DX LISTENING DIGEST 17-48, November 28, 2017
edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com
Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full
credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies.
DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission.
Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not
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For restrixions and searchable 2017 contents archive see
[also linx to previous years]
NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but
have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself
obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn
WORLD OF RADIO 1906 contents: Australia, Biafra non, Botswana, Brazil,
China, Colombia, Cuba, Germany, International Waters, Japan/Korea
North & South, New Zealand, Nigeria and non, North America, Perϊ,
Romania, Sa`udi Arabia, Singapore, Somaliland non, Sri Lanka, Taiwan,
Thailand, UK non, USA, and the propagation outlook
SHORTWAVE AIRINGS of WORLD OF RADIO 1906, November 28-December 5, 2017
Tue 2030 WRMI 7780 9455 11580 [all confirmed]
Tue 2130 WRMI 9455 [confirmed]; 15770 [off the air, post-Irma]
Wed 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB
Wed 1030 WRMI 5850 9455
Wed 1415 WRMI 9955 [confirmed]
Wed 2200 WBCQ 7490v [confirmed]
Thu 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB [not confirmed]
Thu 2230 WRMI 5850 [confirmed]
Fri 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB [confirmed]
Sat 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB [confirmed]
Sat 0730 HLR 6190-CUSB Hamburger Lokalradio
Sat 1531 HLR 7265-CUSB Hamburger Lokalradio [not confirmed]
Sat 2030v WA0RCR 1860-AM [almost confirmed]
Sat 2230 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB [confiremd]
Sat 2300 WRMI 11580
Sun 0200 WRMI 11580 [confirmed]
Sun 0410v WA0RCR 1860-AM [confirmed from 0419]
Sun 1130 HLR 9485-CUSB Hamburger Lokalradio
Mon 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB
Mon 0400v WBCQ 5130v-AM Area 51
Mon 0430 WRMI 9955
Tue 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB
Tue 0030 WRMI 7730
Tue 2030 WRMI 9455 11580 7780 [or #1907?]
Latest edition of this schedule version, including AM, FM, satellite
and webcasts with hotlinks to station sites and audio, is at:
http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html or
http://schedule.worldofradio.org or http://sked.worldofradio.org
For updates see our Anomaly Alert page:
Tnx to Dr Harald Gabler and the Rhein-Main Radio Club.
NOW tnx to Keith Weston, also Podcasts via iTunes:
AND via Google Play Music:
or http://wor.worldofradio.org
Unedited, uncondensed, unchanged from original version, many of
them too complex, minutely researched, multi-frequency, opinionated,
inconsequential, off-topic, or lengthy for some log editors to
manage; and also ahead of their availability in these weekly issues:
NOTE: I have *resolved* to make DXLD leaner, more selective, as I
seriously need to reduce my workload, much of which has been merely
editing gobs of material into presentable form. This makes it even
more important to be a member of the DXLD yg for additional material
which may not make it into weekly issues (gh)
DXLD YAHOOGROUP: Why wait for DXLD? A lot more info, not all of it
appearing in DXLD later, is posted at our yg without delay.
When applying, please identify yourself with your real name and
location, and say something about why you want to join. Those who do
not, unless I recognize them, will be prompted once to do so and no
action will be taken otherwise. Here`s where to sign up:
** ALGERIA [non]. FRANCE, Frequency change of Tιlιdiffusion d'Algιrie
via TDF Issoudun:
1800-1858 7375*ISS 500 kW / 155 deg CEAf Arabic Holy Quran no change
1900-1958 7315 ISS 500 kW / 194 deg NWAf Arabic, NOT on new 5905 kHz
* co-ch 7375 GAL 300 kW / 285 deg WeEu Romanian Radio Romania Int.
(DX RE MIX NEWS #1044 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Nov 24, 2017
via DXLD)
** ANTARCTICA. 15476, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcαngen San Gabriel,
Base Esperanza, 1816-2100*, 24-11, Spanish, female, comments. Latin
American and Spanish songs. Very weak, best on USB. 15311 (Manuel
Mιndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Friol, Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8
meters, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ARGENTINA. 11/20/2017, 6972/3 kHz AM, "LupoRadio" (Provincia de
Buenos Aires) con tangos hacia las 22:42 (Arg.) 0142 UT, Sel. de
tangos, intιrprete Alberto Castillo. A continuaciσn otro intιrprete
con "Voz de barrio" (...) "Es en la paz de la noche cuando se visten
los patios porteρos..." ID (aprox) "(acento castellano) frecuencia
697Ώ3? KiloVERCIOS [sic] AM desde la Provincia de Buenos Aires Lupo
Radio. Reporte de SEΡAL a luporadio@hotmail.com"
22.46 (Arg.) Tango "Antiguo reloj de cobre" Siguiente: (prob) "Quι te
pasa Buenos Aires" "yo soρaba ver con ella la porteρa (...) ya no
queda ni una seρa, etc." Freq. 697-2- kHz, SINPO: 32112. Receptor
Portable Sony ICF7600GR. Antena de Carrete Sony AN-61P (Interior) En
Paranα. Argentina. -31.766133, -60.527364. 73's. (sandrolenart, Nov
20, condiglista yg via DXLD)
** ARGENTINA [non]. 11580, Fri Nov 24 at 1353, WRMI is in World Music
fill, apparently having lost the feed from Argentina in French, or it
was short, or maybe aired only the first time at 1300. Familiar steel
band tune with drumming added; 1353 ``Cayman Holiday`` cute
promotional song (and RMI side business would be glad to book a cruise
to there); 1357 ``La Milonga Cha3``; 1359 cut to WNYW-style ID, 1400
into RAE Spanish for ``jueves``, usual upbeat informal opening chatter
by M&W, but maybe they got serious later about the missing sub (Glenn
** AUSTRALIA [and non]. Australia 5045, non 5020 and others --- A
quick check this morning Nov 24 just after 1100 showed good audio on
5045 with local news items. Better than they have been the last few
Surprisingly there was no trace of any SIBC carrier on 5020, checked
again, 1122 still no trace.
On medium wave 1116 and 1098 had listenable audio at 1120 (presuming
Brisbane and Majuro). The top of the 80m band was unusually full of
strong BC stations - 3945 and 3925 were loud [Japans], 3985 next best
and then 3930 // 3910 with what sounded like jamming mixed in as well.
[Koreas] 73 (Don Moman, Lamont Alberta, Perseus, Wellbrook loop, west
beverage, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Don, Your W Beverage on 11/22 brought in Ozy Radio at almost armchair
level but the time was much earlier, circa 0825 - gray line was at, or
near Sydney at that time. SIBC on 5020 was even better circa 0900 on
same date (Bruce Churchill, CA, ibid.)
5045, Ozy Radio. Craig has started a new schedule here; Nov 28 at
1242*; no longer 24 hrs.; also noted off the air around the same time
period on Nov 25-27; weak signal with only a carrier heard, with OTH
radar QRM on Nov 27 (Ron Howard, California, Etσn E1, antenna: 100'
long wire, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** AUSTRALIA. Good signal of Reach Beyond Australia, Nov 20
1245-1300 on 11865 KNX 100 kW / 320 deg to SoAs English Daily
1315-1330 on 11865 KNX 100 kW / 320 deg to SoAs English Mon/Wed/Fri
Good signal of Reach Beyond Australia on Nov 22
1100-1115 on 15575 KNX 100 kW / 315 deg to SEAs Tibetan Mon/Wed
1115-1130 on 15575 KNX 100 kW / 315 deg to SEAs English Mon-Wed/Fri
(DX RE MIX NEWS #1044 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Nov 24, 2017
via DXLD)
11865, Nov 27 at 1350, S9+10 song by hyper-soprano, really lovely,
brief S Asian announcement and more. 1358 mentions India, few seconds
of song in English, 1359 Reach Beyond Australia sign-off by YL until
1330 tomorrow. Aoki/NDXC shows this segment was in Tamil. If the Tamil
songs had any Christian content, they were beyond my comprehension, so
my rationality remains unchallenged (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
The Daily Star Home City 12:00 AM, November 27, 2017 /
LAST MODIFIED: 12:07 AM, November 27, 2017 Staff Correspondent
Three community radio stations yesterday received "Bangladesh
Community Radio Award-2017" for creating awareness about child
marriage in remote areas.
Those also spread knowledge of health issues and signal disasters.
Deutsche Welle Akademie, a Germany-based organisation for
international media development, in association with Bangladesh
Community Radio Association (BCRA) and channel-i, gave the awards.
The radio stations are Radio Nalta in Satkhira, Radio Bikrampur in
Munshiganj and Radio Pallykantha in Moulvibazar.
The award giving ceremony was held at the channel-i premises in the
The community radio award is the first of its kind recognising
community radio stations for their contributions to the country.
Speaking as the chief guest, Narayan Chandra Shil, director general of
Bangladesh Betar, said, "The community radios are reaching out to the
communities that Bangladesh Betar cannot always."
Michael Karhausen, head of Asia and Europe at Deutsche Welle Akademie,
said community radio stations are important for the overall
development of the media of Bangladesh.
Beatrice Kaldun, country representative of Unesco, said although there
are various financial constrains, the community radio stations run
their activities (via Mike Cooper, DXLD)
** BIAFRA [non]. 11530, Nov 22 at 0533, WRMI with R. Biafra, VG S9+20
back to OK, and how well to Nigeria?? Another devotional/prayer in
English, something about ``Radio Biafra, dedicated to Jesus Christ,
amen``. // 7240 via FRANCE is JBA as usual; still I try to determine
the delay because they are not synchronized; as music and talk
alternate on 11530, sometimes the opposite is audible on 7240. At
0557, 11530 goes to WRMI music fill, and 7240 goes to dead air. (But
that`s not all on 11530 now! See NIGERIA [non].)
Thorsten Hallmann, Germany, replies to my last report: ``No such sound
noted on 9580 Nov 20 or 21. But "Anambra State elexion [...]
legitimate" is also the only content I could make out (except
frequency announcements and announcements stressing the station was
broadcasting from London, slowly read) on Nov 20. Maybe that's the
main point of these broadcasts.``
To which Kai Ludwig, Germany, replies: ``Or at least what prompted
this project. The publications from the Igbo side are also completely
swamped with "Anambra State elexion illegitimate, everyone stayed
home", etc., etc.
Must be something of big significance for those in Nigeria, while no
one outside takes notice at all. At least not a single hit on the BBC
But instead I found something related to the fact that all these media
activities use the universal language BSE (bad simple English):
"Nkem wants to know why he was never taught Igbo as a child and why
the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation,
UNESCO, has warned that Igbo faces extinction in the next fifty
years." Kai Ludwig`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
FRANCE, Reception of Radio Biafra via TDF Issoudun on Nov 20
0500-0600 on 7240 ISS 100 kW / 170 deg to WeAf English/Igbo, good
(DX RE MIX NEWS #1044 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Nov 24, 2017
via DXLD)
FRANCE, Reception of Radio Biafra via TDF Issoudun, Nov 22-23
1900-2000 on 9580 ISS 100 kW / 170 deg to WeAf English/Igbo, good
0500-0600 on 7240 ISS 100 kW / 170 deg to WeAf English/Igbo, fair
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 22-23, dxldyg via DXLD)
Checked (and recorded) 11530 kHz here in NB from just before 1900 UT
yesterday (Wednesday, 22 November) for a couple of hours. WRMI
transmitter did not come on the air. No trace either using the U.
Twente SDR receiver (-- Richard Langley, dxldyg via DX LISTENING
11530, USA. Radio Biafra. Okeechobee. Nov 23, 2017 Thursday. 0504-
0520. At 0504, OM talking, and Afro music. Sounded like ID at 0511 (in
English) “You are listening … Radio Biafra”. Very poor, almost at
noise level. Jo’burg sunrise 0308 (Bill Bingham, Johannesburg RSA.
Drake R8E, Sony ICF2001D. dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
11530 USA ??? The Overcomer Ministry ??? Okeechobee ??? (Sorry, I'm
getting confused about what is coming from where with this lot.) Nov
23, 2017 Thursday. 0602-0611. OM speaking in American English,
religious-sounding song at 0605, back to talk at 0609, so presumed
Brother Scare. Poor but readable at times. Jo’burg sunrise 0308 (Bill
Bingham, Johannesburg RSA. Drake R8E, Sony ICF2001D. dxldyg via DX
11530, Nov 23 at 0534, Radio Biafra Broadcasting from London, via WRMI
is back on as usual, despite the previous transmission Nov 22 at 19-20
having been off the air. Fair with music at the moment, and stronger
than VP other WRMIBS 11580. // 7240 via FRANCE is a JBA carrier. 11530
after 0600 again fills an hour with BS, and from 0700 switches to
Radio Herwa International --- continued at NIGERIA [non].
11530, Nov 23 at 1930 check, R. Biafra is back on today via WRMI after
missing yesterday during this hour, with music, 1930 ID and text
number. 1932 introduces a ``very important announcement``, over to the
OM with very heavy accent in English, about mourning for a ``great son
of Biafra`` who has died, was VP of Nigeria 1979-1982. 1956 sign-off
announcement, clueless YL blows the ``numbers`` again, claiming
``724`` and 11530 are in use for both morning and evening broadcasts,
while at 19-20 the second channel is really 9580, JBA carrier here,
which she never mentions. Wolfgang Bόschel has concluded it`s Issoudun
at 170 degrees, just like 7240 at 05, but there is no confirmation of
this in HFCC or from WRMI. 11530 cuts off the air about 2000* when the
WRMI ID is almost finished (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Checking using the U. Twente SDR receiver this afternoon (Thursday)
while in my office, "Radio Biafra Broadcasting from London" is there
on 11530 kHz with a very weak (mostly not understandable) signal and
also on 9580 kHz (possibly in parallel) with a slightly better (but
only poor to fair) signal (-- Richard Langley, 1910 UT Nov 23, dxldyg
Yes, R Biafra via TDF Issoudun 9580 S=8-9 -74dBm fluttery in western
Europe. Straight southwards at 170degr out of France.
11530 RMI relay in Okeechobee FL-US east coast, S=8 or -79dBm, the
other 25mb of RMI 11580 kHz is little stronger S=9 or -68dBm. 73 wb
(Wolfgang Bόschel, Germany, ibid.)
Radio Biafra Broadcasting from London and Radio Herwa International
Friday, 24 November, 0500-0600 UT: Using the U. Twente receiver,
recorded the signal on 7240 kHz. Poor noisy signal. Usual format of
frequent IDs and frequency announcements in English and vernacular
interspersed with short musical items. Vernacular items might have a
bit of topical information but these too are short. When will full
programming begin or is that not the intention of these broadcasts? (-
- Richard Langley, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Continued at
11530, Nov 24 at 0528 check, Radio Biafra Broadcasting from London via
WRMI this time is much weaker than before, very poor S3-S4, and 7240
via France no better than ever, a JBA carrier. At 0600 switch 11530 to
Brother Scare, but I`m not up to check for R. Herwa International
again at 0700.
11530, Nov 24 at 1906, the other RBBFL via WRMI is good as usual, with
ID, plug for texting; 1908 ``important message`` about the elexion.
This all sounds very familiar and would not be surprised if same hour
files were being played again and again. (But WRMI server has new ones
dated Nov 24 for both Nigerian programs.) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
Radio Biafra via TDF Issoudun & WRMI Okeechobee, Nov 24-25
1900-2000 on 9580 ISS 100 kW / 170 deg to WeAf English, strong/fair
1900-2000 on 11530 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to WeAf English, weak signal
0500-0600 on 7240 ISS 100 kW / 170 deg to WeAf English, very good
0500-0600 on 11530 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to WeAf English, poor JBA
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 24-25, dxldyg via DXLD)
11530, Nov 25 at 0543, R. Biafra Broadcasting From London via WRMI
this night is only a JBA carrier, down to the level of relay via
France on 7240.
11530, Nov 25 at 1930, quick check just long enough to confirm it`s on
amid this hour: yes, VG with music.
11530, Nov 26 at 0516 check, R. Biafra is on at fair level via WRMI.
See USA: WRMI for more about this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
I summarize the general situation with RBBFL, such as one frequency or
another being missing some days (WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DX LISTENING
Recorded and listened to whole of 1900-2000 UT Radio Biafra
Broadcasting from London broadcast over WRMI on 11530 kHz on Sunday,
26 November. Still not too much variety of content. Frequent IDs and
schedule in English and vernacular, interspersed with musical
selections, with the English version stating that a very important
announcement will follow and to please stay tuned. That announcement
is essentially a plea not to follow Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and his ways
(violence?) but to use political means to address the problem of "why
we [i.e. Biafra] are backward." The IDs and important message are
repeated about half a dozen times during the broadcast. There is a
subtle religious message with a statement that Biafra is Christian and
ending the broadcast with "remain blessed." (Richard Langley, NB, Nov
11530, Nov 27 at 0520 & 0535 chex, R. Biafra via WRMI a JBA carrier,
above the MUF tonight, while 9955 was quite strong a bit earlier. The
WRMI skedgrids still do not identify this hour, nor 19-20 as purveying
Radio Biafra toward S America.
11530, Nov 27 at 1927 check, R. Biafra is on via WRMI, amid one of
their Igbo messages.
11530, Nov 28 at 0553 check, R. Biafra via WRMI is fair-poor with
fading in Igbo; 0554 YL in English with usual canned schedule
announcement covering 75% of its frequencies only (Glenn Hauser, OK,
Reception of Radio Biafra London via WRMI Okeechobee, Nov 28:
0500-0600 11530 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to WeAf English tx#10, very good
and co-ch 11530 unknown kW / non-dir to EaAs Chinese XiWang Zhi Sheng
parallel 7240 ISS 100 kW / 170 deg to WeAf English not on air today
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 28, dxldyg via DXLD)
** BOTSWANA. Surprised to hear VOA on late last night (21 Nov) on 4930
via Botswana from 0030 tune-in to past 0115. Programme at 0030 was
Africa Music Mix in English. Apparently the extended schedule is due
to situation in Zimbabwe (Alan Pennington, BDXC-UK yg via DXLD)
4930, Nov 22 at 0005, JBA carrier, also at 0220, presumed VOA African
service relay in English. After my previous report of that Nov 19
around 0230, ahead of normal *0300, Ron Howard suggested that VOA
could have expanded to 24 hours due to the crisis in Zimbabwe.
Wolfgang Bόschel agreed with a schedule of 23 or 24 hours on this
frequency and also MW 909. That`s nice, but most VOA programming is
disposable music filler, beyond news on the hour, as Mark Taylor, WI,
NASWA Flashsheet was also hearing as early as 0205 as early as
November 17.
If the crisis is now over with the resignation of Mugabe, perhaps VOA
will contract again. But not yet. There are other changes/extensions,
as Alan Roe, Teddington, England, UK, reported:
``USA. 21 November at 2000 UT - VoA is broadcasting a special
programme concerning Zimbabwe in a local language on 6195 kHz via
Botswana in place of usual African Beat English programming``
At 1400 UT checked the IBB VoA Special: 24 hrs to Zimbabwe-Rhodesia
Mugabe matter, though heard heavy HARD ROCK music played at 1410 UT on
Nov 22 on 15579.991 kHz lower fq side from IBB BBG Botswana relay,
also \\ 17885 kHz Botswana relay, both with S=9+10dB strength signals
here in southern Germany [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3
Hertz] (Wolfgang Bόschel, df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 22, dxldyg
via DXLD)
Using the U. Twente SDR receiver at 1550 UT for 15580 kHz, Larry
London's "Border Crossings" airing (also carried on VOA1). Followed at
1600 by "VOA News" and "Africa News Tonight." Signal strength S9 +
30dB. AM sync frequency 15580.002 kHz. Into "Studio 7," the special
VOA program for Zimbabwe, at 1700, mostly in vernacular. Then English
and vernacular mixed at 1800 (-- Richard Langley, Nov 22, dxldyg via
[and non] BOTSWANA/SAO TOME, 13589.991, IBB VoA Sγo Tomι, S=7-8
fluttery signal in Germany, full station ID even at 2000:02 UT, and
after that TX OFF at 2002:01 UT. \\ VoA Botswana relay 15579.991,
S=7-8 signal at 2004 (Wolfgang Bόschel, ibid.)
By 2130, 15580 kHz has petered out (likely earlier, need to check
recording) with the U. Twente SDR receiver, but using my own equipment
here in NB, 15580 is going fairly strong with VOA1's "The Hits" with
Larry London as DJ (although we are in darkness here now so the signal
will likely not last much longer). 15580 kHz might be coming from
Greenville now? (Richard Langley 2140 Nov 22, dxldyg via DX LISTENING
Yes. Subsequently realized that use of BOT for 15580 kHz ends at 2100.
Then GB comes on at 2100 for just one hour. Transmission ended with
usual s/off announcement and YDD but they didn't let YDD completely
play out. Use of BOT ends at 2100 according to the schedule. Confirmed
with my U. Twente recording. Transmission actually abruptly ended at
2058 UT. No s/off announcement or YDD (Richard Langley, Nov 23, ibid.)
I guess he was still talking about 15580, not specified; altho
original subject to which he replied was 4930 (gh, DXLD)
4930, Nov 23 at 0102, VP signal amid recognizable VOA News, M&W
alternating, mostly not quite readable, then ECSS helps a bit, 0104
about the Lebanese PM unresigning; ``that`s the latest news from V-O-
A!! 0105 right back to the ``best music``, which no doubt Central
Africans will be eager to hear at 3:05 am. So this VOA relay is still
on expanded schedule, perhaps 24 hours, in honor of Zimbabwe (Glenn
4930, Botswana, VOA, Selebi Phikwe. Nov 23, 2017 Thursday. 0940-0947.
Afro and other music, No doubt still the extended broadcast for
Zimbabwe. Poor, and probably equally unreadable in Harare, which is
about equidistant from Selebi Phikwe as is Jo’burg; and also in broad
daylight at around mid-day. Jo’burg sunrise 0308 (Bill Bingham,
Johannesburg RSA. Drake R8E, Sony ICF2001D. dxldyg via DX LISTENING
Maybe VOA on 4930 from Botswana should stick to their usual schedule.
Super reception tonight, an hour or so after sunset in South Africa
and Zimbabwe. 4930 Botswana, VOA, Selebi Phikwe. Nov 23, 2017
Thursday. 1724-1732. “Studio 7” for Zimbabwe, in Shona. Several IDs
heard. Changed to Ndebele at 1730. Very good. Jo’burg sunset 1640
(Bill Bingham, Johannesburg RSA. Drake R8E, Sony ICF2001D. dxldyg via
4930, Nov 24 at 0118, VOA relay still expanded, VP S4-S6 with music
Noted using the U. Twente SDR receiver, shortly after 2100 UTC, the
4930 kHz BOT transmitter is broadcasting continuous VOA theme music,
as we often hear between actual program segments. It's a continuous
loop. Keeping the frequency active until programming recommences?
(-- Richard Langley, 2124 UT Nov 24, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1906,
** BRAZIL. 9665.21, Rαdio Voz Missionαria, Camboriϊ, Santa Catarina.
0857 November 18, 2017. Presumed the Brazilionoid with Braso-
Portuguese male preacher nonstop, fair (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater
9667.62v, Nov 26 at 0122, Voz Missionαria unstable transmitter now up
to here, S6-S4. By 0638 recheck with Brazuguese preaching at S6-S3,
it`s too unstable to pinpoint, audibly oscillating roughly between
9677.43 and 9677.50.
9667v, Nov 28 at 0654, Voz Missionαria is OFF, after having been
wandering widely around nominal 9665. Not due to propagation, since
the other weak off-frequency ZYs are still audible, measured on:
9674.923 at S3-S4, 9725.395; and 9818.795 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF
9665.56v, Nov 29 at 0033, VM back on and trying to be more nominal,
while wobbling, with music, Brazuguese announcement (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** BRAZIL. 11780, Nov 22 at 2053, poor S6-S2, M&W talk in Brazuguese,
so now I`m sure I too have heard reactivated RNA. Seems to be limited
to irregular daytime hours only, and very low power, nowhere near the
250 kW it originally ran 24 hours. Nothing from it audible now or
later on 6180 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DX LISTENING
11780, Rαdio Nacional da Amazτnia, Brasνlia, 1930-1940, 24-11,
Brazilian songs, Portuguese, comments, male, ID "Rαdio Nacional da
Amazτnia", female. 15321. At 2103 “A Voz do Brasil. 25322 (Manuel
Mιndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Friol, Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8
meters, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
11780, Nov 24 at 2125, poor signal in Brazuguese, S4-S6, must be `A
Voz do Brasil` mandatory federal show in summer timing, from RNA,
which should stay on the air at least until 2200 for this.
Poor as it is, much stronger than the other ZYs now on 25m: at 2124,
JBA carriers on 11934.9, 11854.9, 11815; nothing on 11925, 11895,
11764.7, 11735. Is SRDA still active anywhen around 11764.7? Haven`t
noticed it for some time (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DX
** BRAZIL. 15190.067, R Inconfidκncia, Belo Horizonte, S=3-4 poor tiny
signal at 1352 UT Nov 22. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW
15.3 Hertz] (Wolfgang Bόschel, df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 22,
dxldyg via DXLD) Or leapfrog of Saudi??
** BULGARIA [and non]. Shortwave Radiogram: fun with bad reception
The Shortwave Radiogram broadcast Sundays at 2330-2400 UT on 11580 kHz
from WRMI Florida has lately experienced poor reception in most parts
of the world. For this reason, this transmission on Sunday, 26
November will be all in Olivia 64-2000. This is a very slow mode
(about 28 wpm) but robust in difficult conditions. It could be an
interesting test of the limits of shortwave.
The other three broadcasts of Shortwave Radiogram will be in the usual
MFSK32 (120 wpm), with four images. Details and schedule ...
Patch the audio from your radio to a PC with Fldigi installed, or an
Android device with the TIVAR app. If a patch is not available, you
can place the radio's speaker near your device's mic (acoustic
coupling). (Kim Elliott, Nov 24, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Viz.:
Shortwave Radiogram transmits digital text and images on an analog
shortwave broadcast transmitter. The program is produced and presented
by Dr. Kim Andrew Elliott.
Shortwave Radiogram, 25-26 November 2017: Fun with bad reception
Last weekend’s experiment with the very fast 8PSK-500F and -1000F
modes was interesting and fun. There were not many 100% decodes, but
they did include listeners in Belgium, France, and Germany tuned to
the transmitter in Bulgaria, as well as listeners in Texas and Oregon
tuned to WRMI Florida. Several listeners did successfully receive
entire paragraphs, but the decode turned to gibberish during fades
(which are not uncommon on shortwave!). We will try more experiment
with the 8PSK modes on future shows.
Special all-Olivia-64-2000 broadcast this weekend
This weekend, we will shift from the very fast to the very slow. In
the past few weeks, the Shortwave Radiogram transmission Sundays at
2330-2400 UTC on 11580 kHz from Florida has experienced poor reception
in most parts of the world. To improve the chances of a successful
decode, this broadcast only (number 23S) will be in the Olivia 64-2000
mode. It will consist of one Voice of America news story. The
broadcast will begin with a brief voice intro, then the RSID for
Olivia 64-2000. If the RSID does not work, you might have to fine-tune
the audio frequency for a correct decode.
Olivia 64-2000 is very slow, about 28 words per minute, but robust in
difficult conditions. Please note that the text will not print out
until a few seconds after you hear the tones (if you hear them).
Please record your reception if possible. We may be stretching
shortwave to its limit.
The other three broadcasts this weekend will be in the usual MFSK32,
with four images. Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program
23, 25-26 November 2017, all in MFSK32:
1:30 Program preview
2:43 Poorest countries need avenues to electricity*
10:56 Russia may retaliate if Google downgrades RT, Sputnik*
18:16 US Sues to Stop AT&T’s Takeover of Time Warner*
25:35 London’s Crossrail construction image*
27:45 Closing announcements
* with image
Please send reception reports to radiogram@verizon.net
And visit http://swradiogram.net
Twitter: @SWRadiogram
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/567099476753304
F4ECA in France successfully decoded paragraphs in the 8PSK-F mode 19
November 2017, 2041 UTC, 11580 kHz from WRMI Florida. See his results:
See other results at
(you do not need a Twitter account).
The Mighty KBC transmits to Europe Saturdays at 1500-1600 UT on 9400
kHz (via Bulgaria), with the minute of MFSK at about 1530. If you are
outside of Europe, listen via websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ And to North
America Sundays at 0000-0200 UT (Saturday 7-9 pm EST) on 5960 kHz, via
Germany. The minute of MFSK is at about 0130. Reports to Eric:
See also
Italian Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) For the complete IBC
transmission schedule visit http://ibcradio.webs.com/ Five minutes
of MFSK32 is at the end of the 30-minute English-language “Shortwave
Panorama,” per the schedule below: November 24, 2017 (7:23 am) (via
Really good reception from Sofia on 9400 at 1600 to 1630 this morning
of Kim Elliot's Shortwave Radiogram show in MFSK32 format. Usually, I
can only barely make out a carrier, but this morning, the signal was
fairly good, so I switched to Don Moman's remote site, and wow,
perfect decode! A rare occurrence, telling me that Europe is open!
73, (Walt Salmaniw, Nov 25, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Also the propagation of the 9400 kHz is becoming increasingly worse
for larger areas in southeastern Europe. In a relatively small area,
there is a high difference in RF field strength from very good to:
unusable. Even a reduction of the wpm would not be effective here,
only a reduction of the frequency, for winter operation....
IBC Digital with "425-DX-NEWs" and a message for a special call:
"....VE - The Halifax Explosion was a maritime disaster in Halifax,
Nova Scotia on 6 December 1917. The blast devastated the Richmond
district of Halifax, killing 2000 people and injuring more than 9000.
Commemorating those tragic events, the Halifax ARC has been issued the
special call CK100VDA for the period 2-10 December. All QSOs will be
confirmed automatically via the bureau and LoTW; direct cards should
be sent to VA1YL. ......"
(roger, germany, dxldyg via DXLD)
** CANADA. 750, Nov 25 at 0628 UT, mutually nullable with WSB to the
east is something from the north with classic rock, soon ID as ``CK750
Classic Hits`` --- except the way I heard it at first was an anagram
of hits. It`s the Melfort, Saskatchewan station really callsigned
CKJH, supposedly 25/25 kW U4, at night mostly north with a particular
notch toward Atlanta (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CANADA. BEDSIDE DX - NOV 20, 2017 - Times are CST (UTC-6)
Receiver is a CCrane Skywave (Original Version)
QTH is Clear Lake City, TX, USA
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
800, CKLW, ONTARIO, Windsor - 20 Nov 2017 - Tuned in at 0528 CST [1128
UT] to hear a single mention of "CKLW" during what sounded like a
weather report with temps given in degrees Celsius. Extremely tough
copy due to "local" -- 31 miles NW of my location is considered local
in Houston -- sports station KBME on 790 kHz "throwing" their 5 kW
signal straight down the Interstate 45 corridor right to my doorstep
(at least it seems that way)!
I stayed with it, though. At 0548 CST I heard a very entertaining
musical promo for the city of Windsor, Ontario, that included more
mentions of "CKLW." It was still rough going, though. Not only was
KBME-790 still getting in the way, there was an unidentified station
on 800 kHz starting to fade in. This station was airing a segment of
"NightSounds," a syndicated religious music and talk program hosted by
the late Bill Pearce. I checked the NightSounds website, but couldn't
find an outlet on 800 kHz for the broadcast. Any fellow ABDX'ers have
any hints?? This is the first time I've heard CKLW from my location
here in Houston. I have CKLW logged and verified in my Fort Worth logs
(02 Aug 1976). 73 & Good DX! Happy Thanksgiving!! (Steve Ponder,
N5WBI, Houston, TX, USA, ABDX yg via DXLD)
** CANADA. 1610, UT Thu Nov 23 at 0117 UT, M&W discussion in English
but the M has an accent, French Canadian? Fades completely out and
back in. Topic at 0124 UT is sundials, and how they would be
counterclockwise if invented in southern hemisphere; 0125 UT music up
and comments about UN Human Rights vs Duterte, etc. Never heard any
local references, but surely CHHA, VocesLatinas, Toronto, and in fact
its year+ old sked shows this Wednesday 8-9 pm ET hour is some of its
token English, `Urban Definition`
Still no sign of Anguilla (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHILE. 5825. R. TRIUNFAL EVANGELICA. 17/11 2300-2317 UT. Espacio
musical con lectura de saludos. SINPO: 45343 (Claudio Galaz, RX:
TECSUN PL 660; ANT: Hilo de 40 metros de largo; QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV
Regiσn, Chile, condiglista yg via DXLD)
** CHINA. PR China, CNR1 on approximately 1146.6 kHz - Heard on remote
receiver at Kongsfjord in Northern Norway at around 1030. First
reported by Hiro Okamura in Japan on Saturday 25 November (Tony Magon,
VK2IC, dxldyg via DXLD)
Drifting wildly: (with a screenshot, Mauno Ritola, ibid.) Was location
ever determined; follow-ups? Still off-frequency? (gh, DXLD)
** CHINA. 6100. Nov 25, 2017 at 0047-0056, China Radio International,
Beijing-CHN, in Portuguese. Man and woman present a Chinese Lesson;
ID, website, CRI schedule in Portuguese, IS. Station with good signal
and modulation this night, 45444 (DXer: Josι Ronaldo Xavier, Location:
Cabedelo-PB, Brazil, Degen DE1103, Longwire, Hard-Core-DX mailing list
via DXLD)
** CHINA. 6145: see INDIA {and non]
** CHINA. Re DXLD 17-47: China Huayi Broadcast Co. (CHBC)
``6185, China Huaayi [sic - Ron] Broadcasting – Fuzhou (Presumed),
1257, 11/19/17, in Mandarin. Woman announcer, mellow theme, 5 pips,
woman with announcement (in a fade so I could not make out what she
was saying either at the time or on the recording), theme like music,
Chinese choral music. Poor with fading throughout (Mark Taylor,
Madison, Wisconsin, Perseus, SDRPlay; Eton E1, Grundig Satellit 800,
Tecsun PL 880, and various other portables; 42 meters dipole, 100’
long wire, W6LVP loop, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD)``
Hi Glenn, Sorry to say the above log is rather suspect. With the start
of the B17 schedule, Voice of Korea (KCBS) has a strong signal 1230-
1320, which is // 6170. Here in California it's daily impossible for
me to hear CHBC on 6185. Perhaps Mark saw my pre-B17 reception:
"CHINA. 6185, China Huayi Broadcast Co. (CHBC) (very tentative), 1248,
Oct 26. Has been a long time since I last checked on this; signal was
mostly decent level carrier, but very little audio; seemed to be them,
but nothing like the good modulation I heard in past years."
(Ron Howard, San Francisco, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 11820, Nov 24 at 0056, song at S5-S2, yet stands out vs much
weakened Florida and Cuba nearby on 11825, 11840, etc. Typical CRI
behavior: cut off at 0057*. Xi`an does it again on 25m, 500 kW, 200
degrees, long path? in Cantonese from 0000 per Aoki/NDXC (Glenn
** CHINA. 7415, Firedragon station, at 1555. Crashing and banging,
splashing all over the place. More disgraceful government (PRC)
censorship of Radio Free Asia (via Tinian). Went on thru the hour.
Signal S-9+, Nov 22 Barton-AZ
Logs from the Arizona desert. Times/dates UT. Assume English unless
otherwise stated. Equipment (unless otherwise noted) RS SW-2000629,
Grundig Satellit 750, Hammarlund HQ-180A and various outdoor wires.
Listening from middle Arizona. As per previous report, my listening
has been spotty; hopefully something here will be helpful to someone.
; ))) 73 to everyone and Good Listening.......! - rb (Rick Barton, AZ,
7415, Firedrake jamming, likely from CNR, November 22, 2017, 1635–
1638. SIO 444. Vigorous clashing instrumental music.
[+ same] Firedrake jamming, probably from CNR, November 25, 2017,
1746–1755. SIO 555. Raucous instrumental music. A loud signal of the
wrong sort (Vince Henley, WA, NASWA Flashsheet Nov 26 via DXLD)
** CHINA. 11635, CNR1 at 2237 in Mandarin jamming RTI in Mandarin with
a man and woman with excited talk – Fair Nov 27
7445, CNR1 at 2220 // 7290, 9710, and 9830 in Mandarin jamming the VOA
in Mandarin via Thailand with a series of promos and a man with
excited talk – Good Nov 28 – See my logging for comments about the
legitimate CNR1 broadcaster on 9830.
7470, CNR1 at 2225 // 7290, 7445, 9710, and 9830 in Mandarin jamming
RFA in Tibetan via Tajikistan with a man and woman with excited talk –
Fair Nov 28
7480, CNR1 at 2239 // 7290, 7445, 7470, 9710, and 9830 in Mandarin
jamming RFA in Tibetan via Kuwait with a man and woman with excited
talk – Fair Nov 28
9710, CNR1 at 2205 in Mandarin with a man with excited talk – Fair Nov
9830, CNR1 at 2209 // 9710 in Mandarin with a fanfare and a woman with
excited talk – Poor Nov 28 – This one and the // frequencies of 7290
and 9710 are legitimate broadcasts whose feed is used to jam AIR, VOA,
RTI, and RFA. By checking // frequencies like these you can be sure
whether you are hearing the western broadcaster or the Chinese jammer.
9620, CNR1 at 2233 in Mandarin jamming the VOA in Mandarin via the
Philippines with a man and woman with excited talk – Poor Nov 23
11635, CNR1 at 2248 // 9620 in Mandarin jamming RTI in Mandarin with a
man with excited talk – Poor Nov 23 (Mark Coady, Selwyn, Ontario,
Kenwood TS440S or Ten-Tec Argonaut II and 40 and 80 meter off centre-
fed dipoles, ODXA yg via DXLD)
** COLOMBIA. 5910, Alcaravαn Radio at 1131 in Spanish with a man with
talk and ranchero-like music – Weak Nov 26 (Mark Coady, Selwyn,
Ontario, Kenwood TS440S or Ten-Tec Argonaut II and 40 and 80 meter off
centre-fed dipoles, ODXA yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DXLD)
Haven`t heard this in weeks when I check in evenings to late-nights.
Was always way off frequency around 5910.3, but Mark doesn`t report
exact frequencies (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DXLD)
** CUBA. 530, Radio Caribe, Isla de la Juventud. 0942 November 23,
2017. Buenas tardes [sic] bantering between callers and male
announcer, with fake phone ringing. Lots of Caribe mentions, canned
"CMBY Radio Caribe" ID by female at 1005. Presumably via the Isla de
la Juventud Rebelde transmitter, as signal strength and DFing matches.
No trace of the normal 1220 kc/s Radio Caribe transmitter. Did it blow
up and Arnie lost his soldering gun? (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater FL,
530 Cuba Heads Up --- I was told by a non-member who uses the Bonaire
SDR, that the 530 in Cuba that battles Enciclopedia apparently is no
longer R Rebelde, but now R Caribe. I was sent two clips.
Last year we discovered the Rebelde being in a place called Caribe in
Isla de la Juventud --- on Google Maps, I don't remember seeing such a
city --- but "Caribe" may have been in the plans all along. After all,
what part of Cuba isn't covered by a Rebelde?
Even in south FL though, I haven't been able to pick out an ID under
Enciclopedia; however, what I heard underneath today sure didn't seem
// to the 620 Rebelde I know. Later on, it sounded like uptempo music
u/Encic, while I believe Rebelde was talk.
Something to look out for. BTW I heard nothing resembling Rebelde on
530 today. EDIT: I was barely able to hear a semi-ID u/Enciclopedia at
0300 UT: sounded like CMBG, not sure, but definitely heard COL of
Nueva Gerona, which is indeed on La Isla de la Juventud. cd Last
edited by cd637299; 11-26-2017 at 10:02 PM (Chris Dunne, Pembroke
Pines, FL, originally 9:01 PM Nov 26, WTFDA Forum via DXLD)
Thanks for the tip, Chris! It took about five minutes after reading
your post. Heard a "Caribe" ID just now at 0350 UT at Burnt River ON.
There's two stations underneath my semilocal CIAO Brampton / Toronto
ON. One is spoken word, the other is a mix of music that has at times
been choral, instrumental, jazzy and Cuban. The ID is certain, and I
am almost sure the match is the music station. No sign of anything //
Rebelde 5025. Do you think this is the same xmtr and/or location as
the apparently-departed Rebelde? If it wasn't for CIAO this would be
pretty listenable (Saul Chernos, Burnt River ON, UT Nov 27, ibid.)
I'd say definitely, based on the fact that "Caribe" was listed as the
530 Rebelde last year, which solved a 4 year old "where is it"
mystery. I hope this works on PC in addition to smartphone --- note
the by-frequency list from 2016:
cd (Chris Dunne, ibid.)
Rebelde is listed as Guantαnamo. Caribe on Isla de la Juventud is at
nearly the opposite end of Cuba. Is Guantαnamo listing an error? It's
only 1 kW and Enciclopedia was always dominant of the two here. Last
night Caribe was on top. Is Rebelde truly gone. Maybe it is, but it is
also listed as just 1000 watts. But with Cuba one never knows. This
may or may not be a new station for me depending on what the QTHs are
now and have been. Last edited by Saul; 11-27-2017 at 07:07 AM (Saul
Chernos, Burnt River ON, ibid.)
There is still likely the Rebelde in Guantαnamo, but I have never
heard it. It is best to link to this older thread; many pages, but it
can explain better. The audio pre-2012 is gone:
cd (Chris Dunne, ibid.)
Not sure I follow --- are you thinking there was more than one Rebelde
on 530? And that Radio Caribe replaces a second Rebelde that was
nearer to or perhaps at Caribe / Isla de la Juventud? There has never
been more than one listed in any list I've seen (I understand this is
Cuba so there's often unknowns...). (Saul Chernos, Burnt River ON,
First of all, if you heard the 530 as Rebelde in the past (but not
before 2011), I would NOT count this as a new station. I would think
that this Caribe is just replacing Rebelde. Now; if u ever heard a
Rebelde prior to 2011, you must have heard Gtmo. There will be a test
on this.... cd (Dunne, ibid.)
I started retaining logs by date starting 2008 for Burnt River and
Toronto ON. I simply kept a frequency log prior to that. The only
mentions I have of 530 Rebelde are in the frequency log. So I presume
my logs of Rebelde in BOTH locations predate 2008. But I know I've had
both Cubans since then, so will adjust my log as QTH Unknown until I
feel this gets fully sorted out. And I will not consider Caribe to be
new - at least until I have evidence that it's new - so I agree with
you and appreciate you noting 2011 as a possible date of some kind of
Both known Cubans have certainly carried well up here over the years
despite me having a semi-local in the Toronto suburb of Brampton.
I did log Rebelde from Newfoundland in the fall of 2011. My log entry
suggests some degree of surprise at hearing Rebelde there. It was //
5025. Since this is a definite 2011+ log of Rebelde I will presume
this to be the Rebelde on 530 we've all been hearing the last few
years mixing with Enciclopedia. But, again, like I've done with
Toronto and Burnt River, with location uncertain.
Separately, but kind of one the topic of Cubans and power and
unknowns, I logged a Cuban anthem on 970 earlier this fall. Yet only
one Cuban is listed on 970 in every list I consulted, and it's listed
at 1000 watts.
I met Arnie Coro (a DXer and RHC DX show host) during a visit to Cuba
close to a decade ago but have lost touch with him. It would be
awesome to have a definitive list of Cubans (Saul Chernos, Burnt River
ON, ibid.)
Over the past 2 years or so there have been two distinct Rebelde's on
530 along with Enciclopedia for whatever that's worth.
The most authoritative source I've seen in the past few years has been
Mauricio Molano's, which was last published in 2016 in NRC's DX News.
But with Cuban AM's, there is a long history of programs (i.e.
Progreso, Rebelde and a host of smaller local or regional programs)
seeming to switch. I say seeming because based on some info developed
by Mauricio, the same transmitter is often used for multiple programs,
especially in the overnight hours as many of the local and regional
nets do not supply 24/7 programming. Making things more confusing,
Cuba seems over the past few years to call its transmitter sites
different things, and to co-locate multiple transmitters at a single
Anymore, unless I heard the telltale echo of multiples of the same
program on a frequency, or unless I hear two different programs on the
same channel at the same time, I don't count a second transmitter
(location) on any given frequency (Russ Edmunds, 15 mi NW
Philadelphia, PA, WB2BJH -- Grid FN20id, ibid.)
Further to the above is this logging note from the 10/26-29 LBI
530 - presumed Caribe is coming from this Rebelde transmitter, on top
of Enciclopedia's signal with "buenas noches Isla de la Juventud" and
Caribe ID's (Russ Edmunds, ibid.)
(Russ --- what does LBI stand for?)
Saul --- the 970 u heard could well have been R Guamα // 990. It is on
Mauricio's list with 5 kW. It started up maybe 3 years ago. As many AM
DXers know by now, there is a new R Artemisa on 770, // 1000 & 1020.
Not on the 2016 list. The Ft Myers 770 must be having fits. c d (Chris
Dunne, ibid.)
Long Beach Island ( NJ ) (Russ Edmunds, ibid.)
CD, I indeed have the 970 down as Guama; didn't know it was 5 kW
though (Saul Chernos, Burnt River ON, ibid.)
Saul, FYI I have been in communication via email with Arnie the past
couple days. There is a good possibility he is going to become a
member of the WTFDA. I sent him an email yesterday (Sunday) about a
current list of Cuban AM's, to see if he has access to anything. So
far he hasn't replied with any information (Jim Thomas, Springfield,
MO, Ozark Mountain DTV dxing Daredevil, ibid.)
I wish they'd shut that second transmitter down and leave Radio
Enciclopedia by itself on 530. It's nice to listen to and the closest
thing Florida has to a clear channel. The Rebelde (now Caribe) can be
consistently heard by groundwave in Fort Myers. Guantαnamo is too far
to do that (Ryan Grabow, Fort Myers FL, ibid.)
DXer Mark Pettifor reported this tonight on the NRC Facebook page:
Here's the full ID I just heard tonight at 0400: "Esta es CMBQ, Radio
Caribe, transmitiendo desde Nueva Guerona, Isla de la Juventud, Cuba."
Isn't that the call for Enciclopedia? Has Enciclopedia changed to
Caribe? NOTE CORRECTION BELOW... Last edited by Saul; 11-28-2017 at
02:21 AM (Saul Chernos, Burnt River ON, ibid.)
Mark followed up with the calls corrected to CMBG, not CMBQ. So
Enciclopedia would be intact, and Caribe would appear to be the
westernmost of the two Rebeldes. Anyhow, he heard it in Indiana. It's
getting out (Saul Chernos, Burnt River ON, Nov 28, ibid.)
Ryan, if by nice, you mean relaxing --- not all the time. On RE I've
heard instrumental versions of:
Life in the Fast Lane
Walk This Way
and they really rocked out. Was trying to relax one morning, when
Kashmir came up; so much for my rest! cd (Chris Dunne, ibid.)
Alright, I'm not an AM radio DXer, so I won't pretend to be one. BUT -
why would Radio Caribe have different calls for AM (CMBG?) from their
FM counterpart - CMBY? I guess it is entirely possible but then the
photo below for the station is puzzling.
The primary Radio Caribe transmitter site is located at Sierra
Caballos, located just east of Nueva Gerona, in the north central part
of IJ, not too far from the northern coast. Incidentally the Sierra
Caballos towers are all under the management of engineers from Radio
Rebelde and property of ICRT.
The Sierra Caballos antenna park also hosts antennas for-
Radio Reloj 850 AM/104.1 FM
Radio Rebelde 1180 AM/105.7 FM
Radio Enciclopedia 1310 AM/92.7 FM
Radio Taνno 93.7 FM
Habana Radio 94.7 FM
Radio Musical Nacional 96.5 FM
Radio Habana Cuba 97.1 FM
Radio Progreso 100.5 FM
I've attached some photos for references-
CMBY AM/FM studios in Nueva Gerona, (outside view) taken in 2013;
Sierra Caballos transmitter park (towers);
Satellite view of Sierra Caballos towers -
Radiocuba current lists the CMBY Radio Caribe outlets at -
AM 530 still shown as a Reloj outlet (Sierra Caballos tower);
AM 1220 Radio Caribe at Santa Fe IJ tower;
FM 101.7 Nueva Gerona (Sierra Caballos towers);
FM 93.5 Cocodrilo (CMBY-1 relay), SW side of IJ on the coast.
All of the above frequencies are cross-referenced from Radiocuba and
the ITU. In a recent email from Arnie Coro (engineer at Radio Habana
Cuba), Arnie told me ALL AM/FM station technical information is
updated annually with the ITU and the ITU publishes that information.
Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version.
Name: Radio Caribe.jpg Views: 12 Size: 219.4 KB ID: 21184
Name: CMBY Radio Caribe towers.JPG Views: 10 Size: 562.0 KB ID: 21185
Last edited by Jim Thomas; 11-28-2017 at 05:04 PM. Reason: corrections
(Jim Thomas, Springfield, MO, ibid.)
Jim, it is just a matter of our ears. In Spanish, G & Y sound similar
("heh" & "jeh" respectively). I was linked to a site in Cuba where
it's definitely Y, and then I saw a photo of the building --- thanks.
Where I am, R Caribe is also on 1220 which dominates at night. I would
like to hear XEB soon, and haven't been able for years. The two 530's
are practically the same azimuth, so it would behoove me to tune 1220
tonight. I say that CMBG is not correct at all. That was what it
sounded to me like, the first time. cd (Dunne, Pembroke Pines, ibid.)
Well, this sure came as a surprise last night, and I wish I had known
earlier. BOTH Enciclopedia & Caribe 530's were off the air. Grabbed a
decent Rebelde signal, with Select-a-Tenna pointed SE/NW (read:
Guantαnamo!). Was trying to make a YouTube out of it, when Caribe came
For a while I could still barely hear the Rebelde in the null of
Caribe; again wanted to YouTube, but then it seemed that the Rebelde
went off too!
Waking up about 10 am today I noticed Enciclopedia still off and
Caribe was by itself.* Sometime between 11 am and noon, Enciclopedia
[see Terry Krueger`s original report above about this:]
Also --- the Caribe was nowhere to be found on 1220 where it once was.
I would think then, that it is a permanent move to 530. I was able to
squeeze a signal out of XEB in Mexico City --- a blessing for sure,
especially since I doubt they are running even half the 100 kW they
claim. I stayed up too long last night.
[*As I was monitoring Caribe, I noticed NO TOH ID, but rather time on
the hour in other parts of the world. Under Enciclopedia at 11:51 am
was a faint official Caribe ID --- so apparently they do not ID at the
TOH. Now just watch me be 100% wrong...] cd (Chris Dunne, Nov 29,
** CUBA. 770, Nov 24 at 0125, Spanish immediately mentions ``nuestro
comandante en jefe, Fidel Castro Ruz``, so suspected Cuban. Then a
calendar of events to do with various Revolutionary anniversaries; on
E-W, not N-S antenna also making Mexico unlikely. Radio Rebelde, as
listed for Victoria de las Tunas (named after a music competition?)?
No, not // 5025 or 1180. Finally resumes PBP of a partido estϊpido de
pelota, and lucky me, Radio Artemisa ID in passing, the only other
Cuban on 770. In fact, CMCW, La Salud, Artemisa is much closer, just
SW of Habana, than Tunas way off to the Orient.
0200 recheck for a ToH ID? Now bleed from KKOB and/or KKOB is mixing,
as I hear a Spanish mention of 97.5 FM, but think this is a different
station before CMCW fade back in with bιisbol. WRTH doesn`t show any
97.5s among the Artemisa frequencies; nor for 770 Mexicans in WRTH,
IRCA or Cantϊ. WRTH link to artemisaradioweb.icrt.cu does not work
without the www. But I find nothing about FM frequencies other than
the main one 92.1 along with 1000 AM. Why not try the Dominican
Republic 770 station? WRTH shows its FM on 97.1 --- close but not
close enough. No leads in the WTFDA FM Database either (Glenn Hauser,
OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DX LISTENING DIGEST) It seems that Artemisa
on 770 is rather new, as discussed in above thread (gh, DXLD)
** CUBA. 4765, Nov 24 at 0144, no signal from Radio Progreso, just
CODAR sweeps. Supposed to start at 0130. No 4764 from Perϊ either,
presumably off earlier.
4765, Nov 25 at 0207, R. Progreso is on at S9+20, altho it was missing
last night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISSTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 15370, Nov 23 at 1600, RHC signing off all but 11760 for the
next trihour, and except for the now four FM 24h frequencies. The new
one I can now copy as: 89.1 in provincia de Cienfuegos. The WTFDA FM
Database has only one 89.1 in Cuba, Radio Taνno in Holguνn. Jim
Thomas, editor of the DB, is trying to find out exactly where in
Cienfuegos it be, if not the city of the same name; may try asking
15370, Nov 24 at 2128, RHC is S9+30 but very undermodulated in
electronic music; 2128 IS, 2130 opening Portuguese on ``OC, FM,
Internet``, so this apparently a semihour when the FMs will not be in
Spanish. 15140 was already off; should have had French from 2100.
11390, Nov 25 at 1344, RHC is S6-S7 here // 11950, so we have a new
leapfrog, over 11670 halfway between. How about in reverse? Yes, also
audible on 12230, 280 kHz beyond 11950, but weaker. Something`s always
wrong at RHC.
13670, Nov 25 at 1352, another new RHC frequency, S9+10 but suptorted;
wiggle that patchcord! Something`s always wrong at RHC.
11760 and 11840 are also on, without participating in any perceptible
products, except 11840 always flanked by weaker but clearly audible
parasites 11830 & 11850. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn
Prof. Arnaldo Coro's "DXers Unlimited" program in English, Sun in
NoAm, Mon in UT, noted start early at 0703 UT on Nov 27, instead of
previous 0709 UT start time. DX program last til 0715 UT. Followed by
RHC Mailbag program on Sundays.
6000 kHz via 250 kW Quivicαn San Felipe TITAN site, low modulated and
distorted audio quality. S=9+25dB and -49dBm. Culture report at 0656
UT. Election Day in Cuba soon, after Fidel.
6060 kHz Bauta site outlet S=9-15dB or -64dBm, best understandable
modulation {of four 49mb outlets} in Europe, NJ-US east coast and
Michigan US-state. My tune as usual on this channel: switch to
upperband side, due of Brazilian bad 1170 Hertz BUZZ heterodyne
interference signal from odd 6059.832 kHz frequency.
6100 kHz most lowest modulation level. S=9 or -70dBm.
6165 kHz strong powerful signal at 0659 UT S=9+25dB or -54dBm in NJ
and MI-US states remote SDR. Despite of power, suffer by 9x BUZZ
strongest string signals, on distance apart from carrier: 60, 120,
240, 360 ... 840, 960 Hertz visible both sides on screen (Wolfgang
Bόschel, df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 27, dxldyg via DXLD)
6165, Nov 27 at 0329, RHC English is S9+20 but just barely modulated;
// 6000 is better, merely very undermodulated. Something`s always
wrong at RHC.
11830 & 11840 & 11850, Nov 27 at 1400, RHC with QSY announcement:
going off now are 13670 and 11650; continuing until 16 are 17730,
15230, 15370, 11760 and 9535 --- omitting the very frequencies I am
listening to! Which stay on with news. At 1412 check, I find 17580 on
but NOT 17730; 11650 and unmentioned 11840 and 11950 are still on too.
By 1510 rerecheck, 17730 has finally replaced 17580. Something`s
always wrong at RHC. There is a severe disconnect between what they
say in the studio and what they do at the transmitters.
[non] BTW, 13670 audible with something else at 1424, S3 music, i.e.
CRI French via Albania; CRI also on 13670 at 13-14 in English via
Kashi-Saibagh 2022, East Turkistan, per NDXC/Aoki, Commies vs Commies!
6060, Nov 28 at 0705, RHC in Spanish with loud almost distorted
modulation, instead of English, which remains on 6165, 6060 and 6100,
in marginally improving levels of undermodulation order. Something`s
always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
I am hearing what sounds like Radio Habana on 5820 kHz at 1215 UT, 28
Nov 2017. And I am not hearing the usual booming signals on 6000, etc.
Not sure if this is related, but Radio Marti on 5980 seems to be
unmolested (Chris Smolinski, Black Cat Systems,
Hard-Core-DX mailing list via WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DXLD)
** CUBA. MORE CUBA FM --- Hi Jim, Radio Habana Cuba has started
announcing a 4th 24h FM frequency, 89.1 in Cienfuegos. I see in the DB
there is only one Cuban listed on 89.1, Taνno in Holguνn. 73, (Glenn,
Nov 23 to Jim Thomas, via DXLD)
Thanks for the info, Glenn. I am trying to confirm WHERE in Cienfuegos
the signal comes from, the city proper or somewhere else in the
province. As always, it is not very easy to get up to date information
on Cuba on the internet (Jim Thomas, http://db.wtfda.org DX LISTENNG
Estimado Arnie, Glenn Hauser told me that RHC is now mentioning an
89.1 FM in Cienfuegos as a relay station. Do you have any information
on this station? Kilowatts, transmitter location, calls (siglas o
indicativo). Thank you! (Jim Thomas Worldwide TV-FM Dx Association
db.wtfda.org Nov 24 to Arnie Coro, via DXLD)
Glenn - Please note the transmitter information that Arnie told me
about for RHC. It doesn't sound like his email got too personal, so if
there is any information you would find useful for the WOR, you have
my permission. It is interesting he addressed my by the casual Spanish
for James (Jaime). (Jim Thomas db.wtfda.org DX LISTENING DIGEST) Viz.:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Prof Arnaldo Coro Antich
Date: Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: Radio Habana Cuba question
To: James Thomas
Hola amigo Jaime: Nice to read your messsage. I began AM FM and TV
Dxing as a teenager. Learned a lot about tropospheric ducting and
sporadic E layer events. Even wrote for Popular Electronics way back
in 1959. April issue carried an article I wrote about TV Dxing.
Entered into the professional radio and TV engineering as an
apprentice at Circuito CMQ S.A. the owner of the most important radio
and TV stations in Cuba. First job came as my 15 years birthday in
Must admit that the fact that my father was the medical doctor that
took care of the owner of the company and his family did helped a
little. But Mr. Goar Mestre gave me no privileges, and wanted me to be
part of the future management of the company, something that obviously
did not happen.
Anyway, my family decided to stay in Cuba and that gave me the
opportunity to expand into the area of broadcast journalism without
ever leaving the engineering side of the business. As a matter of fact
I continue to enjoy both, by hosting Dxers Unlimited RHC radio hobby
show, and at the same time holding the very important position of
senior engineering advisor and consultant for Radio Cubana, the part
of ICRT that handles the nation's 98 broadcast stations.
This year I was awarded the Premio Nacional de la Radio 2017, in
English National Excellence in Radio Broadcasting Award 2017,
recognizing my contributions to our mass media.
I would like, if possible, to be a member of your Worldwide TV-FM Dx
Association , as you will be assured of receiving my cooperation in
further developing our beloved hobby.
Just to give you an example, Cuba is now broadcasting both standard
definition and high definition digital TV, using a very interesting
standard that is now registered at the ITU International
Telecommunications Union of the UN, for use on 6 megaHertz bandwidth
TV channels.
It is known as DTMB-T Digital Terrestrial Multimedia Broadcasting and
the set top boxes to decode it are built here in Cuba and in China. It
also carries 9 stereo audio channels and other value added services,
by means of 108 Digital TV transmitters that provide coverage to about
60 percent ot the Cuban archipelago aiming at a phasing out of the
energy hungry analog TV transmitters to be done in the very near
future. [DTV]
Now about your question. I am also the frequency manager and technical
advisor to the director general of RHC and thus have to deal with
RadioCuba, the Ministry of Communications company that owns and
operates the nation's radio and TV facilities, and with ETECSA the
telecomms services provider.
RadioCuba recently offered us the option of adding one additional FM
low power station in south-central Cienfuegos province, on empty
channel 89.1, running 300 Watts to a 6 dB gain vertically polarized
antenna that is working very well, following the earlier use of 102.5
in Havana metropolitan area, with also 300 Watts to a similar antenna,
97.1 at the nation's second largest island, Isle of Youth, formerly
known as Isle of Pines, also same power and sharing the site with both
analog and digital TV transmitters. In western Artemisa province we
have a similar facility on 103.1, at the 600 mts high Salon Mountain
By the way, it would be interesting for you to know that the new
digital TV broadcasts have awakened a renewed interest in TV DXing,
with many hobbysts asking me about how to build high gain antennas,
what types of downleads to use, etc., because they hear my Spanish
language DX show EN CONTACTO, that I started to replacing a retired
host last June. 73 and DX
Prof. Arnaldo Coro Antich, AKA ''Arnie Coro" on the aire name, Senior
Consultant: Radio Cubana ICRT (via Jim Thomas, DXLD)
** CUBA. Caribbean FM News, November 2017 --- Here is an update on
recent FM radio developments in the Caribbean islands.
Radiocuba has resumed with issuing new FM broadcast licenses this
fall. In September 2017, Radiocuba issued licenses for three new
broadcast facilities. Two are relays, one is a new station.
Relays for Radio Habana Cuba
-102.5 moved to 97.1 CMBN-1 Sierra Caballos IJ, 300 watts 33
-103.1 (NEW) CMBN-2 Candelaria AR, 300 watts 400 meters (tower at
CTTV Salσn site);
-89.1 (NEW) CMBN-3 Cienfuegos CF, 300 watts 50 meters (tower at
Plan Mangos site).
NEW ON THE AIR - October 27, 2017
-105.7 CMEA Manicaragua VC "Radio Arimao, La Voz de Manicaragua"
3kw 100 meters; Has same co-ordinates as CMHW 101.5. Current schedule
4-7 PM daily, community talk radio (Jim Thomas, Springfield, MO, Ozark
Mountain DTV dxing Daredevil, Nov 24, WTFDA Forum via DXLD)
** CUBA [and non]. 5980, Nov 22 at 1228, R. Martν music with no
jamming; while 6030 at same time has wall-of-noise jamming against
nothing, since the second RM frequency this hour is: 7435, good over
jamming at 1245 with bιisbol news. The incompetent DentroCuban Jamming
Command still hasn`t synchronized with the true schedule of RM, which
is no secret and not subject to any anti-jamming abrupt shifts (Glenn
** CUBA. The Cuban Left and the Silence
Diario de Cuba November 22, 2017 POLITICS
A sign [caption]
In one week, the Cuban State has launched an attack on a sector of
society that, despite everything, refuses to choose between
submission, exile or silence.
It is placing intense pressure on tolerated NGOs, independent
filmmakers and university professors, threatening them, in every case,
with putting and end to their activities. They have detained the
artist and cultural manager Luis Manuel Otero Alcαntara, the peasant
advocate and independent journalist Osmel Ramνrez, and community
activists Roberto Jimιnez and Cιsar Ivαn Mendoza.
They have imposed three years of house arrest on economist Karina
Gαlvez, seizing her home. And, all the while, Rolando Cαceres
continues to languish in prison. Simple and noble people, mestizo
Cubans of humble origins, never disciples of Goebbels or ISIS
terrorists. People with whom you could enjoy a coffee and a pleasant
chat. All in one week.. .
(via DXLD)
** CYPRUS [non]. 9955, Nov 22 at 1401, FG Radio`s ``Travel Gazette``
via WRMI, once AGAIN replaying the old-old episode heard countless
times before (since April?), the earnest announcer talking about all
the big news ``this week``! Such as banning laptops on airlines, crime
in the Caribbean (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EAST TURKISTAN [and non]. 7480, Nov 24 at 0101, humroar obscures
any program modulation. Aoki/NDXC shows *jammed RFA Uighur, 200 kW, 60
degrees via TAJIKISTAN this hour only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** EGYPT. 15630.039, Radio Cairo, Dari/Farsi language, S=8-9 sidelobe
here in Germany at 1340 UT Nov 22. Distorted scratched bad audio
quality. 13-14 UT, but still on air at 1413 UT [selected SDR options,
span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (Wolfgang Bόschel, df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX
TopNews Nov 22, dxldyg via DXLD)
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 5005, Radio Bata *0520, 25-11, open with good
signal, African songs 35423. Radio Bata more weak now, 0530, African
songs, but clearly audible. 25432.(Mιndez)
5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, *0520-0605, 25-11, African songs. Good
signal today, at first good to fair, but later the signal deteriorated
until disappeared at about 0605, due to daylight path. 25422 (Manuel
Mιndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Friol, Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8
meters, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ERITREA [non]. SECRETLAND, Frequency change of Dimtse Radio Erena
via SPL Secretbrod
1700-1730 NF 9720 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg EaAf Tigrinya Mon-Fri, ex 11965
1730-1800 NF 9720 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg EaAf Arabic Mon-Fri, ex 11965
1700-1800 NF 9720 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg EaAf Tigrinya Sat, ex 11965
1700-1800 NF 9720 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg EaAf Arabic Sun, ex 11965
(DX RE MIX NEWS #1044 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Nov 24, 2017
via DXLD)
** ETHIOPIA [non]. GERMANY [non], Reception of Radio Xoriyo Ogaden via
MBR Issoudun on Nov 21
1600-1630 11970 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg EaAf Somali Tue/Sat, very good:
Transmission is jammed by Ethiopia with white noise digital jamming
(DX RE MIX NEWS #1044 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Nov 24, 2017
via DXLD)
Reception of Radio Xoriyo Ogaden via MBR Issoudun on Nov 25
1600-1630 on 11970 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Somali Tue/Sat, fair
Transmission is jammed by Ethiopia with white noise digital jamming
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 25-26, dxldyg via DXLD)
** ETHIOPIA [and non]. FRANCE, Radio Voice of Amara via TDF Issoudun,
Nov 22
1700-1800 on 15360 ISS 250 kW / 120 deg to EaAf Amharic Mon/Wed/Sat
Transmission is jammed by Ethiopia with white noise digital jamming
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 22-23, dxldyg via DXLD)
** ETHIOPIA [and non]. GERMANY, Voice of Oromo Liberation via MBR
Nauen on Nov 22
1700-1730 on 11810 NAU 100 kW / 144 deg to EaAf Afan Oromo Wed
1730-1800 on 11810 NAU 100 kW / 144 deg to EaAf Amharic Wed
Transmission is jammed by Ethiopia with white noise digital jamming
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 22-23, dxldyg via DXLD)
** FRANCE. [JAPAN not] also heard 15130 kHz NHK Radio Japan annoying
TRACTOR AUDIO sound out transmission of TDF Issoudun site, at 2007 UT
on Nov 22, S=8 signal here in Germany (Wolfgang Bόschel, dxldyg via DX
** FRANCE [and non]. Radio Biafra & Radio Herwa Int via TDF Issoudun,
Nov 27
0500-0558 on 7240 ISS 100 kW / 170 deg to WeAf English/Igbo, strong
0700-0728 on 13710 ISS 100 kW / 170 deg to WeAf Hausa/Kanuri, strong
// for both 11530 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to WeAf via WRMI tx#10 is JBA
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 27, dxldyg via DXLD)
See also: BIAFRA [non]; NIGERIA [non]; USA: WRMI
** GERMANY. 7470, Nov 24 at 0102, again JBA carrier about S3 equal to
noise level, trace of talk with ECSS, still at 0157. I had been hoping
this would turn into Station YHWH anti-Christ pirate on his last known
active frequency, as the last time I checked the lists, nothing else
was scheduled, e.g. HFCC as of Nov 22; but now NDXC/Aoki dated Nov 23
shows 7470: VOA Deewa Radio in Pashto, 100 kW, 92 degrees via
Lampertheim at 0100-0400 --- so if & when YHWH resume, he should do so
on another frequency, clear (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DX
** GERMANY. -----Ursprόngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Alan Roe
Gesendet: Freitag, 24. November 2017 18:09
An: christian.milling@shortwaveservice.com
Betreff: Schedule query for Shortwave Service
Hi Christian, Do you have a fully updated schedule for Shortwave
service transmissions and relays? The schedules at
are rather out of date now. Many thanks! (Alan Roe, BDXC_UK yg via
DXLD) Viz.:
On 24/11/2017 18:50, Christian Milling wrote:
SENDEPLAN 6005 kHz B17
Alle Zeiten in CET [UT +1]
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1100 Radio Belarus (dt.)
1100-1200 RAE Argentinien (dt.) (auίer Montags: Musik)
1200-1227 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
1227-1230 Nordschleswiger (dt.)
1230-1300 SRF Rendez-Vouz (dt.)
1300-1327 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1330-1357 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1400-1430 Voice Of Mongolia (en.)
1430-1500 Radio Tirana (en.)
1500-1527 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
1527-1530 Nordschleswiger (dt.)
1530-1557 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1600-1627 Radio Slowakei International (sp.)
1630-1657 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1700-1730 Polskie Radio (dt.)
1730-1757 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1757-1800 Nordschleswiger (dt.)
1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit (dt.)
1900 Sendeschluί
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1100 Radio Belarus (dt.)
1100-1200 RAE Argentinien (dt.) (auίer Monatags)
1200-1227 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
1300-1327 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1330-1357 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1400-1430 Voice Of Mongolia (en.)
1430-1500 Radio Tirana (en.)
1500-1527 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
1530-1557 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1600-1627 Radio Slowakei International (sp.)
1630-1657 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1700-1730 Polskie Radio (dt.)
1730-1757 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit (dt.)
1900 Sendeschluί
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1100 Radio Belarus (dt.)
1100-1200 Welle370 (1. Woche) / RMG (2. Woche) / Radio Gloria (3.
Woche) / RMG (4. bzw. letzte Woche)
1200-1227 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
1300-1327 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1330-1357 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1400-1500 Radio Amathusia (nl.)
1500-1527 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
1530-1557 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1600-1627 Radio Slowakei International (sp.)
1630-1657 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1700-1730 Polskie Radio (dt.)
1730-1757 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit (dt.)
1900 Sendeschluί
SENDEPLAN 7310 kHz B17
Alle Zeiten in CET [UT +1]
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1000 Radio Canada Int. (fr.)
1000-1030 Radio Canada Int. (en.)
1045-1100 Swissinfo (en.)
1100-1200 Welle 370 (4. Samstag / Monat)
1200-1600 Radio MiAmigo International
1600 Sendeschluί
1159 Sendebeginn
1200-1600 Radio MiAmigo International
1600 Sendeschluί
SENDEPLAN 6085 kHz B17
Alle Zeiten in CET [UT +1]
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1900 Radio Mi Amigo International
1900 Sendeschluί
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1900 Radio Mi Amigo International
1900 Sendeschluί
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1900 Radio Mi Amigo International
1900 Sendeschluί
SENDEPLAN 3985 kHz B17
Alle Zeiten in CET [UT +1]
1659 Sendebeginn
1700-1730 Radio Tirana (fr.)
1730-1757 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit
1900-2000 Radio Mi Amigo International
2000-2027 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
2027-2030 Nordschleswiger (dt.)
2030-2057 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
2100-2127 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
2130-2200 Radio Tirana (dt.)
2200-2230 SRF Das war der Tag (dt.)
2230 Sendeschluί
1659 Sendebeginn
1700-1730 Radio Tirana (fr.)
1730-1757 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit
2000-2027 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
2027-2030 Nordschleswiger (dt.)
2030-2057 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
2100-2127 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
2130-2200 Radio Tirana (dt.)
2200 Sendeschluί
1729 Sendebeginn
1730-1757 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit
1900-2000 Radio. Menschen und Geschichten (dt. / letzter Sonntag)
2000-2027 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
2027-2030 Nordschleswiger (dt.)
2030-2057 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
2100-2127 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
2130 Sendeschluί
Mit freundlichen Grόίen
Christian Milling
Kuchenheimer Straίe 155
D-53881 Euskirchen
Telefon: +49 (2251) 146085
Telefax: +49 (2251) 146089
Mobil: +49 (171) 5340223
Web: www.shortwaveservice.com
(via Alan Roe, BDXC-UK yg via DXLD)
** GERMANY [non]. Hi folks, tomorrow (Saturday), we will air our
anniversary show for 10 years of broadcasting from Kall-Krekel in
Germany. The show will be live from 15 to 18 UT and will be aired on
5845 kHz for Europe (100 kW Tashkent) and 9395 kHz for Northern
America (100 kW WRMI). We'll have audiobits from the past as well as
music, entertainment and (hopefully) you on the air. Our contact:
phone: +49-2251-146085 or e-Mail: info@shortwaveservice.com.
Best regards, Christian
Posted by: (christian.milling, Nov 24, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
And co-ch BBC as follows
1500-1600 on 5845 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Urdu
1630-1700 on 5845 SNG 250 kW / 340 deg to SoAs Bengali
-- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, ibid.)
UZBEKISTAN, 5845, Short Wave Service via Tashkent, *1500-1515 , 25-11,
tuning music, id in German and English "You are listening to the Short
Wave Service on 5845 and ... kHz, comments, pop songs "Good morning
America", "e-mail: info@shortwaveservice.com". 44444. No signal here
on 9395 kHz (Manuel Mιndez, Lugo, Spain, Log in Friol, dxldyg via
and co-channel BBC in Urdu here in Bulgaria till 1600U (Ivo, ibid.)
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Live show for 10 years of broadcasting from Kall-Krekel, Nov 25
1500-1800 on 5845*ERV 100 or TAC 100 kW to WeEu German on Sat, Nov 25
* co-ch same 5845 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Urdu BBC 1500-1600
* co-ch same 5845 SNG 250 kW / 340 deg to SoAs Bengali BBC 1630-1700
??????????? ?? (Observer ? 10:25 AM via DXLD)
** GERMANY [non]. 9395, Sat Nov 25 at 1511, WRMI with the tenth
anniversary special of Shortwaveservice, good with rock music. Nothing
special about rock, which is all over the domestic radio dials.
Since I`m on the noisy computer, it`s more convenient to listen to the
// 5845 from Uzbekistan, via UTwente SDR. At 1534, Good signal, more
rock but with constant CCI underneath; as Ivo Ivanov pointed out,
until 1600 BBC Urdu via ARMENIA is already on here! Why pick such a
frequency? UTwente and HFCC find 5840 and 5850 empty, e.g.
At 1539 finally announcement in English about Radio Baltic Waves,
Lithuania; 1552 acknowledging some greetings from listeners and vice
versa; says at 1600 will go into German, 1630 back to English. 1637
``Radio Ga-ga``, 1641 talks about English being until 1700, recounting
visit to Lithuania, ex-Radio Vilnius, and the ``Bloody Sunday`` Soviet
invasion of 1991y; 1650 greetings from listeners in Ho Chi Minh City,
St Petersburg; 1657 from Alan Gale who is confined to a water bed due
to a back injury. One more check at 1740, but it`s in German rather
than back to English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GERMANY [non]. Radio Mi Amigo Newsletter December 2017
Hello to all Radio Mi Amigo International friends and welcome to the
December-Newsletter with a lot of news at the end of the year!!
Our monthly ‘high-power-broadcast’: As usual the last Sunday of each
month we present two hours with 100 kW of music-power!
In the first hour you will hear our monthly magazine 'INSIDE' where
you get all news about the station and we will answer your questions,
feel free to send your questions to:
In the 2nd hour we start a new monthly magazine called 'my radio
story, my songs'. Each month a DJ from our team tells his (offshore)
radiostory and plays his songs of that time. We will start with Wim de
Times and frequencys: Sunday, November 26, from 19-21 hr CET [18-20
UT] on SW 5845 kHz (repeat: Thursday, November 30, 15-17 CET [14-16
UT] on SW 6085 kHz), both times also online:
More Dutch DJ’s and programs: A lot of you asked in the past that they
would love to have more dutch programs. We are proud to announce 2
more ‘big names’ from the offshore-past. Colin Peters (‘the real one’,
see pic above left) worked on the Ross Revenge from 1986 – 1989 for
the dutch programs of Radio Monique, Radio 558 and Radio 819. He will
take over the Wednesday ‘Hello Europe’ slot from December. Johan
Vermeer (pic above right) worked as a DJ and engenier on the MV
Magdalena for Radio Mi Amigo in 1979. You can listen to Johann every
Saturday and Sunday.
All news about the changes you will find within the next week also on
our Homepage (click to the schedule-page and DJ-page):
Daily news you will find always on our Facebook-page which is open for
all (even if you are not a member of Facebook you can see the page) :
[not to be confused with radio miami go international]
Unique Radio Mi Amigo stamps:
We are proud to announce our own official Radio Mi Amigo stamps. They
are legal for use to send out our QSL Cards (printed by the ‘Deutsche
Post’). You can get one of these (there are only 200 available and
will never printed again from us) together with the QSL Card.
The only thing you have to do:
Send us a reception report together with your name and complete
postadress in December via the normal post (no email) and please
include 1 or 2 Euro/Dollar (no IRC’s as the post does not take them
here) Please use the postadress which is mentioned above in the pic
(Radio Mi Amigo, P.O.Box 212045, 10514 Berlin, Germany). You will find
our postadress also on our homepage (contact-page) The first 200 will
get the exclusive QSL-Card with the Mi Amigo stamp on it (via Dr
Hansjoerg Biener, DXLD)
Radio Mi Amigo special transmission via Uzbekistan 5845 kHz but they
announce Armenia
UZBEKISTAN?, 5845, Radio Mi Amigo via Tashkent?, *1803-1812, 26-11,
"This is Radio Mi Amigo International, from Armenia", pop songs, "The
special month transmission, 100.000 watts power from Gavar, Armenia",
English, comments, pop songs. Very good signal. 45444 (Manuel Mιndez,
Lugo, Spain, Log in Lugo, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Nice strong S=9+30dB clear audio modulated signal of 10.8 kHz
wideband, George Harrison 'Hare Krishna' song played performed at 1820
UT. 73 wb df5sx (Wolfgang Bόschel, ibid.)
Of course via Yerevan 100 kW / 305 deg, not Tashkent -- 73! (Ivo
Ivanov, ibid.)
** GERMANY. Gruί an Bord 2017 --- Here are the frequencies for NDR
Radio, Gruss an Bord 2017 --- 24 December 2017
1900 till 2100 Uhr UTC
6080 kHz Atlantik – Nord
11650 kHz Atlantik - Sόd
9800 kHz Atlantik/Indischer Ozean (Sόdafrika)
9740 kHz Indischer Ozean - West
9790 kHz Indischer Ozean – Ost
6010 kHz Europa
2100 till 2300 Uhr UTC
5930 kHz Atlantik – Nord
9830 kHz Atlantik - Sόd
9590 kHz Atlantik / Indischer Ozean (Sόdafrika
9765 kHz Indischer Ozean - West
9650 kHz Indischer Ozean - Ost
6155 kHz Europa
source: NDR Presse und Information Posted by: "Harald Kuhl", Nov 28,
BDXC_UK yg via DXLD) And the sites??? ---
"Greeting on board" Christmas Special program via MBR FMO organization
on single day December 24 in 2017y.
1900-2100 NF6010 ERV 100 kW 305 deg to We/Ce Europe, ex6145 B-16
1900-2100 NF6080 NAU 125 kW 250 deg to Northern Atlantic, ex6125 B-16
1900-2100 9740 NAU 125 kW 130 deg to Indian Ocean West
1900-2100 9790 MOS 100 kW 115 deg to Indian Ocean East
1900-2100 9800 ISS 250 kW 148 deg to Indian Ocean/SoAf
1900-2100 11650 ISS 250 kW 195 deg to Southern Atlantic
2100-2300 5930 NAU 125 kW 250 deg to Northern Atlantic
2100-2300 NF6155 ERV 100 kW 305 deg to We/CeEurope, ex6145 B-16
2100-2300 9590 ISS 250 kW 148 deg to Indian Ocean/SoAf
2100-2300 9650 MOS 100 kW 115 deg to Indian Ocean East
2100-2300 9765 NAU 125 kW 130 deg to Indian Ocean West
2100-2300 9830 ISS 250 kW 195 deg to Southern Atlantic (Ivo Ivanov-
BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 19) (BC-DX 25 Nov via DXLD)
** GREECE. Weak signal of Voice of Greece on 9935 kHz, Nov 21:
0606&0756 on 9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#1
NO SIGNAL on 9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek tx#3
*including news in Arabic/Serbian at 0751-0758, off air at 0800 UT
(DX RE MIX NEWS #1044 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Nov 24, 2017
via DXLD)
** GREECE. 9935. Nov 22, 2017 at 0055-0125, Voice of Greece, Avlis, in
Greek. Songs; 0100 ID and IS; Man talks with backgrounds; 0103 Woman
talks News, presumably; 0105 Greek songs program presented by woman
and man announcers; A long conversation between than. VOG with a fair
signal and modulation, better than last months, 35443 (sometimes
45444). It΄s very good! A musical program is very good this night in
my location. At 0115, 45444 (rare signal and modulation)! No signal on
9420 kHz (DXer: Josι Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo-PB, Brazil, Sony ICF-
SW100S, Longwire, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD)
** INDIA [and non]. COLLISION. China x India: 6145. Nov 25, 2017 at
0032-0047, All India Radio, Aligarh-IND, in Urdu: Man talks; Indian
song. And PBS Qinghai, Xining-CHN, in Chinese: Man and woman
announcers talk without pause. First time this happens! (DXer: Josι
Ronaldo Xavier, Location: Cabedelo-PB, Brazil, Degen DE1103, Longwire,
Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD)
** INDIA. 7555.657, Nov 22 at 1242, S8-S5 carrier, JB modulated? This
is AIR`s always-way-off-frequency and variable Delhi transmitter often
logged by Ron Howard, during Tibetan service, but apparently escaping
ChiCom jamming unlike its // 9575 & 11620.
11780v, Nov 22 at 1411, song amid humroar on transmitter. EiBi and
Aoki show it must be this: AIR Khampur site in Sinhala to Sri Lanka at
1300-1500. I suppose sporadically low-power reactivated RNA BRAZIL
could be under there too.
13695, Nov 24 at 1408, Indian classical music, poor, // somewhat
stronger 9690, and ID at 1409 as GOS of AIR, more music. Third
frequency used to be 11620, but weaker signal sounds like something
else. For B-17, AIR HFCC registered on 11620 at this time Delhi in
English and Goa in multilingual, but certainly would not be running
both at the same time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDIA. All India Radio in Russian
Dear colleagues on the radio hobby! I asked for your assistance and
feedback on the collective letter to the All-India Radio about the
frequency change.
A big thanks to those who answered, and also I propose to "sign" the
appeal to those who have not yet "signed up", but just want to hear
Russian speech more often in the square in their receiver.
I enclose a rough outline of the letter, I ASK YOUR ADDITIONS and
ADJUSTMENTS to send to my mail varzin-ne@yandex.ru, so as not to
"spam" the group, thanks to which, I have the opportunity to apply to
you. Mallika Gupta (announcer-presenter of All India Radio) replied
that, I quote "I offer my help in translation if it is needed".
Therefore, forget about the lines in English. Suggestions and remarks
set out in Russian. I would be glad if you post your comments before
November 29 at 11:59 PM GMT (-3 UTC [sic]).
Below, you will find your FI, city, e-mail, email address or phone
number (as you wish), your blogs, if you are (specify the web address)
and just belonging to the dx-signatures to confirm the identity for
the Hindus that you - "a living person", you can simply "specify" as a
For example, Victor Varzin, Leningrad region, Kommunar, varzin-
ne@yandex.ru, active listener, monitor of the directory Radio
broadcasting in Russian and KBS World Radio; subscriber deneb /
opendx, member of the DX-Club SPB, will be published as a table.
A collective appeal of radio listeners of the Russian service of All-
India Radio.
Hello, dear employees of the Russian edition of A.I.R., employees of
the Foreign Broadcasting Department A.I.R., as well as employees of
the technical department of A.I.R.!
We would like to draw your attention to the unsuccessfully chosen
frequency for broadcasting in the winter period for the Russian
edition of the All-India Radio - 15140 kHz from 16:15 to 17:15 UTC. At
this frequency, on the territory of Russia, transmission at this time
is not audible.
This is due to poor passage at frequencies above 12,000 kHz in the
dark. When drawing up the schedule for the winter season, it was
apparently not taken into account that in the winter in Russia it gets
dark early, accordingly, it is necessary to use other frequencies.
It's a shame that due to such omissions, many Russian-speaking
listeners of the All-India Radio remain without receiving the
programs, and the corporation is wasting money allocated from the
It is interesting that, recently, the frequencies of some programs of
the All-India Radio of the following language services were changed:
English, Sinhalese, Dari and Pashto, to avoid interference from other
stations. Why not for the Russian service to change or allocate
another frequency for analogue broadcasting.
In this regard, the request to influence the situation and show
professionalism in solving the problem. Select another frequency for
analogue broadcasting of the Russian service or replace the current
one. In previous years, the passage in the winter period was observed
at frequencies of 11620 kHz and, especially, at 9595 kHz, which are
not currently used. Now the frequency of 9595 kHz is also not
suitable, because during 1615-1715 UT broadcasts the Voice of Turkey
radio, using a powerful transmitter. Ideally, it would be to conduct
test transmissions on several frequencies and choose the best of them,
according to the radio listeners. (on your own, try 7555 kHz, what do
you think?)
All India Radio is one of the most important and important sources,
telling about modern India, political and public news, as well as a
means of promoting Indian culture in Russia. I note that this year
marked the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic
relations between India and Russia. I look forward to your cooperation
and activity! 73! (Victor Varzin, Leningradskaya oblast, Kommunar,
Russia)(via Rus-DX 26 Nov via DXLD)
** INDIA [non]. ARMENIA, Good signal of TWR India via Yerevan Nov 20:
1300-1315 on 9745 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English Mon-Sat
1435-1450 on 9745 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English Mon-Fri
Wrong frequency announcement: A17 9410, instead of B17 9745 kHz
(DX RE MIX NEWS #1044 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Nov 24, 2017
via DXLD)
** INDONESIA [and non]. Reception of Voice of Indonesia on Nov 24
1300-1400 on 9525*JAK 250 kW / 010 deg to EaAs English
* QRM CRI on 9520 URU 500 kW / 270 deg to SoAs Chinese
(DX RE MIX NEWS #1044 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Nov 24, 2017
via DXLD)
As noted last time, Sirius/XM is offering a 'free' tease the week
leading up to (and including) Thanksgiving. If you have a satellite
radio, even if it is not 'activated' and you're not paying, they have
'unlocked' 200 or so channels.
My sources say, XM radio uses one of two satellites and broadcasts on
XM-3 and XM-4 birds, and transmits down between 2.320-2.3325 GHz.
("DARS") This is NOT a 'geo-stationary' service and there are two
Sirius and two XM birds out there providing the service from a high
orbit. The logs below are from the XM radio in my Saturn vehicle:
XM 116 CNN Audio from the TV network 2000
XM 118 MS/NBC 2000
XM 120 BBC World Service
XM 169 CBC Radio 1 with 'Spark' ending and into News and
Quirks and Quarks all heard 1950-2015 all logs from 22/Nov
The audio quality of the services is echo-y and tinny and HARD to
listen to for any period of time. I've noticed this before when I've
rented cars with satellite radio, but as I was listening in detail, it
is clear the issue is the low data rate and 'compression' which for
the primarily voice channels they are REALLY aggressive with. Give me
SW static any day! (Ken Zichi, Williamston MI, for Satellite logs:
Manhattan DJ-1997 FTA rx +96" movable dish, MARE Tipsheet Nov 24 via
beacon. 0910 November 18, 2017. Fair-good over and under XEARZ, WHKT,
CINA and I-275 Tampa HAR WQQJ297 (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater FL,
I’ve just been reading some of the pages (available on Google books)
about Radio Northsea International in a new book, “Pirate Gold”
published in August. Fascinating stuff.
Pirate Gold by Brian Lister
(Richard Gedye, Nov 23, BDXC-UK yg via DXLD)
Fascinating in what sense? I challenged Brian Lister on the RNI
Facebook about some of his unverified claims about Radio Northsea
International, which have been dismissed by people who worked on the
station and many others, as well as the LadyBird Johnson invested in
Radio London nonsense which came out in on his website where he claims
to be able to tell the "real story" of offshore radio without
apparently having done any original research or interviewed anyone
connected with it. Needless to say he didn't reply. Same happened on
Digital Spy.
In my google books I can't read the RNI pages, just sections from
them. He repeats a myth about the equipment on the ship, second hand
transmitters, domestic audio equipment apart from the EMT turntables,
basic HF receivers, teleprinters and RTTY decoders according to Ian
Anderson who worked on the Mebo 2 off Holland.
Having put Libya and Stasi into the book search he appears unaware, or
has decided to ignore, the fact that Mebo ran out of money in late
1969 and got a loan from Veronica so that they could complete the
fitting out of the Mebo 2, one condition being they would not
broadcast in Dutch. They announced this shortly afterwards saying that
Radio Veronica would not have to worry. They ran out of money again in
September 1970 resulting in Veronica taking control of the ship which
was collateral in the first loan, they did get a further one. This was
published at the time and was admitted by RNI's lawyer in the 1971
court case (Mike Barraclough, Nov 24, ibid.)
** IRAN. 9500, Nov 22 at 1253, VIRI piano IS, brief announcement, NA,
1254 Qur`an, poor S8-S5 with flutter. It`s opening a sesquihour in
Urdu via Sirjan site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN [non]. KUWAIT/THAILAND Re: ``7584.939, at Nov 18 at 0706 UT,
off-frequency modern ME music really stix out, YL announcement but cut
off at 0710* UT, shortly carrier back on and off again for a split
*0711 back stronger on correct frequency 7585.000 kHz, Farsi talk and
rock music, 0716 UT Farda IDs in passing. Yes, it's R. Farda,
scheduled 0400-0830 UT, 250 kW, 58 degrees from KUWAIT (following
0230-0400 UT via Thailand). As usual, no jamming audible vs this
clandestine service; why doesn't Iran bother to do that? (Glenn
Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and dxld Nov 18)``
Maybe rather tx/antenna matching check in Udorn Thani-THA, wb.
0230-0400 UT Farda scheduled from Udorn Thani, odd 61 Hertz signal is
typical for that Ban Dung personnel workout. Followed by IBB Kuwait
relay usage at 0400-0830 UT, mostly on exact Continental 250 kW TX /
Ampegon antenna combination (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 19) (BC-DX 25
Nov via DXLD)
Could not the same have happened at KUWAIT? It`s daytime for both: 07
UT is 10 in Kuwait, 14 in Thailand. I would think Kuwait propagation
more likely to here (gh, OK, DXLD)
** ITALY [and non]. Compact reception report for IBC on 22.11.17
Thursday, November 23, 2017 7:56 AM [sic:]
5845 IBC 2000 just heard the station on 2000+some secs listening
"visit IBC webs com" then with Starwars OST and signal S9 with
moderate QSB up to S2.
While 1584 is normally occupied by a greeK pirate, IBC was well heard
with S7 signal. DX program was heard mentioning Salvador 1350
Briscolacio on 1470? and something more. There is a delay between both
signals with 5845 preceding the MW transmisssion by 25-50 secs
On 2028, 1584 was with MFSK Studio X. was heard after 2030
5845 continued in italian wih DX program Trasmission lasted tilll
2100 .30 secs carrier then s/off.
I noticed that program was started abt 1 min ahead of its time (2059
for the next italian program for example) Contuous breaks from
listening due to family Reasons!! Usage: R75+16 inv V nearby THS GR on
22/11 (Zacharias Liangas
https://del.icio.us/gr_greek1/ZAK (all pages), DX LISTENING DIGEST)
So what was the site for this, Armenia, or Uzbekistan?? (gh, ibid.)
** JAPAN. I received a QSL card from the worldwide service NHK World
Radio Japan October 2, 2017/6165 kHz / Russian
Subject: "Autumn Flowere" You can see the card here -
(Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia, QSL World, Rus-DX 26 Nov via DXLD)
ANSWER "RADIO JAPAN" About QSL-CARDS. The Russian edition of "Radio
Japan" reported the number of QSL cards issued per year, with which
the station confirms the listener's reports.
Not so long ago I noticed that in my collection of verification cards
from Japan almost two dozen QSL with a forest view, covered with fog
in Ibaraki Prefecture. I decided to check with the station - how often
they change the subject matter of the cards, which was answered as
follows: "We change QSL cards 4 times a year." Thus, if I understand
correctly, the verification cards of "Radio Japan" should be updated
about once a quarter (IR) [no IR in credits again this week] (Rus-DX
26 Nov via DXLD)
World, By Joe Difazio On 11/14/17 AT 1:45 PM
UPDATE: Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2017 at 10:05 p.m. EST: The Jester, a
prominent hacker, has reached out to International Business Times to
say that he was not responsible for the hijack of a North Korean radio
station. His tweet was meant to point out that someone had taken hold
of the station to play the "The Final Countdown" by the band Europe.
The original story now reflects that.
Original story:
A famous hacker who goes by the name "The Jester"pointed out on
Twitter that it appears as if someone hijacked a North Korean radio
station to play "The Final Countdown" by Swedish rock band Europe last
The song appears to have played on a shortwave 50-kilowatt radio
station in the city of Kanggye. The station is located near North
Korea's border with China and broadcasts at 6400kHz which is between
AM and FM radio. He posted an alleged recording of the one-hit wonder
coming across a crackly radio.
A god among us has hijacked 6400kHz (North Korean station) and is
playing the Final Countdown >>
-- JCST/CR * DCT/UDL^3^3-o^1 (@th3j35t3r) November 9, 2017
Strategic Sentinel, a Washington D.C.-based intelligence firm has said
that the station has broadcast encrypted messages -- and noted that
that the cryptic broadcasts usually come before weapons tests.
The most likely speculation for these messages is an upcoming
missile test on the heels of #DPRK FM #UNGA statements
-- Strategic Sentinel (@StratSentinel) September 23, 2017
In fact we have. Examples are, 2 days before 6th nuclear test, 1 day
before 1st ICBM test, 1 day before both Japan fly overs.
-- Strategic Sentinel (@StratSentinel) September 23, 2017
The hacker's identity is unknown, but he has been associated with
several high-level hacks and pranks. The Jester claimed credit for
splashing a warning across the front page of a website that is
Russia's version of the State Department last year, according to CNN.
"Comrades! We interrupt regular scheduled Russian Foreign Affairs
Website programming to bring you the following important message," he
wrote. "Knock it off. You may be able to push around nations around
you, but this is America. Nobody is impressed."
Taking advantage of a vulnerability in the Russian site, he made it
appear as if he hacked the site but didn't. The stunt fooled the
Russian government and several news sites like CNN and Fox News.
The Jester has also taken credit for hacks against WikiLeaks and
radical jihadist websites.
The Jester calls himself "a patriotic hacker" and claimed in a 2012
interview with a University of Southern Maine class that he was a U.S.
veteran. The Jester said he doesn't work with the U.S. government in
his hacks. The hacker's logo also made an easter egg appearance in the
show "Mr. Robot."
This picture from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency
(KCNA) taken on August 29, 2017 and released on August 30, 2017 shows
North Korea's intermediate-range strategic ballistic rocket Hwasong-12
lifting off from the launching pad at an undisclosed location near
Pyongyang. Nuclear-armed North Korea said on August 30 that it had
fired a missile over Japan the previous day, the first time it has
ever acknowledged doing so. Photo: KCNA/AFP/GETTY (via Mike Cooper,
** KOREA NORTH [non]. JAPAN, Reception of JSR Shiokaze Sea Breeze via
Yamata on Nov 23
1300-1400 on 7410 YAM 300 kW / 280 deg to NEAs English Thu, poor/weak
1600-1700 on 7335 YAM 300 kW / 280 deg to NEAs English Thu, weak/fair
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 22-23, dxldyg via DXLD)
** KOREA NORTH [and non]. North Korea (non): observation concerning
7410 kHz
According to Ivo Ivanov, 7410 kHz is used for Shiokaze, a programme
searching for Japanese citizens thought to have been abducted to North
1300-1330: 7410 (Yamata JP 300 kW, 280 ) Shiokaze: Mon Chinese, Tue
Japanese, Wed Korean, Thu English, Fri Korean, Sat Japanese, Sun
1330-1400: 7410 (Yamata JP 300 kW, 280 ) Shiokaze: Korean, Tue Sun
Japanese, Thu English
Note No 1: The frequency is also used by China Radio International in
Japanese (1300-1500 h "Peking Hoso"), which dominates both in North
America and Europe. Shiokaze is therefore only heard as the second
programme under China Radio International. Probably this service of a
good old friend of North Korea also ruins reception of Shiokaze on the
Korean peninsula.
Note No 2: On 24 November, the double occupancy of 7410 kHz continued
after 1400 hours. In addition, there was a regular beeping in the
first five minutes. At
no longer use is noted.
(Dr Hansjoerg Biener 24 November 2017, WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DX
Hi Hansjφrg, I think in this case this probably just sloppy frequency
management by Shiokaze, because according to HFCC, CRI added the
Japanese transmission 1300-1400 here in A16, while JIC came there in
B16. I sent Shiokaze a note about this, but no reply and no change.
73, (Mauno Ritola, Finland, WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DX LISTENNG DIGEST)
Maybe about ready for a regular QSY Dec 1? (gh, ibid.) {Yup, it`s 6085
at 13 per Ron Howard Dec 1}
** KOREA NORTH [non]. Frequency change of National Unity Radio via
BaBcoCk Dushanbe from Nov 17
1200-1500 NF 7530 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean,
ex 7520 co-ch Denge Kurdistan
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 22-23, dxldyg via DXLD)
** KOREA SOUTH [and non]. 5857.5-USB. For a long time now I have
checked here almost daily and always hear HLL2 Seoul, with the weather
in different languages. Significant anomaly on Nov 22, with what
seemed to be a mix up of an audio feed?
1241-1300: Weak audio feed of OM & YL alternately reading numbers (not
the usual HLL2 Seoul weather audio feed).
1300: In addition to the audio feed of numbers, the start of the
normal weather info given in Korean by HLL2 Seoul, which was much
stronger that the reading of the numbers.
Checked 1308-1330 to hear only a carrier (dead air) with no audio feed
at all; normally should have had a segment of weather (HLL2 Seoul).
Due to this unique frequency and subsequent dead air (no audio at
all), can I safely assume the numbers audio feed was in fact
transmitted via HLL2 Seoul? Weak audio of numbers being read, at
(Ron Howard, San Francisco, at Ocean Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100'
long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
[and non] [later:] Thanks very much to Hiroyuki-san for his expert
knowledge regarding number stations. As always, I greatly appreciate
his assistance. Turns out that I heard two different stations today.
One from China (VC01 military numbers station) and the other from
South Korea (HLL2 Seoul), which seemed to have had some audio problems
today, which helped lead to my confusion. Ron
- - - - - from Hiroyuki-san:
" > Audio --- This is CHINA VC01 - Chinese Robot Voice (5857.0 kHz
USB). Great DXing !!! At this frequency, it is difficult to receive
even in Japan which is near China." Hiroyuki Komatsubara
(via Ron Howard, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DXLD)
** KURDISTAN [non]. ARMENIA, BRB Denge Kurdistan ONLY on 7520/7320 kHz
0330-1600 on 7520 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to WeAs Kurdish
1600-2200 on 7320 ERV 300 kW / 280 deg to WeAs Kurdish
*2030-2100 on 7320 KUN 500 kW / 300 deg to SEEu Bul.CRI
Previous registered B17 schedule is inactive at present
0230-0500 on 6155 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to WeAs Kurdish
0230-0500 on 7320 ERV 300 kW / 280 deg to WeAs Kurdish
0500-1800 on 7320 ERV 300 kW / 280 deg to WeAs Kurdish
0500-1800 on 7520 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to WeAs Kurdish
1800-2100 on 6155 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to WeAs Kurdish
1800-2100 on 7320 ERV 300 kW / 280 deg to WeAs Kurdish
Winter schedule of BRB Alyx & Yeyi is not yet published
(DX RE MIX NEWS #1044 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Nov 24, 2017
via DXLD)
** KUWAIT [and non]. 7530. Nov 25, 2017 at 0140-0146, Deewa Radio,
Kuwait-KWT, in Pashto. Man and woman announcers in conversation. Fair
broadcasting with a buzz similar to aeroplane audio, 35433. Parallel
log on 9765 kHz, relay Udon-Thani-THA, 45433. Both frequencies are VOA
service in Pashto (DXer: Josι Ronaldo Xavier, Location: Cabedelo-PB,
Brazil, Degen DE1103, Longwire, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD)
** KUWAIT [and non]. 9749.812, Nov 22 at 1256, someone is way off-
frequency here, VP with weaker het from 9750.0. Aoki and EiBi show
three ``9750`` occupants at this time: Kuwait, R. Japan and PBS Nei
Menggu, China. Ivo Ivanov had the answer:
``Good signal of MOI Radio Kuwait General Service in AM mode on Nov 2
1100-1600 9749.8*KBD 250 kW / 286 deg NEAf Arabic Gen Sce, instead of
1015-1600 11629.8 KBD 250 kW / 230 deg CeAf Arabic Holy Quran on Nov 1
*1100-1500 9750.0 YAM 300 kW / 290 deg EaAs Japanese R Japan NHK
World`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGST)
** KUWAIT. Good signal of Radio Kuwait General Service on Nov 22
0500-0900 on 15515 KBD 250 kW / 059 deg to EaAs Arabic AM mode
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 22, dxldyg via DXLD)
** KUWAIT. 15540, DRM mode of Radio Kuwait Kabd, S=9+5dB in 18-21
requested time slot. 2010 UT on Nov 22 (Wolfgang Bόschel, dxldyg via
55334. Bible for children wrap up, ID at 1841z with frequency; next,
‘why do christians sing to god’ fb example a Capella choir song.
QSB=slow-to-moderate rate, modulation mostly well above the noise
floor with occasional fades to just above it for very short durations.
(Combined front and back gutters gave clearest signal). sf74.2, a28,
k2, geomag: quiet. 100kw, beamAz 310 , bearing 61 . Sangean ATS505
w/MFJ-1020C active antenna and MFJ-901B tuner used to preselect ~75
feet of rain gutter running north/south. Transmitting from Madagascar
Latitude: 15 43’S, Longitude: 046 26'E, Distance: 15031km. Received in
Plymouth, MN, United States, Local time: 1241 (Rodney Johnson, dxldyg
** MEXICO. 580, Nov 24 at 0121, Spanish talk and song, best on the N-S
antenna, probably XEMU Piedras Negras, Coahuila, still not abandoned
for FM? Altho that`s also the opposite bearing for WIBW Topeka in
English; then SAH of 64/minute between them = 1.07 Hz.
580, Nov 26 at 0622, ``La Rancherita del Aire`` several IDs in
passing, greeting listener in Houston. On a radio favoring N/S,
alternates with WIBW dominance of frequency. This slogan belongs to
XEMU, Piedras Negras, Coahuila. I often hear their ``rancherita``
music at random chex of 580 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Ron, I posted Yucatαn discussion so far on the WTFDA AM
Forum [as in DXLD 17-47], which drew these replies you may not have
received directly: 73, Glenn (to Ron Schiller, Nov 24, via DXLD)
Glenn - A treasure trove of info & I had not seen, so thank you very
much! WHO is the "NE Ohio" DXer from the 60s mentioned?
I found two more of YOUR YP loggings when I expanded the study to
include Tabasco State: XEVT-970 (actually the 3rd harmonic you heard
many times) and XEVX-570 on 2,19, 2013.
I've read that there are least 3 ways of looking at the YP: 3 states
plus Belize & small part of Guat; 4 states + & 5 states including
Chiapas. From a map standpoint, the 4 states seems most logical to me.
When I dug thru the logs from Finland & Sweden I found 10 more
stations, 5 of which I hadn't seen reported from No Am! Totals (before
I add your e-mail in): 78 loggings of 31 stations by 22 DXers in 10
states, Canada, Finland & Sweden. David Gleason's SIX from Phoenix in
the 70s is the furthest west. DX: 1952 miles, Renfrew-NYS; Finland
5700 miles (done with multiple SDRs, multiple beverages in middle of
nowhere!) One other OK logging: B Winkleman XEZ-600 Mιrida, in 2003.
I read an interesting article Gordon Nelson wrote back in the 70s
about ground conductivity: the YP has the worst in Mexico (2 on a
scale of 40, except for Tabasco at 6). Comparable in the US is New
England (much of it granite) and it dawned on me that when I DXed from
NJ back in the 50s & 60s, the hardest nearby stations to hear were
from northern New England. I marveled at how WSKI-1240 VT was barely
audible, yet heard by 3 guys in NZ on same DX Test (groundwave vs
skywave, obviously).
So, as a non-scientist I'm pretty well convinced it's the limestone
bedrock of most of the YP as the major reason why their stations
aren't heard more.
Found coverage maps for all the Mexican stations; pretty much all the
YP stations throw their signal NE, from NNW to ESE, a little less than
180o. Exception small interior stations that are omni-directional and
don't even reach the coast!
Again, many thanks for the help. Will write an article after more
research. I had a guy from TX tell me he tried 4 different locations
on the Gulf and couldn't hear a thing from YP! Tim Hall in his 7
excursions to NV/UT border has heard none, tho now he's looking
harder, he says! 73, (Ron Schiller, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. RAYMIE`S MEXICO BEAT this week --- [including DTV]
Music on TV. It might sound like a now-tired idea from the 80s, but
it's what Francisco Aguirre Gσmez wants to do with his new Mexico City
TV station.
This would put it up against several of Televisa's cable channels,
such as Bandamax and Telehit.
There will also be news programming, drawing on GRC's extensive news
Speaking of new stations, the final Multimedios Radio IFT-4 award
appears to have its format set.
You may recall I reported recently that MM would be building three new
La Caliente and two new Hits FM stations. This left some question as
to what the new Ensenada 94.7 would be carrying. The answer appears to
be MM's Classic format.
And did nonpayment derail two Puebla stations' migrations?
The formal Acta for the July 14 meeting that authorized all the
second-wave migrants says that two companies didn't pay up: Radio
Panzacola (XEEG) and Radio Principal (XEZT). This could mean neither
station will migrate, though XEZT has already been promoting a move to
FM on 95.5, which matches the report from July that gave these
frequencies for the five migrating stations in Puebla:
XEPA 89.7
XEEG 92.1
XECD 92.9
XEZT 95.5
XEZAR 96.1
The potential opening up of 92.1 and 95.5 could be used to migrate
another station, include the allotment in a future auction, or
potentially to move XHPBP-FM out of the Article 90 reserved band.
(Raymie Humbert, Phœnix AZ, November 24, WTFDA Forum via DXLD)
I've never had a chance to collect this info in one place, but I think
it's important that I do so.
On September 15, 2008, the publication of the AM-FM migration
guidelines began a new era of FM broadcasting in Mexico as hundreds of
radio stations moved from AM to FM in the ensuing years.
However, not every FM can match an AM in coverage, especially in some
of the more rugged regions of Mexico. Thus, migrants are not only
allowed to eventually solicit power increases to match their existing
service areas, but may also be required to maintain their AM stations
for as long as it takes until other radio services reach the
communities that would be cut off without them.
In July and August 2014, the IFT released two lists of stations with
this continuity obligation.
Here are those lists, collated into one. I also have added one
additional station that has a continuity requirement not mentioned.
Baja California Sur
All but one of these stations are Promomedios California stations
which disproportionately benefit from statewide coverage on AM. I
believe there may be simulcasting among them as well.
XERF-AM 1570
This one was spelled out in its concession renewal but not
It is worth noting here that XEXY may have opted not to migrate at
all, in line with its sister station XERY in Arcelia.
XEGQ-AM 1000
Nuevo Leσn
XESH-AM 1400
XETE-AM 1140
San Luis Potosν
XEIE-AM 1030
XEWA's last radio service area sprawls into five states, from southern
Nuevo Leσn to north-central Querιtaro and from northeastern Guanajuato
to southern Tamaulipas.
These stations must remain on the air until radio services are
available in all of their last radio service area. How can that area
be diminished? There are several ways.
One is by attempting to replicate the AM service area with a power
increase. This is what XEMA attempted. XHEMA-FM was authorized on
September 10, 2013, the final day of operation of Cofetel, to move
from 107.1 to 107.9 and increase its effective radiated power to
100,000 watts. XEHW did something similar, but moving from 102.7 to
101.9 and 50,000 watts.
This provision is how XHDD-FM was authorized for its recent Monterrey
move-in, though the signal moves *away* from the municipalities of
interest for XEDD, Galeana and Rayones. (These areas will almost
certainly depend on the shadow.)
In some cases, building FM shadows may be necessary as well,
particularly given that some of the localities cannot be served by a
power hike at the main transmitter — particularly in rugged areas even
in the same municipality or in very large ones.
The last one, which stations like XEWA will depend on, is the hope
that radio stations elsewhere pick up the slack, usually by new
construction (IFT-4, for instance). (Raymie, Nov 25, ibid.)
It's over! IFT-4 is over!
The final concession was formally awarded on Friday, to Mario Σscar
Beteta Vallejo for 88.3 FM at Chignahuapan-Zacatlαn-Ahuazotepec,
Puebla. A total of 141 new commercial radio stations were authorized
to 66 unique companies as a result of the auction, the first ever in
Mexico and the first new commercial radio stations in more than two
Of the 141 stations, 50 are committed to signing on in HD Radio.
The auction raised one billion pesos, or just over US$54 million,
between winning bids and security deposits (Raymie, Nov 26, ibid.)
Where there's smoke, there's fire, and Grupo Radio Centro had both
A fire, apparently due to a short circuit, broke out on the first
floor of its Constituyentes 1154 headquarters, which had to be
evacuated, around midday. The company's Mexico City radio stations
went off the air for a short time, while traffic was backed up in the
area as emergency personnel arrived on scene to put out the fire.
There were no injuries as a result, though one person was treated for
smoke inhalation.
For the news/talk stations, the timing could not have been worse, as
the fire broke out at the end of Enrique Peρa Nieto's speech
announcing changes in his cabinet, which will allow Josι Antonio Meade
to resign and seek the PRI presidential nomination.
I'd like to announce something. 2018 will be, of course, an electoral
year (with local elections in every state except Baja California and
Nayarit to boot). I'm thinking of working on a Field Guide to 2018
with information on the key presidential candidacies, parties, etc. I
can't do that yet because nobody has formally filed to run, and some
coalitions are still up in the air (Raymie, Nov 27, ibid.)
The IFT has warned that the costs of HD Radio are too high for social
In fact, just one of the stations with HD Radio in Mexico is social:
that's XHUIA-FM Mexico City, which belongs to probably the best-
equipped class of social stations, those owned by private
The warning came from the IFT's Consultative Council, which notes the
major problem is that all stations pay the same costs for the rights
to use HD Radio, and that community stations should be exempt from the
fees paid to the IFT for the appropriate applications.
The IFT also got the ball rolling this week on the 2018 PABF, which
(at least not including requests made to the agency) will include
primarily social stations for broadcast use as well as a number of
commercial FM stations and a smattering of public station allotments:
[table which will not copy]
The commercial FM stations in the 2018 PABF, along with those in the
2016 and 2017 editions, will be put up for bid in the IFT-8 radio
station auction slated for the second quarter of 2018.
Among the largest markets in the 2016-2017 PABFs, sure to excite
interest, are stations (these are Class A) at Gσmez Palacio, Uruapan,
Matehuala, Culiacαn, Los Mochis, Caborca, and Tampico (2017), as well
as Tepic (B1), Ciudad Obregσn, Ciudad Mante, Ciudad Victoria and
Fresnillo (Class A).
There were 27 stations in 2017 and 42 in 2016. Combined with the 24
stations in the approved 2018 PABF (a number that could still rise
after petitions are made), some 93 FM frequencies will be up for the
Last edited by Raymie; 11-29-2017 at 04:29 PM. (Raymie, Nov 29, ibid.)
A double feature of stories about stations on 106.1 MHz...
One is a pirate run by the municipal government of Ometepec, Guerrero,
which turned 1 recently. (Get a concession, please!)
The other is the ever-exciting Violeta Radio (XHCDMX-FM), which, now
that it has a callsign and its concession,
is going in search of a logo and holding a logo contest. Their
existing studios are being evaluated and a transmitter setup being
designed (Raymie, Nov 29, ibid.)
IFT-4 award XHPACP-FM 97.1 Acatlαn de Osorio, Puebla — the fairly
high-profile Radio TexMex FM — is a step closer to signing on, as its
60-meter stick has gone up atop a mountain.
The equipment had to be airlifted to the hard-to-access site, which is
Cerro Verde in San Jerσnimo Xayacatlαn Municipality.
TexMex is making it easy on me. I can get coordinates for that
mountain — 18 08'43.8"N 97 56'51.8"W — and we already know that the
station's class will be A (Raymie, Nov 30, ibid.)
For a 60m tower at those coordinates, I calculate a HAAT of 577
meters. Assuming the Mexican rules for power reduction with antenna
height in excess of 100m are the same as in the US (they probably are)
the authorized ERP would be 160 watts. Google Earth shows a small
square building at that location. Can't tell what it is (Doug Smith
W9WI, Pleasant View, TN EM66, http://www.w9wi.com Nov 30, ibid.)
The barely useful 2018 electoral catalog of stations from the INE is
out. The primary takeaways are:
-The IFT has authorized tech parameters for a number of the IFT-4
stations, including some of the Multimedios Radio builds and stations
like XHPSEB-FM (Juxtlahuaca) and XHPIXT (Asunciσn Nochixtlαn). Some
social stations not previously described also seem to have full info.
These have full information on their coverage and coverage maps should
be forthcoming from the INE. It may take a while before sheets hit the
RPC, though.
-The other story is that XHBAJA-FM San Quintνn, B.C. is on the air
and has been since August 12.
The article that supports this claim says it is the first commercial
station in San Quintνn: while a permit wolf, it is not actually
commercial. It was one of the first stations to receive a social
concession from the start. The station is "La Chula" with a
grupera/Regional Mexican format and lacks any Web presence.
-The second-wave migrants are missing. Article 90 clears retain
their current frequencies in this list.
-I have a better grasp on current station names than they do.
Also, ever seen the IFT Pleno? Or where they meet? I know I hadn't.
Last edited by Raymie; 11-30-2017 at 08:07 PM (Raymie, Nov 30, ibid.)
Yati Ne Casti!
No, I don't know what it means either, but it's the sound of another
community radio station getting the green light. Yati Ne Casti, A.C.,
will be broadcasting to Ixtepec, Comitancillo, Juchitαn, Ixtaltepec,
Santo Domingo Chihuitαn and Santiago Laollaga, Oaxaca. It's the third
such station in that region of Oaxaca greenlighted in the last year,
after XHIKE 89.1 and XHGCY 106.1.
Meanwhile, Familia Brillante, A.C. will set up shop as a community
station in Ixmiquilpan, Hidalgo, where a Radio La Brillante is already
operating on 107.7 MHz.
This station has a religious bent, between the "Devotionals" section
on its website, the fish symbol in its logo, and the Bible quotes on
its Facebook page. It is the first authorized community station in
Mexico that can be characterized as Christian (XHAGP, XHVDR and the
FCSM stations are plain old social), though of course religious
associations are barred from owning broadcast stations.
They evidently *returned* to the air on the 16th — the day after the
IFT greenlighted their concession award. This station has operated as
a pirate since at least 2014.
For fans of multiprogramming authorizations, XHCZC Comitαn, Chiapas is
getting hooked up, while Sureste TV is being replaced with Gala TV in
San Cristσbal de las Casas, Tuxtla Gutiιrrez, Villahermosa, Campeche,
and Chetumal, effectively ending the experiment in operating a
regional multicast channel in favor of Televisa's strategy to
multiplex Gala TV where it can. Coatzacoalcos was already unhooked
from Sureste TV earlier this year (Raymie, Dec 1, ibid.)
** MONGOLIA. Frequency change, Voice of Mongolia effective from Nov 20
(DX RE MIX NEWS #1044 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Nov 24, 2017
via DXLD)
Weak signal of Voice of Mongolia on Nov 25
1000-1030 on 12084.9 U-B 250 kW / 116 deg to EaAs Chinese
1030-1100 on 12084.9 U-B 250 kW / 116 deg to EaAs Japanese
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 25, dxldyg via DXLD)
** MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, 1547, Nov 23. NHK program "Friends
Around The World"; surprised to hear my name mentioned and they read
out an email I sent to the NHK program back in Oct, but didn't mention
my reception was via Myanmar (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA,
Etσn E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
5985, Myanmar Radio, 1219-1233, Nov 27. English language lesson "Say
It In English"; today Tom's Aunt Jennifer, who is visiting from
Australia, does some banking; "I decided to cash some traveler's
checks," "What kind of an account would you like to open?", "When do
you plan to go back?", etc.; mostly readable. Will be repeated
Wednesday (Ron Howard, San Francisco, at Ocean Beach, CA, Etσn E1,
antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEWFOUNDLAND [and non]. CANADA, 2749-USB, Nov 23 at 0109, French YL
weather, for vendredi, samedi, S7 vs noise level of S6. Canadian Coast
Guard schedules at
show the closest preceding start time is 0040 UT from VCO Sydney NS
via Port Caledonia site, but nothing about anything non-English.
2598-USB, Nov 23 at 0111, YL with weather here is even weaker, but
seems English and more synthetic. Same sked shows VOK Labrador via St
Anthony, Newfoundland site, just started at 0107 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** NEW ZEALAND. 4146-USB, Nov 22 at 1239, very weak marine weather in
English, single digits frequently mentioned. EiBi shows it`s ZLM,
Taupo Maritime Radio, at 1233-1305 among several other broadcasts.
Frequency is shared with VMT Hobart Radio Wx, Australia: our best
chance for that is 0903-0918. Also shared with two Uruguayan stations,
should one hear Spanish, and some of those times overlap (Glenn
** NEW ZEALAND. 11725, Fri Nov 24 at 0645, RNZI host seems to be
having fun with classical music. As with so much SW programming,
relayed from RNZ National, you have to go searching the domestic
schedule there to find this segment in NZDT:
``Friday 24 November 2017 7:07 Sonic Tonic - Classics --- Music with
magic and mischief spun into an surreal sensation of mayhem and maybe
magnificence.`` Maybe worth catching from the start next week? But
looks like a one-off, part of a larger variety magazine (Glenn Hauser,
** NICARAGUA. 800, Radio 800, Managua. 1055 November 23, 2017.
Ranchera vocals, male with lots of "Ochocientos" and "Radio
Ochocentos" mentions along with Managua and Nicaragua. Fair-good
(Terry L Krueger, Clearwater FL, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA. 6089.943, Nov 22 at 0536, carrier at S9-S7, seems dead air
or maybe JB modulated from FRCN Kaduna. Still so at 0555. At least
there is not enough modulation to rate it as distorted. Wolfgang
Bόschel had last reported good mod (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** NIGERIA. Abuja & upgrade of Ikorodu SW station
Below a piece of nostalgia. For the current realities at Abuja see
(link valid only for a week)
And at Ikorodu: Click-cloff, power off...
(Kai Ludwig, Nov 26, 20107, shortwavesites yg via DXLD) Viz.:
Voice of Nigeria hopes to upgrade Ikorodu SW station
March 14th, 2012 - 15:45 UTC by Andy Sennitt.
Despite inaugurating its new shortwave station this week, the Voice of
Nigeria (VON) does not plan to close its existing station at Ikorodu.
In fact, Director-General Abubakar Jijiwa is hoping for ‘presidential
intervention’ for VON’s expansion projects. These include the
construction of two additional transmitters and antenna systems at the
new station in Abuja in line with global best practices and standards;
construction of VON Abuja Broadcasting House and the rehabilitation
and upgrading of the ageing Ikorodu transmission station.
Mr Jijiwa expressed optimism that the second phase of the project at
Abuja would enable VON to embark on 24-hour broadcasting, when
completed. “The second phase of this project needs be commenced
urgently. It will comprise two additional super power transmitters and
one fixed and one rotatable antenna. When this is done and completed,
VON will have the capacity for 24-hour broadcast and we can move this
from our existing 18-hour broadcast and this will be the hallmark of
simultaneous broadcasting which every external broadcaster hopes to
achieve.” (via Kai Ludwig, shortwavesites yg via DXLD)
** NIGERIA. 7255/15120, Voice of Nigeria Abuja. Two of three Thomcast
transmitters are in daily use now via fixed feeder connection.
7255 kHz outlet is fixed rigid set towards N America 280 degree
azimuth only via rotatable ALLISS Thomson, but fixed only - no more
rotatability usable! [that explains why such a bigsig here --- gh]
7254.923, V of Nigeria Abuja in Hausa, mostly male announcer, extended
talk no music at 0636 UT on Nov 27. West African Music started late at
0651 UT now.
S=8 or -77dBm signal in southern Germany,
S=9 or -71dBm in NJ-US east coast,
S=9+10dB or -65dBm in Michigan-US state.
6089.948 kHz FRCN, Radio Nigeria Kaduna has been repaired, lost many
device contacts and had a lot of electric flashovers in past months.
The actual old 100 kW Harris transmitter is in the ultimate stage now,
but power is limited now, less than 10 kW power range instead.
6089.948 kHz, FRCN Radio Nigeria Kaduna at 0625 UT on Nov 27, S=6 or -
!! Reception reports to Voice of Nigeria wanted and are much welcomed,
!! !! to Director General. !! (Wolfgang Bόschel, df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX
TopNews Nov 27, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA [non]. U.K., Audio problem of Radio Dandal Kura Inter via
BaBcoCk Woofferton, Nov 20
0700-0800 13810 WOF 250 kW / 165 deg WeAf Kanuri, big audio problem
(DX RE MIX NEWS #1044 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Nov 24, 2017
via DXLD)
Radio Dandal Kura Int via BaBcoCk Woofferton, Nov 16 [sic; later?]:
0700-0800 on 13810 WOF 250 kW / 165 deg to WeAf Kanuri, fair/good
(DX RE MIX NEWS #1044 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Nov 24, 2017
via DXLD)
Nigeria [non] - Results of a monitoring project on 25 and 26 November
Radio Dandal Kura International (Maiduguri, Borno State) was confirmed
with the following schedule from Ascension and Woofferton (UK):
0500-0700: 5960 (ASC 250 kW, 55 ) good
0700-0800: 13810 (WOF 300 kW, 165 ) fair
1800-2100: 12050 (ASC 250 kW, 65 ) weak at 1800, but improving and
strong towards 2100
The USAID-funded programme was started in 2015 by the experienced
radio organiser David Smith, who has led, inter alia, Radio Okapi
(Congo-Kinshasa) and Radio Bar-Kulan (Somalia). The broadcasts are
destined for the area around Lake Chad, where the terrorist militia
Boko Haram originated. Kanuri has around nine million native speakers,
who appear to be increasingly diverging in the region.
The shortwave signal is significantly delayed compared to the online
stream at
The home page, which reports in English, French, Hausa and Kanuri,
does not seem to have a schedule for shortwave broadcasts. At the
bottom, you will find a reference to "Radio Programs", but no link (Dr
Hansjoerg Biener, 26 November 2017, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA [non]. New clandestine to Nigeria - Radio Inheruya [sic]
International, Nov 22
0700-0730 on 11530 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to WeAf Hausa/Kanuri via WRMI
tx10, poor
0700-0730 on 13710 ISS 100 kW / 170 deg to WeAf Hausa/Kanuri via TDF,
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 22, dxldyg via DXLD)
Correct name is Radio Herwa! -- see my Nov 22 log report just
published (Glenn Hauser, ibid.)
Thanks very much Glenn to correct name! -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, DX
11530, after hearing R. Biafra via WRMI again until 0557 Nov 22, I
assumed it went off as usual, but rechecked at 0649, Brother Scare is
S9+10/20 on 11530, slightly better than // 11580 at S9 to S9+10, and
// 9955, 7780, 7570, 5850 too. What`s next?
11530, Nov 22 at 0700, WRMI in another language, soon obviously Hausa
as mentioned, and Nigeria, ID as ``Radio --- something ---
International``; news about Zimbabwe. Nothing on 7240 audible now but
11530 is peaking to S9+30! 0706 music; 0708 horn fanfare and IDs
again, name sounds like Harao, or Harowai. Schedule announcement
mentions kHz twice so there is probably another frequency.
Unlike Biafra, this is heavily produced with continuous music, either
songs alone or quite a variety of African music behind the talk, most
of which is also infected with reverb. Not a word of English on this
one either. Next mention sounds like Eherowah. One Hausa word is
frequently uttered thrice, ``tara``.
So WRMI has more COTB business (WRTH parlance: Clandestine and Other
Target Broadcasts). This must be a brand-new one as the name is not
anything familiar. Don`t know how long this transmission is, as I need
to QRT! Brother Scare must have just been filling the hour in between.
Reawakening, I find Ivo Ivanov already has this info on it as of 0828:
``New transmission to Nigeria: Radio Inherua International, Nov 22:``
0700-0730 11530 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg WeAf Hausa/Kanuri WRMI tx10, poor
0700-0730 13710 ISS 100 kW / 170 deg WeAf Hausa/Kanuri TDF, very good:
Videos later today``
Google search gets only one significant hit on the name, i.e. Ivo`s
YouTube where 13710 is much better than 11530:
Both morning frequencies are also in Aoki as Radio Inherua
International starting today, but I wonder how either of them can be
sure of the name, as there are no other significant hits on it? Would
it also have an evening broadcast? None in Aoki.
Let`s try Google translate: no Kanuri, but from Hausa it means
``Inherited``. And tara means nine.
Guess what: on a WRMI server, the name is spelt: RADIO HERWA. But
Google can`t translate that, maybe proper name or acronym.
Searching on Radio Herwa gets nowhere (until it reaches this very
post) but the word Herwa leads to something likely related since it`s
about Nigeria and explains the Kanuri connexion:
``Countering extremism in Kawar Maila
Supporting women’s leadership in promoting rights, peace and human
Reducing stigma against those affected by Boko Haram
Supporting vulnerable communities and conflict-sensitive reintegration
in northeast Nigeria`` and further linx to own website in English:
Nothing mentioned yet about radio among their ``projects``
11530, Nov 23 at 0700, WRMI which started at 0500 with Biafra [non,
q.v.], 0600 with BS, now Radio Herwa International, still has VG
signal in Hausa, and around 0720 sounds like another language which
would be Kanuri. Lots of brief announcements and music alternating,
much like Biafra. See my previous report for identity, background of
this new service. // 13710 via France is inaudible here. Bill Bingham
says both African services on 11530 provide insufficient signals into
11530, USA ??? Radio Herwa ??? Okeechobee ??? Nov 23, 2017 Thursday.
0701-0709. OM talking at 0701, but unreadable so can’t make out the
language. Afro music at 0705 with lots of drumming, back to talk at
0708. Very poor, hovering about noise level. No entertainment value in
Southern Africa. Jo’burg sunrise 0308 (Bill Bingham, Johannesburg RSA.
Drake R8E, Sony ICF2001D. dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
New Radio Herwa International via Issoudun and Okeechobee, Nov 23:
0700-0730 13710 ISS 100 kW / 170 deg WeAf Hausa/Kanuri, fair to good
// freq`y 11530*YFR 100 kW / 087 deg WeAf Hausa/Kanuri WRMI tx#10 JBA:
*0600-0700 and from 0730 with Brother HySTAIRical TOM and continues
after 0800 UT
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 22-23, dxldyg via WORLDL OF
Friday, 24 November, 0500-0730 UT: Using my own receiver here in NB,
recorded the signal on 11530 kHz. Negligible audio to start with due
to non-existent/poor propagation. Signal started to fade in at about
0550 so only the last 10 minutes of the program was audible. We were
then treated to an hour of Brother Stair with the signal continuing to
improve. Then at 0700, with a good signal, Radio Herwa International
began. Didn't notice any English segments; all vernacular, presumably
Hausa. Program ended at 0727:54 followed by WRMI filler music and the
transmitter off at 07:29:58. These timings good to about +/- one
second (-- Richard Langley, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
FRANCE, Radio Herwa International via TDF Issoudun on Nov 24
0700-0728 on 13710 ISS 100 kW / 170 deg to WeAf Hausa/Kanuri, good
(DX RE MIX NEWS #1044 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Nov 24, 2017
via DXLD)
Reception of Radio Herwa International via WRMI Okeechobee, Nov 28
0700-0728 on 11530 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to WeAf Hausa/Kanuri tx#10,
// frequency 13710 ISS 100 kW / 170 deg to WeAf Hausa/Kanuri not on
air today
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 28, dxldyg via WORLD OF
** NORTH AMERICA. 5010 kHz -- A new pirate? At 1959 tune-in, hearing
rock music on 5010 kHz. No ID at top of the hour. This is AM, double-
sideband. Signal sometimes climbs to S3 on my east-facing pennant;
drops way down when I switch to the north-facing pennant. So probably
not local; but at this hour, on this frequency, I think it has to be
groundwave, not skywave (Art Delibert, North Bethesda, MD, NRD-545,
Pennant antenna with DX Engineering pre-amp, 2014 UT Nov 24, HCDX via
This has been logged a few times recently, most recently today:
But also a few days ago:
Presumably a pirate, but no ID has been heard yet (Chris Smolinski,
Black Cat Systems, http://www.blackcatsystems.com ibid. WORLD OF RADIO
1906 via DXLD)
Thanks. Great music, nice modulation. I put it on the Sherwood SE-3 so
I could enjoy it properly (Delibert, 2100 UT, ibid.)
Unid. Friday, November 24, 2017, 2129, 5010 am. Modern rock music,
excellent AM sound. "Evil Ways" by Santana at 2135. Atlanta Rhythm
Section "So Into You" at 2147. Mostly heavy metal music from 2215 to
2252, followed by the original version of "Strangers In the Night."
Off at 2300. Very good signal, s7/s9 Regards, (Larry Will, 28723 Ridge
Road, Mount Airy, MD 21771, radio@zappahead.net Icom IC-R75 with G5RV,
Tecsun PL-600, PL-660, random wires, WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DX LISTENING
** NORTH AMERICA. Old time radio. Thursday, November 23, 2017, 0017,
6770 am. An unidentified old time comedy radio show in progress. Fair
signal, s5/s7, occasionally very good. (Will-MD)
Clever Name Radio. Wednesday, November 22, 2017, 2346, 6940 usb. Music
by Jimi Hendrix, "The Wind Cries Mary," more rock/metal music. "Good
evening and welcome to Clever Name Radio" IDs at 2351. Fair to good
signal, s5/s7. (Will-MD)
Unid. Friday, November 24, 2017, 2345, 6940 usb. Death metal music. s9
peaks. Regards, (Larry Will, 28723 Ridge Road, Mount Airy, MD 21771,
radio@zappahead.net Icom IC-R75 with G5RV, Tecsun PL-600, PL-660,
random wires, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6950-USB, Nov 26 at 0107, torch song at S8-S9, 0108
Wolverine Radio ID. Pirate pickins have been pretty slim lately, at
least when I`m bandscanning (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6876-AM, Nov 26 at 2253, algo JBA, rather than
anypirate in the 6.9`s. Many logs here say it was The Crystal Ship
** OKLAHOMA. RF 13, 13-2, OETA OKLA subchannel like all PBS stations
faced with the abrupt cancellation like a hot potato of Charlie Rose
(OMG; who`s next??), scrambles to fill his time: Nov 21 at 0400, and
1800 UT, it`s another repeat of `Antiques Road Show`; but Nov 22 at
0400, Tavis Smiley instead, and OETA Cherokee produxion `OSIYO` at
0430; but Tavis Smiley again at 0500 UT! A different episode? The
latter with Salman Rushdie.
The OETA online and onscreen skeds hadn`t kept up, planned many weeks
in advance. Finally on Nov 22, website shows Tavis not only at 1730 UT
but again at 1800, and 1830 a repeat of `Market to Market`. For 0400-
0530 UT Nov 23: Tavis, Market to Market, and more Tavis.
Hope PBS come up with another, untainted ``Charlie Rose`` for in-depth
hourlong discussions, which we often benefited from, politix, arts,
sciences, not including those with rappers and actors we never heard
of. Parts or all of the CR hour were often done by substitutes, so
there is no shortage of good interviewers ``at some other table``.
Come to think of it, did Charlie`s topix in the last weeks ever deal
with sexual predation by his predecessors? Not that I recall (Glenn
On Monday November 27 I visited Radio Logos in Chazuta, about 90
minutes ride east of Tarapoto. The road is paved. For the last half of
the route the road is cut into the side of the steep hills flanking
the bank of the Huallaga River. In several places the pavement has
been washed away and in one place the original road was covered by a
landslide. A detour was plowed through the debris.
The prosperity of Tarapoto has not reached the Chazuta area. There are
some eco-resorts nearby but the town of Chazuta is very poor. All the
streets I saw were dirt. The houses mostly unpainted wood or adobe, a
few with thatched roofs and most with rusting tin panels. In the 1800s
and early 1900s this was an important transit point on the Huallaga
River. (The book I am writing - an historical travelogue of northern
Peru - will tell of those times.)
The Radio Logos offices are located on a side street several blocks
from the plaza. There is a large open compound with a building along
the street. The name is painted prominently on the side. I arrived
about 10:30 a.m. and the station was off the air until late afternoon.
There was no one there but a woman nearby walked me back through to
the other side of the compound. Pastor Jairo Sangama lives directly
behind there. He was resting in his hammock when I got there. He
opened up the station building and took me on a tour of the
facilities. There isn't much. In front there is a small control for
the transmitter, which he says is on a hillside east of town. Then
there is a small studio. and a large mostly empty workshop room.
At the moment they broadcast for four hours in the morning and the
evening only on 4810 kHz shortwave in twelve different indigenous
languages. Most of the programming is prerecorded and comes on CDs but
they sometimes do live connections with jungle villages via cellphone.
Pastor Jairo showed me two different models of solar-powered fixed-
frequency radios that they give to leaders in the different jungle
communities. They recently received a license for an FM transmitter in
Chazuta but are awaiting the transmitter.
They have applied for a license for a new SW station in Pucallpa but
are still awaiting approval and so have not bought equipment yet. (I
was told elsewhere that the Ministry of Communications is no longer
issuing licenses for either medium wave or shortwave.)
Pastor Jairo said the station is fully funded from Peruvian sources
but they do have some outside contacts. He said he had recently been
in Dallas, Texas. Across the street the church was sponsoring a
dentistry workshop. Two American dentists, from Florida and Oklahoma,
were teaching basic dentistry principles to about twenty young people
from scattered jungle villages. They were assisted by two Bolivians
who had been trained in a similar program. I got to speak to the wife
of one of the dentists.
I'm not the first foreign radio hobbyist to visit. Pastor Jairo said a
German man had visited a few years ago and played some recordings of
reception in Germany.
My time right now is mostly devoted to travel and research on my book.
However, I have made a number of SDR recordings and visits to former
SW stations. In mid-December I plan to 'settle down' in Cuenca,
Ecuador for several weeks and at that time I'll update my website with
photos and station recordings.
Don Moore --- donmooredxer@yahoo.com
Life is just a leap of faith. Spread your arms and hold your breath
Always trust your cape. --- Guy Clark [tagline] (Don Moore, visiting
Tarapoto, Perϊ, Nov 28, WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ROMANIA [and non]. 7345, Nov 28 at 0649, two stations, both in
English, about equal level. One is of course BBC via ASCENSION, from
0600 one of our better chances at it here in the abandoned target area
of North America, really aimed into Africa, natch. Surely the other
station is here by mistake --- at 0649 conveniently IDs as Radio
Romania International. But in HFCC we find that *both* are registered
here, from 0630, RRI 300 kW, 307 degrees toward W Europe, and here we
are directly beyond. With widely diverse nominal target areas, they
must have concluded this is not a collision. But it sure is here, and
would not be surprised if enough ASC is making it into Europe to cause
a problem there. Both are off by 0701 (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO
** ROMANIA. This week, I would like to add a comment, regarding the
method I use to monitor R. Romania Int'l., particularly about the use
of Audio Now. I will always try SW first, at least for one minute. It
never takes long for me to determine if there is any chance for
improvement. Usually, it is during this time that the news is on
anyway, and also before the features begin.
When I see that I will need Audio Now, I will activate it on the
phone, and run the radio at the same time, alternating volume levels.
There are times when the radio is completely lowered down; likewise
for the phone. I check the radio every 5 minutes for 30-60 seconds for
improvement (or QSB). By and large, it's safe to admit that Audio Now
is much more pleasant, and a more reliable way to glean information,
BUT we are a shortwave club, so the first consideration is to do
things the old fashioned way.
When I submit my reports to RRI, I always tell them, as I tell you,
when I do use Audio Now. They seem cool with it, as I've heard them
read several of my letters on air already. It seems to work out fine,
and for each report you read by me, RRI gets a report that is much
longer. I like to think that it is an acceptable practice, and I thank
you for your time and patience (Ronald Sives, South Plainfield, NJ,
USA. Equipment: ETON field radio and 66 ft. random wire, NASWA
Flashsheet Nov 26 via DXLD)
** RUSSIA. St. Petersburg 828 x 2 = 1656 --- 2nd harmonic heard rather
strong today in Finland. 73, (Mauno Ritola, 1401 UT Nov 28, harmonics
yg via DXLD)
From Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty: 22 November 2017
See also:
(via VOA Radiogram via roger, dxldyg via DXLD)
Radio Sputnik 105.5 W288BS Washington DC
November 27, 2017 No Comments
Radio Sputnik, the international broadcasting arm of the Russian
Federation government, is expanding its programming in Washington DC
to a second signal. Way Broadcasting’s 1390 WZHF Capitol Heights MD
has dropped its brokered Regiona...Read More
(via Artie Bigley, DXLD) Viz.:
Radio Sputnik Adds Second Washington DC Signal
By Lance Venta on November 27, 2017 No Comments
Radio Sputnik 105.5 W288BS Washington DCRadio Sputnik, the
international broadcasting arm of the Russian Federation government,
is expanding its programming in Washington DC to a second signal.
Way Broadcasting’s 1390 WZHF Capitol Heights MD has dropped its
brokered Regional Mexican “Fiesta 1390” programming to carry the mix
of Russian news and Washington based talk shows that began
broadcasting on Reston Translator LLC’s 105.5 W288BS Reston
VA/Washington DC in July via an HD subchannel of Urban One’s 93.9
In a filing with the Justice Department upon which it needed to
register as a “Foreign Agent”, Reston Translator, owned by renowned
broadcasting and communications attorney John Garzliglia, disclosed
that Sputnik is paying $900,000 to lease W288BS through the end of
In their announcement of the launch of their programming on WZHF,
Sputnik stated “AM radio has a wider range than FM, meaning that more
viewers [sic] will be exposed to alternative perspectives on current
events that you won’t hear anywhere else”.
The 1390 signal operates with 9 kW day/1 kW night from a site due east
of Washington. W288BS covers the city of Washington proper and its
northern and western suburbs like Bethesda and Silver Spring MD and
Tysons Corner VA. Way Broadcasting is headed by Arthur Liu, who also
serves as President/CEO of brokered radio operator Multicultural
Broadcasting (via Artie Bigley, DXLD)
** RWANDA [non]. Radio Itahuka via MBR Talata Volonondry on Nov .25:
1800-1900 on 15420 MDC 250 kW / 320 deg to CeAf Kirundi Sat, weak
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 25-26, dxldyg via DXLD)
He`s still publishing wrong language, implying this is for Burundi,
rather than KinyaRWANDA! (gh, DXLD)
ARABIA). SINPO = 15422. Arabic, music with microtonal vocals. QRN
almost nil. QSB=moderate rate, modulation on noisy carrier mostly
above the noise floor. sf75.0, a6, k1, geomag: very quiet. 500kw,
beamAz ? , bearing 35 ?. Sangean ATS505 w/MFJ-1020C active antenna and
MFJ-901B tuner used to preselect ~230’ chainlink fence surrounding
rectangular backyard. Received in Plymouth, MN, United States,
11316KM? from the transmitter at Riyadh?. Local time: 0746. (Rodney
Johnson, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SAUDI ARABIA. 9695, Nov 26 at 1421, big humroar, no program
audible. Aoki/NDXC shows this is R. Saudi International, 1358-1558,
500 kW, 55 degrees from Riyadh in Pashto (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF
17615.073, Nov 26 at 1402, Arabic, Qur`an, from BSKSA is off-
frequency, which I had not noticed before, while 17705 and 17895 are
much closer to nominal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
15490.089 approx., - though no clear mid-fq-carrier visible, BUZZ
FAULTY transmitter signal, 68 x each 120 Hertz distance apart strings
visible on screen on both sidebands, terrible spike fence in 15485.2
to 15494.8 kHz range. S=9+15dB at 0910 UT on Nov 24 [WORLD OF RADIO
15120even fq BSKSA Riyadh in Bengali lang at 09-12 UT, noted S=7
strength in Germany at 0921 UT.
17805.066, BSKSA Riyadh, HQ prayer at 0933 UT, scheduled 09-12 UT,
S=9+15dB here in southern Germany.
17615.018, BSKSA Riyadh HQ program, live coverage of Friday pray
started at 0940 UT, S=9+5dB here in Germany.
21670.024, BSKSA Riyadh in Bahasa Indonesian language section, 09-12
UT scheduled, noted at 0949 UT on Nov 24, S=9+15dB in Germany,
S=9+35dB in remote SDR unit in Delhi India.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc
BC-DX TopNews Nov 24)(BC-DX 25 Nov via DXLD)
** SINGAPORE. 6676-USB, on Nov 23, *1420-1424*, VOLMET weather; "All
stations. This is Singapore Radio"; list of longitudes and latitudes;
weather for Kuala Lumpur, Soekarno-Hatta, Brunei, Bali, etc.;
"Broadcast ends. Singapore Radio out"; some QRM; fairly readable.
Thanks to Dave Valko for his encouragement to try for these various
stations that share this frequency. Had never attempted hearing them
before. My audio at
(Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etσn E1, antenna: 100' long
wire, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see
** SOMALILAND. 7120, Nov 22 at 1247, JBA carrier already detectable
from R. Hargeisa, about 2 hours before its sunset at 1439, so plenty
long path propagation already (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOMALILAND [non]. Voice of the People of Somaliland via BaBcoCk
Madagascar is cancelled:
1900-1930 9600 MDC 250 kW / 355 deg to EaAf Somali, no signal on Nov
22/Nov 23
My last videos of Voice of the People of Somaliland, Nov 15:
(DX RE MIX NEWS #1044 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Nov 24, 2017
** SOUTH AFRICA. South Africa on 702 kHz heard in Maine --- Sometimes
it takes a while to find `the sweet spot` in a week`s worth of wav
files. 2100 UT on Nov. 13 is such a spot apparently. I don`t know what
the sun was doing while I was at Quoddy House near Lubec, Maine but
I`ve got a recording of at least three IDs for LM Radio on 702 kHz in
this cut:
You?ll need your headphones. First a female announcer at :13 says ``LM
Radio``, then a guy says ``Set your time to LM time`` with a ding-dong
doorbell sound at :23 and then goes into a announcement of
frequencies, including 702 AM, and near the end of the cut there`s
another clear mention of LM Radio by a male announcer at :46.
I`ve just begun digging thru this wav file and have unIDs on 639, 648
and 972 for that matter! (Bill Whitacre, Alexandria, VA, Nov 27, IRCA
via DXLD)
[and non] Excellent catch, Bill. I know what you mean about the sweet
spot time for those once-in-a-blue-moon receptions. When I finally got
576 South Africa here at the house, it was after many listens on that
frequency with RNE Spain-Canaries running the show.
I will be giving 702 more attention. A 2100 UT reception from the
previous day just had a fairly solid wall of power-line noise with a
small pip in the middle on the spectrum plot: a carrier that needed to
be 15 dB stronger to produce any identifiable audio.
Usually on 702 I have two stations. One is Algeria easily ID'ed by its
pip sequence (last one a much higher pitch than preceding ones). The
other is a station that seems to have non-stop Kor`an. That could be
Iran, as bagged by several people on New England and Canadian shore
DXpeditions, or one of several others.
South Africa on 702 would be new here. So far just 576 at the house
and tentative 846 from Granite Pier a few years back. I'm also looking
at 729 which sometimes produces a het when aurora is knocking out the
Spain powerhouses such as 774, 855, and 1044.
If eastern Brazil (e.g. 760) and 783 Mauritania are producing good
signals around sunset and usual UK stations are not, that would be the
recipe for deep Africa DX. That was the set-up a few weeks back when
909 VOA Botswana topped the channel here with nary a trace of the co-
channel BBC Five Live pest (Mark Connelly, WA1ION, South Yarmouth, MA
NRC-AM gg via DXLD)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 7570, Nov 24 at 0154, via WRMI, Brother
HyStairical brags that he`s on eleven SW transmitters every day, and
those who mock are in for trouble. Like WJHR? Also takes pride (?) in
being ``the most hated preacher``? Not by me: I merely pity him and
those he Scares (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See USA: WRMI
** SPAIN. LOCAL-REGIONAL times on RNE-R5TN network. This is the actual
situation in regions with more than one MW station (times UT):
ANDALUCΝA (Almerνa-1098, Cαdiz-747+1503*, Cσrdoba-531, Granada-1017,
Huelva-1098, Jaιn-1413, Mαlaga-1152, Sevilla-603):
0730-0745 reg 0745-0800 loc
ARAGΣN: (Teruel-1107, Zaragoza-936):
0730-0800 reg
CASTILLA-LA MANCHA: (Albacete-1152, Ciudad Real-1305, Cuenca-1314,
0730-0745 reg 0745-0800 loc
CASTILLA Y LEΣN: (Αvila-1098, Burgos-1017, Leσn-1305, Palencia-603,
Ponferrada-1107, Salamanca-1314, Soria-1125, Valladolid-936, Zamora-
0730-0750-loc 0750-0800 reg
CATALUΡA: (Barcelona-576, Girona-1413, Lleida-1152, Tarragona-1314):
0730-0745 reg 0745-0800 loc
COM. VALENCIANA: (Alicante-936, Castellσn-1125, Valencia-558):
0730-0745 reg 0745-0800 loc
EXTREMADURA: (Badajoz-1125, Cαceres-1107):
0730-0800 reg
GALICIA: (Coruρa-558, Lugo-1098+1503**, Orense-1305, Pontevedra-
0730-0750-loc 0750-0800 reg
ISLAS CANARIAS: (Las Palmas-747, Tenerife-720):
unable to check
PAΝS VASCO (Bilbao-1305, San Sebastiαn-558, Vitoria-1125):
0730-0745 reg 0745-0800 loc
REGIΣN DE MURCIA (Cartagena-1152, Murcia-567):
0730-0745 reg 0745-0800 loc
*) relay La Lνnea de la Concepciσn
**) relay Monforte de Lemos
***) Pontevedra & Vigo stations are broadcasting the same program
produced from both studios.
73! (Mauricio Molano Sαnchez, Salamanca, ESPAΡA - SPAIN
RX site: Aldea del Cano, Cαceres.
LAT: 39Ί17'09.70 N LONG: 6Ί19'00 W
http://moladx.blogspot.com/ Nov 24, MWCircle yg via DXLD)
** SPAIN. 15390, Sat Nov 25 at 1500, REE with its early start on
weekends, strong enough to tell that modulation is quite distorted,
and carrier also unstable. It`s been this way for months, the
transmitter now directed toward S America where their greatest
audience should reside, duh. 9690 to N America is of course too weak
to be usable this early, duh2. Nothing audible on 17715 or 17755. That
leaves 15500 best of the lot, but has a propagational echo. It`s aimed
exactly the opposite from 9690. Fortunately, most, but not all
programming especially on weekends, consists of silly ballgames (Glenn
Reception of Radio Exterior de Espaρa on 3 of 4 NOB 200 kW
frequencies, Nov 26:
1500-1900 on 9690 / 290 deg to ENAm Spanish Sat/Sun, no signal today
1500-1900 on 15390 / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish Sat/Sun, good, distorted
1500-1900 on 15500 / 110 deg to N/ME Spanish Sat/Sun, very good signal
1500-1900 on 17755 / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Sat/Sun, fair/good signal
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 25-26, dxldyg via DXLD)
** SRI LANKA [non]. AWR Changes --- The following are new
frequencies/tx sites for Adventist World Radio from 27 Nov 2017. These
frequencies/services replace transmissions via Trincomalee, Sri Lanka
0330-0400 Amharic 11875(Tashkent) ex 15500
0500-0600 Arabic 17750(Tashkent)
1200-1230 Mon 15195(KSDA) ex 15400
1200-1300 Korean 9880(KSDA) ex 11825
1300-1330 Bangla 15255(KSDA) ex 1230-1300 15430
1400-1430 Meiti 15400(KSDA) ex 15430
1400-1500 Mandarin 11935(KSDA) ex 11630
1430-1500 Karen 15180(KSDA)
1500-1530 Punjabi 15150(Madagascar)
1530-1600 Gujarati 9505(Tashkent) ex 15525
1600-1630 Urdu 11985(KSDA) ex 15360
1630-1700 Pushto/Sindhi 11985(KSDA) ex 15360
AWR Wavescan DX program latest Schedule: Sundays 1600-1630 15715 via
KSDA, Guam & 17730 via Madagascar (other DX program broadcasts to S.
Asia dropped). Thanks to AWR for the latest info.
Note: Several other transmissions that started broadcast in B-17 via
Trincomallee, Sri Lanka are still off air. Thanking you, Yours
sincerely, Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio,
Hyderabad, India, http://www.niar.org cell: 91 94416 96043, Nov 28,
It was two weeks before that Trinco site was reported off the air due
to lightning strikes. How severe the damage, still to be off and
requiring substitutes? On WOR I cited the ones which are on same
frequency as before but different site, to minimise confusion if
consulting nonupdated listings. Must we assume all clients via Trinco
are also in this situation? If so, why haven`t they told us? (Glenn
** SUDAN / SUDAN SOUTH. Although they are two countries, NGO
broadcasts for Sudan and South Sudan must be seen together as they
report across the borders.
The NGO radios for Sudan and South Sudan have the following schedule:
0330-0500: 7315 (SMG 250 kW, 150 ) 15550 (MDC 250 kW, 335 ) Radio
Tamazuj. 0430 Radio Dabanga
0400-0500: 7250 (ISS 250 kW, 130 ) Eye Radio (0415 News in English
1430-1630: 13800 (MDC 250 kW, 340 ) 15550 (SMG 250 kW, 150 ) Radio
Tamazuj. 1530 Radio Dabanga
1600-1900: 15250 (ISS 250 kW, 130 ) Eye Radio (barely audible, used to
have English coverage later in the evening)
Eye Radio (English / Dinka / Nuer / Shilluk / Bari / Zande / Lutoho)
broadcasts from France (Issoudun) and was audible in the morning
rather than in the evening. The other programme producers use stations
in Madagascar (Talata Volonondry) and on Vatican territory (Santa
Maria di Galeria). Reception of these two programmes was more reliable
than reception of Eye Radio.
All three NGO broadcasters have news coverage in English on their
respective websites:
It should also be noted that the shortwave program of Eye Radio is
apparently not in parallel to the FM station 98.6 MHz or stream at
(Dr Hansjoerg Biener, Germany, 28 November 2017, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Sudan / South Sudan - There are two special programmes under the
umbrella of the US Broadcasting Board of Governors. Afia Darfur
in Arabic
0300-0330: 7215 (SAO 100 kW, 76 ) 9510 (SMG 250 kW, 146 ) 9825 (BOT
100 kW, 10 )
1800-1830: 9650 (WOF 300 kW, 140 ) 11615 (BOT 100 kW, 10 ) 12075 (SMG
250 kW, 145 )
1900-1930: 9780 (BOT 100 kW, 10 ) 9825 (SMG 250 kW, 146 ) 11615 (UDO
250 kW, 272 )
South Sudan in Focus
in English
1630-1700 Mo-Fr: 11850 (MEY 100 kW, 0 ) 13865 (DHA 250 kW, 255 ) 15180
(SMG 250 kW, 146 ) Mo-Fr
A monitoring project showed decent reception of South Sudan in Focus
in Europe. So the programme provided for some very interesting
listening (Dr Hansjoerg Biener, Germany, 28 November 2017, DX
** SWAZILAND. 15359.970, usually odd fq signal from TWR Manzini,
Swaziland, in Urdu to Pakistan at 43 degree azimuth, 1400-1415 UT
slot. Always impressive Interval signal of TWR heard already at 1357.5
UT, S=9+5dB here in central Europe [selected SDR options, span 12.5
kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (Wolfgang Bόschel, df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov
22, dxldyg via DXLD)
** TAIWAN. TAIWAN/CHINA SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng, in Chinese, Taiwan B17
Shortwave Frequency list of Nov 21, 2017, all 1-7 = 7 days a week
monitored by wb at 0000-0230 UT on Nov 25, 0900-1220 UT Nov 25.
'no nothing' means no any trace of an transmission could be noted, wb.
6230.074 S=8 1154, 0000-2359 SOH
6279.917 S=8 1153, 0000-2359 SOH
6369.931 S=8 1152, 0000-2359 SOH
6729.961 S=7 1151, 0000-2359 SOH
6869.956 S=3 1149, OTHR QRM 0000-2359 SOH
6900.040 S=8 1147, 0000-2359 SOH OTHR
6969.927 S=7 1146, 0000-2359 SOH OTHR
7210.065 S=7 1145, 0000-2359 SOH
7280.050 no nothing 1218, 0000-2359 SOH
7309.990 S=5 1142, 0000-2359 SOH distorted rough harsh modulation
7650.194 S=7 1140, 1600-1500 SOH
7730.064 S=7 1203, 1600-1500 SOH weak signal underneath WRMI co-ch.
7810.040 S=6 1138, 1600-1500 SOH
9099.992 S=3 1205, 2100-1600 SOH but, QRM co-ch 9100even by Echo of
Hope KOR, S=8 1136, Nov 25
9155.055 S=7 1132, 0800-2255 SOH 100 kW?
9180.025 S=9 1130, 2213-1711 SOH 100 kW? distorted overmodulation
9200.164 S=7 1129, 2151-1530 SOH
9230.030 S=7 1127, 0054-1610 SOH relay RFA Chi
9255.173 no nothing 2212-1711 SOH
9280.173 S=7 1120, 2212-1711 SOH
9319.947 S=7 1118, 2357-1646 SOH relay RFA Chi
9360.016 S=7 1116, 2357-1646 SOH relay RFA Chi
9539.954 no nothing 1206, 2215-1800 SOH
9634.870 S=4 1113, 2140-1710 SOH
QRM 9635.849 kHz VoVietnam 1st px from Sontay on very odd fq
9729.896 S=7 1110, 2105-1705 SOH
distorted rough harsh modulation. QRM Myanmar 9729.994 kHz.
9849.946 S=8 1107, 2130-1600 SOH relay RFA Chi
rough harsh modulation. QRM KRE, Qinghai CHINA Tibetan
9919.977 S=5 1106, 2150-1700 SOH
9970.196 no nothing 1208, 2147-1702 SOH
10819.902 S=5 1104, 2140-1700 SOH
10869.974 S=8 1103, 2103-1705 SOH
10920.103 S=3 1102, 2125-1745 SOH
10959.793 S=8 1101, 2130-1705 SOH
11070.066 S=8 1100, 2210-1710 SOH
11099.857 S=8 1058, 2200-1610 SOH relay RFA Chi
11100even S=9+20dB 1056, CNR1 jammer from China mainland. 10kHz wide
11120.178 S=3 1055, 2150-1700 SOH
11150.163 S=5 1053, 2150-1700 SOH
11284.995 S=7 1052, 2110-1700 SOH
11300.090 S=7 1032, 2110-1700 SOH
11368.988 no nothing 1209, 2110-1700 SOH
11409.970 no nothing 1217, 2120-1715 SOH
11440.009 S=8 1026, 2041-1700 SOH
11459.900 S=8 1024, 2100-1710 SOH
11460even S=9+20dB 1021, CNR1 jammer from China mainland 16.4 kHz wide
11499.859 S=8 1019, 2030-1700 SOH
11529.974 no nothing 1209, 2000-1600 SOH
11580.024 S=5 1015, 2300-1610 SOH rely RFA Chi
11599.965 no nothing 1210, 0000-1600 SOH rely RFA Chi
11600even S=9+35dB 1014, 1000-1100 R. TAIWAN INT. Indonesian Paochung
11715.071 no nothing 1211, 2105-1700 SOH
11765.131 S=8 1010, 2131-1730 SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Ch
11775.138 S=8 1010, 2131-1730 SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Ch unstable fq1-7
11970.047 S=7 1009, 2130-1700 SOH
12149.942 S=7 1007, 2130-1700 SOH
12189.935 S=7 1006, 2350-1600 SOH rely RFA Chi
12229.994 S=6 1004, 2130-1700 SOH
12369.969 S=8 0935, 2105-1600 SOH
12429.870 no nothing 1215, 2100-1700 SOH
12500.225 S=7 0933, 2135-1700 SOH
12560.143 no nothing 1215, 2130-1700 SOH
12799.997 S=6 0930, 2130-1600 SOH
12819.856 S=3 0929, 2130-1700 SOH
12870.165 S=3 0927, 2130-1700 SOH
12909.936 S=8 0926, 2152-1700 SOH
12950.235 S=3 2200-1450 SOH
12980.134 S=6 0924, 2110-1700 SOH
13130.193 S=7 0022, 2130-1430 SOH
13130even CNR1 jamming S=9+15dB, 230 Hz heterodyne interfere tone too
13199.815 S=7 0921, 2200-1700 SOH
13229.978 S=8 0919, 2200-1700 SOH CODAR QRM
13530.221 S=9 0219, 2110-1550 SOH
13619.888 S=4 0917, 2130-1430 SOH
13639.886 S=9+10dB 0217, 2300-1500 SOH
13680.175 S=9+10dB 0215, 2130-1500 SOH
13870.244 S=8 0212, 2120-1400 SOH
13889.838 S=8 0211, 2200-1700 SOH
13894.986 0208, spur?
13919.958 S=8 0207, 2213-1420 SOH
13979.893 S=6 0206, 2213-1420 SOH
14370.012 S=9+10dB 0203, 2300-1500 SOH
14430.083 S=8 0202, 2110-1700 SOH
14499.902 S=9+10dB 0200, 2200-1600 SOH
rough harsh modulation, unstable fq.
14560.145 S=8 0156, 2200-1500 SOH
14690.209 S=9+10dB 0155, 2200-1500 SOH
14774.804 S=9+10dB 0150, 2200-1500 SOH
14800.136 S=5 0152, 2200-1605 SOH
14820.234 S=7 0148, 2200-1605 SOH
14870.168 S=9+10dB 0145, 2200-1605 SOH
14919.837 S=8 0134, 2130-1430 SOH
14979.956 S=9 0132, 0100-1600 SOH relay RFA Chi
rough harsh modulation.
15070.201 S=5 0702, 2100-1700 SOH
15339.805 S=9 0130, 2100-1700 SOH
15775.104 S=5 0656, 2130-1600 SOH
15800.171 S=9+5dB 0127, 0000-1703 SOH relay RFA Chi
15840.296 S=7 0125, 2100-1706 SOH new
15869.942 S=9 0124, 2100-1706 SOH
15939.994 S=6 0635, 2130-1600 SOH
15940even S=6 0203, CNR1 jammer from China mainland.
much distorted audio of CNR1 jammer.
15969.905S=9+15dB 0121, 2110-1630 SOH
15970evenS=9+20dB 0302, CNR1 jammer from China mainland.
much distorted audio of CNR1 jammer.
16100even S=9+25dB 0255, CNR1 jammer from China mainland, 20 kHz wide
16100.280 S=9 0257, 2115-1420 SOH unstable
16160even S=9 0627, CNR1 jammer from China mainland, 18 kHz wide
16160.097 S=9+10dB 0116, 2130-1430 SOH
16249.824 S=9+10dB 0114, 2150-1700 SOH
16299.935 S=9 0248, 2200-1500 SOH
much distorted audio feed / phone line net.
16300even S=9+30dB 0246 CNR1 px jammer from China mainland 10kHz wide
16549.999 S=3 0109, SOH
16599.898 S=9+25dB 0243, 2100-1500 SOH
16770even S=9+25dB from 0200, CNR1 program jammer from China mainland,
20 kHz wideband signal.
16769.848 S=9+25dB 0106, SOH
16979.968 S=5 0228, 2130-1530 SOH
17170.049S=7 0236, SOH
17194.999S=5 0104, SOH
17200even S=6 1157, CNR1 program jammer from China mainland, 16 kHz
17200.181 S=9+10dB 0226, 2200-1350 SOH
distorted audio quality. Scratchy signal.
17400.272 S=9 0225, 2300-1300 SOH
17440.272 S=8 0224, 2300-1300 SOH
phone feederline breaks, audio distortion
18869.786 S=8 0223, 2300-1300 SOH
21799.741 SOH, the highest fq ever noted on SOH Taiwan outlets.
S=4 signal at 0910
SOH signals differ often from day to day slightly up to 100 Hertz
in frequency; so I guess there is a network pool of approx. 100 or
more different small power software defined transmitter available,
and used randomly be connected by an automatic computer to access
switch on air from various transmitter locations.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] Nov 25 noted in
remote SDR units at Thai/Cambodge border in SE Asia (Wolfgang Bόschel,
df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 25, dxldyg, WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DX
I don`t know how he managed to monitor all this, over 100 precise
frequencies, during two limited sessions (gh, ibid.)
** THAILAND. 6676-USB, on Nov 23, *1410-1414*; VOLMET weather; about
as strong as Singapore (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etσn E1,
antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DX LISTENING
** THAILAND. 13745, Radio Thailand at 0000 UT November 20 with time
pips and sign on in English with a Radio Thailand FM 88 ID brought to
you by Thai - Smooth As Silk. Morning News Hour. Very Good, A daily
visitor here (Mick Delmage, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Rx: Perseus SDR,
Ant: Wellbrook ALA 100 loop antenna, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
9390, Nov 22 at 1249, HSK9 Radio Thailand with good newscast in
English, about North Korea; Aussie has to resign from Senate after
discovering is a British citizen, not allowed even if dual; fair with
flutter, and LSB necessary to escape 9390 WRMI (another English this
semihour from 1230, Bangladesh on 15105, is not making it here unlike
further east) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TIBET [non]. TAJIKISTAN, Frequency changes of Voice of Tibet Nov 24
1230-1300 on 11602 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1310-1330 on 11627 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese
(DX RE MIX NEWS #1044 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Nov 24, 2017
via DXLD)
Frequency changes of Voice of Tibet, Nov 26
1208-1230 NF 11512 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 11513
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 25-26, dxldyg via DXLD)
** TURKEY [and non]. MADAGASCAR/TURKEY, 17530, WCB MWV New Life
Station, Mahajanga, Madagascar in Chinese language, Chinese
prayer/singer, at 0448 UT on Nov 16, S=9+20dB noted in Delhi India SDR
location. But much early at 0451 UT onwards co-channel interference by
TRT Emirler, English started at 0500-0555 UT. At 0454:18 TRT Emirler
Turkish interval signal played on 17530.051 odd frequency. [selected
SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX
TopNews Nov 16) (BC-DX 18 Nov via DXLD)
Turkey in English at 05 on 17530?? It's supposed to be Malay, per HFCC
Thanks, Glenn; was TRT FMO fault, requested earlier under #12070 as
English language entry previously: ``17530 0500-0600 49SW,54NW EMR 500
105 7 219 1234567 291017 250318 Eng TUR TRT TRT 12070`` 73 wolfie
(Wolfgang Bόschel, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 12035, Nov 22 at 1405 and later, no signal, not even a JBA
carrier from VOT in English. Propagation seems OK with lots of other
signals on band. Either off, or more likely another error running on
wrong frequency. No schedule handy to look around for it, but checking
EiBi later, sked until 1330 was 15270 in German, a likely candidate
probably on same antenna; also 11965 in Turkmen. After 1400 other
languages on 15390, 13685, 11815, 9410.
12035, Nov 23 at 1418, Turkish music, poor at tail of VOT English
service, back on air successfully today, after missing 24 hours
earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Voice of Turkey in Turkish on unscheduled frequency 9840 kHz, Nov 25
1100-1155 on 9840 EMR 250 kW / 072 deg to CeAs Turkish, instead of
// frequency 15350 EMR 500 kW / 310 deg to WeEu Turkish as scheduled
in B-17:
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 25, dxldyg via DXLD)
** TURKEY [and non]. 11815, Nov 27 at 1405, about equal mix of
Japanese talk from NHK, and Turkish music, talk from TRT, combining
for a medium SAH which is heard only in AM, not SSB mode. The
collision lasts from 14 to 15, with VOT aiming USward at 310 degrees,
NHK, 235 degrees from Yamata; but Turkey does not expect to be heard
beyond Europe (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** UKRAINE. In Kharkiv region, a working group was created to address
the issues of information security and the development of the
information space ... At a meeting of the working group on November
14, the issue of strengthening the information security of the Kharkiv
region and the development of the telecommunications infrastructure
was discussed. The representative of the National Council in the
Kharkiv region, Yevgeny Maslov, noted the need to cover the "blank
spots" of television and radio broadcasting in the border areas. The
participants decided to appeal to the Chairman of the National Council
of Ukraine for Television and Radio Broadcasting, co-chairman of the
Commission on Ensuring the Stable Functioning of the National
Television and Radio Broadcasting System, acting under the Ministry of
Information Policy of Ukraine Yuri Artemenko, with the request to
include in the agenda of the Commission the issue of building a new
telecommunication tower. This will make it possible to radically
change the situation with the broadcasting of Ukrainian media in areas
of the region bordering on the Russian Federation ...
(Source: National Council website).
(via Rus-DX 26 Nov via DXLD)
** UKRAINE. The English edition of the "Ukrainian Radio" daily
prepares 10-minute social and political programs about Ukraine and the
world Ukrainian Perspective ("Ukrainian perspective"), which will be
published at 5:10 am Kyiv time (21:10 in Chicago or 22:10 in Toronto),
as well as the cultural transfer of The Root ("Root") for the third
channel of the radio "Culture". About this on his Facebook page, said
the general producer of "Ukrainian Radio" Dmitry Khorkin. "Ukrainian
Radio" expects that in Ukraine these programs are listened to by
foreigners who live on the territory of the country, tourists and
those who study English.
Despite the fact that the time for listening on the first channel of
"Ukrainian Radio" is very early - 05:10, UR advises listening to
programs in social networks and podcasts on the site of "Ukrainian
Radio". To this end, UR created a special page in Facebook "UA: radio
- English edition of the Ukrainian Radio". "These programs will just
sound in the evening for those of our compatriots who live and work in
America." According to sociological data, out of 950 000 people from
the diaspora in the US only 15% use the Ukrainian language, so they
will also receive short broadcasts on occasion In addition, now in
Ukraine, two-thirds of the population would like to study (or learn)
English. Listening to such programs with good voices of English-
speaking speakers will help and tighten up the English, and at the
same time stay up to date, "said Dmitry Horkkin.
He added that in the English version of the "Ukrainian Radio" only
four journalists work, who prepare daily social, political and
cultural programs. Recall that in October 2017, the radio "Culture"
began broadcasting on the US radio Ukie Drive. We will add, on
November 12 a new sketch show "Lifshak in Ukrainian", which has been
on the "UA: First" TV channel since the beginning of October, started
on the air of the first channel "Ukrainian Radio". The program can be
heard on the air of Ukrainian-language radio stations in several US
cities (Source: Portal "Public Broadcasting").
(via Rus-DX 26 Nov via DXLD)
How come they don`t say anything about their axual SW broadcasts via
WRMI??? Current sked shows M-F 2330-2400 & Tue-Sat 0200-0230 on 11580
** U A E. TWR Africa & DWL via BaBcoCk damaged tx Al-Dhabayya, Nov 19:
TWR Africa
1300-1315 on 17680 DHA 250 kW / 230 deg EaAf Afar Thu-Sun, good + hum
Deutsche Welle
1330-1430 on 9720 DHA 250 kW / 045 deg WeAs Dari/Pashto, fair + hum:
(DX RE MIX NEWS #1044 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Nov 24, 2017
via DXLD)
** U A E. 11720.113, Nov 24 at 1345, talk in SW Asian language, poor
S5-S7, significantly off-frequency station I bet is the DHA site in
UAE, typically up about 0.1 kHz, as Wolfgang Bόschel often remarx.
Yes, HFCC shows DW via UAE at 1330-1430, 250 kW, 45 degrees in Prs &
Pus, i.e. Dari and Pashto (The World program about dialects also
discussed Dari vs Persian/Farsi: it seems the Dari-speakers in
Afghanistan don`t like the name, imposed by the Pashtuns and say they
really speak Persian).
9719.991, Nov 26 at 1423, low hum with talk. As far as I can tell this
hum is transmitted, not a het with another carrier. NDXC/Aoki shows DW
in Pashto, 250 kW, 45 degrees via Al-Dhabbiya (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. 12095. Nov 28, 2017 at 1937-1945, BBC,
Dhabbaya-UAE, in Arabic. Man and woman talk News, presumably. BBC with
a very good signal and a buzz transmitter similar to aeroplane audio
(this problem continues at last weeks), 45343. (DXer: Josι Ronaldo
Xavier, Location: Cabedelo-PB, Brazil, RX (s): Degen DE1103 & Tecsun
S-2000, Antenna: Longwire, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD)
** U K [and non]. 7345, Nov 28 at 0649, two stations, both in English,
about equal level. One is of course BBC via ASCENSION, from 0600 one
of our better chances at it here in the abandoned target area of North
America, really aimed into Africa, natch. Surely the other station is
here by mistake --- at 0649 conveniently IDs as Radio Romania
International. But in HFCC we find that *both* are registered here,
from 0630, RRI 300 kW, 307 degrees toward W Europe, and here we are
directly beyond. With widely diverse nominal target areas, they must
have concluded this is not a collision. But it sure is here, and would
not be surprised if enough ASC is making it into Europe to cause a
problem there. Both are off by 0701 (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO
** U S A. 5385.5-USB, Nov 24 at 1448 tune-in, AFA7PM is just closing
this MARS net; ``M-7-A now a free net`` but nothing further heard in
next two minutes. Top Google hit on callsign is:
``USAF MARS - Region VII - Missouri
Jun 19, 2015 - Patrick Mcgillan, AFA7PM - Northeast District Emergency
Coordinator (no billeted callsign).``
Second top hit:
``USAF MARS Region VII Leadership
Jun 8, 2015 - Patrick McGillan, AFA7PM. Region HF Nets Manager``
Yet I can`t find any ham by that surname, on the ARRL/FCC and QRZ.com
lookups (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 12350-USB, Nov 25 at 1356, 2-way talking over each other
since they have trouble hearing each other. Vessel seems to be named
``Solar Flare``, presumably with WCY Lakeland FL, Marine Weather
Center. 2016-2017 sked, about due for an update?
** U S A. 15570, Nov 22 at 2057, S9+30 of dead air, obviously VOA
Greenville B warming up prior to its only hour on 15580; 10 below to
avoid collision with VOA Botswana until 2100 which until then achieves
only a JBA carrier here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See
also USA: MW 1130 WBBR below
** U S A. 7565, Nov 23 at 0228, JBA carrier, easily missed in the
splash of 7570 WRMIBS if you aren`t looking for it with BFO on LSB. I
am, since I just noted IS from Vatican relay in Spanish via
Greenville, violating Separation of Church and State, on 7305. In the
past this has produced a leapfrog mixing product with adjacent
transmitter/antenna carrying Radio Martν at the time, and now that
frequency is 7435, halfway between 7565 and 7305. On two radios, one
in each ear, with offset BFO, I hear both 7305 and 7565 go off at the
same time, 0231*, confirming this expectation. Last year I had several
reports on 7425, when the fulcrum was 7365 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1905 monitoring: confirmed the Wed
Nov 22 at 1030 on WRMI, when I happen to awaken at 1056, S9+10 on
9455, S9+20/30 on 5850. Also confirmed Wed Nov 22 at 1415 on WRMI
9955, fair with no jamming, but the usual ACI problems. Next:
Wed 2200 WBCQ 7490 to WSW
Thu 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Thu 2230 WRMI 5850 to NW
Fri 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 0729 HLR 6190-CUSB to WSW
Sat 1531 HLR 7265-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2030v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sat 2230 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2300 WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0200 WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0410v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1130 HLR 9485-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030 WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030 WRMI 11580 to NE, 9455 to WNW, 7780 to NE [or #1906?]
WORLD OF RADIO 1905 monitoring: confirmed Wednesday November 22 at
2200 on WBCQ, 7490, fair-good. Not confirmed UT Thu Nov 23 at 0030 on
WBCQ, 9330v-CUSB --- no signal audible on any of my receivers, but may
still be on at very low power and very poor propagation; neighbors:
9370 WWRBS S9+25, 9395 WRMIBS S9+5/20, 9265 WINB S6-S2 in Spanish.
7489.95 other WBCQ, good. Next:
Thu 2230 WRMI 5850 to NW
Fri 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 0729 HLR 6190-CUSB to WSW
Sat 1531 HLR 7265-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2030v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sat 2230 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2300 WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0200 WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0410v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1130 HLR 9485-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030 WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030 WRMI 11580 to NE, 9455 to WNW, 7780 to NE [or #1906?]
Full WOR schedule via all media, and podcast access:
WORLD OF RADIO 1905 monitoring: confirmed Thursday November 23 at
2230.5 on WRMI, 5850, VG. This frequency did not cut on air until
2229.5 with S9+20 carrier; 2230.0 the `Okeechobee River`` song ID
before WOR. Certain same versions of the WRMI IDs always play at the
same time from week to week. Next:
[note: 9330 broadcasts have been barely- to inaudible due to low power
and/or propagation; and/or absence?]
Fri 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 0729 HLR 6190-CUSB to WSW
Sat 1531 HLR 7265-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2030v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sat 2230 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2300 WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0200 WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0410v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1130 HLR 9485-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030 WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030 WRMI 11580 to NE, 9455 to WNW, 7780 to NE [or #1906?]
WORLD OF RADIO 1905 monitoring: not confirmed UT Friday November 24
after 0030 on WBCQ, as no signal is detectable on 9330 via any of my
receivers. But could be on / low powered and just not propagating. (US
SW stations need to be more flexible and in step with seasonal
propagation factors. 9265 WINB is S3-S5, 9470 WWRBS is S4-S7, 9395
WRMIBS is S9+25) Next:
Sat 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 0729 HLR 6190-CUSB to WSW
Sat 1531 HLR 7265-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2030v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sat 2230 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2300 WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0200 WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0410v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1130 HLR 9485-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030 WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030 WRMI 11580 to NE, 9455 to WNW, 7780 to NE [or #1906?]
WORLD OF RADIO 1905 monitoring: NOT confirmed UT Sat Nov 25 at 0030 on
9330, no signal detectable from WBCQ. Next:
Sat 0729 HLR 6190-CUSB to WSW
Sat 1531 HLR 7265-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2030v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sat 2230 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2300 WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0200 WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0410v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1130 HLR 9485-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030 WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030 WRMI 11580 to NE, 9455 to WNW, 7780 to NE [or #1906?]
GERMANY, 6190, Hamburger LokalRadio, Goehren, 0729-0800, 25-11 [Sat],
English, Glenn Hauser’s program “World of Radio”. 25332 (Manuel
Mιndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Friol, Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8
meters, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
As usual, not confirmed Sat Nov 25 at 1531 on Hamburger Lokalradio
7265-CUSB, as monitored at UTwente, nor at further chex until 1600;
just CRI with Sinhala talk and S Asian music. Next:
Sat 2030v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sat 2230 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2300 WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0200 WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0410v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1130 HLR 9485-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030 WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030 WRMI 11580 to NE, 9455 to WNW, 7780 to NE [or #1906?]
Full WOR schedule via all media, and podcast access:
11580. Nov 26, 2017 at 0220-0230, WRMI-World of Radio, Okeechobee-FL,
in English. DX program: Glenn Hauser presents, in this edition, a lot
of logs from various countries. WRMI has a fair transmission, 35433.
(DXer: Josι Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo-PB, Brazil, RX (s): Degen DE1103
Antenna: Longwire, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1905 monitoring: next few weeks are
my best chance to hear the Saturday afternoon airing circa 2030v on
WA0RCR, 1860-AM near St Louis MO --- and Nov 25 at 2052 UT, I do have
a JBA signal vs the noise level which sounds like me. Also confirmed
Sat Nov 25 at 2230 on WBCQ, 9329.993-CUSB, poor-to-very poor but
definitely on, more audible than usual at 0030 other days of week.
Also confirmed Sat Nov 25 at 2300 on WRMI 11580, fair. This frequency
fades down and out with the setting sun, and by the next scheduled
airing at 0200 UT Sunday Nov 26, 11580 is a JBA carrier, when really
checked around 0130 & 0229. Everything on this frequency after 0000 at
the latest, should be moved to a lower band in the winter.
Also confirmed on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, Wentzville MO, UT Sunday November
26 at 0430 about Hargeisa, 21 minutes into show so started circa 0409.
No reports yet on the Sun 1130 on HLR 9485-CUSB. Next:
Mon 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030 WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030 WRMI 11580 to NE, 9455 to WNW, 7780 to NE [or #1906?]
GERMANY, Reception of World of Radio on 9485-CUSB via HLR, Nov 26
1131-1200 on 9485 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English Sun, weak/fair
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 25-26, dxldyg via DXLD)
Not confirmed UT Monday November 27 at 0030 on WBCQ 9330, but a trace?
of algo; meanwhile neighbors 9370 and 9395 are good, but 9265 WINB VP.
Confirmed, UT Monday Nov 27 from 0400 sharp on Area 51 webcast.
Presumably also on WBCQ, which at 0325 was measured on 5129.831, poor.
Also confirmed UT Mon Nov 27 at 0430 on WRMI webcast, and at 0458
check, 9955 at S9+20. Next:
Tue 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030 WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030 WRMI 11580 to NE, 9455 to WNW, 7780 to NE [or #1906?]
WORLD OF RADIO 1905 monitoring: confirmed UT Tuesday November 28 at
0030 on WRMI 7730, very good as usual. Simultaneously on 9330 there is
enough signal from WBCQ to tell that it`s on. By 0110 rechecked on the
porch with the PL-880, Blalock is blasting at good level, better than
WBCQ has been here for about 3 weeks, so hope WOR in the previous
semihour was just as good. Also confirmed Tue Nov 28 at 2130 on WRMI
7780 // better 9455 // best 11580.
WORLD OF RADIO 1906 contents: Australia, Biafra non, Botswana, Brazil,
China, Colombia, Cuba, Germany, International Waters, Japan/Korea
North & South, New Zealand, Nigeria and non, North America, Perϊ,
Romania, Sa`udi Arabia, Singapore, Somaliland non, Sri Lanka, Taiwan,
Thailand, UK non, USA, and the propagation outlook
WORLD OF RADIO 1906 monitoring: confirmed first broadcast which was
completed and uploaded only *2 minutes* before 2130 UT Tuesday
November 28, good on WRMI 9455. Also confirmed UT Wednesday November
29 at 0030 on WBCQ 9329.99v-CUSB, initially S8 but deep fades, remains
mostly readable, by 0040 peaking at S6; neighbors: 9265 WINB at S9+20,
9370 WWRB at S9+10; 9395 WRMI at S8. Next:
Wed 1030 WRMI 5850 to NW, 9455 to WNW
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2200 WBCQ 7490 to WSW
Thu 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Thu 2230.5 WRMI 5850 to NW
Fri 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 0729 HLR 6190-CUSB to WSW
Sat 1531 HLR 7265-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2030v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sat 2230 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2300 WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0200 WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0410v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1130 HLR 9485-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030 WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030 WRMI 11580 to NE, 9455 to WNW, 7780 to NE [or #1907?]
Full WOR schedule via all media, and podcast access:
** U S A. 7490.78, Sat Nov 25 at 2156, WBCQ is starting an hour
earlier than usual sked, with The Planet ID & IS loop, S9+25. 2159
singing ID, plug for donations, and 2200 `Tom Call Theater`, this
episode ``Dead Horse Beach``. Starts with YL singing ``I Dream of
Jeannie``; 2203 dialog starts between M&W, Conrad and Lynn, with surf
SFX set on a beach in Salem MA. Wish I had time to listen for the
hour, but unplanned. Special bookings really ought to be accompanied
by lots of advance publicity. There is still nothing anywhen on the
WBCQ program schedule about `Tom Call Theatre`, and several other
details are out of date. It was mentioned this week on `Allan Weiner
Worldwide`. {same episode repeated exactly one week later} Here`s John
Carver`s full report for Nov 25 at 0100 on 7490:
``Show started pretty much on time with a small delay of less than a
minute. One could hear voices very low during the short dead air
period. Allan and Angela back to hosting the show for the first time
in two weeks. Also the first show of the season from Fla. Opening rant
was against the people who oppose tax reform. Allan advocated a
passive tax revolt. First phone call fuels the tax reform topic.
After phone call Allan mentions that the original 7490 transmitter
that went through a fire a few years ago had been completely rebuilt
and been in use for the past couple of weeks. Taxes come up again with
the next phone call. After the phone call Allan said the 5130
transmitter had been reworked and repaired and was working better than
ever. Talked again about running 5130 twelve hours a day. Also
mentioned that no one has signed up to broadcast on 3265 as of yet but
that he was hopeful.
Reading of emails began at 0205 with some logs from the Free Radio
Weekly. There is a new Tom Call Theater program running over the next
few days. Was on the air at this time on 9330. Will be on 7490
tomorrow before Pirate Joe's show [i.e. before 2300 Sat] and again on
7490 on Tuesday at eight I THINK [UT Wed 0100]. I just can't write
this stuff down fast enough.
New program, a variety show, will be starting week after next on 7490
on Tuesdays at eight PM. Title is Keeping it...Well, Real? Something
like that. Again I apologize for not getting the correct title. Allan
mentioned that at the moment he, Angela and Dr. Becker are planning on
going to the SWL Winterfest in PA this year in early March. Show was
off the air at 0223. John, Mid-North Indiana`` (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** U S A [and non]. From the Isle of Music, December 3-9, 2017
This week our special guest is Emilio Martini, guitarist, composer and
leader of the Natural Trio. We will feature songs from this year’s
Cubadisco-winning album Notas al viento. Also, some classic Timba and
Cuban Fusion.
Four opportunities to listen on shortwave:
1. For Eastern Europe but audible well beyond the target area in most
of the Eastern Hemisphere (including parts of East Asia and Oceania)
with 100 kW, Sunday 1500-1600 UT on SpaceLine, 9400, from Kostinbrod,
Bulgaria (1800-1900 MSK)
2. For the Americas and parts of Europe, Tuesday 0100-0200 UT on WBCQ,
7490 from Monticello, ME, USA (Monday 8-9 PM EST in the US) NOTE THAT
3 & 4. For Europe and sometimes beyond, Tuesday 1900-2000 UT and
Saturday 1200-1300 on Channel 292, 6070 from Rohrbach, Germany.
Chickens Around the World --- Episode 39 of Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot
features songs and dances about chickens (some funky, some strange)
from around the world. Sunday, Dec 3, 2300-2330 UT (6:00-6:30 PM
Eastern US) on WBCQ The Planet 7490 shortwave from the US to the
Americas and parts of Europe. Thanks for all you do for radio.....
(Bill Tilford, Nov 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. Nov 22 at 1816 UT, I posted this to the DXLD yg:
Let`s take a look at the latest HFCC Nov 22 for RMI registrations via
ISS, with azimuths, not yet active or accounted for, but available:
Check 11530 before 19 and after 20 for possible evening broadcast of
Radio Herwa, altho not registered, and the first two here, unless it
was already at 1600 on 17765:
9610, 1900-2000, 207, English
11795, 1900-2000, 169, multi
13740, 0730-0830, 170, Hausa
15440, 0730-0830, 170, Hausa
15450, 1730-1800, 125, Oromo
17765, 1600-1700, 170, Hausa
9580 is still not registered, except unused for WRMI itself at 0900-
And one more from WRMI itself:
9840, 0600-0800, 87, English``
I was soon out to lunch, but checked on the caradio and a portable.
Not even 11530 WRMI was on this day, Nov 22 at several chex between 19
and 20! Does this mean R. Biafra BCFL is done for? Has its purpose
been served to disseminate disinformation about the Anambra State
elexion, as some suggest? We`ll see; it`s missed a broadcast day
before, but resumed.
Also between 19 and 20, nothing on 9610 or 11795; nor did Bill Bingham
in RSA hear anything.
Next times to monitor 11530, Nov 23, whether it`s like last night?
0500-0600 Biafra
0600-0700 Brother HyStairical
0700-0730 Radio Herwa International
Also please check the other times and frequencies above, in case RMI
start another relay without notice (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO
Hi Glenn, Nothing heard in Jo'burg on 9610 or 11795, 1910-1915 ut
November 22. Not even a carrier to be found (Bill Bingham, RSA, dxldyg
** U S A. 9455, Wed Nov 22 at 2106, tune in WRMI with FG Radio`s
`Travel Gazette` ---- yes, it`s the same hoary old show as always,
apparently running since April, as well as 7 hours earlier today on
9955, e.g. ``Come & Get It`` song and 2109 about the EZ-Jet website.
As scheduled Wed 2100-2115 at http://www.tinyurl.com/WRMIfqs --- which
continues to exhibit the wrong frequency for this hour, the suspended
15770 whose antenna was destroyed. It was already // 9455 and now only
the // continues altho not shown as such (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
7780, Thu Nov 23 at 2052, this WRMI has broken away from The
Overkiller to become // 9455 and // 11580 during VORW, which starts at
2000. Have not been checking 7780 every day between 20 and 21, but so
far the only other variation known is WORLD OF RADIO Tuesdays at 2030,
otherwise BS still heard. At 2100 today, 7780 resumes BS // 11825 et
al. Overkiller: see LANGUAGE LESSONS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
DIGEST) WRMI: See also ARGENTINA [non], BIAFRA [non], NIGERIA [non]
9395, Thu Nov 23 at 2142, the WRMI Oldies channel is playing a
romantic song in German, and then another! Hardly fits the format. On
a jaunt into the country, I keep listening continuously on the
caradio. 2150, more like it, ``Whiter Shade of Pale``; 2154 a quick
jingle/announcement I can`t copy vs the music talker, but it doesn`t
seem to be anything about Oldies.
Unusually, there is NO break at 2200 for a WRMI or program ID, just
keeps playing amid a song, and like so much rock, I can`t make out the
lyrix or even be certain this one is in English, but all of them are
in romantic vein; and now after 2200, 9455 has rejoined // 9395 after
its hour substituting for program variety of suspended 15770. Another
uncopiable announcement at 2212; 2216 ``Nights in White Satin`` by
Moody Blues. During this entire span there was no break for VOA News
either, nor promo/announcements by Bob Biermann. So I am wondering if
WRMI has diversified this channel beyond mere Oldies in English, from
some other source? Or maybe a holiday diversion?
7780, Fri Nov 24 at 2052, barely enough signal from this WRMI on the
PL-880 without external antenna to recognize `Wavescan` and // 9455 //
11580. So Fri 2030 is another carve-out from TOM time.
This and a few other secret `Wavescan` times I have discovered inspire
an update to:
7780, Sat Nov 25 at 2050, weak music from WRMI, matches // 9455 and
11580, so here is another breakaway from TOM on 7780. Updated Nov 23
skedgrid via http://www.tinyurl.com/WRMIfqs still shows 11580 only
with Startrek Italy during this quarter-hour only. Does this concern
the entire 20-21 UT hour? And every day of week? Only monitoring will
find out.
Altho improved with more detail than before, especially about what`s
really on 9395 & 9455, the WRMI frequency/program grids are still not
complete and accurate. What about Radio Biafra, which we have been
hearing on 11530 at 05-06 & 19-20; another hour of Brother Scare at
06-07; and even newer Radio Herwa International at 0700-0730? 11530 is
still shown for two different transmitters, #3 at 00-02 on 160 degrees
to S America, which has long been in use; and now #10 on same beam,
but with System D at 05-06 & 0700-0730, System C Overcomer at 0600-
0700, but no explanation of what these Sys D blox contain; anyhow, 160
degrees is NOT toward Nigeria. As I`m checking before 1600 UT Nov 26,
it seems the last bit on #10 has just appeared, and Jeff White icon is
also logged in, apparently in the process of updating it. Soon adds
the 19-20 UT block on 11580 as System D, but not what. And nothing
concerning the 7780 variations at 20-21 other than TOM.
7730, Nov 27 at 0622, WRMI VG with ME World Music fill, in the absence
of RAE Japanese on this Monday.
9395, Nov 27 at 1848, WRMI Oldies channel is amid one of the floating
VOA News relays at odd times during the hours.
BTW, Bloomberg News as on WBBR 1130 NY, and presumably their
nationwide network, has been carrying VOA News headlines by
Christopher Cruise on the hour, and half hour, says listener Charles
Harlich (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. Dear Friends and Colleagues: December 1, 2017 will mark the
4th anniversary of WRMI's broadcasts from the Okeechobee, Florida
transmission site. We broadcast from a site in Hialeah, Florida for 20
years prior to that.
To celebrate our 4th anniversary in Okeechobee, we cordially invite
you to join us for an Open House/Christmas/Anniversary Party on
Friday, December 1 from 10:30 am till 6:00 pm. Stop in anytime for a
tour of the plant, where you can see our 14 transmitters (most of them
100,000 watts each) and 23 antennas beaming religious, political and
cultural programs in many languages 200 hours a day, seven days a week
to virtually all parts of the world. WRMI is the largest shortwave
radio station in the Western Hemisphere. You can meet members of our
staff and clients who broadcast programs on the station. And there
will be plenty of food and drink, so please arrive hungry!
WRMI is very pleased to have been part of the Okeechobee community for
four years now, and we look forward to being here for many years to
come. Our address is below, and your GPS should be able to find it
with no problem. We're located 15 miles north of the city of
Okeechobee via Highway 441, and then seven miles west on NW 240th
Street. You can't miss the 68 antenna towers on the south side of the
road. If you get lost or have any questions, feel free to call or e-
mail us. I hope to see you on December 1st.
Jeff White, General Manager
WRMI Radio Miami International, 10400 NW 240th Street, Okeechobee,
Florida 34972 USA
Tel +1-305-559-9764 Fax +1-863-467-0185 E-mail: info@wrmi.net
Queridos amigos y colegas:
El 1 de diciembre de 2017 serα el cuarto aniversario de las
transmisiones de WRMI desde el sitio de transmisiσn de Okeechobee,
Florida. Anteriormente, transmitimos desde un sitio en Hialeah,
Florida durante 20 aρos.
Para celebrar nuestro 4to. Aniversario en Okeechobee, lo invitamos
cordialmente a que se una a nosotros para una Fiesta de Casa Abierta /
Navidad / Aniversario el viernes 1 de diciembre de 10:30 a.m. a 6:00
p.m. Puede visitar en cualquier momento para un recorrido por la
planta, donde se pueden ver nuestros 14 transmisores (la mayorνa de
ellos 100.000 vatios cada uno) y 23 antenas radiando programas
religiosos, polνticos y culturales en varios idiomas 200 horas al dνa,
siete dνas a la semana para prαcticamente todas partes del mundo. WRMI
es la emisora de onda corta mas grande del Hemisferio Occidental.
Tambiιn puede conocer a miembros de nuestro personal y clientes que
transmiten programas en la estaciσn. Y habrα mucha comida y bebida,
asν que ‘por favor llegue con hambre!
WRMI estα muy contento de haber sido parte de la comunidad de
Okeechobee durante cuatro aρos, y esperamos estar aquν por muchos aρos
mαs. Nuestra direcciσn estα arriba, y su GPS deberνa poder encontrarla
sin problema. Estamos ubicados a 15 millas al norte de la ciudad de
Okeechobee a travιs de la autopista 441, y luego a siete millas al
oeste en la calle 240 del noroeste. No se pueden perder las 68 torres
de antena en el lado sur de la carretera. Si se pierde o tiene alguna
pregunta, no dude en llamarnos o enviarnos un correo electrσnico.
Espero verle el 1 de diciembre.
(Jeff White, Gerente General, WRMI Radio Miami International, WRMI FB
Nov 27 via WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DXLD)
** U S A. 7520, Nov 22 at 0047, no signal from WWCR-4 scheduled here
at 0000-0200, after 9980, and before 6115. The other three are found
on 5935, 6115 (not yet on 4 or 3 MHz), and surprisingly well with DGS
on 13845, which must be getting a sporadic-E boost. Tnx to a tip from
Peter W Hansen, FL, at 0225 UT Nov 21, to the DXLD yg: ``Last night
WWCR-4 was not on 6115; tonight it has not been on 7520, 6115 or
Also the next night, Nov 22 at 0205, 6115 is not on altho had logged
it some nights before, after the swap from WWCR-1 to WWCR-4 at 0200
for one more hour. So it appears #4 is out of order (or it has
suddenly lost a lot of business). The entire website schedule for it,
in case its other frequencies also lack:
Transmitter #4 - 100 KW - 90 Degrees
12:00 AM-07:00 AM 0600-1300 5890
07:00 AM-06:00 PM 1300-0000 9980
06:00 PM-08:00 PM 0000-0200 7520
08:00 PM-09:00 PM 0200-0300 6115
09:00 PM-12:00 AM 0300-0600 5890
6295, Nov 22 at 2302, JBA carrier. I`m looking for a leapfrog mixing
product from WWCR, since when they run two transmitters on the same
band, like 5890 and 5935 later at night, they do constantly leapfrog,
in that case to a mixture on 5980 (and fighting Radio Martν after
0700, and Cuban jamming even earlier. WWCR is axually contributing to
this ``jamming``). In this case, 5935 would leap over 6115, another
180 kHz higher. Suspect it is WWCR on 6295, more likely here than a
5890, Nov 22 at 0651 check, WWCR-4 continues to be off the air, no BS
here; 9980 also AWOL at 1403 Nov 22.
9980, Nov 22 at 2059, WWCR VG S9+45 with steel drum IS, part of
announcement, I thought sign-off, but apparently sign-on; 2100 another
ID, hum and ad for gold & silver, 2102 Fanfare for Common Man theme,
and `Financial Survival` pushing ``discounts`` on gold and silver to
those foolish enough to bite. Hostess says they`ll be playing music
instead tomorrow on TG Day, and a rerun the next day --- unless there
is important breaking financial news, requiring going live.
This show has also been on WBCQ 7490 at same time, but not today,
continuous rock music instead. Its repeat at 0400 UT, was also missing
from 7490 when I checked Nov 18, instead Brother Scare, so has it been
cancelled on/by WBCQ? No, recheck at 2155, now F.S. is running a few
seconds behind 9980; WBCQ apparently had a feed pickup problem.
As for 9980, the significance of that is, the sked shows it`s WWCR-4
transmitter, the one which has been AWOL for a couple days. Supposedly
it runs all the way from 13 to 24 UT (most of it before 21 Brother
MoleStair), so maybe I just caught its reactivation starting at 2059?
A time when there would normally be no IS and
frequency/change/sign/on/off announcement.
7520, Nov 23 at 0052, WWCR-4 also reactivated here, pushing gold; same
show? VG signal. 6115, between 0158+ and 0159+, WWCR-1 signs off for
move to 3215, and WWCR-4 signs on after about a semi-minute pause, and
0200 joins hummy GCN, into ``this is war`` on `A Call to Decision`
** U S A. WTWW-1 Scriptures For America, daytime frequency 9475 Nov 21
0200-1400 9475 TWW 100 kW / 050 deg to ENAm English, instead of 5830:
0200-1400 5830 TWW 100 kW / 050 deg to ENAm English as scheduled B-17
1400-0200 9475 TWW 100 kW / 050 deg to ENAm English as scheduled B-17
(DX RE MIX NEWS #1044 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Nov 24, 2017
via DXLD)
** U S A. 5085, Nov 23 at 0156, WTWW-2 is on with ``Silent Night`` ---
here we go, as it`s UT Thanksgiving, time to start running Xmasmx into
the ground, as Ted`s WTWW does holidayly. Was not on yet when I tuned
across circa 0100. Now accompanied as always by weak parasitic spurs
about 5072.1 and 5097.9.
5085, Nov 24 at 0111, for the second night in a row, WTWW-2 and
parasites are on with Xmasmx audible only on blasting fundamental,
``Sleigh Ride``. Will probably remain more secular than sacred, for
the duration, every night?
5085, Nov 25 at 0205, canned WTWW ID not by Ted, and for at least the
third night in a row, secular Xmasmx, Xmas Tree song (Glenn Hauser,
** U S A. 12065, Nov 25 at 1340, no signal from WEWN English, nor on
other possibles, 15610, 11520 or 9470; but Spanish on 5970.
12065, Nov 27 at 1345 check, no signal from WEWN English, nor on 15610
scheduled from 1500. This service is increasingly erratic, despite at
least 3 transmitters available, while Spanish continues on 5970. One
hopes English is off because they know the transmitter if on would be
causing splatter/spurs as it has done in the past (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** U S A. SPURIOUS EMISSIONS FROM KVOH --- Glen[n], I have been in
communication with KVOH concerning "white noise" hash from the KVOH
transmitter on 17775 kHz. One of there responses mentioned that they
had received a note from you about something too. I live in South
Central Texas where their signal strength is often 30/S-9 and this
hash is only down to about S-8 in the 18 MHz amateur band, where it is
causing severe interference. Could you let me know what you are
hearing there in Oklahoma. (The problem is intermittent, not there
every day, but more days than not, it is.) They seem cooperative, but
claim they can't detect the problem there at the transmitter site.
Your thoughts? (Ronnie Miller - K5WLT, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
I have also noted that occasionally. I can let you know ASAP next time
I do, I told him (gh, DXLD)
** U S A. The item in 17-47 about WIBW and KSAC was wrong, I am told:
The share time agreement (and share time agreements among AM stations
were pretty much voluntary contractual deals with very light overview
by FCC) included a requirement that the university provide sports
broadcasting rights to WIBW.
The university athletic department sold the rights to some other
broadcaster, which instantly terminated the share time agreement and
KSAC's operation was instantly terminated. The U engaged a leading
consulting engineering firm to see if a new frequency could be
obtained for KSAC, to no avail.
There are now only 3 AM share time agreements left. One in Chicago,
one in Decorah, Iowa, and the very oddball KWSU/KKDZ one in Washington
state. (They both have full daytime, KWSU has SS-midnight, KKDZ
midnight-SR, but did operate with an evening hours DA until the site
was lost, and has an application to replace it.)
Also, the call change from KSAC to KKSU came quite a few years before
the events leading to the end of it (Glenn Hauser, DXLD)
** U S A. 780-CUSB, Nov 24 at 0130 UT, C&W music on USB only, but over
WBBM, while tuning LSB hears nothing but WBBM. It`s KJME [sic]
Fountain CO, 1900/720 watts U4, already known to be USB.
This is an important technical factor, but apparently not to be found
in FCC info, nor in major references such as the NRC AM Log (nor the
WRTH: it`s too low-powered to make the cut for any listing). On SW
such as WBCQ, CUSB means ``compatible upper sideband``, i.e. no LSB
and the carrier is reduced a certain percentage (how much?) to save
power, but supposedly not enough to make it sound like SSB without a
BFO. {But I listen in USB mode anyway, not only to 9330 but makes most
full-AM DSB signals clearer.}
In the case of these MW stations, I assume the carrier is not reduced
much, if at all, merely suppressing the other sideband completely. Is
this the so-called ``Power-side`` system? And what is the advantage
other than reduced power consumption? Surely it`s not to ``protect``
adjacent frequencies in the age of IBOC {but it could have helped my
Cuba 770 log marginally).
C&W music, then 0131 UT Army National Guard PSA sponsored by the
Colorado Broadcasters Association; recheck at 0147, same PSA again way
over WBBM, and ad for J. W. Hardwood Lumber CO., 719-396-2346, 20
miles east of Colorado Springs on Hwy 24. This session of MW logs is
on the NRD-545, not the DX-398 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Hi Glenn -- Correct city-of-license for what you heard on 780 [USB]
(Fountain, Colorado), but the KJME calls are on 890. What you heard
was KCEG. Both KCEG and KJME are owned by Timothy Cutforth, according
to Wikipedia. On evenings when conditions are favorable to the west
from here, KCEG can cause a great deal of interference to WBBM. 73,
(Rick Dau, South Omaha, Nebraska, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Tnx, Rick; how
did I do that?? (gh)
** U S A. 1090, TEXAS, KULF, Bellville. 1116 November 21, 2017. Asian
pop vocals, Chinese (listed as Mandarin) female announcer. Daytime-
only 1000 watts, psra 30 watts to protect KAAY. That wasn't happening,
much less 30 watts (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater FL, DX LISTENING
** U S A. 1100, Nov 24 at 0133 UT, WTAM Cleveland OH with a creative
commercial I axually appreciate for a product I detest: a place called
Cigars Cigars, presenting it as if it were a church, along with
hymnody, ``the perfect place to rest your ash``; on to iHeart promo
for WTAM, KOA, et al. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1110, FLORIDA, WTIS, Tampa. Listed as active in the NRC DX
News 85-05 edition's "AM Switch" section. But on November 21, this
daytime-only was silent mid-morning and silent just after local
sunrise November 22 and 23. But recheck at 1507 GMT on the 23rd, on
with the same format automated soft rock oldies and standards like
Sinatra's "I Get A Kick Out Of You", Pete Cetera & Cher's "After All"
and Blue Bayou" by Linda Ronstadt. Female canned drops such as "Your
favorite music on the new WTIS" and "The new WTIS, and soon at 101.1
FM, in tune for Tampa Bay's timeless favorites." Which is W266CW, St.
Heard briefly on a test fire September 21 early afternoon, with
automated soft rock/pop and "The All New WTIS" slogans dropped in. The
website remains stale with the old "Inspiration" gospel format until
the station went silent December 31, 2016 (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater
WTIS 1110, Tampa --- is a 10 kW daytimer that was off the air for
several months, but which has been back on the air the past week,
apparently doing some testing. They are a daytimer to protect WBT
Charlotte. WTIS is currently running straight music programming called
"Timeless Music" with occasional IDs. It has been sunset here for over
a half hour, but the station is still broadcasting. There's a
possibility somebody might be able to pick it up if the station
continues broadcasting! (Dick W., Tampa, 0010 UT Nov 28, ABDX yg via
** U S A. 1110, Nov 24 at 0134 UT, obviously KFAB Omaha NE but dead
air! Then a computer voice says ``45 seconds``; more dead air; then
``15 seconds`` and about 4 double pips, before music at 0135:30 UT
resuming ``The Best of the Glenn Beck program``. So this major station
during prime time lets cues on the air during an unfulfilled local
commercial break (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. VOA news headlines via Bloomberg News --- Glenn: I’ve
noticed that the Bloomberg news stations (I listen to 1130 AM WBBR) is
now using the VOA headlines. I originally suspected this several
months ago when I heard Christopher Cruise’s voice announcing the
latest news. But there was no explicit reference to the Voice of
On a subsequent broadcast I heard Cristopher Cruise (a distinctive VOA
voice) quote the Voice of America as a news source for a specific
story. Could Christopher Cruise have switched employers? I told myself
not likely but still I had no proof.
This morning I was listening to WBBR at 1500 UT and was delighted to
hear again Christopher Cruise announcing international news stories.
Bloomberg even snuck in a commercial before Christopher Cruz finished
all of the newscast. At last I heard conclusive proof that Bloomberg
News is using the Voice of America resources. At the end of the
newscast, just for a few seconds, I heard the distinctive VOA music
(da da da) that identifies the VOA newscast has concluded.
The entire bulletin lasted four minutes instead of the traditional
five minutes. I suppose this gap is explained by Bloomberg Radio
cutting the beginner and end VOA identifier, station information, etc.
Also, I believe these VOA newscasts can be heard at the top of the
hour and 30 minutes into the hour on Bloomberg Radio. I enjoy having a
AM resource for listening to the Voice of America news headlines.
Best. Charlie (Charles Harlich, Nov 26, WORLD OF RADIO 1906, DX
Maybe on many other stations via Bloomberg`s network. Unfortunately at
a time when VOA may be turned into a propaganda voice of the Trumpence
regime; but I`m sure Mr Bloombmerg would not be a party to that (Glenn
Hauser, ibid.)
** U S A. 1280, Nov 25 at 1323 UT, KSOK Arkansas City KS playing
``Noλl2``, 1328 UT ID only as ``103-3 The Mix``, so already Xmasmx is
in the mix, but not mixclusively: 1333 UT disco (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** U S A. 1470, Nov 26 at 0131 UT, ``Kansas Wildcat football`` and
fade. There are two KS and two MO stations on 1470, but this:
shows the only one on their net is KSMM Liberal KS (Glenn Hauser, OK,
I wouldn't be surprised if this station was stuck on day rig. I had
never heard them before at the Border Inn beverage site (US 6/50 at
the Nevada-Utah border) but they are all over my recordings from this
year's trip. Oldies, "Southwest Kansas' super hits" slogan, //KAHE-
95.5 (at least some of the time) with lots of ads for Dodge City. 73
I heard them a few weeks ago no doubt on day rig. WMBD has been weaker
here recently and KWSL has really diminished in strength over the
years from a strong regular to a very weak one because of their drop
in power, 2.3/.69 kW U-1 from 5 kW DA-2. 1470 used to be blocked by
these two but not anymore. KSMM, WIBD, KHND and WFNT newbies over the
past year or two (Todd Skaine, Bloomington MN, ABDX yg via DXLD)
** U S A. 1520, KQQB, TX, Stockdale 11/23 1910 [EST = 0010 UT Nov 24]
that Texas station again, that was all the buzz a while back. I was
waiting for the fade-in of KOKC. I thought I was hearing it when
suddenly I recognized the tape loop from KQQB at about a quarter past
the hour. KOKC did come in mixing with KQQB at 1920, which was
dominant. Still there on subsequent rechecks, including at 2020 (Rick
Barton-PO Box 5503-Peoria AZ 85385 desertmoon_dxshack@inbox.com, RS
SW-2000629, Terk Advantage loop, Panasonic RF-2200 WDXR, IRCA DX
Monitor Dec 2, published Nov 28, via DXLD)
** U S A. 1590, FLORIDA, WRXB, St. Pete Beach. 0906 November 18, 2017.
Back to malfunctioning and wasting energy. Just a mediocre open
carrier. Ditto 1720 and 2040 rechecks. And silent mid-morning November
23 (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater FL, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1650, FLORIDA, WQQJ297, FDoT, Tampa. 1302 November 18, 2017.
Only a few hours' earlier, running the generic compu-man loop. Now, a
compu-man loop of only "Crash on I 275 northbound at Himes Avene.
Right lane closed. Expect major delays." (No calls on this loop.) But
looking at my mobile phone Google Maps traffic update, all clear. Fake
traffic news. And still running this nonsense mid-morning November 23
Florida Low Power Radio Stations:
(Terry L Krueger, Clearwater FL, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1710, LOUISIANA, (PIRATE), Radio Retιn lo que Tienes, Bβton
Rouge. 0925 November 18, 2017. Spanish male preacher, break with
possible ID, and two definite mentions of 107.7 FM at 0927. On
frequency today (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater FL, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Unheard here lately (gh, OK, DXLD)
By: Jack Highberger
Posted: Nov 24 2017 04:30PM CST
Video Posted: Nov 25 2017 06:58AM CST
Updated: Nov 25 2017 07:08AM CST
MINNEAPOLIS (KMSP) - A new community radio station hit the airwaves in
south Minneapolis for the first time ever Friday morning. It’s a
different sort of radio and depending on when you tune in, there’s no
telling what you might hear. “By design, we’ve got a little bit of
everything,” said Brendan Kelly, the station manager.
98.9 KRSM is a new low power FM radio station in south Minneapolis,
featuring programming in six different languages. Topics range from
mental health and relationships to music and history.
Image Gallery 2 PHOTOS
“When this station is working at its best, it sounds a lot like
walking through my neighborhood,” said Kelly. “You hear conversations
in different languages. You hear people who are celebrating, people
who are protesting, people who just want to listen to good music.”
Kelly is the only paid employee with hundreds of volunteers providing
the content and inspiration that hits the air every day.
“When you are in here, you are really surrounded by gifts and
contributions from your community for sure,” said Kelly.
Much of the gear and technology has been donated. It’s all part of an
effort to build a radio station that doesn’t just cover the community,
but in a literal sense is the community.
“And it also puts a burden of responsibility on people like myself and
I’m hoping this station can play a role in educating and connecting
people from different backgrounds,” said Kelly (via Bruce MacGibbon,
ex-Vietnam, DXLD)
** U S A. Your Favorite Radio Hits May Go Silent --- Songwriters
threaten to withhold their music if stations don’t give them a bigger
share of revenue. By Lucas Shaw
. . .BOTTOM LINE - Radio remains the biggest venue for music
entertainment in the U.S., with 240 million listeners each month. Some
songwriters want a larger share of stations’ ad revenue (via IRW via
John Carver, DXLD)
** UZBEKISTAN. Reception of FEBA Radio BaBcoCk Tashkent on Nov 23
1430-1500 on 9540 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg to SoAs Hindi Wed-Sun
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 22-23, dxldyg via DXLD)
Maybe coincidental, but 9540 was one of the frequencies for the much-
lamented Radio Tashkent, English broadcasts (gh, DXLD)
** VATICAN [non]. Upcoming frequency change of Vatican Radio via
Tinang from Nov 26
1430-1530 7250 250 kW / 270 deg SoAs Hindi/Tamil/Malayalam, ex 11700
// freqy 9505 250 kW / 283 deg SoAs Hindi/Tamil/Malayalam unchanged
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 22, dxldyg via DXLD)
** VIETNAM. 9635.91, Voice of Vietnam-1, Son Tay. 1131 November 18,
2017. Viet male talk, somewhat low modulation. But a fine het (Terry L
Krueger, Clearwater FL, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** YEMEN [non]. 11860, 1327 14 NOV - REP. YEMEN RADIO SANAA (YEMEN).
SINPO = 25322. Arabic, male announcer. qsb=moderate-to-rapid rate,
modulation on noisy carrier mostly above the noise floor with frequent
fades to mixing with it. sf74.4, a9, k3, geomag: unsettled. 50kw?,
Omni?, bearing 36 ?. Sangean ATS505 w/MFJ-1020C active antenna and
MFJ-901B tuner used to preselect ~75 feet of rain gutter running
north/south. Received in Plymouth, MN, United States, 11234KM(?) from
the transmitter at Riyadh(?). Local time: 0727/
11860, 1351 19 NOV - REP.YEMEN RADIO SANAA (YEMEN). SINPO = 23322.
Arabic, male announcer reading, gets rater excited ~1354z. QRM=splash
from reach beyond Australia on 11865. QSB=moderate rate, modulation
mostly above the noise floor and mixing with QRN. sf75.0, a6, k1,
geomag: very quiet. 50kw?, Omni?, bearing 36 ? Sangean ATS505 w/MFJ-
1020C active antenna and MFJ-901B tuner used to preselect ~230’
chainlink fence surrounding rectangular back yard. Received in
Plymouth, MN, United States, 11234KM(?) from the transmitter at
Riyadh(?). Local time: 0751.
11860, 1335 21 NOV - REP.YEMEN RADIO SANAA (YEMEN). SINPO = 25222.
music, female announcer. SQB=moderate-to-ff, modulation on noisy
carrier mostly just above the noise floor with frequent fades to
mixing with it. sf73.7, a8, k5, geomag: minor storm. 50kw?, Omni?,
bearing 36 ?. Sangean ATS505 w/MFJ-1020C active antenna and MFJ-901B
tuner used to preselect ~230’ chainlink fence surrounding rectangular
back yard. Received in Plymouth, MN, United States, 11234KM(?) from
the transmitter at Riyadh(?). Local time: 0735 (Rodney Johnson,
http://swldx.tumblr.com/ dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
11860, UT Thu Nov 23 at 1420, Republic of Yemen Radio, presumably via
SAUDI ARABIA, long path, is good S9+10 to S9 with Qur`an, for quite a
while, 1440 into spoken preaching. No doubt due to the Fribbath which
is underway from sunset in Sana`a at 1430. By 1500 it`s much weaker,
site change or just fade? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Reception of Republic of Yemen Radio on Nov 28:
0300-0900 on 11860 JED 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic, no signal
0900-1800 on 11860 unknown tx / unknown to N/ME Arabic, very good
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 28, dxldyg via DXLD)
** ZAMBIA. 13680, Voice Of Hope Zambia, Makeni Ranch. 1155 November
18, 2017. Carrier present at tune-in, moments later into something
with a repetitive chord note and male voice cycling (unsure if they
have an actual interval signal), then at 1200 a clear ID by male, into
apparent preaching in English. Weak. Recheck a few times an hour and
more later, carrier present, but no audio. Final recheck at 1720,
nothing (listed at 1700 closing). Not present or propagating in the
local noise the following day (Sunday). Website schedule continues to
show this as Saturday and Sunday-only, parallel 9680 (Terry L Krueger,
11680, 0457 21 NOV - VOICE OF HOPE AFRICA (ZAMBIA). SINPO = 44334.
English, interval signal w/ID. s/on at 0500z ID with frequencies,
religious pop music. QRM=slight splash from very strong RHC on 11670.
QSB=moderate to rapid rate modulation mostly well above the noise
floor with occasional fades to mixing with it for short durations.
(recheck at 0530z: SINPO25222 Female announcer). Recording:
sf73.7, a8, k4, geomag: active. 100kw, BeamAz 315 , bearing 77 .
Sangean ATS505 w/MFJ-1020C active antenna and MFJ-901B tuner used to
preselect ~230’ chainlink fence surrounding rectangular backyard.
Received in Plymouth, MN, United States, 13667KM from the transmitter
at Makeni Ranch. Local time: 2257 (Rodney Johnson, dxldyg via DX
13680, Voice of Hope Africa at 1630 UT November 25 in English with a
program featuring religious pop songs by former member of Destiny's
Child. Very Good greyline reception. Also Very Good same time November
26 (Mick Delmage, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Rx: Perseus SDR, Ant:
Wellbrook ALA 100 loop antenna, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ZANZIBAR. 11735, Nov 23 at 2059, ZBC with nice ME music, soon to
announcement, interrupted by cutoff at 2059:50* or so. It had attained
S9-S7, seldom this good earlier, especially for the Spice FM English
news somedays at 1800 or even the music when checked around 2000.
6015, Nov 25 at 0330, ZBC, bit of Arabish music and presumed Swahili
talk, probably news on surprisingly good modulation and signal from
S9+10 to S8, better than 11735 in the afternoons until 2100*; while
Hargeisa, also starting right now on 7120 is but a JBA carrier. ZBC
nominal start is 0300; and HFCC shows something else on 6015 until
0345: CNR in Kazakh via Urumqi, 100 kW ND (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
TANZANIA, Reception of Zanzibar Broadcasting Corp Nov 25:
1800-1809 on 11735 DOL 050 kW / non-dir to CeAf English, very good
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 25-26, dxldyg via DXLD)
** ZIMBABWE [non]. USA(non), Fair/weak signal of extended broadcast of
Voice of America, Nov 22, 0700-1400 on 15580 SAO 100 kW / 100 deg to
SoAf Ndebele/Shona/English/Music:
(Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News, November 22, dxldyg via DXLD)
Special transmissions of Voice of America to Zimbabwe
(DX RE MIX NEWS #1044 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, Nov 24, 2017
via DXLD) Much more under BOTSWANA
UNIDENTIFIED. 4070.5-USB, Nov 27 at 1328, Russian intermittently
mentioning a lot of numbers, repetitions, perhaps weather info
broadcast; maybe a 2-way contact at 1330, but other side unheard
UNIDENTIFIED [non]. 5030, re my ``intriguing JBA carrier`` here, never
mind: Nov 23 at 1410 it`s more than JBA, with some modulation I can
match to my closest local, 1390 KCRC, and mixing with something else.
But I can`t figure out the math to land on 5030 by combining with my
other local 960 KGWA, nor any likely very strong SW signal. It may be
external rather than receiver-produced, since it does not go away when
I turn off the R75 preamps (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 7470, Nov 23 at 0152 and 0226 chex, JBA carrier,
suspected Station YHWH as nothing legal listed; those who get him
better (in the West) should try (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
DIGEST) Never mind: See GERMANY
UNIDENTIFIED. 9309.6-LSB, Nov 22 at 0655, 2-way in colloquial Spanish,
very weak (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 9825, Nov 27 at 0620, open carrier at S7-S3, third SSOB
after 9395 & 9455 WRMIs. Something warming up for *0630? No, off at
0629 recheck. VOA uses this frequency at various other times, but
nothing scheduled around now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 13300-USB, Nov 25 at 1354, 2-way in Spanish discussing
chocolate. Probably intruders into this aero band (Glenn Hauser, OK,
UNIDENTIFIED. 15151.65-USB, Nov 27 at 1410, 2-way INTURDERS in
Spanish; stronger reply closer to 15151.50-USB. A regular area for
these, logged several times before (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
UNIDENTIFIED. 15550, BUZZY SCRATCH audio signal heard at 1402-1404 UT
sudden cut-off, like Radio Cairo or R Pakistan outlet. [selected SDR
options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (Wolfgang Bόschel, df5sx, wwdxc
BC-DX TopNews Nov 22, dxldyg via DXLD)
Thanks for your dedication to the SWL hobby all these years (Jay
Novello, Wake Forest NC, with a contribution via PayPal to woradio at
More to follow! The last broadcast of yours I caught was especially
info-packed! (Chuck Ermatinger, MO, with a contribution via PayPal to
woradio at yahoo.com)
One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702
Glenn, Sheldon mentioned on his 30th anniversary show that you are the
reason he started his International Radio Report show on CKUT. This
was the one hour show on November 19, 2017 (Artie Bigley, OH, DX
I created a worldwide map of all MW tx above 100W and 2000W
It shows i.e. where the populated of the our planets are. Holding the
cursor over a circle shows tx site etc., but no station name. I also
created a map with 2012 data, to get an idea what has changed since
then (Jurgen Bartels Suellwarden, N. Germany,
http://zeiterfassung.3sdesign.de/station_list.htm StationList
http://zeiterfassung.3sdesign.de/stationlist-m.htm StationList-M for
Nov 28, mwdx yg via DXLD)
I often listen to `The World` weekdays at 20-21 UT via 91.7 KOSU
Stillwater. Especially recommended is most of the program for TG Day
Nov 23, from their podcast, `The World in Words``, exploring where the
boundary lie between dialects and languages, examples being
Danish/Norwegian/Swedish, and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (never mind
Montenegrin). Fuzzy, like red to orange. Hear it here:
`The World` is a prime public radio program which ought to be on SW,
as I have suggested to Jeff White (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
AFAIK I am the only one who has pinned this nickname on R.G. Stair,
the self-styled ``Overcomer``. For non-native speakers I should
explain once, that this has nothing to do with killing or murder ---
he`s probably not that evil. The term ``overkill`` merely implies
excessiveness, i.e. I mean employing far more transmitters and
frequencies than necessary. Come to think of it, his prophecies are
also overkill.
Another English lesson, sometimes confused even by natives: prophecy
(PRA-fuh-see) = noun; prophesy (PRA-fuh-sigh) = verb (Glenn Hauser,
OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) And then there`s profit vs prophet ---
From November 12 - 18 I was on a DXpedition in Lubec, Maine sharing
time between Quoddy House [QH] and Lubec Bay Cottage [LBC].
I had 2 DKAZ antennas at QH - one pointing 45 deg. and the other at
100 deg. At LBC I had one DKAZ at 90 deg. All antennas were 160' DKAZ
with Vactrol termination resistance [Rt].
I'll be going through Perseus wav files for a while but have a webpage
up and a decent start:
Highlights so far are South Africa on 846 kHz, ID'd by Ralph Brandi
and a parallel webstream, and CRI on 1521 kHz from Xinjiang province,
China. [East Turkistan]
Another highlight was getting a KiwiSDR receiver going at QH. To make
sure it was working without totally overloading a slow internet
connection a few lucky souls tested it while I was still at QH and dug
out some amazing DX - like South Africa [thanks again Ralph Brandi!].
The KiwiSDR will be up, all going well, over the winter from QH on a
1000ft. BOG at ~75 deg.
During the few days I had the DKAZ connected to the KiwiSDR and since
on the BOG Andy Robins took the set up for a spin DXing NDBs - non-
directional beacons - on LW. His excellent write-up of the experience
is here:
You can give the KiwiSDR at QH a try here:
Be gentle and patient. It's on a slow RF-link wifi connection assisted
by a beta proxy server hosted by the KiwiSDR folks.
The 1000ft. BOG is not as good as the 160' DKAZ at 45 deg. but there
is no way a DKAZ - as I erect them for DXpedition use - would survive
a cold, wet, windy winter on the Maine coast. Based on my experience
at QH in 10 trips over the past several years, any antenna not already
on the ground would eventually end up there anyway (Bill Whitacre,
Alexandria, VA, IRCA via DXLD)
You can now find the latest DXpedition report from Aihkiniemi, in the
Finnish Lapland, online at
We heard many rare stations from the Pacific, including Radio Tuvalu
(621 AM), never before heard in Finland. Also Gold FM from Fiji (990
AM) and V6AH from Micronesia (1449 AM) were identified. A couple of
good mornings to Latin America resulted in a major load of stations
from Argentina and Brazil, and North American stations were picked up
every day during the two-week DXpedition. In the report you can also
enjoy photos of aurora borealis, the northern lights, for which
Lapland is an ideal travel destination.
The AIH72 and AIH76 DXpeditions have so far resulted in at least a
couple of radio interviews and these two news articles:
- http://www.lu24.com.ar/lu-24-llego-a-finlandia-a-traves-de-su-am/
- http://www.bomboradyo.com/signal-bombo-radyo-kalibo-umabot-hasta-sa-finland/
This past week the DXing.info website saw a major update and overhaul.
DXpeditions are now more prominently displayed on DXing.info, because
they are the most popular part of the website. The DXing.info
Community (discussion forum) has now been replaced with a Facebook
group. If you are interested in AM broadcast band DXing, you're most
welcome to join the group at
73, (Mika Makelainen
Nov 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Hi, everyone - as some of you saw about 4 months ago, my wife and I
moved to Florence, Italy, which explains the complete absence of
loggings from me ever since. We spent the first 3 months in a tourist
apartment while we looked for a permanent home, and we found one and
moved in there at the beginning of November. Now we are getting
settled, and have some furniture, etc. I have been assessing DX
possibilities from this location and will be unpacking the ELAD and
trying to get a sense of RFI levels.
We live on the third floor of a 4 floor 15th century palazzo in the
Oltrarno district (the 'left bank' of the Arno, so to speak) so I
shouldn`t really have to contend too much with rebar faraday cages,
but I do look into an interior courtyard on the balcony, with no real
clear view outward - one story of the building completely surrounds my
location, about 25 metres away. The balcony is the full length of the
apartment, but is very narrow.
It is quite likely that I will find a fair degree of RFI once I get
things set up, and that I will want to go out on mini-dxpeditions into
the Tuscan countryside (which starts about a 20 minute bus ride away),
so I am thinking I will want to do as portable a setup as I can. So
this is leading me to believe that what I should do is build (or buy,
if possible!) a broadband FSL and be sort of a mini-European Gary
This will give me the portability I want, and also make it so I don`t
have to try and erect an antenna either inside (at which thought I
shudder, having just come from the realm of the fantastic DKAZ...) or
navigate any potential problems with neighbours or the building`s
owner when trying to erect one outside on or around the balcony. Just
as an aside, the place I live was, as I say, built in the 15th century
by the Frescobaldi family and it is still owned by them, the current
Marchese (Marquis) living on the floor above me.
So the next steps are going to be to review all the literature on FSL
construction, decide how big I want to go, and start assembling
materials. I don`t know if Guy Atkins ever published anything on
making the FSL broadband, but if he did could someone send me a link?
And if anyone has one for sale, please let me know as well!
Thanks very much everyone, I'll let you know as things progress. I
might be able to help a bit on TA identification once I get going
since I will be closer to the source as well! Kind regards, (Michael
Yule, Firenze, Italia, Nov 27, IRCA via DXLD)
Hi Michael, buona sera! I've enjoyed your florentine report on IRCA's
mailing list and on behalf of the small Italian community devoted to
serious AM band DX I wish you a warm welcome in our country!
Living in a crowded urban area, albeit largely built at least two
centuries ago, will not help your DX monitoring. The situation usually
gets dramatically better if you're lucky enough to spot some
countryside location (even better a seaside one) within a reasonable
Sometimes, it even helps having a town-park (like the Boboli, in your
case) at hand. Anyway, I strongly suggest you to include a non-SDR
portable in your portable equipment, an ultralight like the Tecsun
390, or the PL660 would be fine: it can assist you in further
exploring your "remote" opportunities.
[hereby attached, via my Google Drive link, please find a short clip
of Taiwan's superpower on 1557 logged on a beach in Sicily with a
barefoot Tecsun PL390, to show how it feels like, one can experience
similar receptions on some TA signals]
Essentially, there's a single geographically spread Medium Waves
community active here. Some of us are located in the North West
(Lombardy/Piedmont), some other in the North East (Friuli Venezia
Giulia) or in Emilia Romagna. Very few of us are able to DX from home,
however, and many relies upon a few remoted (Perseus based) listening
posts. There's even a longwire/beverage antennas site mid-way between
Venice and Trieste, close to the Adriatic Sea coast.
I'll be happy to assist you in your hunt for new DX point of
references, so please don't hesitate asking (Andy Lawendel, Milan
whatsapp +39-348-2245512, ibid.)
Buona sera, Andrea, e grazie! This is good information for sure, and
kind of falls in line with what I was thinking would happen. I`m about
2 minutes away from the Via Romana entrance to the Boboli, and was
thinking that I would put together one of those hard shell briefcases
with my ELAD and laptop in it, and also have the FSL to carry with me
and go and sit on one of the benches by the big fountain until the
Carabinieri wonders what I'm up to with the strange looking gear! I
can even take a local bus to Fiesole which is only a few more minutes
away and is in the hills overlooking the city which would no doubt be
even better. I've been thinking of a Tecsun as well, maybe a 660, it
seems to have very good reviews.
I really appreciate your offer of help, and once I get things pulled
together I'll let you know and find out how you think I might be able
to get the best use of what I have. BTW thanks also for the audio
clip, great stuff! I'll may be get down to Sicily in August next year
(or maybe Tropea) and I'd definitely try and bring my DX gear. Thanks
again! (Michael, ibid.)
Hi Michael, Guy and I did some Broadband FSL experimentation back in
2013, but at least from my perspective (after having been pretty much
spoiled by the tuned FSL's high-Q performance advantage) the results
seemed pretty dismal. I turned over all my broadband FSL material to
Guy at that time.
On the other hand there have been a lot of performance improvements to
the standard (single-optimized-frequency) FSL antennas, including
compact travel models designed to fit inside hand-carry luggage. These
FSL's can greatly boost up the DXing performance of any portable radio
with a loopstick (including the Tecsun PL-660 and others), but they do
require manual tuning to match their frequencies with those of the
If one of these "Frequent Flyer" tuned FSL's would help you out in
your current situation, Michael, I would be very happy to provide you
with one free of charge. 73, (Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA),
Hi Michael, Wow, you've certainly moved a long distance away from your
Vancouver BC home where I visited you in the late 1980s or early 90s!
The new place in Firenze sounds very nice from every perspective
except potential RFI :^(
Sadly, I had no success in making the FSL design both broadband *and*
as sensitive/selective as it is when inductively coupled to a receiver
for "single frequency" usage. I had excellent input and ideas from
Gary and especially Chuck Hutton, but we could not overcome major
losses when trying to make a broadband FSL. The best approach was to
remove the capacitor and connect the FSL's coil ends to a Wellbrook
FLG100LN module's wire inputs, and power the FLG100LN in its normal
fashion. Using this component was on the suggestion of Wellbrook's
owner Andy Ikin, based on his knowledge of the input impedance for the
module. Using this setup I was initially excited to hear (weakly) 738
kHz RFO Tahiti from my inland home of Puyallup, WA, but later
discovered that the "broadband" FSL's sensitivity was FAR below useful
With an appropriate coupling link to a FSL antenna, it should be
possible to get a low-loss connection between a FSL and the 50 ohms
input of a SDR or other communications receiver. Everett Sharp
experimented with coupling coils on a FSL and he reported that the
best results were with a 64:1 impedance transformation ratio (step-
down). This will still require the air variable capacitor be tuned for
single-frequency reception.
I personally think it's highly unlikely a FSL antenna can be made
broadband, as the tuned L-C circuit -- peaked on one frequency for
major gains in selectivity and sensitivity -- is the key to its high
If you can get out to the Tuscan countryside and away from RFI
sources, the Bonito Boni Whip would be a very compact, useful antenna
to try with SDRs.
One of my articles on *The SWLing Post* is about the Boni Whip:
Good DXing in your new location, (Guy Atkins, Puyallup, WA, ibid.)
Michael, I will miss your Nova Scotia reports, since they had a lot in
common with my DX.
On the other hand, your close-up evaluation of European stations that
I hunt on this end will be valuable. Also news about any USA, Canada,
Brazil, etc. stations that do reach your area will be of interest to
compare to conditions on those routes going the opposite direction.
You definitely should consider Medium Wave Circle, the UK-based DX
club with a fair amount of members in Italy and the rest of Europe.
Facebook has a Medium Wave Circle group as well as NRC and IRCA ones,
also "DXing.info" and "I Love AM Radio" groups. You will be surprised
at how many DXers in Italy are on those FB groups. Many have a decent
command of English if your Italian isn't up to par.
Guy's comments on antennas for portable operation are very useful.
This is what I use on beach DXpeditions:
This is broadband since I am typically doing Perseus or Elad spectrum
captures for later analysis.
I'm not sure what level of car access you have or if you're dependent
on trains, buses, etc. to move about (Mark Connelly, WA1ION, South
Yarmouth, MA, USA, ibid.)
Hi All - There is now a way to demodulate DRM signals using Kiwi SDRs
and Dream. I used a Kiwi in Gavonata, Italy.
I tried different VOA frequencies today to see if I could demodulate
the [Ethiopian] jamming. 9755 and 12140 both had jamming but VOA did
not appear to be using them circa 1845. There was a wideband signal
there and it does have a digital sound to it, but it would not
demodulate as a DRM signal. I was able to hear from DRM from Nigeria
and Romania at this time, so the gear was working fine.
Please let me know if you hear any other signals like this, I will be
happy to check them out. I was hoping that maybe there would
be some identifier with these Ethiopian signals, but no such luck
today anyway. 73s (Hans Johnson, FL, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Subject: Romania and Ethiopia DRM
Hi Fellas - Wolfgang are right, their scheduling is a mess. 5980 at
2300 started out as AM, then was off and on DRM and now seems to be
officially DRM all the time.
Regarding jamming of Ethiopia and whether that is DRM. I have asked in
the DRM group forum if anyone can get a DRM signal here, we'll see,
it seems that it is very hard to demodulate a DRM signal when there is
interference and we have a strong signal right in the middle (VOA)
here. I can't get anything here in Naples [FL], but given the
limitations in the Gospell GR-216 that isn't saying much. 73s, (Hans
TV viewers in Phoenix will be the first in the country to experience
next-generation television broadcasting that promises more channels,
better signal quality and support for 4K video.
Ten television stations in the city have jointly agreed to make the
Arizona city a test market for broadcasts in ATSC 3.0, a new version
of the ATSC over-the-air broadcasting format currently used in the
United States.
(Neal McLain, Texas, Nov 22, WTFDA gg via DXLD)
FYI, 22 November 2017 was the 30th anniversary of the infamous "Max
Headroom" broadcast incident in Chicago. You can see complete coverage
of this by going to max headroom incident or max headroom pirate. On
Wed 22 Nov 2017 WGN-TV ran an article during the 10 pm news about the
30th anniversary and I recorded the news program on DVD (William
MUST SEE TV — Thirty years later, “Max Headroom” TV pirate remains at
large Whoever was behind 1987 Chicago "broadcast intrusion" is the
D.B. Cooper of media hacking.
Sean Gallagher - 11/22/2017, 4:22 PM
Enlarge / Not creepy at all.
Thirty years ago today, a person or persons unknown briefly hijacked
the signal of two Chicago television stations, broadcasting a bizarre
taped message from a man wearing a Max Headroom mask. The "broadcast
intrusion" interrupted a primetime news broadcast from Chicago's WGN,
and then (more successfully) the 11:00pm broadcast of Dr. Who on the
Chicago public television station WTTW. To this day, the perpetrators
of the television hack remain unknown.
The hack was made possible by the analog television broadcast
technology of the day — the attacker was able to overpower the signals
sent by the television studios to a broadcast antenna atop the John
Hancock building in Chicago with his or her own signals. In the case
of the WGN news broadcast, engineers were able to change the frequency
used in the uplink to the John Hancock tower after a brief
interruption, and the audio from the pirate transmission was drowned
in static. But the WTTW takeover lasted a full 90 seconds, and the
pirate TV broadcast's audio, while distorted, was audible to anyone
who happened to be tuned in.
Broadcast intrusions were not rare in the 1980s. The first major one
took place in 1977, when someone interrupted the audio of an ITV
Southern Television broadcast from a tower in Hannington, England,
with a message purported to be from an alien representative of an
"Intergalactic Association." The message warned, "All your weapons of
evil must be removed… You have but a short time to learn to live
together in peace."
As with the Chicago takeover, the Hannington broadcast tower was
connected by a wireless uplink, not a hard-wired connection. And in
1986, supporters of the Polish labor movement Solidarnoshch hijacked
state television stations with printed anti-government messages. State
television stations across the Soviet Union were frequently taken over
by pirate transmissions that overpowered transmissions from relay
But the Max Headroom broadcast was both more comical and creepy. The
man in the Max Headroom mask called out a WGN commentator, Chuck
Swirsky, whom he referred to as a "frickin' liberal." He also spoofed
a Coca-Cola advertising campaign featuring Max Headroom, saying "catch
the wave" (Coke's slogan) while holding up a Pepsi can — then crushed
the can and tossed it, holding up a middle finger with a rubber
After a bizarre homage to the 1959 pseudo-animated television series
Clutch Cargo and complaints about "my piles" (or maybe "my files"), he
declared he had "made a giant masterpiece for all the greatest world
newspaper nerds" — a reference to the Tribune Company and WGN's call
sign, which was intended to be an acronym for "World's Greatest
Newspaper." He then exposed his buttocks, crying "they're coming to
get me!" and then moaning as a woman spanked him with a flyswatter.
The Max Headroom "broadcast intrusion" on WTTW, on November 22, 1987.
The end of analog television broadcasting in the US and the conversion
to digital signals — as well as the increased use of cryptography to
secure wireless data links — has made broadcast intrusions much more
difficult, but not impossible. The HDTV broadcast of a Washington DC
ABC affiliate was hijacked in 2007, with a morning news broadcast
being superimposed with a black and white photo of a man and woman.
Radio stations are still vulnerable to this sort of attack however,
because FM and AM stations still rely largely on analog. A local radio
station in Mansfield, England, had its signal hijacked by someone in
July eight times — overriding broadcasts with "The Winker's Song" by a
comedy band called Ivor Biggun. And a radio attack in April caused
tornado sirens in Dallas to sound at midnight (via Indiana Radio Watch
via John Carver, via DXLD)
:Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2017 Nov 27 0259 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/weekly.html
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 20 - 26 November 2017
Solar activity was at very low levels. Region 2698 (N13, L=108,
class/area Cao/060 on 26 Nov), the only spotted region on the disk,
was quiet throughout the period. A filament structure, located in
the NE quadrant, was observed erupting beginning at about 25/0445
UTC. A subsquent CME was observed in LASCO C2 imagery lifting off
the E limb, first visible at 25/0712 UTC. Analysis, and follow-on
WSA-Enlil model output, suggested the CME has a potential glancing
blow at Earth early to midday on 29 Nov.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at
high levels on 20 Nov and again on 22-24 Nov. Moderate levels were
observed on 21 Nov and again on 25-26 Nov. A maximum flux of 4,658
pfu was observed at 23/1555 UTC.
Geomagnetic field activity ranged from quiet to minor storm
(G1-Minor) levels. The period began with quiet conditions through
most of 20 Nov. Late on 20 Nov, activity levels increased to
unsettled to active and persisted through 21 Nov into early 22 Nov.
G1 geomagnetic storm levels were also observed early on 21 Nov. This
increase in activity was due to effects from a recurrent, positive
polarity CH HSS. Solar wind speeds reached a peak of near 625 km/s
at about 21/1500 UTC, total field hit a maximum of 14 nT early on 21
Nov, while the Bz component reached a maximum southward extent of
-12 nT at 21/0400 UTC.
The remainder of the period witnessed a slow, gradual decrease in
wind speeds to finish the summary period near 350 km/s The
geomagnetic field responded with mostly quiet to unsettled levels
through the remainder of the summary period.
Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels throughout the
outlook period.
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is
expected to reach high levels on 30 Nov - 02 Dec, 06-10 Dec, 12-17
Dec and 19-21 Dec due to recurrent CH HSS influence. Normal to
moderate levels are expected for the remainder of the outlook
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at unsettled to active
levels on 27-30 Nov due to negative polarity CH HSS effects.
Isolated G1 (Minor) storm conditions are likely on 29 Nov due to
effects from the 25 Nov CME. Unsettled to active levels are expected
on 04-08 Dec, 11-14 Dec and again on 17-21 Dec due to recurrent CH
HSS effects. In addition, G1 (Minor) geomagnetic storm levels are
likely on 04-07 Dec and 18 Dec with G2 (Moderate) levels likely on
04-06 Dec, all due to CH HSS effects.
:Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2017 Nov 27 0259 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/wwire.html
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2017-11-27
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2017 Nov 27 76 15 4
2017 Nov 28 76 12 4
2017 Nov 29 76 20 5
2017 Nov 30 76 15 4
2017 Dec 01 76 8 3
2017 Dec 02 76 5 2
2017 Dec 03 72 5 2
2017 Dec 04 72 35 6
2017 Dec 05 70 40 6
2017 Dec 06 70 28 5
2017 Dec 07 70 20 5
2017 Dec 08 71 10 3
2017 Dec 09 72 5 2
2017 Dec 10 72 5 2
2017 Dec 11 73 12 4
2017 Dec 12 73 15 4
2017 Dec 13 74 12 4
2017 Dec 14 75 8 3
2017 Dec 15 75 5 2
2017 Dec 16 75 5 2
2017 Dec 17 74 8 3
2017 Dec 18 73 25 5
2017 Dec 19 73 10 3
2017 Dec 20 73 8 3
2017 Dec 21 74 8 3
2017 Dec 22 74 5 2
2017 Dec 23 76 5 2
Keith, From Spaceweather Canada, the 27 day magnetic activity forecast
starting November 27. Greatest DRX Nanoteslas especially in the
auroral zone, 220 on December 5 and a lesser peak of 140, December 18.
From Space Weather Services, Australia, the global HF propagation
forecast thru December 2: normal to fair to normal at all latitude
From Spaceweather South Africa thru December 2, magnetic conditions
quiet to unsettled to quiet; shortwave fadeouts unlikely; MUF
From Met Office UK, thru December 3, Solar activity very low, no
sunspots expected to appear. Geomagnetic conditions mostly Quiet.
From F K Janda in Prague, the Geomagnetic field will be:
active to disturbed on December 1, 4 - 5, 18 - 19
quiet to unsettled on December 2, 10, 15
quiet on December 3, 9, 14, 17
quiet to active on December 6 - 7, 11 - 13, 20
mostly quiet on December 8, 16
From the Space Environment Predixion Center, China: planetary A index
peaking at 29 on December 4, 23 on December 18. Solar flux ranging
between 70 and 74 thru December 26.
From the Space Weather Predixion Center, Colorado, Solar flux 76 thru
December 2, then dropping to 70 on December 5-7, back up to 76 by
December 23.
G1 minor geomagnetic storms levels December 4-7, peaking at G2
December 5 with A and K indices of 40 and 6. Also G1 minor storms
December 18 with A and K of 25 and 5. Lowest A`s and K`s of 5 and 2 on
December 2 & 3, 9 & 10, 15 & 16, 22 & 23.
RSGB says ``we are now into the build-up to one of the better meteor
showers of the year. The Geminids has a broad peak, culminating on 13
and 14 December, but there are normally many meteors throughout the
shower period giving useful reflections`` --- such as for FM DX meteor
bursts (via DXLD) ###SOURCE http://www.w4uvh.net/dxld1748.txt