
Χρηματιστηριακη Αστρολογια-Βιβλιογραφια

Allen, Frederick Lewis. Only Yesterday. New York: Harper & Row: 1931. John Wiley Investment Classics, 1997.

Alphier, James. The Old Masters: Neglected, Distorted…But Still Profitable. Los Angeles: The Futures Truth Seminar, April, 1989.

Alphier, James. How to Perform Sophisticated Contrary Opinion Technical Analysis, with No Resources While Watching Television. Burlington, VT: 1982.

Andrews, Robert Earl. CRASH - The Early Warning. Lincoln, NE: Writer's Showcase, 2002.

Ansbacher, Max G. The New Options Market. Walker Publishing Co., Inc., 1975.

Arms, Richard W. Jr. Trading Without Fear- Eliminating Emotional Decisions with Arms Trading Strategies. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996.

Bajkowski, J. Computerized Investing. Chicago: American Assoc. of Individual Investors, 11th Edition, 1994 & subsequent.

Bartell, D. Moon Phases and Commodity Prices: An Objective Seven Year Test.

Bates, Graham, and Bowles, Jane Chrzanowska. Money and the Markets- An Astrological Guide. London: Aquarian, 1994.

Bayer, G. The Egg of Columbus. Self Published (Rarest book); Money: The Time Factors in the Stock Market. 1937; Bible Interpretation. 1937; Turning 400 Years of Astrology to Practical Use, and Other Matters. 1940; Stock and Commodity Trader’s Handbook of Trend Determination. 1940; George Woolsten, Expert Stock and Grain Trader. 1946.

Berg, L. The A.S.T.R.O. Method. Omaha, NE: Self published.

Bernstein, J. MBH Commodity Advisors, Inc. Various. The Investor’s Quotient.1980; The Handbook of Commodity Cycles – A Window on Time. 1982; Seasonal Concepts in Futures Trading. 1986; Beyond the Investor’s Quotient. 1986.

Bradley, D.A. Stock Market Prediction. St. Paul MN: Llewellyn Publications, Ltd., 1948. (Reprint 1982).

Brahy, G.L. Stock Market Fluctuations and Cosmic Influences. Paris, 1941. Translated into English (Norm Winsky 1986).

Bresart W., Former president of HAL’s Market Cycles. Co-authored with I. McAvity and R. Prechter.Special report: 1984 – 1986 Market Outlook. Dallas TX: HALCO.

Boyd. M.W. Financial Astrology Techniques & Horoscopes of Gold Stocks. Tempe AZ: AFA, 1978.

Brimelow, Peter. The Wall Street Gurus. New York: Random House, 1986.

Butaney, T.G. Forecasting Prices. Bombay India: Pearl Printing Press, 1962.

"Can You Use Cosmic Radiation to Win on Wall Street?” Frontiers of Science (January- February 1982).

Carolan, Christopher. The Spiral Calendar and Its Effect on Financial Markets and Human Events. Gainesville, GA: New Classics Library, 1992.

Cogan, L. P. The Rhythmic Cycles Of Optimism and Pessimism New York: 1969.

Crawford, Arch. "The Mars Uranus Cycle in U. S. Stock Prices", A Traders Astronomical Almanac. Ft. Lauderdale, (1998).

Crawford, Arch (Sam). Letter re: “Events Shown in Helio (1929 Low).” Journal of Geocosmic Research Vol. 2 no. 2. New York: National Council for Geocosmic Research, Inc., (1978).

Crawford, Arch and Pesavento, Larry. "Astro Cycles." Chartpoint - Asia Pacific's First Technical Analysis Magazine (July, 2003)

Cycles Magazine. Bi-monthly member publication, Foundation for the Study of Cycles. For many years the leading domestic (U.S.) group focused on analyses of cycles and their causes in all areas of interest. The founder, Edward R. Dewey, listed under his name as an author, created interest in this area when all educational institutions had effectively eliminated it from their curriculum. Currently non-operational. “An Analysis of the Terrestrial Magnetic Correlates of Venus/Jupiter Critical Angles, 1868-1980.” (August 1983); “Cycles of Peace, Sunspots, and Geomagnetic Activity.” (May/June 1984). Autocast Software, maximum entropy spectral analysis with linear progression; “Certain Planetary Angles Related to Magnetic Storms.” Vol. 30 # 6 (1979); “Best of Cycles Collection.” Foundation Reprints; “Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research.” FSC Proceedings Reprints, Video/audiotapes of recent speakers.

Dobson, E. Understanding Fibonacci Numbers. Trader’s Press.

Douglas, Mark. The Disciplined Trader. New York: New York Institute of Finance, 1990.

Douglas, Mark. Trading in the Zone. New York: Prentice Hall, 2001.

Drew, G.A. New Methods for profit in the Stock Market. Boston: The Metcalf Press, 1948.

Dystant, C. R. The Fifth wave – Stocks: A Critique of the Elliott Wave Principle. Watseka, IL: Investment Educators, 1974.

Edwards, R.D. and Magee, J. Technical Analysis of Stock Trends. Springfield MA: John Magee Co., 1948 & current editions.

“Effects of Sunspot Activity on the Market.” Charles J. Collins, Financial Analysts Journal (Nov/Dec 1965).

Eng, William F. Technical Analysis of Stocks, Options and Futures. Chicago IL: Probus Publishing, 1988.

Eng, William F. Trading Rules II- More Strategies for Success. Chicago, IL: Dearborn Publishing, Inc., 1996.

Elder, Dr. Alexander. Trading for a Living- Psychology, Trading Tactics, Money Management. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993; Come Into My Trading Room - A Complete Guide to Trading. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2002.

Evans, Dr. J. The Second Venus Cycle and the Crash of 1929. Paper presented at the First World International Economic Conference, Oak Lawn IL, November 1988.

Farley, Alan S. The Master Swing Trader. New York: McGraw-Hill Trade, 2000.

Farrell, Maurice, editor. The Dow Jones Averages, 1885-1970. Dow Jones & Co., 1972. & later editions.

Fischer, R. (editor), Kaufman. P. Fibonacci Applications and Strategies for Traders. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1993.

Fosback, N.G. Stock Market Logic. Ft. Lauderdale, FL: The Institute for Econometric Research, 1976.

Foster, W. G. Rocky Mountain Financial Forecasting. Various articles.

Foundation for the Study of Cycles. Cycle Synchronies- The Interrelationships of Physical, Biological, Social, and Economic Cycles. Irvine, CA: The Foundation for the Study of Cycles, 1990.

Frank, Al. The Prudent Speculator- Al Frank on Investing. Dow Jones-Irwin, 1990.

Gann, W. D. Astrological and mathematical market trader; W.D. Gann Commodities Trading Course. Lambert-Gann publishing Co.; W.D. Gann Stock Speculation Trading Course. Lambert-Gann publishing Co.; A Profitable Profession. Mechanical Method and Trend Indicator; Truth of the Stock Tape. Financial Guardian Publishing, 1923; Wall Street Stock Selector. Financial Guardian Publishing, 1930; The Tunnel Through the Air. Financial Guardian Publishing, 1927; Forty Five Years in Wall Street. Financial Guardian Publishing, 1949; New Stock Trend Detector. Financial Guardian Publishing, 1936; How to Make Profits in Commodities. Library of Gann, 1941; The Magic Word. Library of Gann, 1950; Scientific Stock Forecasting.

Garcia-Mata C. & Shaffner. “Solar & Economic Relationships.” Quarterly Journal of Economics Vol. XLIX (November, 1934).

Gartley, H. M. Profits in the Stock Market. Pomeroy WA: Lambert-Gann Publishing Co, 1935.

Gaubis, A. The Decenial Pattern. New York: Foundation for the Study of Cycles, December 14, 1960.

Gillen, Jack. Key to Speculation on the N.Y. Stock Exchange. Hollywood, FL: Grand Trine Publications, 1979.

Grant, James. Minding Mr. Market- Ten Years on Wall Street with Grant’s Interest Rate Observer. New York: Times Books, 1993.

Granville, Joseph E. Granville’s New Strategy of Daily Stock Market Timing for Maximum Profit. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1976.

Guyon, Don. One-Way Pockets. New York: Capstone Publishing, 1917, Burlington, VT: Fraser Publishing, 1965, 1979.

Guarino, Frank. Relationship of Stock Market Fluctuations to the Lunar Cycle. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1978.

Hayes, Michael. The Dow Jones Irwin Guide to Stock Market Cycles. New York: Dow Jones, 1977.

Hill, John. Futures Truth. Hendersonville, NC.

Hirsh, Yale. Stock Trader’s Almanac. Old Tappan, NJ. (annual)

Hoppe, D.J. The Dow Theory Sell Signal July 20. Privately Published, 1981.

U.S. Financial History - 1787 to 2004, A Cyclical Interpretation. Crystal Lake, IL: Privately Published, 1984

Hurst, James M. The Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1970.

Hutson, Jack K., Weis, David H., and Schroeder, Craig F. Charting the Stock Market- the Wyckoff Method. Seattle: Technical Anlalysis, Inc., 1991.

Jensen, L. J. Astro-Economic Interpretation. Pomeroy, WA: Lambert-Gann Publishing; Astro-Cycles and Speculative Markets. Pomeroy, WA: Lambert-Gann Publishing. 1935; Major Trends in American Economics from 1492 to 1950. Pomeroy, WA: Lambert-Gann Publishing.

Jevons, W.S. A Serious Fall in the Value of Gold. British Association for the Advancement of Science: 1863; The Solar Period and the Price of Corn. Bristol Meeting, British Association: 1875; The Periodicity of Commercial Crises. Dublin Meeting, British Association, August 11, 1878; “Commercial Crises & Sunspots.” Nature (November 14, 1898); Investigations in Currency & Finance. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1884.

Jiler, W.L. How Charts Can Help You in the Stock Market. New York: Commodity Research, 1962.

Juglar, Clement. A Brief History of Panics & Their Periodic Occurrence in the U.S.

King, Hugh P. “Cycles in Financial Data.” Journal of Cycle Research Vol. VII #1, (Jan. 1958).

Kimball, Robert S. “Cyclical Analysis of Stock Prices with Astrology.” Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities Vol. 5.

Kirkland, William & Kirkland, Douglas. Power Cycles Phoenix: Professional Communications, 1987.

Langham, James Mars. Planetary Effects on Stock Market Prices. Los Angeles: The Maghnal Publishing Co., Wolfer Printing Co., 1932.

Langham, James Mars. Business Cycles Versus Planetary Movements, 1860 to 1935. Los Angeles: The Maghnal Publishing Co., Wolfer Printing Co., 1935.

Langham, James Mars. Cyclical Market Forecasting Stocks and Grains. Los Angeles: The Maghnal Publ. Co., Wolfer Printing Co., 1938.

Langham, James Mars. Economic Outlook for 1959. Los Angeles: The Maghnal Publishing Co., Wolfer Printing Co. 1958.

Lefevre, Edwin. Reminiscences of a Stock Operator. George H. Doran & Co: 1923. Reprinted by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York: 1993, 1994.

Lenz, Dr. Hans G. The Stock Market, The Dollar and Interest Rate Developments 1985 to 1990. West Germany: Druckerei Schroeder, 1985.

Lewinsohn, Richard. Prophets & Prediction: The History of Prophecy from Babylon to Wall Street. 1958.

Loeb, G. M. The Battle for Investment Survival. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1935. New York: John Wiley, 1996.

Long, Jeanne. Basic Astrotech. Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Global Research Forum. 1988. A Trader’s Astrological Almanac. (annually)

Lorie, J. H., Dodd, Peter & Kimpton, M.H. The Stock Market: Theories and Evidence. Dow Jones-Irwin: 1973 & 1985.

Lynes, B. Astroeconomics. Springfield, MA, 1982-84.

"Market Fluctuations and Business Crises in the Light of Astrology.” London: Modern Astrology.

Matlock, Clifford C. Man and Cosmos: A Theory of Endeavor Rythms. Waynesville, NC: Cycles Research Project, 1977.

McCormack, George L. The Moon’s North Node: An Important Cyclic Indicator. 1947.

McEvers, Joan, (editor). Financial Astrology for the 1990s. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1989.

McLaren, Bill. Gann Made Easy. Overland Park, KS: Gann Theory Publishing Co., 1987.

McMaster, R. E. Jr. Cycles of War. Kalispell, MT: Timberline Trust, War Cycles Institute, 1978; The Art of the Trade. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999.

McWhirter, L. McWhirter Theory of Stock Market Forecasting. New York: Astro-Book Co., 1938.

Merriman, R. A. The Gold Book. Birmingham, MI: M.M.A. Publishing, 1982.

Meridian, Bill. Planetary Stock Trading. Cycles Research Publications, Revised 1998 & 2002; Planetary Economic Forecasting. Cycles Research. 2002; “Planetary Analysis.” Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities Vol. 6. Cycles Research.

Merrill, Arthur A. Behavior of Prices on Wall Street. Chappaqua, NY: The Analysis Press, 1966; Filtered Waves- Basic Theory. Chappaqua, NY: The Analysis Press, 1977.

Miller, Dr. Ruth. The Ruth Miller Method of Trading Corn. 1989.

Moore, Moon. The Book of World Horoscopes. Birmingham, MI: Seek-It Publications, 1980.

Morris, Grace K. How to Choose Stocks to Outperform the Market 2003. Oak Brook, IL: Astro Economics, Inc, 2002.

Morrison, Al H. Canon of Solar Eclipses, 1895-1974. Tempe, AZ: American Federation of Astrologers, 1972.

Muise, Roxana. A Year at a Glance: The 45 Degree Graphic Ephemeris for 101 Years 1900-2001. Bellevue, WA: S.W.A.C.

Mull, Carol S. Standard and Poor’s 500 (horoscopes). American Federation of Astrologers, 1984; 750 Over-the-Counter Stocks (horoscopes). American Federation of Astrologers, 1986.

Murphy, John J. Technical Analysis of the Futures Markets. New York: Prentice Hall, 1986; Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets. New York: Prentice Hall, 1999.

Neill, Humphrey B. Tape Reading and Market Tactics. 1931. Burlington, VT: Fraser Publishing, 1984.

“The Ominous Link Between Sunspots and American Droughts.” Commodities (April 1976).

Pesavento, Larry. Astro-Cycles: The Trader’s Viewpoint. Pismo Beach: Self-Published, 1988; Planetary Harmonics of Speculative Markets. Pismo Beach: Self-Published, 1990; Harmonic Vibrations. (astro-harmonics) Pismo Beach: Self-Published, 1991; Fibonacci Ratios with Pattern Recognition. Greenville, SC: Trader's Press, 1997; Private Thoughts From A Trader's Diary. Greenville, SC: Trader's Press, 2002

Prechter, Robert R. Jr. and Frost, A.J. Elliott Wave Principle. Chappaqua, New York: New Classics Library, 1978.

Prechter, Robert R. Jr. At The Crest of the Tidal Wave. Gainesville, GA: New Classics Library, 1995; Conquer the Crash. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002; The Wave Principle of Human Social Behavior and the New Science of Socionomics. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1999.

Prechter, Robert R. Jr. (editor) R. N. Elliott's Market Letters (1938-1946). Gainesville, GA: New Classics Library, 1993; The Complete Elliott Wave Writings of A. Hamilton Bolton Gainesville, GA: New Classics, 1994; The Elliott Wave Writings of A.J. Frost and Richard Russell. Gainesville, GA: New Classics Library, 1996.

Pugh, Burton, H. Science and Secrets of Wheat Trading. Lambert-Gann Publishing Co., 1932, 1978.

Schabacker, R.W. Stock Market Theory & Practice. New York: B.C. Forbes Publishing Co: 1930, Fraser Publishing, Burlington, VT: 1967.

Schultz, Dr. Harry. Panics and Crashes: How you can make money from them. 1980.

Schwager, Jack D. Market Wizards- Interviews with Top Traders. New York: New York Institute of Finance,1989; The New Market Wizards- Conversations with America’s Top Traders. New York, HarperBusiness, 1992.

Schwartz, Martin "Buzzy." Pit Bull, Lessons from Wall Street's Champion Trader. New York: HarperCollins, 1998.

Shrik, G. “The Hunter Chart.” Cycles Magazine (March 1960); “The 40.68 Month Cycle.” Cycles Magazine (1964-74); “The 9.2 Year Cycle.” Cycles Magazine (April/March, 1977); “The 10.36-Year Cycle.” Cycle Magazine (July 1978); “The History of Silver Prices.” Cycles Magazine (1974-80).

Silverman, Arnold. Your Astrological Guide to the Stock Market. New York: Award Books.

Slotsky, Alice Louise. The Bourse of Babylon- Market Quotations in the Astronomical Diaries of Babylonia. Bethesda, MD: CDL Press, 1997.

Sperandeo, Victor. Trader Vic II- Principles of Professional Speculation. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1994.

Stoken, Dick A. Cycles- What They Are, What They Mean, How to Profit by Them. New York: McGraw Hill, 1977.

Stein, Ben and Demuth, Phil. Yes, You Can Time the Market! New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2003.

Taucher, Frank A. Annual Supertrader’s Almanac. Tulsa, OK: Market Movement, 2003.

Wysong, Perry. How You Can Use the Wall Street Insiders. Fort Lauderdale, FL: Wilton House, 1971.

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