malaysia today when it was still a British colony. Now his daughter is 
their prime target.

From London, Brown, 56, runs two independent news outlets focused on 
exposing political and financial corruption in Malaysia. Sarawak 
Report is a blog and Radio Free Sarawak broadcasts on the south-east 
Asian airwaves. After a career as a BBC and ITV journalist, and her 
children having grown older, she had more free time. So she founded 
these two outlets, first the blog then the radio station. But why 
Sarawak, a Malaysian state on the island of Borneo? That's where Brown 
was born and spent her early childhood before moving out of the 
region, aged eight.

She is now the focus of smear campaigns, arrest warrants, and email 
hacking by the Malaysian authorities after her relentless campaign of 
exposιs of the 1MDB scandal, a swamp of corruption and fraud 
allegations swallowing Prime Minister Najib Razak, PetroSaudi, Abu 
Dhabi, billionaire Malaysian financier Jho Low, Goldman Sachs, and the 
Queen of England's bank Coutts, among others. All parties involved 
deny any wrongdoing and reject allegations of fraud and corruption...

Full article [much more, illustrated]: 



(Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DXLD)

** SOLOMON ISLANDS [non-log]. 5020 & 9545, SIBC. Both Feb 21 & 22 did 
not hear any sign of a carrier from SIBC from about 1145 through 
subsequent checking. Anyone hearing them now? 

[non-log]. 5020 & 9545, SIBC. Feb 23 at 1145 and subsequent checking 
again found no carrier.

Hiroyuki Komatsubara (Japan) confirms with this today: 
"1120 - 5020/9545 kHz Solomon No signal" (Ron Howard, San Francisco at 
Ocean Beach,CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via WORLD OF 
RADIO 1814, DX LISTENING DIGEST) But back on both testing later (gh)

** SOUTH AFRICA. 15420.064, Feb 22 at 1524, S7 station in English, 
presumed BBCWS via UAE, a site known for its off-frequenciness – but 
no! Registered as Meyerton, 15-18, 100 kW at 20 degrees. You`d think 
BaBcoCk would insist on better treatment. At least there is nothing on 
15420.000 to het it except my BFO. 1600 all I can copy is a BBC-style 
timesignal. Remember that WBCQ is still registered for 15420 any time 
between 15 and 23 but hasn`t tried to use it for a couple years (Glenn 

Secretbrod [BULGARIA], February 24:
1500-1700 on 11600 SCB 100 kW / 090 deg to WeAs English, confirmed
1600-1800 on 15600 SCB 050 kW / 126 deg to N/ME English, confirmed
1900-2300 on  5900 SCB 050 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English, confirmed
2000-2100 on  9465 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to WeAf English,x til 2200
2000-2200 on  9500 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to ENAm English, confirmed
(Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. [Re A-16 plans] Hola Pedro, No era 17775 sino 17755 por REE. 
Si aparezca en 17775 encontrarα a KVOH antes de las 19. La frecuencia 
que esperamos en Norteamιrica durante el verano es la de 17855 en vez 
de 9690, que no funciona por la maρana nuestra. 73, (Guillermo Glenn 
Hauser, to Pedro Sedano, AER, via DXLD)

Hola, Muchas gracias por tu correo. Haremos llegar tus sugerencias a 
la direcciσn de REE para que las tengan en cuenta. Un saludo cordial 
desde Madrid. Enviado desde mi iPad2 (Pedro Sedano, Madrid, Espaρa, DX 

** SRI LANKA. 11905, Feb 20 at *0114:14.5, SLBC carrier cuts on, 
0114:45.5 standard music prιlude, mis-timesignal (only 2 pips heard) 
ending at 0115:16.5, sign-on in Hindi. Very poor S4 signal (Glenn 

** SRI LANKA. Iranawila off --- The IBB Sri Lanka relay lost power on 
Feb 21. Any scheduled broadcasts on SL frequencies will be substitute 
sites until restored. [later:] Restored early UT Feb 24 (Glenn Hauser, 

** SUDAN [and non]. 15550, Feb 24 at 1530, JBA carrier here, much 
weaker than 15545 R. Dabanga via VATICAN. Evidently the Sudanese 
jammer *still* hasn`t caught on that Dabanga shifted to 15545 weeks 
ago (and which still hasn`t got around to registering that change with 
HFCC), with nothing else listed on 15550 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** THAILAND. 13745, Feb 20 at 0046, very poor S6 signal with heavy 
flutter, presumed R. Thailand, North American service in English. It`s 
never really useable here in deep NAm, but I`m checking since a 
Pennsylvanian recently reported this on 13750, where I hear nothing. 

Perhaps his bandwidth setting was too wide? Or a one-off experiment 
from IBB Udorn? It would certainly be a good idea to distance itself 
from 13740 Cuba! But that would make too much sense. Making even more 
sense would be for HSK9 to insist on access to IBB Greenville which 
has plenty of spare transmitter capacity! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** TIBET [non]. 
TAJIKISTAN/MADAGASCAR [+ CHN mainland] Voice of Tibet observed Febr 23

1200-1213 15537 DB 100 kW 95 deg to EaAS Chinese, 15535 CNR1 jamming
1214-1230 15543 DB 100 kW 95 deg to EaAS Chinese, 15540 CNR1 jamming

1230-1237 15567 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan, 15570 CNR1 jamming
1238-1259:53 15573 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan, 15575 CNR1 

1300-1308 13582 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan, ex-11512 kHz.
1309-1329:05 13583 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan, ex-11512 kHz.
No CNR1 jamming visible til 1306 UT on Febr 23, but afterwards CNR1 
jamming appeared on 13580 kHz channel.

1300-1317 12002*DB 100 kW 95 deg to EaAS Chinese, 12005 CNR1 jamming.
At 12.05 UT, CNR1 jammer stn switched OFF for 10 seconds,
in order to check/monitor VoT 12002 kHz service ?

1317-1330 11997 DB 100 kW 95 deg to EaAS Chinese, 12005 CNR1 jamming.
1330-1338 11997 DB 100 kW 95 deg to EaAS Chinese, 12005 CNR1 jamming.
1338-1400 11992 DB 100 kW 95 deg to EaAS Chinese,
China STILL !! on far away 12005 kHz channel carrying CNR1 jamming.

1329:35-1400 11513 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan. CNR1 jamming on 
11510 kHz came on air visible from 1332:52 UT as carrier only! and 5 
seconds later as CNR1 domestic service relay audio program.

11510 kHz Jamming stopped exact 1400 UT, but Voice of Tibet rent fq 
11513 kHz was still kept on air till start of Tibetan program at

1402:03-1405:20 11513 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan, no jamming 
observed til 1405 UT on Febr 23, then VoT Dushanbe hopped to:
1405:20-1430:37 11518 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan, and CNR 
jammer has been appeared STILL on lower side 11510 kHz. VoT TX cut off 
at 1430:37 UT on Febr 23.

1400-1407 15565 MDC 250 kW 45 deg to CeAS Tibetan
1407-1428:08 15570 MDC 250 kW 45 deg to CeAS Tibetan
CNR1 jamming KEPT still on 15565 kHz on Febr 23 til 1430:03 UT switch 

* QRM from Radio Farda nominal 12005 via Biblis-Germany, and CNR1 
jamming too. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] 
(Wolfgang Bόschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 23, dxldyg via DX LISTENING 

11518, Feb 23 at 1428, JBA carrier, trace of modulation? No jamming 
audible from 11515 or 11520. No doubt this is V. of Tibet via 
TAJIKISTAN on one of its off-frequencies. Wolfgang Bόschel was 
monitoring one after another today from 1200 on the 15, 13, 12, 11 MHz 
bands concluding during this time:

``1402:03-1405:20 11513 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan, no jamming 
observed til 1405 UT on Febr 23, then VoT Dushanbe hopped to
1405:20-1430:37 11518 DB 100 kW 131 deg to CeAS Tibetan, and CNR 
jammer has been appeared STILL on lower side 11510 kHz. VoT TX cut off 
at 14.30:37 UT on Febr 23`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

7603, VoT, 2316 Feb 19 with talks in Tibetan, S6, QRM from CNR jammer 
on 7600, S6 (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, DX LISTENING 

TAJIKISTAN, Frequency change of Voice of Tibet:
1215-1230 NF 15543 DB  100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15532
1230-1245 NF 15567 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15568
1245-1300 NF 15573 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15567
1300-1315 NF 12002 DB  100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 12007
1315-1330 NF 11997 DB  100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 12008
1315-1330 NF 13583 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 13582
1330-1345 NF 11997 DB  100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 12013
1330-1345 NF 11513 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 11512
1345-1400 NF 11992 DB  100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 12013
1345-1400 NF 11513 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 11512
1400-1415 NF 11513 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 11512
1415-1430 NF 11518 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 11507
(DX RE MIX NEWS #940 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Feb 22, 2016, 
via DXLD)

** TURKEY. 9700, Feb 18 at 0453, propagation disturbance has wiped out 
most of TRT signal to S3 in noise level so I can`t reλnjoy the 
rediscovered traditional IS preceding Turkish service (9955 WRMI is 
only S5 and Brazil 11780 only S3) (Glenn Hauser, OK DX LISTENING 

** UGANDA [non]. A new opposition station has sprung up just before 
the presidential elexions, Uganda Diaspora P10 Radio. ``Their 
objective seems to be the prevention of vote rigging, as well as
victory for Mr Besigye and his FDC (Forum for Democratic Change).``

(It doesn`t look good for Kizza Besigye; see:

Kizza Besigya arrested by police just before the end of the voting, 
which President Museveni is expected to win. . .

Results are not expected until Saturday Feb 20. But all this might 
prolong the opposition radio if they have enough resources. BTW, VOA 
was patting itself on back for one of their correspondents previously 
moderating a candidates` debate.)

Besides a daily broadcast at 1630-1700 on 15405, Uganda Diaspora Radio 
were to run specials on Feb 18 elexion day, according to Patrick Robic 
on the A-DX list via Eike Bierwirth, DXLD yg: 
03-06 9490, 09-11 & 13-16 17840, 16-19 15880 [sic]. See 

A different frequency for the morning broadcast 03-06, 9685 according 
to Mauno Ritola, WRTH Facebook via Alan Pennington, BDXC-UK yg; also 
15680 instead of 15880 at 16-19, so someone`s typo? And 9685 would 
also be added the next morning Feb 19 at 04-06. 

So I check both, Feb 18 at 0340: 9490, nothing but jamming and maybe 
R. Repϊblica; 9685 open except for occasional ute(?) noises. Not using 
9490 would certainly be a good idea due to the Cuban radio war. At 
0453, 9490 jamming has diminished to pulsing and bubbling, and still 
nothing audible on 9685.

Listeners in Europe or via SDRs were hearing the 17840 broadcasts on 
Feb 18, but at 1451 for me direct, it`s a JBA carrier (Saudi 17615 and 
17705 are very poor, e.g.) I recheck 17840 at 1555 and now I hear a W 
& M conversation in English with musical background, referring to 
ringing loud bells, and neat and combed hair. Hmmm. Poor signal and 
cut off abruptly a few seconds before 1559*, typical MBR behavior. 

Further chex: nothing on 15405 at 1630 as maybe the daily broadcast 
has been skipped today because of the special supposed to be on 15880 
or 15680 after 1600 --- nothing there nor on 17840 either. Then Manuel 
Mιndez in Spain reports hearing this on 15680. So at 1750 I try all of 
them, with zero results: 15405, 15680, 15880, 17840. 

Speculation is that site could be MBR via Nauen or Trincomalee, as 
there was a mis-switch for a while to AWR programming in Hindi at 1532 
per Richard Langley and Manuel Mιndez! I don`t think I would be 
getting Sri Lanka on 17840 before 1600 (nor would they sensibly 
transmit from there around local midnite on 16m), but could be 
Germany, or France. Ivo Ivanov agrees the site is ``unknown, probably 
MBR`` with 9685, 15405, 17840 and 15680 the correct frequencies (Glenn 

Further chex: nothing on 15405 at 1630 as maybe the daily broadcast 
has been skipped today because of the special supposed to be on 15880 
or 15680 after 1600 --- nothing there nor on 17840 either. 

Then Manuel Mιndez in Spain reports hearing this on 15680. So at 1750 
I try all of them, with zero results: 15405, 15680, 15880, 17840 

I heard them on 15680 kHz from 1600 UT till s/off 1900. This from P10 
group spokesperson:

"To assure Ugandans of our activities, we have been testing a radio 
broadcast on the Short Wave Radio at 18m and 31m band. Further 
Broadcasting will happen on Feb 17, 18, 19 and 20th to support the 
activities of the P10 on the ground and we shall be relaying election 
results live.

Ugandans should be able to tune their radios on the shortwave 31m band 
to listen to directives and announcements. We are sure that the biased 
and highly politicised UCC will not be able to interfere with the 
Short wave radio broadcast." source: 

So, we can expect transmissions at least till Feb 20. Best signal 
(using a Logperiodic at QTH Goettingen) from direction South. 73 

Uganda, Tune in at 0914 on 17840, nice signal with vote instructions 
in English. Same was heard yesterday 1630 on 15405 (Jari Savolainen, 
Kuusankoski, Finland, Feb 18, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

From 1000 repeat 09-10 transmission, good signal in Sofia, Bulgaria
-- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire, dxldyg via DXLD)

Good signal here since 1015 tune-in on 17840 kHz with talks in English 
about the Uganda elections. 73s (Dave Kenny, Caversham, Lowe HF225 / 
25m long wire, Feb 18, BDXC-UK yg via DXLD)

Today Feb 18 only a poor signal here in NW England at 1030 UT on 
17840, with occasional peaks to S-4 on the meter, down to nothing. A 
long dialogue by a man in English urging people to get out and vote. 
Music and song at 1047 with crowd noises in background (Noel R. Green, 
Blackpool, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Fair signal here at 1030 UT on 17840 kHz.  It was very strong 
yesterday evening around 1630 on 15405 kHz. Anyone know where is the 
transmitter, Babcock? (Christian Ghibaudo, Nice, France, BDXC-UK yg 
via DXLD)

Up to 9+15dB on a Logperiodic here in central Germany. Best signal 
when pointing the antenna to direction south. I think it was the same 
60 minutes programme in vernacular and English, broadcast twice from 
0900 UT and from 1000 UT. 73 (Harald Kuhl, BDXC-UK yg via DXLD)

Then you would be getting backscatter from site in Germany or France 

Checked at 0945 here in S/E Massachusetts but no signal heard. Nothing 
detected on Perseus screen either. I also checked just after 0300 on 
9685 but again nothing was heard. I am not sure where this is coming 
from  but nothing off the back making it to the east coast US (Stephen 
C Wood, Harwich, Mass., dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Nothing detected from the first broadcast at 0325 UT on 9490 kHz using 
the Twente receiver. Only Radio Repϊblica heard on this frequency. 
Also tried 9685 kHz a bit later. Again, nothing heard. Did this 
broadcast happen? Fair but noisy signal for the second broadcast on 
17840 kHz. Recorded unattended using Twente receiver. Carrier came on 
around 0859 UT with audio beginning one minute later. Broadcast ran 
until 1100. Third broadcast, also on 17840 kHz, also provided a fair 
but noisy signal via Twente. Monitored live with carrier on at about 
1255:55 and first audio at 1300:01 UT. Both English and indigenous 
languages used along with music selections. Do we have any guesses as 
to where the transmitter(s) are? Presumably European or at least 
European brokered? (Richard Langley, NB, dxldyg via DX LISTENING 

Swahili + English -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, 1331 UT, 

While Swahili has been a contentious second official language in 
Uganda (after English), I wonder if this is the only local language 
being used in the broadcasts including music selections? Uganda has 
some 40 indigenous languages according to Wikipedia (Richard Langley, 

Went off at 1100 UT. Back on 17840 as scheduled now (for 3 hours until 
1600). Fair strength signal on clear channel here despite poor 
conditions - opposition political speeches, etc., mainly in English, 
plus African songs. Sounds like a repeat of earlier broadcast? 73, 
(Alan Pennington, Caversham, UK, AOR 7030plus, ALA1530, BDXC-UK yg via 

Yes, I think they have a limited pool of content for their broadcasts
73 (Harald Kuhl, ibid.)

At about 1532 UT, 17840 kHz briefly switched to AWR Hindi broadcast 
before switching back to the Uganda program. Note that AWR, according 
to published schedules, uses Trincomalee and Nauen for the Hindi 
broadcast. So, perhaps Uganda Diaspora P10 Radio is not using a 
Babcock transmitter as speculated by Ivo (Richard Langley, dxldyg via 

At 1530 UT on 17840 there was short AWR sign-on ID (before reverting 
back to Uganda Diaspora Radio programming). Suggests transmitter site 
may be Nauen or Moosbrunn??
Still good signal on 17840 here (1540 UT). Scheduled to switch to 
15680 at 1600 according to schedule and on-air announcements. UBC TV 
Twitter said voting extended to 7pm local (1600 UT) in some areas 
(voting was due end 4 pm local (1300 UT). But all programming is 
recorded on Uganda Diaspora Radio. I wonder if UBC Radio will be on 
air today for the election (4976 kHz?) Not heard on air here ages.
73, (Alan Pennington, Caversham, UK, AOR 7030plus, ALA1530, BDXC-UK yg 
via DXLD)

17840 kHz at exactly 1530 UT changing to AWR IDs and start of program 
in Hindi, obviously a swiching error at the transmitter site. 1634 
[sic; means 1534] UT back to Uganda Diaspora P10 Radio program. 73 
(Harald Kuhl, ibid.)

Correction: AWR (Hindi) 1530 scheduled via Nauen or Trincomalee (re 
WRTH 2016 - AWR Asia/pacific listed under Thailand) so switching error 
at one of these two sites? 17840 closed at 1659 [sic, means 1559?]. 
Now on 15680 (1600+) but suffering co-channel interference at first 
(from?). 73, (Alan Pennington, 1610 UT, ibid.)

Alan: "co-channel interference at first (from?)." QRM was again AWR 
programming; another switching error? 73 (Harald Kuhl, 1641 UT Feb 18, 

For the 1600 UT broadcast, the station did not come up on 15880 kHz 
but rather 15680 kHz. The latter frequency was announced during one of 
the earlier broadcasts. Trouble is, there are two programs being 
broadcast on 15680 kHz: Uganda and one from AWR! (Richard Langley, NB, 
1606 UT Feb 18, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Audio fixed. Good signal via Twente. Best of the transmissions so far.
(Richard Langley, 1619 UT, ibid.)

Heh, problems with audio feed. I briefly heard the AWR program
and guess it was Bulgarian which is on 9830. 73, (Jari Savolainen, 
Finland, 1619 UT, ibid.)

Yes, at 1600-1610 UT on 15680 + AWR in Bulgarian, scheduled 1600-1630 
on 9830 Nauen. Videos later today here:
-- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, Bulgaria, ibid.)

"Regular" program on 15405 kHz starting at about 1630 UT has a good 
signal via Twente (Richard Langley, NB, ibid.)

From 1630 UT 15405 is not // on 15680 -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, 
Bulgaria, ibid.)

Correct. Seems to have been a distinct 1/2-hour program in a series 
that apparently began a few days ago. Some of the audio may have been 
common with that in the special election-day broadcasts, however. – 
(Richard Langley, ibid.)
But shortwave getting through? (Richard Langley, 1659 UT, ibid.)

UNKNOWN: 17840, Uganda Diaspora Radio, 1520-1533, 18-02, English, 
comments, advises about Uganda elections. At 1530 program of Adventist 
World Radio, identification in English and program in Hindi, but after 
few minutes, Uganda Diaspora Radio again. 44444.

15680, Uganda Diaspora Radio, 1718-1730, 18-02, English, instructions 
to vote in Uganda elections "Ugandan people vote in peace", vernacular 
music and songs. Very strong signal. 45444 (Manuel Mιndez, Lugo, 
Spain, Log in Lugo, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Uganda Diaspora P10 Radio, all videos 0900-1900 UT, Feb 18. Poor 
signal after 1815:
-- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, ibid.)

Special station for Uganda elections-Uganda Diaspora P10 Radio
0300-0600  9685 unknown tent BaBcoCk to CEAf Swahili/English, Feb 18
0400-0600  9685 unknown tent BaBcoCk to CEAf Swahili/English, Feb 19
0900-1100 17840 unknown tent BaBcoCk to CEAf Swahili/English, Feb 18
1300-1600 17840 unknown tent BaBcoCk to CEAf Swahili/English, Feb 18
1600-1900 15680 unknown tent BaBcoCk to CEAf Swahili/English, Feb 18
1630-1700 15405 unknown tent BaBcoCk to CEAf Swahili/English, Daily
More videos on 17840, 15680, 15405 will be added later today. Enjoy!
73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, Feb 17, dxldyg via DXLD)

Also heard Uganda Diaspora Radio with very strong signal on 17840 
between 1458 and 1534 in English on Feb. 18: Man discussing about his 
school years as a boy, followed what appeared by a brief newscast at 
1503 by man reporting about US statement on Ugandan killings during 
the campaign. Woman IDs station and advises voters to break the law 
and use their cellphones at polling stations to report irregularities. 
She asks them to post them on social media. Traditional music and 
songs throughout broadcast. At 1530, AWR ID, but Diapora Radio 
continues. 73s (Marty Delfin (Madrid, Spain), Eton 750 (telescopic 
antenna), Sent from Marty's iPad, ibid.)

Re Ugandan Diaspora P10 Radio: Harald Kuhl reports that they plan to 
continue at least until Feb 20, on the 18 and 31 m bands. ? Unclear 
whether they mean 16 or 19m instead of 18, and people aren`t hearing 
the morning broadcast supposedly on 9685. So try 17840 before 1600, 
15680 until 1900; or original 15405 at 1630-1700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

"And 9685 would also be added the next morning Feb 19 at 04-06."
Nothing heard here in New Brunswick nor via Twente between 0400 and 
0415 UTC. Not even a weak carrier was detected.

Just to confirm: the daily 1/2-hour broadcast was heard (at least via 
Twente) on 18 February (Richard Langley, Feb 19, dxldyg via DX 

A check on 17840 at 1030 reveals no trace of the Ugandan transmission 
on Feb 19. Checked 15405 and 15680 just in case, but nothing there 
either (Noel R. Green (NW England) dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

15405, Feb 19 at 1630, JBA carrier, presumably Ugandan Diaspora Radio, 
confirmed heard in English by Ste Cooper in England. Nothing heard on 
earlier frequency 17840 before 1600 by me or anyone, so that was 
apparently for elexion day Feb 18 only: an exercise in futility as the 
main opposition candidate, supported by this station, has been 
arrested. But next frequency, 15680 is reported by several after 1700 
today Feb 19, but a JBA carrier here at 1743 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

Strong signal of Uganda Diaspora P10 Radio, Feb 19
1630-1700 on 15405 ISS 250 kW / 150 deg to CEAf English/Swahili/Music
1700-1900 on 15680 unknown(ISS/NAU/TRM) to CEAf Eng/Swa, zero signal!
(Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Ivo: What is the evidence that the daily UDP10R transmission comes 
from Issoudun? Thanks. (-- Richard Langley, NB, ibid.)

No signal from Uganda Diaspora P10 Radio on February 19
0400-0600 on  9685 via MBR: ISS/NAU/TRM to CEAf Swa/Eng
0900-1100 on 17840 via MBR: ISS/NAU/TRM to CEAf Swa/Eng
1300-1600 on 17840 via MBR: ISS/NAU/TRM to CEAf Swa/Eng
-- 73! (Ivo, ibid.)

Nothing heard on 15405 in North West England at 1600 or on Twente SDR. 
I see from BBC that Mr Besigye who the station supported has been 
arrested this afternoon too - 
(Stephen Cooper, ibid.)

Sorry my mistake. Mis-read the schedule, will try again at 1630. 
Hearing Uganda now in English on 15405. The arrest of Besigye has just 
been covered on the BBC WS news on 12095 (Ste Cooper, ibid.)

Not 1600, from 1630 on 15405, strong signal here -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, 
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, ibid.)

And the special election broadcast on 15680 kHz is on the air now 
(1708 UT) with a good signal with the Twente receiver. – (Richard 
Langley, Feb 19, ibid.)

Confirm 15680 at 1711 here in Finland. 73, (Jari Savolainen, ibid.)

15680 with fair signal into Montreal, Canada at 1720 UT. 73 (Gilles 
Letourneau, ibid.)

Fair to good signal here at 1717z tune in 2/19/16 on 15680, s4 to s5.
Music into OM speaking in English "stand up and demand change..." and 
mentions of Uganda. 1726z sounds like a jammer maybe (whooping sound) 
- jammer (?) gone 1727z. OM in English still with mentions of Uganda 
and elections. Signal degrading now at 1729z but still there. Recorded 
if anyone interested (Rich Ray, Near Chicago, IL, Ten Tec RX340 and 
Wellbrook 330s, ibid.)

"1726z sounds like a jammer maybe (whooping sound) - jammer (?) gone 
1727z." I think that was something in the studio (Richard Langley, 

Playing song right now at 1743 UT (Avijit MONDAL, Nadia, WB, INDIA, 

Uganda Diaspora P10 Radio was booming in here in Germany today 
(19feb2016) from 1630 till 1700 UT on 15405 kHz AM. Mostly Ugandan 
music with some announcements and short reports in English and 
vernacular. 73 (Harald Kuhl, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Are we leaning towards Nauen as the transmitter(s) site for all of the 
UDP10R broadcasts? Estimate of powers used? I guess anything between 
100 and 250 kW is possible. I noted that, via Twente, the signal from 
AWR in Oromo on 15155 kHz from Nauen is comparable in strength to the 
UDP10R signal (Richard Langley, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

I just scanned through some on-line tuners in Europe, before the 
Uganda station on 15680 kHz went off the air at 1858, and found poor 
reception. Likewise UTwente, when I checked, had poor reception which 
made me think it is not from Nauen.  

I had been receiving it well here in Eastern Newfoundland with a 
strength and noise that reminds me of the afternoon Voice of Nigeria 
signals. I wonder if this station is an RFE/RL production (they did 
say "here in Munich" this afternoon), being transmitted via Kigali, 
Rwanda (Philip Hiscock, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Philip, I must disagree with these conclusions. It is only 300 miles 
from Nauen to Twente, so a 15 MHz signal will be skipping over even if 
aimed that way which this would not be. (e.g. WWCR to Enid on 15825 is 
~600 miles and is usually quite poor without sporadic E enhancement). 
And Kigali is decommissioned. Indeed, that would be too close to 
Uganda for 15, 17 MHz, only 215 miles to Entebbe. 73, (Glenn Hauser, 

Good point, Glenn, about the skip zone, and I see your point. Thanks 
for clarifying that for me. I don't understand why Nauen directed 
South to Uganda would be reaching me in Newfoundland with as strong a 
signal as the Uganda one did earlier (my) today. The back lobe would 
be quite a bit north of me, in northern Greenland or so. 

On a Facebook discussion page today, it was suggested that Meyerton or 
the Madagascar site may be the source, since AWR and DW used them (and 
there *was* that slip-up with a false start of an AWR tape). The 
distance is certainly greater than from Germany to here, but a line 
from Madagascar to Uganda would, with good conditions, continue almost 
straight to me. (Meyerton to Uganda is due North and continues up to 
Moscow. . .)

It seems probable to me that the programming is a production of 
RFE/RL, so a channel simpatico with US interests would appear to be 
the most likely. I expect both DW and AWR are that. (Who owns the 
Madagascar site now?) (Phlip Hiscock, Nfld., ibid.)

The Madagascarians. Hard to believe RFE/RL would be involved in this, 
outside their purview; misheard something or a misfeed of audio? 
(Glenn Hauser, DXLD)

Despite of former Seychelles BBC Indian Ocean relay site, the former 
DWL now SLBC site at Trincomalee on Ceylon-Sri Lanka island gives
excellent signal results into East Africa target (Wolfgang Bόschel, 

Because of monitored audio mix-ups at the transmitter site (see 
earlier postings), I think we have concluded that the transmitter 
facility is one also used by AWR and that Nauen seemed the likely 
candidate. Also, since there are four of the rotatable antennas at 
Nauen, they can transmit on up to four (?) frequencies simultaneously 
and that at the time of the UDP10R transmissions, there were not four 
other broadcasts being transmitted. Weak signals via Twente might be 
explained by the closeness of the transmitter and being in a bit of a 
shadow zone. We see the same effect for the Mighty KBC transmissions.
(Richard Langley, NB, ibid.)

Others are reporting it now after 1700 on 15680, but apparently was 
not on 17840 earlier (Glenn to Harald Kuhl, via DXLD)

Yes, at tune in at 1802 UT on 15680 kHz there was a hymn and now 
there΄s a male presenter talking about human rights and freedom; 
condemning the current government. 17840 kHz: there indeed was no 
transmission today; also not in the morning. 73 (Harald Kuhl, Germany, 

Michael, We have been monitoring the very interesting Ugandan Diaspora 
P10 Radio and wonder if this is being transmitted by MBR? If so, could 
you tell us which site(s) on which frequencies at which times, and how 
much longer this is expected to continue?
9685? 15405, 15680, 17840
Thanks, (Glenn Hauser, World of Radio, Feb 20, via WORLD OF RADIO 
1814, DXLD)

Dear Glenn, thank you for your mail and question regarding our new 
broadcast for the Uganda Diaspora P10.
Please find attached their latest transmissions:

15405 1630 1700 48SW HR 4/4/0.8 140 217 1234567 130216 260316 ISS 250 
 9685 0300 0600 48SW HR 4/2/0.5 140 206     5   180216 180216 ISS 250 
17840 0900 1100 48SW 330200     155 218     5   180216 180216 NAU 250 
17840 1300 1600 48SW 330200     155 218     5   180216 180216 NAU 250 
15680 1600 1900 48SW 330200     155 218     5   180216 180216 NAU 250 
15680 1700 1900 48SW 340200     155 218      6  190216 190216 NAU 250 
Best regards, (Michael Puetz, Sales Consultant, Business Unit Radio
MEDIA BROADCAST GmbH, Erna-Scheffler-Straίe 1, 51103 Cologne, Germany,

So only the 1630 broadcast on 15405 is potentially continuing thru the 
end of the B-15 season 26 March. It and 9685 via France, the others 
via Germany. Checked at 1640 Feb 22, I have a JBA carrier on 15405 

The recorded broadcast has been archived here:

Uganda Dispora P10 Radio 15.405 MHz 18 February 2016 1630 UTC: 
Richard B. Langley : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

and here:
Uganda Diaspora P10 Radio: February 18, 2016
Uganda Diaspora P10 Radio: February 18, 2016 --- Live, off-air, 30-
minute recording of the clandestine station Uganda Diaspora P10 Radio 
on 18 February 2016 beginning at 16:30 UTC on a shortwave frequency...
Will also try to archive one of the multi-hour election-day broadcasts 
(Richard Langley, NB, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

BTW, VOA added a last minute Swahili broadcast on Feb 18 only to cover 
the elexions, as if that would be the end of it, 1700-1730, extending 
the only daily Swahili broadcast at 1630-1700. BTW, Luganda ought to 
be the #1 indigenous language. Are we sure the non-English language on 
UDP10R is Swahili and not Luganda? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

FRANCE, Strong signal of Uganda Diaspora P10 via TDF, Feb 22, 1630-
1700 15405 ISS 250 kW / 140 deg to CEAf English/Swahili
-- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Powerful signal of Uganda Diaspora P10 Radio via MBR, Feb 24
1630-1700 on 15405 ISS 250 kW / 140 deg to CEAf English/Swahili
(Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** UKRAINE. I want to tell you sad news. Today I read in the official 
group of Radio Mayak-Odessa [765 kHz] that since February, 9, 2016 the 
radiostation is closed because of financial problems.
(Sergei. Saint Petersburg, Russia (23/2-2016) on 
http://mediumwave.info/news.html via Mike Terry, Feb 23, dxldyg via 

Thanks Sergei and Mike for the news. Is that a temporarily issue?
Aue to lack of budget money to pay the main power electricity and the 
technician staff salaries? That former USSR jamming MW broadcast 
center is located 60 km north of Odessa.

UKR_Odessa Petrivka 1242{1278}kHz, 30d 20n kW, 150m high mast,
Radio Maiak 765 kHz 100 kW 2 masts
(veiled operation under ITU Starobelsk call during Soviet USSR era).
vy73 wolfy df5sx wwdxc germany (Wolfgang Bόschel, dxldyg via DXLD)

[Historic stuff from BC-DX via Wolfgang Bόschel:::]

Some Petrivka station history:

UKRAINE Radio ERA, Ukraine. Does anybody know anything about R Era 
from Ukraine? Is it on MW or FM ? (WRTH 2001 does not list anything 
like that). My friend heard it on 9180 kHz (17 Nov 2000, 0605 UTC), 
seemingly an unauthorised relay. There is a clear ID (2 or 3 times) on 
his tape recording.

Radio ERA, Ukraine - is usually carried via the UR1 network in the 
morning hrs. 9180 looks like 12x765 = the frequency of the UR1 tx site 
at Petrivka (near Odessa). (Karel Honzik-CZE, Jan 2, 2001)

Most recent UKR AM news. Yegorov noted activity on 1278 with semi-
domestic sce from Moscow called "Sodruzhestvo" ("s." = commonwealth, 
i.e. intended for CIS, in Russian). He suspects Petrivka, OD=Odessa 
[Krimea] reactivated (1300-1900 UTC). From my QTH it looks like truth. 
Addr was announced: 113326 Moskva, Piatnitskaya 25, 
Radioveshchatelnaya sluzhba "Sodruzhestvo" (literal transl: 
"Commonwealth" Broadcasting Service).

Well, I feel somebody in Kiev recently signed an agreement with Moscow 
BC authorities for some relays on AM (936 Lviv, now 1278 Odessa) who's 
next? will see... This relay is certainly not financed by the 
Ukrainian side, VoRUS pays for the relay, just as it pays for the 
relays in Germany, Moldova, etc. The Ukrainian operator RRT would of 
course be glad to activate any of their HP txs for any paying customer 
from whatever country.

765 Odesa/Petrivka, R Mayak (nothing common with a Moscow stn!) 
daytime 1278 Odesa/Petrivka, relays VOR (Jan 2003)

Of April 2003:
The power usage of the outlets in Petrivka on 765 (Radio Maiak, Odesa) 
and 1278 (Voice of Russia) is 75 kW and 50 kW, respectively. The tx on 
765 is based on a 20kW TESLA tx which was modernized and boosted via 
40 kW to 75kW, the unit on 1278 is a 150 kW Shtorm tx which is run on 
reduced power. (Bernd Trutenau via MWDX, Feb 28; ARC MV-Eko Mar 17, 

Of August 2006:
Petrivka, north of Odesa, seems to have been the home of two 
shortlived SW txs for domestic sces in the mid 70s. Hope this 
clarifies matters (Olle Alm-SWE, SW TX site shortwavesites via wwdxc 
BC-DX Aug 30, 2006)

Of June 2008:
See Radio Maiak, Petrivka in WRTH 2008 p. 361.
Two MW masts (1x reserve) and more 18 SW masts visible in G.E.

Seemingly one of the 'vailed' fake VoMoscow tx site calls at ITU 
Geneve, in Ukrainian SSR/Moldovian SSR area during 50ties and 60ties 
before Griogoriopol-Moldova newly built up from 1972. Like:

IVF Ivanofrankovsk UKR 48N56 024E48
STR Starobelsk UKR 49N13 037E57 - real Starobelsk is 600kms away -
VIN Vinnitsa UKR 49N13 028E26

... was one of these many VEILED transmitter site locations of 
communist USSR era, by Mr. Anatoly Titov in late 70ties and 80ties, 
like for example Sherpukov, Simferopol, fake Starobelsk for real 
Petrivka, Kalinin, Nikolaevsk etc. etc. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX June 7, 2008)

History. Reserve channel 1278 kHz 50kW. Photos:

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-DX Dec 29, 2008)

ITU request entry of Sept 2010:
On shortwave vailed Starobelsk call in USSR era, but Odessa for MW 
Petrivka, now additional Petrivka 1404 kHz 25 kW, 135m mast
46 59 24.50 N 30 53 33.26 E

Of Sept 2011:
UKRAINE 765 R Maiak UKR reactivated. Ukrainian Radio Maiak Odessa is
active again on 765 kHz. Heard in Ukrainian in the evening around 1700 
UT and in Russian after 1900 UT. Commercials are in Ukrainian and 

ID: "Radio Maiak Odessa na volnye 765 kilogerts." They announce 765 
kHz only, no FM frequency. TX: Petrivka - Odeska Oblast, 70 kW {real 
40kW, max.75kW; see picture of 30kW TESLA tx below}.
This station is independent of Radia Mayak in Russia.

(Karel Honzik-CZE, direct and via MWcircle Sept 6, 2011)

Of January 2013:
UKRAINE 765 QSL Radio Mayak/Maiak Odessa. 6 Tage nach einem e-mail
Bericht kam eine sehr schoene QSL-Karte von Radio Mayak Odessa auf
765 kHz.

v/s Stanislav Kyselov, QSL Manager. Abgeschickt wurde die Karte in
Tschechien. Ich glaube, da hatte schon einmal jemand diese Antwort
bekommen. Die e-mail Adresse war die, die bei Herman Boel im 
Adressenteil steht (Hans-Dieter Buschau-D, A-DX Jan 10, 2013)

QSL Radio Mayak Odessa. Hallo HDB, Gratulation fuer die QSL, lautet 
die Schreibweise auch "Mayak" - wie in Russland auch, irgend jemand 
hat mich mal auf "Maiak" in Ukrainisch korrigiert.

So stehts auch im WRTH p379 unter Petrivka, eine alte Radio Liberty 
Jammer Station. 60 km noerdlich Odessa bei Petrivka 1242 kHz, kW: 
30day 20night, 150m mast, Radio Maiak 765 kHz 100 kW 2 masts (veiled 
fake Starobelsk call in USSR ITU list)

46 59 36.43 N 30 53 48.30 E
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 11, 2013) 

[Above all historic stuff from BC-DX via Wolfgang Bόschel, dxldyg 
via DXLD]

Don`t really think Petrivka had to do with any veiled (fake) Radio 
Moscow transmitting sites in MoldAvian SSR. 

Moldavia did have its own SW transmitter site in a so-called pre-Maiac 
(Grigoriopol) era that was even disclosed on R. Moscow QSLs back in 
the 60s (there were mentions of some QSLs showing Kishinev as the 
transmitter site, on this very mailing list). This, strangely, was 
true. Yet another unknown fact - there even existed SW relays of the 
Moldavian republican radio in the 60s. If my memory serves me well. 
those were in the 25, 31 or 49 mb (season-dependable) and continued 
after Maiac/Grigoriopol came into play, Must have precise frequencies 

As far as Radio Mayak is concerned, I used to listen to it in downtown 
Chisinau when going to work. Strange provincial programming with 
phone-ins and musical requests, and not-so-original selection of 
tracks. Strangely, they became non-stop (24 hrs) shortly before their 
unexpected closure; go figure. Wondering if it`s still present on OIRT 
[FM band], or completely defunct now?

Stanislav Kiselyov, mentioned as the station's QSL manager, was also 
working for other Odessa-based stations from the early 90s, always 
being quite benevolent to reception reports. I think I must have his 
QSL letter from Radio Glas or something (Leo Barmaleo, Moldova, ibid.)

** U S A. 2097-CW, Feb 23 at 0206 UT, beacon with a simple ID as A in 
Morse code every 10 seconds. Weak but no doubt about the letter sent. 
Tnx to tip from Rick Barton, Peoria AZ, who reported this Feb 16, as 
2097.3, from Quartzsite AZ. It`s among the HIFers on this list:

``(15 watts) - 'A' ident or malfunctions as series of dits - 15 watts 
max., 24/7 [1] Last reported: June 30, 2012``

Quartzsite is on I-10, 20 miles from California, or 944 miles = 1519 
km from Enid, amounting to 63 miles per watt. Wonder what happened to 
some other such beacons in the 3.4+ and 4.0+ MHz range, including a 
couple in OK I used to hear? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13557.2, MTI, Stone Mountain GA; 2041, 16-Feb; usual slow 
code ID amidst the pulsers & pippers (Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA, 
5525 Whitehall St., Midland MI 48642-3156, Drake R8B + 185' & 60' RW + 
125' bow-tie, ----- All logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real 

** U S A. 21430.375-AM, Feb 10 at 1820, ham talking about his 
equipment, soon drifting to 21430.390-AM, ID as K1KW. I`ve noticed 
before that 21430 is a spot for hAMs on 14m --- but why not 21430.00? 
Most SSBers manage to transmit at 1.00 kHz steps, making it easy to 
tune them in. How`s that for a vanity call? ARRL lookup shows:
PO Box: 369
BOLTON, MA 01740
Previous call sign: WA1EKV


Dr. Reinhardt was the first black American ambassador to Nigeria, and 
the first career diplomat and first university educator to lead the 
information agency. . .


Sent from my iPhone (via David Cole, OK, Feb 23, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 6035, Feb 18 at 0510, tonal African language at S7. 
It`s VOA Hausa via ASCENSION at 0500-0530 daily.

11570, Thu Feb 18 at 1350, VOA Korean with English lesson, // 9800 
which is somewhat better and 11570 now has ACI from 11565 WRMIBS. 
11570 is Tinian, 9800 Tinang, but they are well synchronized (Glenn 

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1813 monitoring: confirmed Thu Feb 
18 at 2100 on new 13695 WRMI. Very good! Added 13695 to BST-1 caradio 
memory. On 315-degree beam right at us (and I hope good elsewhere in N 
America). The 0030 UT Friday Feb 19 airing on 9330v-CUSB WBCQ can`t be 
confirmed; not sure there is even a JBA carrier tonight. At 0102 try 
again, now maybe a JBAC around 9329.9, and a stronger but still very 
weak signal on 9331.15-USB, 2-way perhaps in Spanish. Meanwhile, 9265 
WINB is S9+35. Next: 

Fri 2130   WRMI 15770 to NE
Fri 2130.5 WRMI 13695 [NEW] to NW
Fri 2330   WRMI 5950 to S [heard last week; unreconfirmed]
Sat 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 0730   HLR 6190-CUSB to SW
Sat 1530   HLR 7265-CUSB to SW
Sat 2030v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND 
Sat 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sun 0410v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND 
Mon 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v  WBCQ 5110v-CUSB Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE  
Tue 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 1200   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Thu 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

WORLD OF RADIO 1813 monitoring: confirmed Friday Feb 19 at 2130 on 
WRMI 15770, and at 2130.5 on now much stronger WRMI 13695. The latter 
is followed at 2200 by fill music concert instead of BS.

5950, Friday Feb 19 at 2330, no WOR on WRMI but continuing Spanish 
Christianism as scheduled from remnant Fαmily Radio, weak signal 
toward Cuba, despite JRX in Brasil having heard WOR here one week ago, 
which as I suspected must have been an anomaly.

Another try for the 0030 UT 6-nightly airing of WOR on WBCQ, 9330v-
CUSB: UT Sat Feb 20 at 0031 via the R75, weak S4 signal on 9329.94 is 
just barely modulated, and can`t be sure it`s WOR. By 0055 I`m on the 
NRD-545 and now it`s S7, on 9330.94, undermodulated but can tell it is 
WOR. Note tomorrow`s Saturday airing is an hour earlier at 2330, not 
UT Sunday. Next:

Sat 0730   HLR 6190-CUSB to SW
Sat 1530   HLR 7265-CUSB to SW
Sat 2030v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND 
Sat 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sun 0410v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND 
Mon 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v  WBCQ 5110v-CUSB Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE  
Tue 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 1200   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Thu 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

Some people have reported incomplete or skipping WOR 1813 on podcast, 
but I can`t find anything wrong with my original mp3 file. Suggest you 
try an alternate podcast source or even go directly to my site and 
stream or download it: http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html
The correct length should always be between 28:55 and 29:00

The length of the file downloaded via iTunes was nominal but the last 
8 minutes or so was a repeat of material from earlier in the file.
(Richard Langley, NB, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Glenn: Yes, I heard the full episode using your webpage and the 
Feedburner link:
Definitely worth hearing in full. Best (Charlie Harlich, DX LISTENING 

WORLD OF RADIO 1813 monitoring: confirmed Sat Feb 21 circa 1548 on 
Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB via UTwente remote, well atop the CRI 
CCI, but with occasional deep fades. Also confirmed Saturday Feb 20 at 
2330 on WBCQ 9330v-CUSB; weak but no strain to detect it this time 
(see separate WBCQ logs). 

WOR also confirmed UT Sunday Feb 21 on 1860-AM, WA0RCR, having started 
about 0423. Steady S9 signal, but modulation level seems a bit low. 
Nice thing about this MW frequency is that there is NO CCI causing 
subaudible heterodyne fading, which even KMOX cannot count on. Over by 
0453 for ID and into RAIN report. Next:
Mon 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v  WBCQ 5110v-CUSB Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE  
Tue 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 1200   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Thu 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

WORLD OF RADIO 1813 monitoring: 9329.96-CUSB, UT Monday Feb 22 at 
0029, S9+10 signal so WBCQ is way up from JBA, but after a few words, 
back to dead air, still so at 0032 when another bit of talk (not me) 
breaks thru, 0035 bit of music, still no WOR, and signal is fading 
down. Meanwhile WINB 9265 is below S9. Maybe these anomalies have 
something to do with concentrating on getting the new 3250 
operational? Not audible now. 5109.7-CUSB also seems to be on with 
dead air, but 7490- is nominal with `Le Show` by Harry Shearer. 0037 I 
give up, intending to check again before 0100. 

WOR 1813 confirmed UT Monday Feb 22 from 0401 on Area 51 webcast and 
presumably on WBCQ 5109.7-CUSB, which was confirmed on with the Tassie 
show after 0430. WOR also confirmed UT Monday Feb 22 after 0430 on 
WRMI 9955 with poor signal, but a bihour later it was very good. Next:
Tue 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 1200   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Thu 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

WORLD OF RADIO 1813 monitoring: confirmed UT Tue Feb 23 at 0030 on 
WBCQ 9330.063-CUSB, following 0029 IS & ID loop, sign-on. It`s S9 now 
with good modulation. Next:
Tue 1200   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Thu 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

WORLD OF RADIO 1813 monitoring: confirmed UT Wed Feb 24 at 0030 on 
WBCQ 9330v-CUSB after 0029 IS & ID runup, now back to full strength at 
S9+10, equivalent to 9265 WINB. Also confirmed Wed Feb 24 at 1415.6 on 
WRMI 9955, fair signal, no jamming (following a new FG Radio 
mentioning UK possibly quitting the EU). Next:
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Thu 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

WORLD OF RADIO 1813 monitoring: confirmed Wed Feb 24 at 2200 
on WBCQ 7490v-AM webcast. Due to slight misalignment of automation 
timing, three extraneous words are inserted after the WBCQ ID and just 
before WOR playback starts. Today, they are: ``up in Quebec``. Similar 
happens before some WRMI airings. Also confirmed at 0030 UT Thu Feb 25 
on WBCQ 9330v-CUSB.

WORLD OF RADIO 1814 ready for first SW broadcasts Thu Feb 25:
Thu 1230   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Thu 2100   WRMI 13695 to NW
Fri 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Fri 2130   WRMI 15770 to NE
Fri 2130.5 WRMI 13695 to NW
Sat 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 0730   HLR 6190-CUSB to SW
Sat 1530   HLR 7265-CUSB to SW
Sat 2030v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND 
Sat 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sun 0410v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND 
Mon 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v  WBCQ 5110v-CUSB Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE  
Tue 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 1200   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Thu 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

** U S A. 5109.7-CUSB, Feb 18 at 0501 I check for WBCQ here and do 
hear a bit of honky tonk piano at S7, then some hum, and/or off. Was 
not expecting to hear it, altho on UT Thu only, 5109.7-CUSB 
substitutes for BS on 7490 to accommodate Hal Turner at 02-04 UT; so 
did BS get another hour; or something else at 04-05? 

7490-, UT Sat Feb 20 at 0100, WBCQ with William Tell Overture theme 
starting `Allan Weiner Worldwide`. In DeLand of Fla he can tell that 
7490 is on, but not sure about the other frequencies. Mentions that 
preceding Fred Flintstone show was dead air, something went wrong. 
With 7489.9 or so on the PL-880 and sufficient reelout antenna, I tune 
the NRD-545 for the other WBCQs. 

5109.7 at 0100 is a JBA carrier about S7, and not until 0105 does 
modulation cut on, now // synchronized with 7490 rather than several 
seconds off in some kind of looping re-feed. First part of AWWW is 
talking about Trump, then Ramsey joins in on phone. 

9330 as usual has Blalock the blaster at 0100, but very weak now like 
WOR before him. For comparison, at 0107, WINB 9265 is running S9+25.

3250 I also hasten to check, since we had news this week of such a new 
frequency registered for WBCQ --- yes! There it is at 0100 Feb 20, a 
JBA carrier at first, which could also be a MW harmonic, 5 x 650. Keep 
checking and at 0117, 3250.09 is S6 so I can barely hear AWWW and make 
it // 7490 also in synch. Seems to be equal on LSB and USB, so maybe 
AM, but carrier could still be reduced. Too weak to be sure. 

At 0131, Allan is asking for reports on new 3250, and Timmy is on the 
phone from site, says testing antenna, and everything is being tuned 
up for the 3 MHz band. Allan reminds us that he mentioned some weeks 
ago that something new is coming on the 90 mb; thinx it`s not up to 
full power yet. I can believe that! Like 9330. At 0139, I find a 
slightly stronger carrier on 3251.1; by 0144 this has drifted to 
3250.8, apparently something else as WBCQ appears still to be closer 
to 3250, JBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DX LISTENING 

9330, Feb 21 at 0058 on BST-1 caradio, enough WBCQ to stop the memory 
scan during IS and ID, so I hope that means power has been upped, but 
no chance to compare it now to what I get on fixed radios.

3250v, 5109.7, 7489.9, 9330v, UT Sun Feb 21 at 0424 check, all four 
WBCQ transmitters are off. It may seem late in the Eastern zone, but 
there ought to be audience for programming in the rest of North 
America on a Saturday night.

9330.06, Feb 23 at 0159, WBCQ The Planet ID, and 0200 right into a 
gospel huxter with no program introduxion, initially paranoid about 
``airplanes spraying stuff`` and ``aluminum corn``. WBCQ program guide 
already has this as new `Word of Deliverance` with Pastor Jim Inman, 7 
days a week at 02-03 (following `Full Gospel Hour`, also 7-daily at 
01-02, with Terry (the blaster) Blalock. (But the sked still shows WOR 
on 9330 only at 0300 UT Friday instead of daily 0030 except Sat 2330 
instead of 0030 UT Sunday.)

Meanwhile, at 0202 UT Feb 23, WBCQ 7489.9 is already Brother Scaring, 
but with someone else paranoid about apocalypse-by-radiation, while 
nothing heard on 3250 or 5109.7 (in last report one mis-reference read 
5107.9) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. W5KUB.COM webcast watched in over 150 countries
Amateur Radio Roundtable --- Subject: Show cancelled this week.

We are cancelling this week's show, February 23, due to a family 
medical emergency. Many of you know my mother by her chat room name of 
"Granny". She has been in the chat room on many of our webcasts. Last 
Wednesday Mom had a massive stroke and surgery to remove the clot was 
unsuccessful; therefore, she is now receiving comfort care.

We hope the show will be back on it's regular Tuesday night schedule 
by next week. If not, I will inform you with another letter.

Our next show (unknown date) will feature, Glen Popiel, KW5GP, the 
author of the ARRL publication, Arduino for Ham Radio. Glen will be 
sharing some neat Arduino projects.

If you missed our last show on Heard Island DXpedition you can watch 
it here. We plan to have live video updates on our show directly from 
Heard Island during the operation in March and April.

Astronaut Douglas Wheelock confirmed that he will be on one of our 
Tuesday night shows soon and that he will be joining us, in person, 
for our Dayton Hamvention webcast in May as our guest and co-host. 
Many of you talked to Doug when he was commander of the International 
Space Ship (ISS). Doug left yesterday (Sunday) for Russia for an 

Amateur Radio Roundtable, is a live weekly amateur radio and shortwave 
program, held every Tuesday night at 8 PM CDT (0200 UTC Wednesday). 
The show can viewed at W5KUB.com or heard on shortwave radio station, 
WBCQ on 5110 KHz.

To watch Amateur Radio Roundtable on Tuesday evenings, go to 
W5KUB.com. If you are listening on 5110 KHz, we would like to hear 
from you. Please send an email to tom@w5kub.com and tell us your 
location and signal report.

We need help with topics. If you have a specific subject that you 
would like to present in a future show, send an email to 

Forward this message to a Friend will allow you to share this message 
with your friends. Join us for fun and interesting discussions! (Tom 

** U S A. Frequency changes of WRMI (mostly Brother Stair) from Feb 18
2200-1200 NF  7780 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WeEu English, ex 15770 tx#03
1200-2200 on 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WeEu English, ex 00-24 tx#03

1200-2200 NF 17790 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CeAm English, ex 11920 tx#04
2200-1200 on 11920 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CeAm English, ex 00-24 tx#04

0000-2400 NF  6915 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg WNAm English, ex 13695 tx#05

0000-1300 NF  5765 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg ENAm English, ex 11825 tx#08
1300-2400 on 11825 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg ENAm English, ex 00-24 tx#08

1400-2300 NF 13695 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English, ex  7570 tx#11
2300-1400 on  7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English, ex 00-24 tx#11

1400-2300 NF 11565 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English, ex  5850 tx#12
2300-1400 on  5850 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English, ex 00-24 tx#12

1400-2300 NF 15440 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg MEXI English, ex  7730 tx#13
2300-1400 on  7730 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg MEXI English, ex 00-24 tx#13

1300-2000 NF  9455 YFR 100 kW / 181 deg Cuba English, ex  5950 tx#14
2000-1300 on  5950 YFR 100 kW / 181 deg Cuba English, ex 00-24 tx#14
(DX RE MIX NEWS #940 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Feb 22, 2016, 
via DXLD)

11920, Feb 20 at 0110, WRMI is S9+20 but open carrier/dead air during 
the hour supposed to be occupied by Fαmily Radio in Spanish. It`s #4 
transmitter, 22 hours a day with BS, on 17790 in daytime.

5850 & 7730, Feb 23 at 0704, these WRMIs have switched to the very 
nice eclectic fill music loop, after hours & hours of BS, while e.g. 
5765 & 7780 stay with BS. The transmission schedule grid is confusing, 
showing 5850 and 7730 switch to System D other religious programming 
at 0700, but Sundays only on 5850, Mondays only on 7730 --- and this 
is Tuesday. So apparently other days of week are not paid for by BS or 
anyone, but they leave the transmitters on. BTW, have not heard the 
fill music lately on 11580 between 13 and 15, but rather more BS 

** U S A. 9275.04, Feb 22 at 2010, tune in S9 to S9+10 open carrier, 
cuts off at 2010.5*, back on at *2016.4 and stays on until 2055.2*. 
Back on briefly at *2056.3 but cuts off and on and off. Another brief 
appearance at *2114.9 and quickly off, never to return past 2200. 

Unfortunately up against a local device bubble jammer, probably a DTV 
cable converter box, but the carrier is fading slightly, and normally 
nothing here, so I instantly suspect it`s the long-dormant WMLK, 
Assemblies of Yahweh, Bethel PA, which just registered this frequency 
with HFCC for possible B-15 usage between 17 & 22 UT, also 04-09, both 
125 kW at 53 degrees to Europe. 

Before it went dark a decade plus ago, it was on 9265, but WINB 
subsequently usurped that frequency for itself. WMLK was long 
registered on 9955 too, but now has wisely ceded that to WRMI, 24 
hours. WMLK got a 250 kW transmitter and have been trying to get it 
and associated damaged antennas operational all this time. Some of 
this is detailed on their website, http://wmlkradio.net
but which has not been updated since 2013y. WMLK was still in WRTH 
2015, as inactive, but they gave up and removed it from 2016! 

I e-mailed this inquiry to everyone on the webpage contact list, 
except Elder Jacob O Meyer (EJOM) himself, who died in 2010y* and thus 
was not expected to reply. 

``Dear WMLK: This afternoon Monday Feb 22, I have been hearing a good 
unmodulated carrier on 9275.04 kHz. Since you have recently registered 
this new frequency, I wonder if I am really hearing WMLK testing on 
the air at last after these many years?? If so, is this the first day 
or when did testing start?

I tuned in at 2010 UT but it went off about 2010:30; and came back on 
at 2016:24 or so and has stayed on continuously as of 2052.

9275 reads about S9+10 with slight fading, while your neighbor in more 
ways than one, WINB on 9265 is S9 fading down to only S5. This is on 
my R-75 receiver with 100 foot east-west longwire.

Please confirm whether or not this is WMLK testing, and update us on 
your plans from now on? Perhaps you could modulate an ID at top of 
hour? Thanks, Glenn Hauser, World of Radio``

This went out just before the cutoff at 2055z, as if they got my mail 
and realized someone was listening? No, probably coincidental; and 
still no reply, so I don`t yet have any confirmation this was really 
WMLK. Anyhow, this carrier at S9 was stronger than neighbor 9265 WINB, 
only averaging S8 despite its 50(?) kW being aimed this way. 9275: a 
frequency for further monitoring (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

Received this Feb 23 from anonymous webmaster@wmlkradio.net ---

``Glenn: You are correct in your assumptions. WMLK Radio is licensed 
by the FCC to test at 9.275 MHZ from 1700-2200 UTC. We have been 
placing a carrier and modulated content on the air during this time 
period. Programming with SID's will soon follow when testing stages 
and adjustments are completed. Thank you for your report!``

Check 9275 Feb 23 at 1727: not on yet today.

This undated page, but which I think is nothing new, explains some of 
their technical, logistical, financial woes in getting this thing 

concluding with this ``mission statement``:

``Radio WMLK cannot be stopped at the border of a given country. Many 
people on this earth only have access to the outside world via 
shortwave radio. With this method of communication, we will reach many 
people and many countries, that otherwise would present difficulty in 
accessing. There comes a time of government restriction/intervention, 
and also the time comes that attempts will be made, to silence those 
in opposition to their views. The beast system will be very 
oppressing. With our own broadcasting capabilities, we will be able 
(Yahweh Willing!) to continue to send forth Yahweh's Truth to a dying 
world! Also in the works is obtaining our own power generator. We want 
to be able to produce our own electricity if necessary. Shalom! Gary 
A. McAvin, Chief Operating Engineer``

It looks like the evil government`s FCC was very foolish to authorize 
WMLK! ``Beast system``??? ``Dying world``??? 

9275, Feb 23 at 2045, no signal from WMLK carrier test, unlike 
yesterday. Couldn`t monitor continually between 17 and 22 authorized 

9275, Feb 24 at 2036 check, no signal from WMLK, Bethel PA, whose open 
carrier test was confirmed 48 hours earlier; available between 17 and 
22 UT. Another check Feb 25 at 1910: Not (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF 
RADIO 1814, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Back on Feb 26 (gh)

** U S A. 3215, Feb 19 at 0109, Dave is live(?) on WWRB, advocating 
the advantages of ham radio especially for doom-and-gloomers, one of 
which Dave says he is not; can`t call this a rant. WWRBS is also on 
3185 now.

3195 & 3185, Feb 23 at 0209, WWRB absent from both frequencies; don`t 
know if on 3215 earlier, but received this Update Feb 22 directly from 
Dave Frantz, edited only for style:

``Greetings. We made a slight change in our flight sked. This has 
allowed me to be here at WWRB early. We operate 7 days a week:

Sat, Sun, Mon: 6:55 PM to 12:00 AM: 3215 then 3195 after 9:00 PM
Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 6:55 PM to 9:00 PM: 3215 then 3185 after 9:00 PM
[these times must be EST = UT -5; WWRB is very near the CST boundary]

Right now shortwave broadcasting is a race to the bottom in airtime 
pricing. So I can make $170.00 per hour flying with ZERO expense --- 
or crawl on my belly for less than $50.00 per hour with plenty of 

Since the demise of coal fire power plants, electric rates are now 
skyrocketing. The demand charges alone eat up the power tube 
replacement reserve. 

It's worth noting my wife has a friend that is a licensed massage 
therapy business: She charges $70.00 per hour for a massage. She is 
booked SOLID with 'church going' clients; she just brought in another  
therapist to help her with the work load. Her basic cost for her 
business is: $250.00 per month office rent, utilities included!!, 300 
bucks, a ONE time expense for a massage table, 50 bucks for sheets / 
drapes. 20 bucks for a gallon of massage oil. Profits GALORE --- PLUS 
she works when she wants to and no bull shit to put up with. 

A Shortwave station: almost a million bucks for a 100 kW station, PLUS 
all the operating expenses to make $50.00 per hour????? with all the 
other cost. Red ink GALORE & PLENTY of bull shit to put up with. How 
can you pay an employee a DECENT living wage with that little revenue? 
When Brother Stair quits the U.S. shortwave, coupled with the 
EXPLOSIVE electric rates, THAT'S IT!`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF 

3185, Feb 24 at 1345, WWRBS is still on air, its JBA carrier thru the 
daypath; Dave had indicated this would be closing at midnight = 0500 
UT. Apparently frequencies above the 3 MHz band are no longer in use 
at all (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 9975, Feb 19 at 0119, no signal from KVOH, but 
there is some video(?) buzz probably from a nearby device; yet, Cairo 
attains S5 on 9965.21 at 0120 Feb 19 with open carrier/dead air.

9975, Feb 20 at 0057, no signal yet from KVOH, but a blob of video-
like buzz circa 9976 --- maybe ex a local device, but if so a new 
frequency. At 0106 recheck, KVOH is on vs the buzz (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A. 5890, Feb 19 at 0704, NO signal from WWCR-4, while 5935, 
WWCR-2 is propagating sufficiently, S9+10. Day frequency 9980 of WWCR-
4 is also AWOL at 1526, 1551 and 1630 chex. That`s the one primarily 
dedicated to Brother Scare. Transmitter problem, or did he pull out 
from WWCR? Who needs it, having bought up most of WRMI? O yeah, he 
still has a few more transmitters to go before he`s on 100. Here are 
the posted skeds effective until the imposition of DST on March 13:

Transmitter #4 - 100 KW - 90 Degrees
12:00 AM-07:00 AM 0600-1300 5.890 MHz
07:00 AM-06:00 PM 1300-0000 9.980 MHz
06:00 PM-09:00 PM 0000-0300 7.520 MHz
09:00 PM-12:00 AM 0300-0600 5.890 MHz

Note that another transmitter is on 5890 during one bihour:

Transmitter #2 - 100 KW - 85 Degrees
12:00 AM-07:00 AM 0600-1300 5.935 MHz
07:00 AM-10:00 AM 1300-1600 7.490 MHz
10:00 AM-03:00 PM 1600-2100 12.160 MHz
03:00 PM-05:00 PM 2100-2300 9.350 MHz
05:00 PM-07:00 PM 2300-0100 5.890 MHz ****
07:00 PM-12:00 AM 0100-0600 5.935 MHz

However, if you consult the program schedules, you will find gaps in 
#4 usage depending on days of week. If 7520 is also absent, that means 
no 6220 parasite is possible with WNQM 1300 relaying WMDB 880 La 

7520, Feb 20 at 0058, WWCR-4 is still off, and with it the 6220 
parasite. 5890, Feb 20 at 0058 quick tune to here finds WWCR-2 on, but 
QSY announcement to 5935 and off. Presumably 5890 will not come back 
later tonight as that would be WWCR-4 again. Wonder what happened to 
that transmitter? 

4840, Feb 20 at 1359, WWCR-3 is still on night frequency an hour after 
scheduled closing, so tough luck for 4835 Australia. It`s DGS, and 
nothing on day frequency 13845: still 4840 at 1425, now with PMS, (and 
not // 7490); and 4840 still audible at 1611! Not checked again until 
2109 when 13845 is finally vigent instead. Next morning, Feb 21 at 
1400 check, 13845 is already on and 4840 is off.

9980, Feb 20 at 2115, WWCR-4 is finally back on with BS // 9955 WRMI, 
after missing a few days. 5890 is off again at 0435 check Feb 21 --- 
but on UT Sundays only it`s not scheduled to start until 0500, which 
you wouldn`t know by looking only at transmitter schedules instead of 
program schedules; and indeed is on at 0701 check.

9980, Feb 22 at 2012, WWCR-4 has crashed again; it was blasting in a 
few minutes earlier with Brother Scare // much weaker 9955 WRMI (Glenn 

** U S A. 5085, Feb 19 at 0706, WTWW-2 is S9+30 with dead air except 
for some hum, instead of the Art Bell [non] show. Does anyhuman at 
station axually monitor it in the nightmiddle? 

9474.979, Feb 20 at 0043, WTWW-1 is S9+40, a gospel huxter pretending 
to pray to God when, like all who do so aloud, he is really still 
preaching at his non-deity mortal audience. As always, this 
transmitter with a big hum, and always off-frequency to lo side, about 
time I measured it on the R-75. By an hour later it`s faded way down 

5085.0, WTWW2 ID "from Lebanon TN" heard at 0540 UT Feb 21, S=9+30dB 
proper signal, but has also two accompanied spurious of S=4 level on 
distance of 12.913 Hertz away symmetrical on 
5072.087 and
5097.913 kHz.
73 wb (Wolfgang Bόschel, Stuttgart, Germany, [selected SDR options, 
span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] BC-DX TopNews Feb 21 via DXLD)

I have noticed these too; far enough out so on normal bandwidth you 
don`t hear them beating against center carrier, but really fouling up 
the band. Sometimes the spurs cut off and on, hitting some modulation 
card barrier? 

9930, Feb 22 at 2007, S9+30 open carrier/dead air except some hum from 
WTWW-2, during `Dave Ramsey` show. While tuning on to a much more 
interesting carrier on 9275, I leave a receiver on here eventually to 
discover modulation cutting back on at 2015.4, JIP Ramsey just as he 
is going to a commercial break. Isn`t anyone at station paying 

9930, Feb 24 at 0625, WTWW-2 day frequency is on here in the 
nightmiddle! With `Midnight [sic] in the Desert` YL going to a break; 
poor at S8, and nothing on 5085; topic wormholes to be resumed (Glenn 

** U S A. Good signal of WRNO New Orleans on February 17:
from 0400 7505.0 RNO 050 kW / 020 deg ENAm English, scheduled 02-05 
(DX RE MIX NEWS #940 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Feb 22, 2016, 
via DXLD)

7504.96, WRNO, on Feb 18 (Thursday), started the Chinese language 
lesson at 0355 with intro in English and quickly into Chinese. Thanks 
to Mauno Ritola for contacting WRNO and learning this program is also 
aired on Saturday (0400-0500), as well as Thursday (Ron Howard, 
Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via 

7504.917, WRNO New Orleans LA, S=9+20dB proper signal in MA-US. HARD 
ROCK music type played at 0449 UT, DISTORTED AUDIO! noted also on 
spoken part via the microphone. 73 wb (Wolfgang Bόschel, Stuttgart, 
Germany, [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] BC-DX 
TopNews Feb 21 via DXLD) Surely the rock was gospel

7504.93, Feb 21 at 0451, WRNO is S9+20 with music, English 
announcement; haven`t yet caught them in Chinese a couple days per 
week. It`s not quite justified yet to round this off to 7505.0 (Glenn 

** U S A. 680, Feb 18 at 1317 UT, ad for a hatter featuring lots of 
styles and sizes of Stetsons, et al., ``at 119 Broadway, downtown``, 
another ad for something Texas-size. Gotta be KKYX San Antonio, and 
yes, 1319 UT YL resumes KKYX News. At 1300 UT I was getting XEORO in 
Sinaloa (see MEXICO) on 680, but KKYX goes to 50 kW ND day pattern at 
1315 UT in Feb (March: 1245 UT), after night pattern of 10 kW SE into 
the Gulf (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1080+, Feb 24 at 0713, country music is ripping up KRLD 
Dallas talk, loops NW/SE, and only by nulling this can I get KRLD more 
or less clear from the SSE. Can`t be anything but KSLL Price UT, 10 kW 
daytimer! once again on air at night. Listed as Rock/OLD, so maybe 
crossing over a bit. It`s also slightly off frequency to the hi side 
making fast SAH with KRLD (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1370, after rehearing 1380 KRCM on day power, I find 
something else interesting a channel below (other than nearest KGNO 
Dodge City KS, which I NEVER hear, day or night --- is it really 
active?) --- Feb 24 at 0706 UT, ID for KCRV and KCRVradio.com, country 
music on ``AM 1370 KCRV``, loops east-west. It`s Caruthersville MO, 
right on the Mississippi River across from TN in the extreme SE 
corner, address in Kennett further west, 1000/63 watts U1 = always 
non-direxional, per NRC AM Log. 

1380, Feb 21 at 0456 UT, Spanish gospel music is dominant, and on LSB 
plenty strong not to be splashed by local ESPN 1390 KCRC. Soon Spanish 
promo for new customers on ``la nueva estaciσn de Radio Aleluya, 1590-
AM``, address 1600 Pasadena Blvd, Pasadena TX 77562, phone 713-589-
1336 during business hours 8-6 l-v, 9-6 sαbado, concluding with ``aϊn 
no hemos dicho nada`` (we haven`t said anything yet --- ??). Then ad 
still in Spanish for church services in English! Jueves a 7:30 at La 
Iglesia del Pueblo in Pasadena, 713-920-1840. 0500 UT illegal ID ONLY 
for ``KMIC [letters in English], Houston, 15-90 AM, Radio Aleluya``. 
Then into ranchera style music but must be religious.

Nothing said on 1380 about 1380! Which is really KRCM, Shenandoah TX, 
2800/60 watts U1 and this was no 60 watts! Or application for 22000/43 
U5, per NRC AM Log, which already had this as a R. Aleluya as of last 
August, at same Pasadena address as announced above. Shenandoah is a 
Houston suburb to the north along I-45 closer to Conroe, not 
necessarily correlating with transmitter site.

At 0500 UT Feb 21, I check 1590 anyway and don`t hear enough for a // 
in the mush, but there is a persistent LAH from about 1589.95 --- 
what`s that? The 1590 5/5 kW night pattern is SE into the Gulf: KMIC 
calls are a holdover from R. Disney, previous occupant (Glenn Hauser, 

Hi Glenn, Per Topazdesigns it's at 22 kW. It's been heard at night per 
Rick Dau in Omaha (Todd Skaine, Bloomington MN, Feb 21, ABDX via DXLD)

1380, Feb 23 at 0237 UT, station with ranchera hymn is dominating 
again, like the non-identifying KRCM Shenandoah TX, relaying KMIC 1590 
Pasadena/Houston, as logged two nights ago, obviously still on 2.8 kW 
ND day facility if not the 22 kW day direxional applied for.

Re 1380, KRCM, Shenandoah TX, now heard twice with strong dominant 
signal at night, the info that it had an application for 22 kW was 
from the NRC AM Log as of last summer. Checking current FCC AM Query, 
we see now they already are LICENSED for 22 kW day power, 50 watts 
(ha, ha) night power:

The pdf pattern plot is 404, but the data shows:

major lobe is to the north and east; minimum to the WSW. Not only are 
they licensed for 22/0.05 kW, but also have an application for 
22/0.043 kW. This involves a transmitter site change at night only.

Currently licensed day and night at
30  07' 40.00" N Latitude      Power: 22.0 kilowatts (kW) Daytime 
95  57' 35.00" W Longitude (NAD 27)
with different patterns day and night.

Day site would stay same, but new night site app would be quite moved:
29  39' 54.00" N Latitude      Power:  0.043 kilowatts (kW) Nighttime 
95  45' 28.00" W Longitude (NAD 27)
and non-direxional

However, if they are going to run 22 kW at night, why bother with a 
new 43-watt night-only site presumably closer to the target area? DAIJ 
Media, LLC, licensee of KRCM, obviously has no respect for the rules, 
not bothering to ID legally either (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 

Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a 
file has been uploaded to the Files area of the RealDX group.

File : /david hamilton/1380.mp3
Description: 1380
You can access this file at the URL:
[since deleted as customary in this ygroup]

Hopefully this is not OCY4U again, received at 0710 this morning; 
cheers (David Hamilton, Scotland(?), Feb 22, RealDX yg via DXLD)

Hi David, at the beginning of your clip "la nueva estaciσn en la 
familia de Radio Aleluya". It's KRCM Shenandoah TX, at 26" they 
announce the frequency 15-90 AM (KMIC) 73/ (Valter Comuzzi, Italy(?), 

Many thanks; I think this is a new one for me; cheers (David, ibid.)

I would settle for OCY4U; then I posted my info above as TROTS (gh)

1380, Feb 24 at 0658 UT, same Spanish ad for Iglesia del Pueblo on 
Pasadena Blvd., as I have heard before from KRCM Shenandoah TX, so I 
keep tuned to hear if they will finally legally ID? NO, at 0659 UT, ID 
ONLY for KMIC 1590; 0700 UT into Spanish hymn. I check 1590 a minute 
later, and nothing directly from that. KRCM is still dominating 1380 
here, enough to squeeze past local 1390 KCRC.

KRCM emitting new 22 kW day power toward the northeast at night 
allowed David Hamilton, UK, to DX it Feb 22 at 0710, as he inquired of 
RealDX, hoping it wasn`t merely the Peruvian again (I would settle for 
that!). Rodney Johnson, NV, points out:

``I too have been noticing that the "Electric Field Strength pattern 
plot PDF"
from the main Query Result page is almost always 404. However when you 
click the "Pattern Data for KRCM" link 
and go to the bottom of the data table you will see an "Electric Field 
Strength pattern plot (PDF)" [identical] link that usually works!
Only for directional arrays of course. It appears they have a big wide 
lobe centering on 30  in daytime and a single tower omnidirectional at 
night --- supposedly! 73s --Rodney`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 

** U S A. 1460, LOUISIANA, WXOK, Port Allen. 1139 February 20, 2016. 
End of Urban Gospel vocal, black female local ad with phone number, 
"Yes You Can" by Marvin Sapp, male, "Heaven AM 1460, WXOK" at 1147, 
into "Shifting the Atmosphere" by Jason Nelson segued to "I Need To 
Know" by Smokie Norful. Parallel their audio stream at heaven1460.com, 
and song titles on the right center frame. Presume still on night 
power, 4700/290, though that night pattern has me wondering. Some co-
channel from "La X" WQXM, Bartow, FL. This is one of those "W" calls 
assigned west of the Mississippi, and in this case the tower is a mere 
mile west (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater FL, NRD-535, IC-R75, roof 
dipole, active loop, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Glenn, I have been listening to KXEL on 1540 AM for the last 
ten years or so. They started running an announcement for the last few 
days about the FCC possibly reducing their nighttime coverage area. 
They asked listeners to go to their website and sign the petition 

This request may be a first, at least for the last couple of decades 
or so. THANK YOU, (Artie Bigley, Columbus OH, Feb 24, WORLD OF RADIO 

Petition speaks only in generalities about FCC changing rules to allow 
more stations on air at night, harming KXEL and other 50 kW clear 
channel stations (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) 

Evidently other/all iHeart conglomerate 50 kW stations are doing these 
petitions, fill-in-the-blanx – WLW, WGY, etc. (gh, DXLD)

** U S A. 1580, Feb 20 at 0126 UT, dominant signal playing Christian 
hymn by full orchestra, loops NW/SE, soon announcement for 58 degrees 
in Colorado Springs, time 6:27; Vonage ad read by local announcer, 
then ones for healthmerchant.net and grasshopper.com phone systems; YL 
ID: ``Thank you for listening to the all-new AM 1580, KFCS, Colorado 
Springs-Pueblo; now on with the music`` and 0130 UT into a hymn on 

The all-old KFCS had an oldies/shopping format per NRC AM Log. No echo 
as Larry Godwin, MT, was reporting Jan 18 at 0130 UT making him wonder 
if there were transmitters in both cities? If so, unknown to FCC AM 
Query showing licensed to same single site, day and night, 10/0.14 kW, 
both non-direxional. It`s obviously on 10 kW day power now, despite 
official Feb sunset an hour earlier at 0030 UT! (March: 0100 UT). I 
can remember when the 1580 in C.S. was KPIK (until 1987y). After 
several more changes, it only became KFCS last May. Koming From 
Colorado Springs? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

With multiple radical format changes in the past year, I would tend to
assume it stands for "Kan't Find Commercial Sponsors..." 73 (Tim Hall, 

** UZBEKISTAN. Good signal of BaBcoCk Stream of Praise Music 
Ministries, Feb 23
2100-2130 on  7530 TAC 100 kW / 090 deg to EaAs Cantonese/Chinese
(Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VANUATU. 3944.986, Radio Vanuatu from Port Vila, noted at 1452 UT 
as S=6-7 signal in Brisbane Queensland Australia remote post (Wolfgang 
Bόschel, BC-DX, Log on Monday Feb 22 at 1400-1530 UT - mostly in SDR 
net remote unit in Doha Qatar, but also in Brisbane Queensland 
Australia, and in southern Germany, [selected SDR options, span 12.5 
kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz], dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. Special Vatican Radio transmission for Pope's visit to 
Mexico --- A bit after the fact, but offered for what it is worth ---

I have heard nothing since this that it was heard by others and indeed
I heard nothing in advance about this either, but it appeared to be
directed toward the Americas. I'm sure someone will point out that
nobody listens to SW in North America, so why bother publicizing
it, but if you don't TELL anyone you're on the air, why are you
surprised when nobody hears you? If you don't broadcast it, nobody
will listen after all! I recall a story somewhere about hiding a light 
under a bushel basket ---- now, WHAT book was that in?

I received a nice eQSL sheet from Vatican R but despite my asking,
they didn't confirm from what site this broadcast may have originated
from. SMG? A relay from this continent? Is there any way to find out
since they have played their cards close to the vest, so to speak?

/* 11700 kHz Vatican Radio special English transmission re the Pope's
visit to Mexico with the Pope saying Mass in Spanish, and a
simultaneous English translation of his comments by a woman. ID in 
English and Latin by woman at 1916 and then into classical music to 
round out the half hour. Off abruptly in mid-song at BoH. 454+4+4 
1907-1930* 14/Feb --Zichi MI2 */ -- (Kenneth V Zichi, Is it time to 
cook yet?, Feb 18, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGESET)

by gruporadioescuchaargentino

Como parte de la reestructura de la comunicaciσn vaticana tras la 
creaciσn del Dicasterio de la comunicaciσn el 27 de junio de 2015, 
Giacomo Ghisani asumirα como nuevo representante legal ad interim de 
la radio, explicσ Lombardi a Tιlam.

"No habrα un reemplazante especνfico como Director General", agregσ el 
vocero de Francisco.

Jesuita nacido en 1942, Lombardi se desempeρaba en la radio de la 
Santa Sede desde 1990 y entre 2001 y 2013, fue tambiιn director 
general del Centro Televisivo Vaticano.

El 11 de julio de 2006, el papa emιrito Benedicto XVI lo designσ 
director de la Sala Stampa de la Santa Sede, en sustituciσn del 
espaρol Joaquνn Navarro-Valls.

El nuevo Dicasterio de la Comunicaciσn estα presidido por el italiano 
Dario Vigano y engloba nueve instituciones: el Pontificio Consejo de 
las Comunicaciones Sociales, la Sala Stampa, el Servicio de Internet 
Vaticano, la Radio Vaticana, el Centro Televisivo Vaticano, el diario 
L'Osservatore Romano, la Tipografνa Vaticana; el servicio fotogrαfico 
y la editorial de la Santa Sede (Libreria Editrice Vaticana - LEV), 
ademαs del sitio web institucional de la Santa Sede y la cuenta de 
Twitter @pontifex (via http://www.telam.com.ar/ via GRA blog Feb 24 
via DXLD)

** VIETNAM. 9635.796, Voice of Vietnam 1st service from Son Tay site,
S=6-7 fair signal at 0114 UT on usual very odd frequency [selected SDR 
options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (Wolfgang Bόschel, noted on 
remote network SDR station in eastern Thailand, Feb 20, wwdxc BC-DX 
TopNews, dxldyg via DXLD)

** YEMEN [non]. Poor signal of Radio Sana'a, February 15:
from 1300 on 11860 unknown tx / unknown to N/ME Arabic
(DX RE MIX NEWS #940 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Feb 22, 2016, 
via DXLD) That`s about when it starts fading up to good sig here (gh)

11860, Feb 18 at 1447, Republic of Yemen Radio during drumming and 
chanting is S9+20; comparing to WRMI: 11825 is only S9+10, but 11565 
is S9+20 with less fading. I never have time to stay with ROYR after 
1500 to hear how it degrades, but at 1636 recheck it`s down to a JBA 
carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Rep. Yemen Radio Sanaa (Saudi Arabia Relay?) 11860, 1508 18 FEB - 
SINPO = 35323. Arabic, female announcer interviewing male over the 
phone. QSB=rapid rate, deep, modulation mostly above noise floor but 
fluttery. sf97.3, a34, k4 geomag: active. 50kw?, Omni?, bearing 7 ?. 
Sangean ATS505 w/MFJ-1020C active antenna used to preselect Magic Wand 
Antenna hanging indoors on west wall. Received at Las Vegas, United 
States, 13045KM? from transmitter at Riyadh?. Local time: 0708. 

Rep. Yemen Radio Sanaa (Saudi Arabia Relay?) 11860, 1503 19 FEB - 
SINPO = 35233. Arabic, male announcer giving speech. QSB=ff, fluttery 
modulation mostly well above noise floor (spot checks: 1550z 
SINPO=35333 music, 1615z SINPO=14211 JBA carrier). sf96.0, a29, k3, 
geomag: unsettled. 50kw?, Omni?, bearing 7 ?. Sangean ATS505 w/MFJ-
1020C active antenna used to preselect Magic Wand Antenna hanging 
indoors on west wall. Received at Las Vegas, United States, 13045KM? 
from transmitter at Riyadh?. Local time: 0703. 73s (--Rodney Johnson, 

Just for fun I had a look today from Web SDR Twente and found Rep. 
Yemen Radio on 11860 (~1715z) and found them to be quite strong 
(measures s9+20, with some peaks to +30db on Twente's meter, but I 
don't take s-meters too seriously, especially when s9 is in the middle 
of deflection like Twente's is). I've attached a recording of the 

I still think we're getting a north polar path instead of south, I 
just can't imagine a grayline long path like that to be so strong and 
stable for so long. Now as to where it's coming from and what 
Transmitter power and antenna --- still anyone's guess, I suppose. 

I also take most propagation analysis software results with a huge 
grains of salt, but attached are screenshots from one of the better 
ones I have found that were designed more for Hams. It shows the short 
path being much stronger (Rodney Johnson, Feb 19, audible and visible 
via the dxldyg, via DXLD)

I guess this preferable LONG PATH 1330-1430 UT reception via ANTARCTIS 
of 11860 towards TX / OK will be decreased soon after winter season 
like in April / May season. wb (Wolfgang Bόschel, dxldyg via DXLD)

Rep. Yemen Radio Sanaa (Saudi Arabia Relay?) 11860, 1458 20 FEB - 
SINPO = 35323. Arabic, male announcer excitedly speaking. (Spot check: 
1608z SINPO=45323, music with microtonal vocals) QSB=ff deep, 
modulation mostly well above noise floor. sf93.5, a15, k1, geomag: 
very quiet. 50kw?, Omni, bearing 7 ?. Sangean ATS505 w/MFJ-1020C 
active antenna used to preselect Magic Wand Antenna hanging indoors on 
west wall. Received at Las Vegas, United States, 13045KM? from 
transmitter at Riyadh?. Local time: 0658.

11860, 1508 21 FEB - SINPO = 35323. Arabic, female announcer 
interviewing male over the phone. QSB=ff. (Spot check: 1613z same 
SINPO, music with microtonal vocals). sf98.9, a6, k0, geomag: 
inactive. 50kw?, Omni?, bearing 7 ?. Sangean ATS505 w/MFJ-1020C active 
antenna used to preselect Magic Wand Antenna hanging indoors on west 
wall. Received at Las Vegas, United States, 13045KM? from transmitter 
at Riyadh?. Local time: 0708.

11860, 1500 22 FEB - SINPO = 35323. Arabic, music with microtonal 
vocals. QSB=ff. sf95.7, a4, k1, geomag: very quiet. 50kw?, Omni?, 
bearing 7 ?. Sangean ATS505 with MFJ-1020C active antenna used to 
preselect Magic Wand Antenna hanging indoors on west wall. Received at 
Las Vegas, United States, 13045KM? from transmitter at Riyadh?. Local 
time: 0700 (Rodney Johnson, NV, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

11860, Rep. of Yemen Radio, Feb 22 at 1430, usual very good signal 
with Arabic music and talk. I should add that it normally has 
considerable heavy fading, as if it`s coming a long way, and/or over a 
dynamic path. 

As a last resort, we sometimes check the ITU monitoring files, in case 
they can shed any light, in frequency order. They are accessible from 

And the latest one for early this year is a 65 page pdf:

But the only entries for 11860 are PBS Xizang (Tibet) at 0414, 0617 
and different date at 0430, 0635. ITU Monitoring is very hit-and-miss, 
in this case, totally missed Yemenism.

HFCC doesn`t have Xizang on 11860, but Aoki shows it at 0300-0858 
(except Tuesday siesta -0600*) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

11860, Feb 22, 1940-1945, Radio Sana΄a, Jeddah, in Arabic. OM talks in 
Arabic; YL talks. Poor signal and barely audible modulation, 25331 
(DXer Josι Ronaldo Xavier (JRX), Cabedelo [PB] Brazil, Tecsun S-2000, 
Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD)

Hi Wolfy, I see you tuned around 11860 at about 0238, but you don't 
mention hearing Sana'a or finding its carrier. Do you think the 
transmitter was off air at the time of your check? Regards, (Bill 
Bingham, RSA, Feb 23, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Dear Bill and Glenn, re Febr 23 UT nighttime reception. In Detroit the 
11860 channel was empty, but that means NOT, that Sana'a exile program 
couldn't be heard for example in Doha Qatar at this time. Last night 
at Detroit Michigan remote station reception: 31 mb reception was 
'normal' like originate from Greece, Egypt, Romania, and proper CRI 
Cerrik Albania. but all 25 mb services from the er side were rather 
poor last night.

Usual Sana'a excile 11860 is mostly strong only in 1330-1530 UT slot 
via long path, - my guess is always southerly Antarctic path 
propagation during their downunder summer season. 73 wb (Wolfgang 

Rep. Yemen Radio Sanaa (Saudi Arabia Relay?) 11860, 1503 23 FEB - 
SINPO = 35323. Arabic, female announcer interviews male over the 
phone. QSB=ff, deep, modulation stays well above noise floor with 
strong peaks. sf93.6, a4, k1, geomag: very quiet. 50kw?, Omni?, 
bearing 7 ?. Sangean ATS505 w/MFJ-1020C active antenna used to 
preselect Magic Wand Antenna hanging indoors on west wall. Received at 
Las Vegas, United States, 13045KM? from transmitter at Riyadh?. Local 
time: 0703 (Rodney Johnson, NV, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

11860 at 0236 UT Feb 24: local Doha Qatar rather tiny S=5 or -92dBm, 
heard HQ morning prayer.

Moscow NIL
Greece island S=9+5dB
Calabria Italy tiny S=4 (compare CRI 11870 adjacent S=9+15dB)
Spain NIL
Austria NIL
Belgium S=5 or -96dBm tiny.
Japan NIL
Brisbane Australia NIL
73 wb (Wolfgang Bόschel, ibid.)

** ZANZIBAR. 6015, ZBC Radio with anomaly format on Feb 18. Noted
from 0310 to 0330 with African pop music, while normally they would 
air a long monologue; 0330 went back to their normal format (Ron 
Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' long wire, 

TANZANIA, Reception of Zanzibar BC, including English news, Feb 22 
1500-1800 on 11735 DOL 050 kW / non-dir to CeAf Swahili
1800-1807 on 11735 DOL 050 kW / non-dir to CeAf English
1807-2100 on 11735 DOL 050 kW / non-dir to CeAf Swahili
-- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1500, Feb 18 at 0451 UT, the warble is still weakly 
audible here with KSTP nulled. It seems there has been no progress the 
past week in pinpointing the source, but here`s a pertinent post from 
Feb 11 on the IRCA list:

``The 1500 noise is stronger here, in Acworth GA tonight. I went out 
and repeated the  320 (magnetic N reference). On the SDR, the 
noises are on either side of 1500, leading me to believe that this is 
not a spur from 1490 or 1510. This is someone on 1500.

In my 37 years as a broadcast engineer, I have encountered a few older
transmitters that would "radiate" even when the high voltage was off.
Normally this only goes a few miles, if it radiates at all. This
typically goes away when the high voltage is "on". (So, the issue may
not be apparent during the normal operation of the station.) I do not 
think this has anything to do with WFED.

I suspect that it is someone with an older transmitter on 1500; they 
may be signing off, but the transmitter may continue to radiate some 
sort of trash. Given a relatively 'vacant' channel (relatively 
speaking --- if there is such a thing anymore) a few dozen watts can 
travel a surprising distance at night.

I have heard WPOT here "after hours", so could be them, or someone in 
W. Kentucky, maybe S. Illinois. Although WPOT seems a bit to far west 
from what I am seeing here. Robert LaFore, Acworth GA``

WPOT is the 250/6 watt station in Trenton TN (near Jackson), also my 
suspect for other reasons.

1500, Feb 20 at 0134 UT, the warbling is still weakly audible, and 
KSTP is not too strong, so another attempt to DF it. It now seems a 
couple degrees above due east. In case there is something in the shack 
skewing the ferrite in the DX-398, I then go outside to the yard and 
the street, but get the same results. This has been narrowed down to 
three possibilities, the little stations in NW KY, SE MO, and NW TN. 
Closest to due east is WPOT Trenton TN, 250/6 watts; slightly CCW is 
the nearest, KDFN Doniphan MO, 1000/0 watts; slightly more CCW is the 
farthest, WMJL Marion KY, 175/0 watts. Still need someone to visit one 
or three of these towns at night, as we are too close to the margin of 
error (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Nothing from the blues music 1500 station at first, but at 0148 UT Feb 
20, there it is, NW/SE, continuing to be assumed as KCLF New Roads LA, 
1000/0, or if CP is on, 850/18 watts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

UNIDENTIFIED. Bandscanning UT Tue Feb 23, vs approaching storm noise 
level of S9 to S9+20 at 3.3 MHz, somewhat less on higher frequencies, 
I encounter a few SSB nets, probably MARS, usually one station 
somewhat more copiable than any others:

3299-USB, 0210 Feb 23, W&M voices conversing, then into digital modes

4036-USB, 0212 Feb 23, contact between 5AK and 5MG, truncated calls, 
about antennas

4041-USB, 0213 Feb 23, brief bit of another 2-way

6986.5-USB, 0217 Feb 23, ``shall we keep it open for army only?``

UNIDENTIFIED [non]. 4888.0, Feb 18 at 1324, JBA carrier, between 4885 
South  Korea and 4895 India, so I wonder what? Maybe Ron Howard will 
find it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Ron Howard does reply: ``Hi Glenn - Yes, heard a strong signal; seemed 
to be OM saying something, but unable to turn it into a readable 
signal; tried USB, then LSB, then carrier, but nothing worked to make 
it readable. Military or some type of utility?`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

Sorry Glenn, I was completely wrong. Turns out that it was India (AIR 
Lucknow) off frequency from 4880. This from Hiroshi - 
with the correct explanation. I should have checked my own archive, as 
I heard Lucknow on 4888 back in 2010 (Ron Howard, San Francisco at 
Ocean Beach, CA, Feb 21, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1814, DX LISTENING 

UNIDENTIFIED. 5030-, Feb 24 at 1350, JBA carrier slightly on lo side. 
Some exotic Asian/Pacifican, or just another All Indian off-frequency? 

UNIDENTIFIED. 5112-USB, Feb 20 at 0037, weak 2-way seems English; is 
this a MARS frequency? Was checking for WBCQ 5110v, which was not yet 
on. At 0100, a JBA carrier from WBCQ on 5109.7 not overcoming the S7 
noise level, while 5112-USB is a trace (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 
DIGEST) [Later: as a result, WBCQ ordered to move to 5130! --- gh]

** UNIDENTIFIED. NUMBERS STATIONS. Strong signal of S06s & E11, Feb 18
0900-0905 on  5765 unknown transmitter site to Eu Russian S06s CUSB
0930-0933 on  9950 unknown transmitter site to Eu English E11 USB
0930-0935 on  8812 unknown transmitter site to Eu Russian S06s CUSB
0940-0945 on  9540 unknown transmitter site to Eu Russian S06s CUSB
-- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, Feb 17, dxldyg via DXLD)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5959.95, Feb 18 at 1339, once again the off-frequency 
JBA carrier; is it just East Turkistan? 

5959.957 approx., Feb 24 at 1354, JBA carrier, another mystery from 
PacificAsia? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7430.0, ??? UNID well modulation sounded program, 
sounded rather like BBC, but not - my rather guess - AIR Bhopal from 
India, at S=9+5dB signal heard here in southern Germany. Nice audio 
quality not to compare to usual bad AIR standards, noted at 0124 UT 
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (Wolfgang 
Bόschel, noted on remote network SDR station in eastern Thailand, Feb 
20, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews, dxldyg via DXLD)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9300.0-USB, Feb 23 at 0225, weak 2-way in unknown 
language. Really no idea, except it unseems tonal (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

UNIDentified. Station with Arabic music and Denge Kurdistan, Feb 22:
0900-0915 9400 unknown (secret/hidden) site UNIDentified Arab music,
0900-0915 9400 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to WeAs Kurdish Denge Kurdistan:
-- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDentified. Station with Arabic music observed again on February 23:
0900-0920 9550 unknown (secret/hidden) site, poor to good signal today
(Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 10025.6/USB, 1901, 22-Feb; 2-way in Oriental language + 
yelling in background (Harold Frodge, MI, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Lots of USB QSO pirates in Indonesish, Feb 23 at 1430-
1440 on 5-kHz spacings: 11460, 11455 (more soft-spoken and more 
musical), 11450, 11435, 11410, 11405 (sounds YL).

Another batch of Indonesish QSO-pirates, intermittent in USB, Feb 24 
at 1424-1430: 11455 (soft-spoken), 11450 (whistling), 11440 
(strongest), 11420, 11410 (JBA), 11405 (YL?) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 11825, Feb 22 at 0645, JBA carrier. If WRMI is no longer 
24h on this frequency, what could it be? Nothing listed at this time. 
I couldn`t remember which night frequency 11825 is paired with to 
check: 5765 at 355 degrees. I know I had heard it sometime that 
evening (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Strong signal of numbers station S06s, Feb 24:
1000-1005 on 12365 unknown transmitter site to Eu Russian in CUSB
1010-1015 on 14280 unknown transmitter site to Eu Russian in CUSB
[sic] (Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
14280 = inside 20m hamband (gh)




Hey Glenn: All the best for the new year. Really appreciate WOR/DXLD - 
an excellent source of DX and technical information! 73, (Mike Beu 
KD5DSQ Austin, Texas with a contribution via PayPal to woradio at 


Thanks for all you do for Radio listening Worldwide, Glen[n]. I listen 
to you Wednesdays on WBCQ 7490 at 2200 UT/5:00PM East Coast time here 
in the Monticello IN USA. All the best! Ramsey with a contribution via 
PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com (James Reynolds)

One may also contribute by check or MO in US funds on a US bank to P O 
Box 1684, Enid OK 73702



Hi Glenn, my latest Hitlist update.

1) Angola - RNA: Added this station and link to live stream of
International channel - thanks to Dave Kernick at intervalsignals.net
2) Argentina - RAE: Update link to English pages
3) Egypt - R Cairo: Added additional link to archived transmissions of 
NAm 2300 UT broadcast
4) India - AIR (new website): Update to link to Home page
5) Pakistan - R Pakistan:  Update to links Home, Frequencies and
on-demand pages
6) Serbia - R Serbia: Website is live but dormant and abandoned - note
added to entry
7) Ukraine - R Ukraine Int: Update to links
8) USA - KNLS, Aaska: Updated link to Homepage and on-demand
9) Zanzibar - ZBC: Added this station with link to homepage

Unless there's a major change anywhere, the next update will be end of
March. Best wishes and 73 (Alan Roe, Feb 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST)



The 29th Winter SWL Festival is now history. About 106 radio hobbyists 
descended upon Plymouth Meeting to hear a variety of discussions 
starting with Part 15 Broadcasting (Anthony Messina and Rob Femly) and 
quickly moving on to Pirate Radio Year in Review (George Zeller and 
Chris Lobdell), Why We Still Believe in Shortwave (Paul Ladd of World 
Christian Broadcasting), Longwave Beacons (Kevin Carey), 2016 Survey 
of Shortwave Receivers (Thomas Witherspoon), The Lows and Highs of the 
HF Spectrum (Sheldon Harvey and Alan Roberts), Kit Receivers (Skip 
Arey), Shortwave Shindig (David Goren), Medium Wave: Your Next DX 
Frontier? (Brett Saylor), Scanning (Eric Cottrell) and Nostalgia 
Receivers (Dan Robinson). 

The FESTivities closed with the banquet, Sheldon Harvey with In 
Memoriam, Thomas Witherspoon with an Ears to the World update and 
George Zeller with the Grand Raffle. I had the pleasure of announcing 
John Cooper of Lebanon, Pennsylvania as the 2016 recipient of the 
William P. Eddings Award as NASWA’s member of the year. 

Next year’s Winter SWL Festival will be a three day event celebrating 
thirty years of radio listeners gathering to discuss the hobby. It 
will be held March 2, 3 and 4, 2017. Thanks to Rich Cuff and John 
Figliozzi for another great job organizing and running this event with 
a terrific supporting cast (Rich D`Angelo, PA, NASWA Flashsheet Feb 21 
via DXLD)



Hello All, I stumbled upon a bit of history that just became 
available, an article about WWV in the July 1962 'IF' magazine at the 
Internet Archive.
PDF copy at:
The article is by noted sci-fi author Theodore Sturgeon, and is 
entitled 'Uncle Sam's Time Machine'; you can find it starting on page 
89 (Curtis Sadowski, Paxton, Illinois, WTFDA gg via DXLD)


++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ USA - WMLK


A company from Florida called DTV America currently has applications, 
construction permits, and licenses for 4 different DTV channels here 
in the Cleveland/Akron area. I’ve never actually seen them broadcast. 
They seem to have a new application every week in a new location. I’ve 
seen them apply with transmitters in areas like Canton, Akron, Medina, 
Cleveland, Doylestown… basically everywhere around northeast Ohio. I 
don’t know what their intent is, but the current stations are W43DB, 
WEKA-LD, WQDI-LD, and W25EK. [DTV America: See also OKLAHOMA]
I’ve also heard that they use a portion of their channel spectrum for 
high-speed internet. From what I’ve heard, they don’t seem to have any 
interest in serving the local communities, but rather maximizing 
profit by renting out their spectrum with religious, shopping, and 
other worthless programming. Is there any limit to licenses the FCC 
will issue?
On the other hand, should this even be an issue at this point? With 
the spectrum auction, I doubt these channels will survive (Andrew 
Knafel, Jan 29 06:51AM -0800, WTFDA gg via DXLD)

When they run out of spectrum :)
Seriously, the Commission has felt strongly for several decades that
they have no right to pass judgement on the type of programming
licensees will carry. If an applicant is legally qualified to be
licensed (is controlled by citizens who haven't been convicted of
serious crimes) and the proposed station won't interfere with anything
else, it will be authorized. They don't care what kind of programming
will be aired. == (Doug Smith W9WI, Pleasant View, TN EM66, ibid.)

I think the real issue that the FCC has jurisdiction over and is 
failing miserably on is the interference issue. It doesn't matter if 
it's AM or FM or TV, they just continue to shoehorn stations into what 
they perceive as coverage holes based on mathematical formulas which 
often have no on-the-ground reality attached to them (Russ Edmunds, 
Blue Bell, PA ( 15 mi NW of Philadelphia ), Jan 30, ibid.)

Exactly, Russ. Great comment (Steve Rich, Indianapolis, IN, ibid.)
For decades, the Commission has faced a conflict. How weak of a signal
do you protect? Under the current rules, a Class C station is 
protected from interference in areas where its signal is estimated at 
60dBu or better. That's a radius of 92 kilometers or 55 miles.
When the current rules framework was being considered, they considered
protecting Class C stations down to 38.5dBu. That would have been a
radius of 156 km or about 93 miles.
Yes, with a rooftop antenna and a quality receiver, a 100kw/2,000'
station will deliver a quality signal at 93 miles. On the clock radio
on your dresser, you'll have no idea the station is there.
So, you're Commissioner Jones. - You vote for 60dBu -- and the guy who 
wants to listen to the classical music station 85 miles away is mad 
because you authorized something that interferes with his reception.
- You vote for 38.5dBu -- and the guy who wants to launch a new 50s
oldies station on 96.5 is told he can't because it would interfere 
with the classical music station 85 miles away that he can't even tell 
is on the air.

There could be a point to switching to Longley-Rice for FM. The
technology has only been practical for a few years - there's a LOT of
calculation going on - and with the cell sizes in use it may not be as
much better that the old method as one might think. == (Doug Smith 
W9WI, Pleasant View, TN EM66, ibid.)

One of the problems with the FCC's current way of doing things is that 
when it's all added up, it makes for a mess. There seems to be no 
recognition that the band is finite from a usability standpoint. It's 
almost as if they're saying, "Just put 'em in and let 'em fight it 
out." I'm not too sympathetic to the commissions's plight. The FCC is 
a very poor caretaker - (Rick Lewis, ibid.)
If I were Commissioner Jones, the answer would be easy if the question 
were that simple. It isn't that simply only because in the majority of 
cases, there's no need for that new station. More stations fragment an
increasingly fickle and distracted a potential audience. We have all 
sorts of duplication of the same or similar programming within the 
same market going on in all 3 services, and we have stations going 
bankrupt regularly.
The FCC's (likely political) enslavement to the idea that more is 
better and many more is much better is flawed, and that's what has 
driven the interference parameters over the years. It's been a 
constant parade of loosening for decades. Creating more and more areas 
where all a listener can hear is competing interference (leaving IBOC 
out of the equation here) benefits no one (Russ Edmunds, Blue Bell, 
PA, ibid.)

Denying a new station because of its proposed programming is awfully
hard to reconcile with the First Amendment. You & I might feel
Nashville doesn't need yet another country or hip-hop station. My 23-
year-old neighbor might feel we really need classic alternative rock
but we have far too many religious stations. The 70-year-old across 
the street might feel there's far too much immoral secular programming 
on the air & we need *more* Christianity.
Which one is right?
In Canada, the CRTC can (and sometimes does) deny new-station
applications on the grounds the market can't economically support
another station. I suppose we *could* do that. I don't think anyone on
the political spectrum anywhere between Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders is
willing to step in and tell a would-be businessman he can't launch his
business because there's too much competition. Even Bernie sees that 
as the job of business, not government.
AM is a huge problem, and really indeed a political problem. Non-
partisan political but political nonetheless: some Congressman has
been convinced his district didn't receive enough AM service & 
pressured the Commission to help out his constituent. AM allocations 
are a Swiss cheese of exceptions, frequently if not always 
They tried very hard to do FM differently and IMHO to a large degree
succeeded. They set objective allocation standards and since 1964 have
stuck to them. Those standards don't protect the kind of installations
we DXers use. They do protect the vast majority of receivers used by
the real audience.
I think the Commission has made two serious errors:

- I'd love to know who authorized FM translators to relay HD2/HD3 
subs. I find it VERY strange that never went through the normal 
rulemaking process.

- They've abandoned their role in shuttering pirates. Pirates are not 
a significant issue here in Nashville (I know of only one) but they're
obviously a serious problem elsewhere (Doug Smith W9WI, Pleasant View, 
TN EM66, ibid.)

There is enough interference now in TV and the upcoming auction will 
only make it worse depending on the number of stations who sell 
"their" spectrum. I had previous believed that the public owned the 
airways. Not so today. ither way those of us who rely on antennas will 
lose service (Dave Pomeroy, KS, sent on the new Sprint Network, ibid.)
My point wasn't that it should be denied on the basis of programming 
(which even if legal would be silly because once licensed it could 
change). Which reminds me of a country song some years back "500 
channels and Nothing On". My point was to illustrate that there are 
too many stations, period, and that adding new ones, regardless of 
format, would be a very tough sell for me as a Commissioner.
The basepoint is the interference scale being periodically loosened. 
The duplication of formats, the bankruptcies, etc. are all byproducts 
of that. If the interference standards had not been relaxed to permit 
tiny-powered nighttime operations on AM, and way too many translators 
on FM, things would be far better. On TV, while there are some 
interference issues, digital has changed that whole equation.

Re pirates, that's far from the only situation where the FCC has 
abandoned enforcing its own rules. That's a function of massive budget 
cuts over the past 20 years more than anything else. Every time I 
drive into Philadelphia, I'll hear pirates. A similar situation exists 
around Baltimore and DC (Russ Edmunds, Blue Bell, PA, ibid.)

Regarding my original post about these nuisance channel cloggers owned 
by DTV America, I was reading that they plan to use the licenses to 
broadcast high-speed internet. Now how is that allowed? When did that 
become an option? It seems to me that the owners of these licenses 
just want to make a buck and don't care about providing free useful 
programming to the people. The article says that their goal is to 
provide high-speed internet in rural areas, but it seems that they 
could care less, as all the applications are in already crowded urban 
areas. Here is the link... 
I'm aware that the FCC has certain rules in place to limit 
interference, but aren't there cases of closely spaced co-channels in 
the east coast crowded markets? Channel 31 for example is used by 
full-powered stations in Boston, Hartford, NYC, Philadelphia, and 
Scranton. And that doesn't cause any interference??
FM is a whole 'nother issue... between IBOC (stations using adjacent 
stations they aren't licensed for), translators, and LPs... it's quite 
a mess (Andrew Knafel, ibid.)

Russ, There is a fair amount of interference with digital TV, but you 
have to be in areas approximately equal distant (more accurately equal 
in signal strength) from markets that have TV transmitters on the same 
channel (co-channel). 

One that I see a fair amount of interference on is WTXF-DT 42 (29) 
Philadelphia and WMPT DT-42 (22) Annapolis, MD. Apparently due to 
signal enhancement related to the Chesapeake and Delaware Bay areas 
and the terrain between those transmitters and my location, I see a 
greater than would be expected amount of interference between these 
two signals. The heading for WTXF is around 155 degrees. The heading 
for WMPT is around 175-180 degrees. When WMPT is enhanced, I have to 
turn my antenna to around 140-145 degrees to be able to have WTXF 

Otherwise the two signals are too close in strength to allow the 
computer chip in the Zenith box to decode one of the signals. When 
there are two signals on the same channel the error rate is too high 
for the computer chip to be able to decode.

On channel 31, there is WPPX Wilmingrton/ Philadelphia, WSWB Scranton, 
PA and WPXN NYC. Previously most UHF analog channels were separated by 
about 180 miles. Scranton to NYC is around 105 miles, NYC to 
Philadelphia is around 90-95 miles, and Scranton to Philadelphia is 
around 105-110 miles. There are also channels 11 & 13 in NYC, 
Baltimore and Wilkes-Barre, PA. There is more separation on these, but 
a similar situation exists.

The areas of interference that have been created by this short
spacing result in "Zones of Interference" where neither signal can be 
received clearly. Sometimes use of antenna phasing helps, other times 
adjusting the antenna position or inclination helps, other times 
nothing will alleviate the interference (Bob Seaman Hazleton, PA, 
Doug, It seems a bit odd that Class A FM stations are protected to 60 
dB level; Class B FM stations are protected to the 54 dB signal level 
area, and Class C stations are only protected to the 60 dB level. You 
would expect the Class C stations to be protected to the 54 dB level 
similar to the Class B stations.

Also with the level of radio and receiver reception ability, I have
found that a fairly good car radio with a whip antenna will provide a 
good signal well beyond the 54 dB signal level areas. I haven't 
measured it, but I suspect it is somewhere in the low 40 dB signal 
levels that still provide good reception even while driving in the 
car. I am more familiar with the 54 dB signal level areas of the Class 
B stations in my area. Class C stations aren't found until you get 
into southern VA. I have listened to a couple of Class C stations in 
that area while traveling (Bob Seaman, ibid.)
Where I am, of course, I have no such issues. At your elevation, and
location, all sorts of propagation effects apply. IMHO, much of the TV
problem arises from the conversion to digital TV with lower power, 
either a signal or not, and consequent reduced coverages. Then there's 
the continuing problem of multipath - despite added power, neither 6 
nor 12 are free from drop-outs, although I'm only using an indoor 
antenna despite being almost line of sight to WPVI at relatively short 
But as has been pointed out already this all derives from a spectrum 
grab intended in theory to provide greater amounts of data service and 
filled with lots of greedy brokers as well (Russ Edmunds, Blue Bell, 
PA (15 mi NW of Philadelphia), Grid FN20id, ibid.)

1) DTV America is also doing regular TV. They've done a wide-ranging
deal with Katz, owner of Bounce, Grit, Escape, and Laff, and they've
picked up GetTV, Buzzr, and some of the other networks in markets 
where they're not on full-power stations. I don't know if their long-
term goal has changed or if this is a short-term play.
2) Stations are allowed to provide ancillary services (such as data
services) as long as they provide 5% of gross revenues to the FCC and
provide at least one SD video stream. See 47CFR73.624(c), (d), and 
3) Stations are allowed to voluntarily accept interference. So in the
case of the five channels 31, most of the stations agreed to accept 
the interference. WFXT, WSWB, and WPPX were assigned channel 31 (plus 
WPXN analog). WTIC next agreed to move to 31, accepting interference 
from WFXT and WPXN analog. Then, during channel elections, WPXN agreed 
to accept interference from WTIC, WPPX, and WSWB. And that's how five
stations came to be on channel 31 in such close proximity.
Interference in the baseline of each one, as calculated by the FCC and
from all sources:
WFXT:  3.88%
WTIC: 16.48%
WPXN:  6.13%
WPPX: 10.12%
WSWB:  6.97%
New interference up to 0.5% is permitted for new applications. During
the DTV transition, and for LPTV stations today, that number is 2%. 
And that's 2% into the LPTV station; the LPTV station cannot cause 
more than 0.5% to a full-power station (Trip Ericson, 
http://www.rabbitears.info ibid.)
DTV America currently has 4 licenses, 3 applications, and 1 
construction permit in the Cleveland area for 4 different channels. Is 
there a limit to how many channels they can be licensed on? (Andrew 
Knafel, ibid.)

There are no ownership limits on LPTV or Class A stations, only on
full-power stations (- Trip Ericson, ibid.)

And none on FM translators! (Russ Edmunds, Blue Bell, PA, ibid.)

But I'd still argue, how do you deny an application that's technically
acceptable (doesn't cause signal interference) without running afoul 
of the First Amendment? You may not be saying outright "country music 
is less important than classical" but you're deciding that whatever 
Acme Broadcasting Corporation wants to say should not be said.
For full-power FM stations they really haven't been loosened since 
1964. I don't have the original FM translator regulations handy but 
the protection contours that apply today are the same ones that apply 
to full-power stations.
They do waive 2nd and 3rd-adjacent restrictions but only if you can 
show nobody lives in the interference area (which is not difficult to
accomplish. When I did W279CH we found the 2nd-adjacent interference
zone to WKDF didn't even reach the ground -- and the W279CH antenna is
only 40 feet high).
You definitely have a point with regard to AM. The Commission should
never have authorized daytime-only AM stations. AM allocations are a
mess of poorly chosen exemptions (Doug Smith W9WI, ibid.0

Yet another firm that thinks they can make this work. Yes, ATSC can do 
a fair job of sending 19,200,000 bits per second to a pile of homes. 
That's very useful for broadcasting. It's not quite so useful for 
Internet access. For two reasons:
- It's sending the *same* 19,200,000 bits to every home in the service
area. Divide it out & if you want at least 1Mbps to each subscriber,
there'd better not be more than 20 subscribers.
- It's sending those bits *to* every home. It doesn't have a way to
receive anything back. If you have a decent return path, you don't
need DTV America. This has been proposed before. I don't know of 
anyone who's made it work financially (Doug Smith W9WI, ibid.)

That's what I thought too. Since they can only send a limited amount 
of data over a DTV channel, then how's that going to work? It sounds 
like a bad idea. But I'm still wondering why they need four stations 
in the Cleveland market? Would they want four channels to send more 
data? They have one construction permit for downtown Cleveland and 3 
applications on different channels in the same spot!! It's one thing 
to not have a voice, but do you need four licensed stations in one 
spot? Perhaps it would be a good idea to put limits on these LDs, CDs, 
and FM translators just like the full-power signals (Andrew Knafel, 

Trip, WSWB had channel 31 for their digital transmitter pre-
transition. They were supposed to go back to channel 38 post-
transition, but they asked the FCC to allow them to stay on channel 
31. They probably did this to save the cost of changing the digital 
transmitter from 31 to 38. They probably didn't care if there would be 
interference for a small number of over the air viewers in their 
market area. Since the majority of viewers get the signal from cable 
or satellite, the over the air issue wasn't a major consideration.

The other issue is that stations had a limited number of channels to
pick from post-transition. They ended picking the channel with the 
least amount of interference from adjacent markets. They also took 
into consideration the cost of the transmitter and antenna that would 
be needed with the channel that they picked.

As an example, WPVI Philadelphia was assigned channel 64 pre-
transition. They had to find a channel to replicate the coverage area
for their analog channel 6. After they checked all of the potential
channels available and potential interference from adjacent markets, 
they ended up back on channel 6. That was one channel that would 
replicate their coverage area and had very few adjacent market 
interference issues (Bob Seaman, Jan 31, ibid.)
It's true that four channels delivers four times the data. Of course, 
not every application gets granted; you ask for channel 43 in Canton 
but it could be that someone else outbids you. If you want one 
station, maybe you file applications for six different channels & hope
one of them gets granted. If more than one is granted, maybe you sell
the extras. But a construction permit has a limited life. If you can't
sell them before they expire, you have to build them out.
The LPTV service grew out of the TV translator service. The FCC
envisioned both translator services (TV & FM) occasionally requiring
multiple commonly-owned stations at the same site. For TV, the local
government might want to translate the nearest ABC, CBS, and NBC
affiliates - and not have to pick just one. For FM, they might want a
selection of four or five Salt Lake City stations to relay into St.
George or wherever.
IMHO they simply forgot about a number of these regulations when they
started authorizing LPTVs to originate programming. The "FrankenFM"
thing on channel 6, for example, is the result of an oversight in the
technical regulations. They *could* have restricted a single owner to
one station originating programming (and as many as they want relaying 
the programming of other stations).

There aren't many cases of a single firm owning numerous FM 
translators in the same market. I think a bigger issue is that of 
"virtual stations". Translators relaying HD2/HD3 subs, and translators 
relaying distant stations via satellite.
If I were appointed "dictator of the FCC", I would:

- #require translators to relay the primary station without changing 
any parameters except frequency and amplitude. (and polarization)
- @require that translators outside the coverage area of the primary
station and fed by other than off-air reception be *not* commonly-
owned with the primary station.
# That provision already exists in 74.1201(a), how relaying a HD2 into
analog mode is consistent with this regulation is beyond me.
@ This is the opposite of current practice which requires that the
translator *is* commonly-owned with the primary.
(Doug Smith W9WI, Pleasant View, TN EM66, ibid.)

The initial translator rules were rather lax to begin with, and as you 
note have been further reduced. The Commission also would have been 
working more in the public interest to include ownership limitations 
for # of translators, either in conjunction with our separately from 
regular stations.

For regular stations, the initial interference rules also erred on the 
side of 'the more the merrier'. That's the basis of my overall 
objection to the FCC's actions for decades, and it underlies all 3 
services. But if that wasn't enough, then relaxing standards on a case 
by case basis to shoehorn more stations in made it worse.

As far as I can see it, the FCC doesn't have and hasn't had a grasp of 
what actual propagation is outside of the lab. If a station can be 
easily and cleanly heard on a car radio driving all around a market, 
there is simply no need to supplement it with either translators or 
actual stations overlapping the same area multiple times. I can sit in 
my driveway in the car and hear the same programming on at least 5 
frequencies, all at listenable levels, and this is true for at least 3 
"networks" of stations and translators. The same applies to the close 
spacing of stations in the lower end of the band - such that the 
interference zones are larger by far than any of the actual listenable 
coverage areas, which then results in most or all being granted power 
increases, which doesn't solve anyone's problems.
The format argument, for several reasons, some of which I've already
covered, is a red herring - true, it's a red herring which some courts
would probably not see through. The issue is interference. Bob Seaman 
has and can provide numerous examples of translators being approved in 
places that caused serious interference in NEPA and had to be moved 
multiple times, and in several cases, these eventually died because 
there really was no possibility of non-interference, despite what the 
formulas had to say (Russ Edmunds, ibid.)

I certainly see the point in limiting the number of translators owned 
-- but it's also easy to see places where such a limit might not have 
been in the public interest. I'm thinking, for example, of Utah. Where
several SLC stations have had translators (both FM and TV) across most
of the state. Many of these communities aren't large enough to support
local FM service; none are large enough to support local TV. Limiting 
a single station to, say, five translators would have left most of the
state without FM & TV service.
It's a lot easier to state a regulatory premise than it is to distill 
it into a regulation that will survive lawyers :)
I suppose one thought would be to restrict the use of translators to
areas where no service exists from full-power stations.
> to the FCC's actions for decades, and it underlies all 3 services. 
But if that wasn't enough, then relaxing standards on a case by case 
basis to shoehorn more stations in made it worse.
For FM, the 1964 rules established a maximum power/antenna height for
each class of station. They then established a definition of
interference (if the interfering signal 10% or more of the time
exceeds 1/100 of the protected signal, interference exists -- and the
interfering signal will not be licensed). And they established a table
of distances under which interference will be presumed to not occur.
Exceptions were only made for stations that already existed when the
1964 rules were adopted.
Eventually "contour protection" rules were added which allowed one to
build a station "too close" to another. You were required to reduce
power (at least in the direction of the other station) to remain
compliant with the 10%-1/100 signal standard.
TV rules were similar (but all went out the window with digital :) ).
The relaxation of standards only applies to AM (and it DOES apply to
AM, in spades)
The quality of FM receivers has also dramatically improved. Signals
that didn't provide useful service 50 years ago are very much useful 
> interference zones are larger by far than any of the actual 
listenable coverage areas, which then results in most or all being 
granted power increases, which doesn't solve anyone's problems.
Again when writing rules you have to be able to quantify it. Which car
radio? How often do you sample the station? How clean is "clean"? Over 
how much area must the signal be noticeably weak before it qualifies 
for a translator?
The FCC propagation curves are indeed not the best option out there.
They were the best option for a long time, it's only been maybe 10-15
years that terrain modeling has been practical (yes, we should have
gone to terrain modeling 7-10 years ago. Then again, analog full power
TV went dark six years ago & the technical rules are still on the
books :) ).
> multiple times, and in several cases, these eventually died because
there really was no possibility of non-interference, despite what the
formulas had to say.
Interference in areas where the "victim" station was not predicted to
provide useful service. Luckily, the translator rules do provide for 
shuttering a translator if it causes actual interference, even if the 
propagation curves don't predict it.
Maybe once repacking is done, the Commission will have a chance to
consider terrain modeling for FM. == (Doug Smith W9WI, Pleasant View, 
TN EM66, ibid.)



On this old episode of To Tell The Truth, aptly-named Leon Plunk 
describes falling off radio towers and smokestacks, grabbing a guy 
wire on the way down. He mentions a 1600 foot radio tower in Cape 
Girardeau MO:
(Tim Hall, CA, Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone, Feb 23, ABDX via 

Must be KFVS-TV, analog 12, which for a while held the title of 
tallest man-made struxure; not a ``radio`` tower unless FMs were also 
mounted on it (Glenn Hauser, DXLD)


eHam.net News February 21, 2016

The University of Malta is planning to send a 250 gram device into 
space in a project being held with the University of Birmingham, the 
Malta Amateur Radio League (MARL), and the Italian Astrodynamics 
company, GAUSS Srl. The 5x5x5 cm device, referred to as a PocketQube 
pico-satellite, will be launched in 2018 into a sun-synchronous low 
earth orbit (LEO) and will be used to validate on-board equipment that 
will study the properties of an ionised region of the Earth's upper 
atmosphere (known as the ionosphere). 

This project will pave the way for a swarm of eight such satellites 
that will spread over a large geographical area and hence gain better 
coverage of changeable ionospheric conditions which affect radio 
communications. More here:
Posted by: (Mike Terry, Feb 23, dxldyg via DXLD)

:Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2016 Feb 22 0359 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction 
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/weekly.html
#                Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 15 - 21 February 2016

Solar activity reached moderate levels early in the period due to an
M1/1n flare (R1-minor radio blackout) from Region 2497 at 1056 UTC
on 15 Feb, but low levels of activity were observed on 16-19 Feb
with very low levels observed on 20-21 Feb as Region 2497 rotated
behind the west limb. Region 2497 (N13, L=087, class/area=Eac/250 on
12 Feb) was the largest, most magnetically complex and active
sunspot region on the disk this period, however, despite the
frequency of solar activity this period no Earth-directed coronal
mass ejections (CMEs) were observed. 

No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit reached
moderate levels on 15-16 Feb but an enhanced solar wind environment
due to a coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS) caused an increase
to high flux levels throughout the remainder of the period (17-21
Feb), with a peak value of 36,500 pfu observed at 1755 UTC on 19

Geomagnetic field activity reached G2 (Moderate) geomagnetic storm
levels this period. The onset of a south polar-connected negative
polarity CH HSS caused and isolated period of active conditions late
on 15 Feb, unsettled to G2 (Moderate) geomagnetic storms on 16-17
Feb, and unsettled to G1 (Minor) geomagnetic storms on 18 Feb. As
the CH HSS rotated out of geoeffective position, geomagnetic field
activity decreased from quiet to unsettled levels on 19-20 Feb to
quiet levels on 21 Feb due to the return of a nominal solar wind


Solar activity is likely to be at low levels with a slight chance
for M-class flares (R1-R2 (Minor-Moderate) Radio Blackouts) on 22-29
Feb and 15-19 Mar. C-class flares are expected on 01-14 Mar with a
chance for M-class flares due to the anticipated return of Region
2497 (N12, L=087) which produced four M-class flares last rotation. 

No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit, barring any
significant flare activity. 

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is
expected to reach high levels on 22 Feb and 15-19 Mar due to an
enhanced solar wind environment caused by coronal hole high speed
streams (CH HSSs). Moderate levels are likely on 23-24 Feb, 04-05,
07-08 and 13-14 Mar with low flux levels expected for the remainder
of the period. 

Geomagnetic field activity is likely to reach G1 (Minor) geomagnetic
storm levels on 14-16 Mar and active field conditions are likely on
01, 03, 06 and 17 Mar, all due to the effects of multiple CH HSSs.
The remainder of the period is expected to be at quiet or quiet to
unsettled levels under a nominal solar wind regime. 

:Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2016 Feb 22 0359 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction 
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/wwire.html
#      27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
#                Issued 2016-02-22
#   UTC      Radio Flux   Planetary   Largest
#  Date       10.7 cm      A Index    Kp Index
2016 Feb 22     100           5          2
2016 Feb 23     105           5          2
2016 Feb 24     110           8          3
2016 Feb 25     110           8          3
2016 Feb 26     105           8          3
2016 Feb 27     100           8          3
2016 Feb 28     100           8          3
2016 Feb 29     105           5          2
2016 Mar 01     110          15          4
2016 Mar 02     115          10          3
2016 Mar 03     115          12          4
2016 Mar 04     115           8          3
2016 Mar 05     115           5          2
2016 Mar 06     115          15          4
2016 Mar 07     115          10          3
2016 Mar 08     110           8          3
2016 Mar 09     110           5          2
2016 Mar 10     105           5          2
2016 Mar 11     105           8          3
2016 Mar 12     105           5          2
2016 Mar 13     105          12          3
2016 Mar 14     100          30          5
2016 Mar 15     100          30          5
2016 Mar 16      95          30          5
2016 Mar 17      95          15          4
2016 Mar 18      95           8          3
2016 Mar 19      95           5          2


Keith, from IPS in Australia, the Global HF Propagation forecast: 
normal at low and middle latitudes February 26-27, normal to fair at 
high latitudes on Feb 26. 

From Spaceweather South Africa thru Feb 27, magnetic conditions quiet 
to unsettled, shortwave fadeouts unlikely, MUF unstable.

From Met Office UK, the Four-Day Space Weather Summary thru February 
28: Solar activity is expected to remain low. Geomagnetic activity 
levels mainly quiet.

From Petr Kolman of the Czech Propagation Interested Group:
the Geomagnetic field will be:

mostly quiet on February 26
quiet to unsettled on February 27 - 28, March 2, 4, 7 - 8, 11 - 12
quiet to active on February 29, March 1, 3, 5 - 6, 9 - 10, 13, 16

From SWPC in Boulder: Active geomagnetic field conditions likely on
March 1, 3, 6 and 17 with A and K indices peaking at 15 and 4.
Geomagnetic field likely to reach G1 (minor) storm levels on March 14-
16 with As and Ks of 30 and 5.

The quietest dates of 5 and 2 will be February 29, March 5, 9, 10 and 
12. Solar flux rising from 100 on February 28 to 115 on March 2 to 7, 
down to 95 by March 16.

William Hepburn`s VHF-UHF-microwave DX maps call for extreme 
tropospheric ducting along the west and south coasts of Australia from 
February 27 to March 2; along all coasts of Namibia and South Africa 
March 1 and 2, and also off the central and northern coast of Chile; 
all week off the Pacific cost of Mexico; all week from India to Oman, 
and February 26 further to Yemen (via DXLD) ###